• Published 24th Nov 2020
  • 5,028 Views, 330 Comments

Level Up! - RisuUmbra

A new MLP MMO turns death game as the players are sucked into what they assume is the game... not as fun as you'd think

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The First Breakthrough (Mini Chap)

The First Breakthrough:

Morgana’s Pov:

Everything was going smoothly for once and I was loving it. At first I was concerned about how difficult it would have been to bring the townsponies to my side, they were all already angry enough to try and take down the possessed guards but that wouldn’t have been enough. I was right to talk to them without all my armor on, there was already another riot brewing outside the gates when I exited. Stallions and Mares were facing off with the now armed slack eyed guards getting ready to devolve into a battle maybe even bloodier than the village invasion I had been in.

I was afraid, I didn’t have my armor, I didn’t have my friends by my side, I… I didn’t have my brother to help fend off anyone that would hurt me. As the shouting began to grow louder it really began to dawn on me how serious this was, my previous thoughts and delusions on this being just a game quickly left me as I really saw what was at stake. I felt my breath quicken as I watched one of the guards shove one of the more outspoken stallions back, I saw the tide of ponies change in that instant. Muscles coiled, teeth grinded, pupils shrunk to pins, I needed to calm this crowd before they got themselves killed… and in that instant a memory floated up from the back of my mind. A particular memory that meant a lot to me, I didn’t have any memories of my mother but Arthur did.

During the harder nights, when the shadows were deeper and the cold sharper. Arthur would sing to me, he told me it was a song our mother used to sing all the time in church. That our mother would hum it under her breath whenever she would feed us, Arthur and I aren’t the best at singing but this song was one we both knew by heart. It wasn’t even all that happy of a song but it still never failed to calm us. So that's what I did… I sang.

I sang a song of loss…

I sang a song of dark times…

I sang a song of hope…

… And the ponies listened…

… And some sang along

Skill Unlocked!

Kindness: “Sometime we all need to be shown a little kindness”

For when all looks dark and everyone needs help to see the light

Somewhere deep within an upside down forest an approximation of a stallion lay in a fitful slumber in a stolen home. It wasn’t long before the ghost of a certain melody reached his ears and in mere moments his tumultuous sleep was soothed… though his heart began to ache in remembrance.

Author's Note:

I'm so proud of her... yay!

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