• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,636 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

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Bakugan Invasion

The BakuFighters were on edge as they and their Bakugan rode the final elevator up to the very top of the Dark Industries building, the six humans and their partners anticipating their enemies to pull a fast one.

Any moment now, they expect the elevator to simply stop or maybe drop in an attempt to stop them. "I don't like this," Depry gulped. "It's like we're walking right into the lion's den."

"More like rat's den," Lyra frowned. "Sombra wouldn't be letting us up to the top if he didn't have anything planned to try and stop us." The others wanted to think that they were passed the worst of everything that had happened, but they knew Lyra was right. Sombra wasn't going to give up so easily. And Lucifer definitely wouldn't let them win without putting up a fight.

"Just be ready," Soarin told them. "For all we know, those six hybrids weren't the only Bakugan they've got to throw at us." In that moment, the elevator dinged and they were put on edge.

"Let's do this," Flash whispered as the doors opened up. He stepped forward and led them into the dark office, expecting to see Sombra sitting behind the desk on the other side. But he wasn't. In fact, the room was entirely empty. "Where are they?"

"Don't tell me they got away," Bonnie frowned as Heath looked around.

"How? There doesn't seem to be any other way out of this room." They searched for an elevator or staircase, but found nothing.

"Derpy," Soarin turned to their newest actual member, "I know you weren't really you, but Phantom must have been in this room before. Can you remember anything that might help us locate them?" Derpy tried to think, but Ragnaroid beat her to the punch.

"She doesn't need to remember. I was in this room plenty of times. And I might know where he went. Aquos girl!"

"My name's Lyra," said girl told him.

"Yes...that. There's a bookcase on the wall next to you." Lyra turned to said bookcase, "look for a red book on the second highest shelf." She looked through the books and eventually found it, the girl reaching out to pull it towards her. It stopped halfway out and a clicking noise was heard.

Lyra stepped back as the book returned to its original place, right before the entire bookcase descended into the floor. Doing so revealed a hidden room behind the bookcase, which had a metal spiral staircase leading upwards.

"Seriously?" Soarin asked, "it's like this guy was trying to be a supervillain before the Bakugan showed up." Flash headed up the stairs first, looking straight up as he did to see a metal door at the very top. He tried opening it but it was locked, the teen grabbing onto the stair railing and using them to hoist himself up and allow him to slam his feet into the door.

After several attempts, the lock gave way and the door swung open.

He leapt out onto the rooftop and when he did, he spotted something standing on the edge of the building. "SOMBRA!" He cried, his friends stepping out with him and glaring the business man down. They saw he was wearing a strange looking device on his back and as he turned to them, a dark smile appeared on his lips.

"So nice of you to join me here," he told them. "But I'm afraid you've arrived a little too late." He held up his hand and opened it to reveal a familiar dark Bakugan ball.

"Lucifer," Leonidas growled. As he did, Ragnaroid sensed something.

"Oh no. He's synchronised with the energy." This shocked them, as they realised that meant only one thing.

Sure enough, the Bakugan began to glow as the light spread to Sombra. The next moment, he stepped back and off the side of the building. But instead of falling like he should have, he was walking on air away from the building. Lucifer chuckled as he did so. "It's over, you fools. I've finally reached my destiny. I am now a true Bakugan."

"Then end this!" Lyra cried as they reached the edge of the building. "You got what you wanted? So drop the barrier around the city and stop the Bakugan from attacking people."

"Do you expect me to forgive what the Guardians did to me?" Lucifer asked, "betraying me. Trapping me in the Perfect Core. Stripping me of almost all the power I had. No. I will not forgive that humiliation." With that, the light coming off him grew brighter.

Moments later, six Bakugan appeared around them. Bakugan they realised were the hybrids that they had just fought. "Finally," they heard Gigant cry, "I get some payback!"

"Let me at em!" Roaster squawked, "let me at em!"

"Enough!" Lucifer stated, the hybrids shutting up as more flashes of light appeared above them. The BakuFighters watched as more Bakugan appeared. Hundreds of them, of every Attribute, kept appearing more and more by the second. Eventually, a large cloud of Bakugan was floating above Sombra and the seven villainous Bakugan.

"What is this?" Garuda asked.

"These were all the Bakugan still in the ark," Lucifer explained. "All of them under my control. And with them, I will conquer this puny world." The light exploded off of him and shot up into the top of the doom, which started glowing a mixture of different colours.

"What are you doing?" Gaia cried, only for the dome to start expanding outwards in every direction. Within seconds, the only part of the doom they could see was the top and that was only because it didn't get taller.

"He's expanding the dome?" Wukong asked, "why?"

"Why else?" Sombra asked, "the larger the dome the larger the reach our Bakugan army will have." As he said that, the Bakugan clouds above him broke apart and shot off in hundreds of different directions. "It'll keep growing until it covers the whole country. Once we have it under control, we'll move onto the rest of the continent. Then...the world."

"Why do you want to rule the world?" Flash asked, "what possible benefits could you get that you don't already have as a multimillionaire?" The others nodded, but Sombra just smirked as he and the evil Bakugan vanished. "HEY! Get back here!" But as he said that, the entire building shook as a massive explosion occurred below them.

They looked down and saw the side of the building blow up, smoke coming out of the blast point as the area of the building broke apart. Another explosion then occurred, followed by another and another.

"He's bringing the whole building down!" Soarin cried, the lot of them holding onto the sides to try and avoid falling over the edge.

"We have to get out of here!" Lyra told them.

"How?" Nimue asked. "That field is still up, preventing us from taking our true forms!" The building began to collapse, the lot of them unable to do anything but ride the rooftop as it fell. They screamed as the smoke flew up and surrounded them.

Back at the Stadium, Twilight had finally given in and told Flash's parents the truth about the Bakugan and how he was chosen to become the warrior of Haos.

"And that's everything," she explained. "Since he has the Haos Energy and the most powerful Haos Bakugan, he and his friends were the ones best suited for defeating Lucifer." She stared at Flash's parents and saw the look of disbelief on their faces.

"What were they thinking?" Trail growled, "making a kid be the one that has to do this."

"Well it's not like they had a lot of adult options," Scootaloo pointed out. "Most of the people that play this game are kids and teens." Twilight nodded.

"Dragonia didn't just pick Flash because he was the oldest. She chose him because she believed he had the qualities needed to help Leonidas learn to overcome the anger he was born from. And Flash did that. Leonidas could have been just as evil as Lucifer, but Flash helped show him another way." She smiled, "your son is an amazing person." The adults saw the look on her face and couldn't help but wonder if something was going on between them.

But before any of them could say anything, a flash of light caught their attention outside.

Twilight quickly got up and rushed outside, the two families following her not wanting anything bad to happen. As they reached the outside, they saw the dome trapping them within the city was expanding. "What?" Twilight asked, then looked over at Dark Industries.

When she did, she saw a large cloud of some kind, which suddenly exploded outwards in multiple directions. "What's happening?" Shining asked, Twilight realising she was watching Bakugan flying off.

"What is going on?" She asked, Spikenoid jumping onto her shoulder.

"I don't know, but I don't like the looks of this." As he said that, another explosion filled the air. Said explosion was coming from the direction of the skyscraper her friends were in, Twilight gasping as she saw part of Dark Industries blow up. Then there was another explosion, then another and another. Soon, the entire thing was blown to the point of no long being able to hold its own weight.

"FLASH!" She screamed, horrified to see this. Flash's family gasped when she said this, the three realising that must be where Flash was.

"No," Misty looked ready to start crying as she saw the building collapse. Twilight's family looked just as shocked, but nobody said anything.

Spike turned to Twilight, seeing her looking ready to start crying herself. "Twilight!" He told her, "we have to keep fighting. If we don't, everything Flash fought for would mean nothing." Twilight sniffed, wiping her eyes as she did so. "I know it's hard, but we can't give up."

"You're right," Twilight nodded. "I won't let Sombra or Lucifer get away with this." As she said that, someone rushed out of the stadium to talk to everyone who had rushed out to see the strange lights.

"Hey, something coming through the TV. More of those creature are appearing all over the countries." Twilight's eyes went wide as she ran back inside the stadium and focused on one of the TVs.

For those joining us, the monster attack that had, until now, been quarantined to the city of Canterlot, has begun the spread throughout the the rest of the country." Sure enough, Bakugan were beginning to appear all over the USA. First it was in cities surrounding Canterlot, but with every passing moment the spread increased.

Eventually, every important area of the country had Bakugan within it. The screen quickly changed to show the Statue of Liberty, where a giant purple and blue skeleton-scorpion hybrid Bakugan appeared from the water. It changed again to show the Gateway Arch, which had a large winged serpent flying through it. It then showed Mount Rushmore, which had a large knight-like Bakugan with a skull shield standing atop it. Las Vegas was then shown, as a giant chicken Bakugan appeared and started racing down the strip. It then showed the Hollywood Sign, which had a large magma Bakugan stomping in front of it and melting parts of the sign. Finally, the Golden Gate Bridge appeared with a large mud creature walking down it.

The TV then showed other areas of the country, with more common Bakugan appearing and causing mayhem. "It's unclear where these creatures came from or what they're after, but there appears to be no way of stopping them."

Over in New York, Skulpion was launching venomous attacks on the Statue of LIberty to make the monument begin to corrode.

As he did this, he sensed something approaching and turned to see fighter jets flying towards him. As they did, a voice spoke up. "Unidentified creature! Put your claws up where we can see them. Any attempt to resist will be treated as an act of war."

"Pathetic humans," Skulpion snapped his claws. "Thinking they can threaten me. Poisonous Tear!" He swung his claws around and launched the toxic X towards one of the planes.

The jet barrel-rolled out of the way but one of its wings skimmed the outer edges of the attack, causing part of it to corrode and break off. As the pilot ejected, the other fighters launched their missiles at Skulpion. The hybrid didn't even try and escape as they slammed into him, exploding.

"Target hit!" The captain announced, the jets continuing to circle the monument. But before the smoke faded, something shot out of it.

"Death Mist!" A purple cloud flew towards the lead jet and struck the machine, causing it to be eaten away. The pilot ejected before the smoke could reach the cockpit, whilst the cloud faded to reveal Skulpion didn't even have a scratch on it. He then fired a Hydro Stringer that struck another jet's wing before firing an Ocean Eater that destroyed the last two jets.

The pilots managed to escape, whilst Skulpion dove into the water and swam towards the mainland.

In Las Angeles, Gigant was slowly making his way through the streets.

He was then greeted by a bunch of tanks, which didn't even make an attempt to talk him down and fired at him. But before it could get too close to him, he unleashed a blast of heat that made the shell melt before it could even get close. The volcanos on his shoulders then began to heat up.

"Magma Flow!" Lava exploded from the shoulders and filled the streets of Hollywood, the tank attempting to escape but the lava caught up and began to melt it. Luckily, the tank had been remote controlled so the one driving it was far away. "Now," Gigant continued to march through the streets, "who's next."

Twilight could only watch in absolute horror at the sight of the military trying and failing to stop the Bakugan.

"What are those things?" She heard a brawler ask, "I've never seen Bakugan like that before." Twilight realised he was right, as the screen changed to show Quetzal unleash a laser to take down a helicopter before creating a tornado that blew another one away.

"Light and wind?" She asked, "how's that possible?"

"I've heard of Bakugan having more than one Attribute," Spike told her. "But it's supposed to be really rare." But as the TV continued to show more and more of the Bakugan causing mayhem, she realised that each one was a mix of different Attribute.

"Looks like it's not rare enough," she stated as she activated her BakuColar and opened a channel to her friends. "Everyone, you need to get back here. Things are getting more and more complicated by the moment." The girls all agreed and as she cut the call, she kept watching and wondering what exactly Lucifer had planned for this whole insane situation.

She soon got her answer, as in that moment every TV in the stadium began to glitch and spark. The newcaster's voice grew less and less adioble until it finally cut out, making everyone watching shared looks oc concern. Then, a new voice spoke up.

"Many of you are probably wondering who I am." Twilight's eyes went wide, as she realised who she was listening to.


"Many of you are likely scared, wondering why this is happening. Allow me to assure you, what's happening is a good thing." Many who heard this believed it was a big lie. "Your world is a mess. It's full of chaos and disorder. You humans constantly bicker with one another, over such trivial matters. It reminds me of my own world, which was exactly the same until I took over. Now I will do the same to this world."

In that moment, the screen changed to show Lucifer's face. Many people gasped at the sight of him, thinking he was a demon sent from hell. They weren't far off. "What's he doing?" Spike asked, Twilight having an idea.

"He's trying to make us give up," she realised. "He probably thinks if he scares us, mankind will surrender."

"Humans of the world," Lucifer continued to speak. "I am a benevolent god. Throw down your weapons. Surrender yourselves and pledge to serve me and I will be just. I am not so petty that I destroy people just because I feel like it. If you surrender now, only those who need to die will do so. But try and oppose me and I promise, your world will live to regret it." With that, he vanished and the TV returned to normal.

"You heard it here ladies and gentlemen. A monster from another world is attempting to conquer our world. And I for one, welcome our new tyrannical dictator. Cause let's face it..." Twilight didn't want to hear any more and turned away, the girl sighing as she tried to think of something.

"Twilight!" She saw the rest of the Rainbooms running towards her, all of them looking worried as Rainbow spoke up. "You see what Lucifer said?" She nodded.

"We have to do something," Rarity cried. "We can't let that brute get away with this."

"But what can we do?" Pinkie asked. "We're here in Canterlot and he's who knows where."

"Let's not forget about those other Bakugan that are all over the country," Applejack reminded them. "Even if we stop Lucifer, those things 'ill probably continue to cause havoc all over the place." Fluttershy nodded as Twilight frowned.

"Then we have to deal with them first."

"How?" Rainbow asked, "like Pinkie said, we're stuck here. We can't get to any of those places." Twilight knew she was right. If only there was a way to transport them across the country. But how could they-

"Wait!" She gasped, "that's it!"

"What's it?" Applejack asked, only for Twilight to run through the stadium pushing through the many people beginning to panic. "Twilight!" They followed her as she reached the area where people bought and traded Bakugan. "What are you planning?"

"Can one of you help me rip the console off this?" She asked, Rainbow rushing forward to help without even needing to be told why. As she did, Twilight's family reached them.

"Twilight!" Shining cried, "what are you doing?"

"Yes dear," Rarity nodded. "Can you please inform us what you wish to do with this device."

"Simple," Twilight smirked, "these device transfer the Bakugan from Dark Industries to the Stadiums. They also allow Bakugan to be traded between players, who are either here or in another stadium."

"So?" Cleopal asked.

"So..." Twilight rolled her eyes, "they're basically teleporters. And if they work on Bakugan, why can't they work on humans." They finally managed to pull the front of the device off, revealing all its wiring and machinery. "If we can hack into them, we can send ourselves through it to the places that the Bakugan are attacking. Those two in one Bakugan must be Lucifer's flunkies. So if we take them down, it'll just be him that's left."

"That could work," Spike nodded.

"Twilight," her mother frowned. "Don't you get what you're saying? You want to teleport yourself through a machine that's probably never been tested on a human."

"True," Twilight nodded, "but I can't just sit around doing nothing." She fiddled with the wires and the device powered up, the girl typing something into the keyboard. "Someone try and find a stadium close to one of the Bakugan." Fluttershy used the touchpad and found a stadium slap bang in the middle of Las Vegas. "Alright, who wants to see if it works?"

Everyone shared a look, clearly not keen on the idea of being the guinea pigs. But Rainbow took a deep breath, "do it!"

"You sure?" She asked, Rainbow nodding before Twilight pointed satellite disk at her. "Okay, here goes nothing." She activated the machine and it unleashed a burst of lightning at her, which struck Rainbow as everyone stepped back.

They watched as the girl disappeared and the lightning was sucked into the machine, everyone gasping as they waited to see if it worked and they hadn't disintegrated their friend. "Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked the screen that showed the one Twilight had connected too. They saw light flow through the other side, making them slowly hope. And sure enough, someone stood into view. "Rainbow!"

"Hey!" She smirked, holding her head as she did. "Wow, headrush!"

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked, "no unintended side effects?"

"Nope," Rainbow shook her head as Terraspin landed on her shoulder. "We feel fine, right?"

"A little dizzy, but I'll live." But then the screen shook as Rainbow almost lost her balance. "Looks like our target just showed up."

"We'll have to talk later," Rainbow told them before running off. With her gone, the others turned to Twilight. She gave them all a look that said 'who's next?'

"Twilight," Shining grabbed her by the shoulders. "This is too dangerous. You're going up against something even the military can't beat. You don't have to fight this fight. It wasn't you those Guardians picked. You said your friend Flash had the strongest Bakugan and he clearly couldn't do it. What hope do you have?"

Twilight was silent at this, letting those words flow through her head. She knew he was right. She wasn't the chosen one. But that didn't mean she didn't have a role to play. "Lucifer thinks he's already won because people are too scared to stand up against him." She pushed Shining hand off her shoulder, "but he's wrong. I'm not afraid of him. If the only way to beat him is to fight against impossible odds, I'd rather try and do that then spend the rest of my life under his tyrannical boot."

Shining frowned, as Twilight turned to the rest of her team. They all smiled at her, nodding at her worlds. They believed it to.

"You're right, I'm not the chosen one." She gave her brother a serious look, "I'm the one that chose herself." She turned back to the machine, "Flash and the others are coming back. I know they are. So I'm gonna keep fighting to buy them as much time as they need." She found several others locations that had Stadiums near the hybrid Bakugan. "So even if I have no chance to win, I'm fighting."

"And I'm with her," Spike cried from her shoulder. "Lucifer destroyed our world. We won't let him destroy yours." The other Bakugan all yelled in agreement, the Rainbooms stepping forward as Twilight pointed the transporter at them.

"Alright Rainbooms," Twilight smirked. "Let's take Lucifer's cronies down." With that, she fired the lightning.

Roaster squawked as he charged down the strip, making the people on the street scream as he shot fire in every direction.

"That's right!" He laughed, "run. Run for your miserable lives." But as he said that, a powerful burst of wind shot towards him. It slammed him off his feet and knocked him to the ground, then swirled around and picked up the flames before funnelling them into the air. "Hey!" He stood up, "what gives?"

"We give!" Roaster spun around and spotted Terraspin, who stood tall and strong against the hybrid with Rainbow standing on his shoulder. Rainbow pointed at the chicken, "get lost you overgrown thanksgiving feast. Our planet's not for you to take!"

"Oh," Roaster smirked, "think you can beat me. I'd like to see you try." He squawked before charging, flames appearing around his feet. "Pyro Claw!" Terraspin leapt into the air and spun his fins, allowing him to take off and avoid the attack. "Get down here!"

"With pleasure!" Rainbow smirked before the turtle dived down, "Ability, Activate!" He slammed his spinning fins into Roaster, "Shell Saw!" The hybrid squawked as he was knocked backwards, slamming into one of the hotels on the circuit as Terraspin flew up. "How'd you like that?"

Gigant continued to march through movie town, launching fire at anything he saw moving.

He spotted a car that hadn't gotten to safety driving down the road and raised his arm to fire at it, but before he could... "Ocean Assault!" Gigant heard someone yell and looked around, just in time to see a large water blast slam into him and knock him back.

"Ahhh!" He growled as the flames on his head went out, the hybrid opening his eyes and see Gumigator heading towards him with Pinkie on his head.

"You meanie!" She glared at him, "we're not gonna let you hurt anyone else." Gumigator raised his claws, ready to slash at the magma monster. Gigant growled as his flames reignited.

Rampager lived up to his namesake, as he ran through Keystone swinging his sword through everything that he could see.

"Give yourselves up!" He roared, "nothing you do will allow you puny creatures to defeat our master." He spotted a tank rolling towards him, firing at him only for the shell to bounce off his shield and explode. "Pathetic." He raised his sword, ready to destroy the tank and those inside. But before he could...

"Blaze Kick!" He looked around and spotted Lepusinge flying at him, the Pyrus Bakugan thrusting a burning foot right into his chest before he could raise his shield.

"Gyah!" He staggered back and almost fell over, as Lepusinge landed and Fluttershy held onto the bases of his ears whilst laying on his head.

"Leave those people alone," she frowned at him as Lepusinge bounced on his feet ready to fight. "We won't let you hurt them."

"Yeah," the rabbit nodded. "Alright tin man, let's dance."

In St Louis, Quetzal soared over the mississippi. Several boats had surfed away from the city, hoping to get to safety.

She smirked as she flew back to the arch, ready to do some damage and destroy the thing to show just how powerful she was. But before she could, something shot up the sides of it until it was at the top. Once there, it leapt down and fell towards her.

"Huh?" She looked up and gasped when she saw a shadow block the sun.

"Stealth Hunter!" She heard before a wave of sand slammed into her face, making her cry out as whatever it was slammed into her. They fell towards the ground and right as Quetzal was about to crash, the thing that hit her leapt off.

"AUGH!" She slammed into the street and skidded along it, moaning as she came to a stop and used her wings to clean her eyes. She then looked up to see Fenroar hanging off the side of a building, smirking down at her before letting go.

"Howling Force!" He yelled as the sonic blast slammed into her, knocking the hybrid backwards as he landed. But she quickly spread her wings and took to the air, whilst Applejack rode upon Fenroar's head.

"Let's do this, partner." He nodded and they charged into battle.

Muddion had reached the far end of the bridge and started throwing mud-balls towards the cars and buildings around it.

The police had come equipped with machine guns and others pieces of armory. They fired, but the bullets simply flew through the mud and were absorbed into it. Muddion saw this and smirked, waiting for them to be completely tapped out of bullets.

Once the last gun finished firing, he raised his arms and spun around. This sent all the bullets within his body flying out in different directions, causing the police to run for their lives. As they did, one officer rushed out with a freaking bazooka over his shoulders. And as Muddion slowed down, he fired the rocket which slammed into the hybrid right below the head.

He looked down at it as the rocket was stuck out of his chest, then exploded.

The police cheered as the mud flew everywhere, believing they had destroyed the invader. But then, the mud began moving back towards the spot he had been standing. They were shocked to see it and the seaweeds form a large mud sphere, which started unrolling itself until Muddion was back like nothing had happened.

He then growled and unleashed a wave of muddy water, the tsunami slamming into the police and washing them away.

"Blazing Light!" A laser slammed into his back and made him cry out, staggering forward until he got his balance and spun around to see Cleopal standing there with her scarfs raised.

Rarity was on her shoulder, glaring at him. "I like a nice mud bath as much as the next person, but you're taking it too far." She turned to the cat Bakugan, "let's show this curr why you don't mess with our world."

"With pleasure!" She charged forward, claws at the ready.

In New York, the city was in turmoil as Skulpion scuttled through the streets.

He fired poison and toxic water in every direction he could find, planning to make the place uninhabitable for any human around. "That's right!" He laughed whilst clicking his claws, "flee for your miserable lives. I love the hunt as much as the catch itself."

"Fire Burst!" Skulpion spun around in time to see a blast of green fire flying towards him, the flames slamming into his face and making him cry out as he staggered back. When the smoke cleared, Spikenoid marched towards him with a growl escaping his lips.

Twilight was sitting atop his head, trying to look as serious as possible. "We won't let you destroy our world. Go tell your boss earth's not his to conquer."

Skulpion growled at his, raising his claws. "I don't think so. The next time I see him, I'll be offering your skin as a trophy for him." He charged forward and Spike did the same, Twilight knowing this would be the most important battle she would ever participate in. And no matter what, she had to win.

Back at the stadium, Twilight and Flash's families continued to watch as the new Bakugan began to battle against the hybrids.

"I don't know if you're seeing this, but new monsters have appeared and are starting to battle against the first lot." The screen continued to change and show the Rainbooms fighting against the Hybrid with everything they had. Then it showed other areas. "All over the country, battles between these monsters are taking place." A serpenoid was battling against a Fear Ripper. A Siege and a Robotallion were slugging it out. Tuskor and Falconeer were attempting to overpower the others. It was insane.

In each of these fights, kids could be seen near the battle directing one of the Bakugan. "This is nuts!" Shining growled, "the fate of our world is being placed on the shoulders of kids." He sighed, looking down. "If only I'd started playing this game myself. I could have been helping."

Cadance placed a hand on his shoulder, "I know this is hard. But we have to trust that Twilight and her friends can do this." Shining nodded as they kept watching.

In an unknown place, Sombra and Lucifer were watching the battles taking place.

Lucifer was back in ball form and watching from Sombra's shoulder, as Spikenoid charged at Skulpion and swung his tail into its face. "Their idiocy knows no bounds," the angel stated. "We gave them the chance to survive this conquest, but they would rather die than submit to their rightful ruler."

"Give them time," Sombra told him. "Once they see how pointless fighting against us is, they'll be groveling at your feet in not time." He switched the screen to show Rainbow's battle.

"Inferno Dash!" Roaster roared as his body exploded into flames and he charged towards Terraspin, leaping into the air with his claws primed.

"Ability, Activate!" Rainbow held up a card as Terraspin spun around, his shell glowing. "Shell Guard!" The claws slammed into the shell and blocked the power of Roaster's attack, Terraspin then increasing the power of the wind his chest unleashed. This thrust him forward, slamming his shell into Roaster and pushing him backwards.

Roaster squawked as he was smashed through a building, Terraspin pulling away from him and flying back into the air as Rainbow held onto his shoulder. He growled as he pulled himself out of the building and glared at them, "you'll pay for that!"

"I don't think we will," Rainbow smirked as she held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Terraspin's shell glowed, "Shell Smash!" The light exploded off of him as he charged forward, moving with incredible speed towards Roaster.

But the hybrid leapt into the air to avoid the attack, as tornados appeared around his wings. "Whirlwind Cage!" With a single beat, the wind exploded off of him and swirled around Terraspin.

"What?" He asked, as an upside-down tornado formed around them. "AUGH!" He cried as the force of the wind pushed him down to the ground, Rainbow being pinned down with him.

"Not...good," she groaned as Roaster's claws ignited. The Bakugan charged forward and into the wind, slamming his claws into Terraspin and knocking him back out of the tornado.

"Augh!" He slammed into the ground, as Rainbow was thrown from her Bakugan and rolled along the ground. As she stopped, Roaster forced his claws into Terraspin's chest.

"Got you now," Roaster smirked as Terraspin tried to get him off. But he couldn't.

Back in Hollywood, Gumigator and Gigant continued to do battle against one another.

"Heat Blaster!" He roared as he fired the super hot air out of his arm cannons, which shot towards Gumigator. But Pinkie was ready and held up two cards.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Gummy's mouth filled with icicles, "Glacial Fang, plus Ocean Assault!" He fired water from his mouth, which was turned to snow due to the coldness of the icicles in his mouth. The snow struck the heat blast and the two extreme temperatures cancelled one another out.

Gummy then charged at Gigant and leapt on him, biting into the hybrid's shoulder and causing its body to freeze over.

"Augh!" He roared before his shoulder volcanoes started heating up, "you asked for this. Magma Flow!" Gummy saw this and leapt off of him, seconds before the volcanoes unleashed a bunch of lava. It filled the streets and Pinkie hissed a the heat, Gummy quickly unleashing more water and cooling it to obsidian.

"Ability," Pinkie held up a card, "Activate!" Gummy ran over the cooled lava as his claws glowed, "Aqua Claw!" He slashed at Gigant, knocking him backwards.

But as he hit the ground, his claws came together to form a pile driver. "FISSURE!" He thrust them both into the ground, causing a large crack to appear and fly across the ground until it reached Gummy.

"Look out!" Pinkie cried, as the ground opened up and Gummy fell into the crack. He managed to grab the sides of the crack with his claws, but couldn't pull himself up. "Hold on!" Pinkie cried, as Gigant picked himself up. Pinkie realised she was in serious trouble.

"Sword of Light!" Rampager swung his sword around and slashed at Lepusinge, who managed to jump out of the way as Fluttershy held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" His feet burst into flames as he planted them against the side of a building. "Flare Jump!" He shot forward and spun around, thrusting his feet forward.

"Take this!" He cried, smashing his foot into Rampager's chest. He cried as he was knocked staggering backwards, smashing through a building as Lepusinge landed, then rushed forward. "Fluttershy, do it!"

"Ability," Fluttershy held up a card, "Activate!" He started spinning around, as his ear-tips caught fight. "Flaming Slap!" His burning ears slammed into Rampager multiple times, making him cry out as he was struck three, four, five, six, seven times. But as he was hit the seventh time, he jumped back.

"You're not getting away!" Lepusinge charged again and swung both his ears at him. But before they landed, Rampager raised his guard.

"Vampire Shield!" The ears struck the shield as it began the sucking force, which swallowed the flames along with a bunch of Lepusinge's power.

"Augh!" He groaned, feeling his strength being drained away. Before Fluttershy could do anything, Rampager slashed at the rabbit. "GYAH!" He was thrown backwards and Fluttershy was thrown from the Bakugan's head, Lepusinge gasping and thrusting his arm out so Fluttershy landed on it instead of the ground.

Fluttershy hissed as she rolled off the arm whilst Rampager stomped his foot down on Lepusinge's chest, pinning him to the ground. Fluttershy gasped at this, as Rampager chuckled. "Big mistake, coming after me."

Fenroar howled as he zigzagged through the street with his claws primed.

Quetzal took to the air with her wings spread, barely managing to avoid the slash from Fenroar. "Tornado Impact!" She unleashed a blast of air towards the wolf and it slammed into him, making him yelp as he was blown backwards.

"Fenroar!" Applejack cried, as her partner slammed his claws into the side of a building which stopped him from being blown back. When the tornado stopped, she acted quickly and held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Fenroar charged up the side of the building and leapt into the air, "Mega Fang!"

Quetzal tried to pull away, but Fenroar was too fast and reached her. "Gotcha!" He cried, grabbing Quetzal below the wings before he bit down into Quetzal's skin.

She cried out, as Fenroar grabbed her wings. The two fell to the ground and as they got closer, Fenroar let go and jumped up. "Howling Force!" He cried as the sonic blast struck Quetzal and pushed her to the ground faster, the hybrid slamming into the street and kicking up a cloud of dust as she did so.

"Yeah!" Applejack smirked as Fenroar landed in front of the cloud. But then-

"Radiant Aura!" Light exploded out of the cloud and slammed into Fenroar, knocking him backwards as it spread across his body. He groaned as he felt himself freeze up, right as Quetzal shot out of the clouds. "Shining Constriction!" She wrapped her body around Fenroar, locking him in place.

"No!" Applejack cried, as Fenroar fell to his knees and could barely breathe. "Not good."

"Rock Mace!" Muddion swung his arm around as his hand hardened and grew spikes. The rock smashed into Cleopal and knocked her backwards.

Rarity had dropped to the street before this, watching as her partner staggered back. "Double Ability, Activate!" She cried as Cleopal's eyes glowed, "Cats Eyes!" Beams fired from her eyes and struck Muddion, making him his as it blasted away part of his body. "Plus, Mad Scratch!"

Cleopal let out a cat hiss as she charged forward, her claws glowing as she swung them around. But when they struck the mud, they just slashed through them and left cuts that instantly healed up. "Oh," she gulped as Muddion pointed his hands at her.

"Wild Flooding!" Water exploded out and slammed into Cleopal, knocking her backwards towards Rarity.

The girl gasped at the tsunami and tried to run for it, but the water was too fast. Luckily, Cleopal managed to grab her shield her in her claws whilst she was sent rolling through the street.

At the stadium, Shining and the rest of the people were watching and shocked seeing the girls being overpowered.

"This doesn't make any sense," Shining growled. "Why are they losing?" Many of the other non-brawlers were wondering the same thing. The girls appeared to have the upper hand when the battle started, but now they were being overwhelmed.

"Their Bakugan aren't strong enough," Scootaloo spoke up. The adults turned to her as she explained. "Bakugan all have power levels. Some are three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, and even some scores between them. If these Bakugan have a higher power level, the girls are gonna be stuck playing catch up."

"So you're saying they can't win?" Misty asked.

"I don't know," Scootaloo told them. They all turned back to the battles, as the screen switched to show Twilight's battle. They were so focused on this, they didn't notice a group arrive at the stadium.

"Shadow Slashers!" The arachnid monster cried as he slashed his claws through the air, unleashing energy blades that slammed into Spikenoid.

"AUGH!" He cried, staggering backwards and crashing into a building.

Twilight gasped as she jumped away from where she was standing, as pieces of the building fell towards it and would have crushed her. She rolled to safety and held up a card, "time to steal your power. Ability, Activate!" Spike's spikes glowed as he charged forward, "Dark Spike!" Skulpion saw this attack and seemed to know what was going on.

As Spike got in close, he leapt back and balanced on his tail before springing up and into the air. "What?" Spike cried, watching him fly out of range. "Hey!"

"Hydro Stinger!" Skulpion sent the attack fly towards Spike, the many water needles slamming into him.

"Augh!" He cried, as the needles dug into him. Twilight had to take cover to avoid some of these as Spike endured them before taking a deep breath. "Fire Burst!" He launched the green flames towards Skulpion, but Skulpion unleashed a Ocean Eater.

The two attacks collided in midair and caused a steam cloud, which blocked Spike's vision for a moment. This allowed Skulpion to fall towards him and fly out the other side. "Surprise!" He cried before tackling Spike, knocking him off his feet. He cried out as he fell to the ground and Skulpion curled his feet around him, his tail stinger going for his throat. "Surrender."

"Never!" Spike growled, as Twilight rushed out from hiding.

"Ability, Activate!" Spike's body glowed, "Scale-Mail!" Skulpion tried to stab his neck, but Spike's hardened scales protected him. He then bit down on the tail and made Skulpion cried out, losing his grip on Spike who forced his legs open and allowed the wingless dragon to throw him off. "We'll never surrender!" Twilight told her, as Spike stood tall. "You guys and Lucifer might be stronger than us, but we'll keep fighting until the bitter end!"

"Raaaah!" Rainbow grabbed a rock and threw it at Roaster, hitting him in the eye and making him squawk as he removed his foot.

This allowed Terraspin to unleashed a powerful burst of wind that knocked Roaster back.

"Because this is our world. The Bakugan deserving of calling it home are the ones who've already chosen to stand against you and your master!"

"Attribute Change!" Pinkie screamed, as Gumigator changed from blue to green. "Ability Activate!" Gummy unleashed a blast of wind, "Cyclone Fang!"

The wind slammed into Gigant and knocked him backwards, Gummy then pointing it downwards to push himself free of the fissure and allow him to fly above the hybrid.

"Ever since we learned about your master, we've been fighting because we refuse to let someone so pathetic conquer us!"

"Ability, Activate!" Lepusinge thrust his feet into the ground, "Bounce Reflector!" He thrust his lower body upwards, allowing him to knock his feet into Rampager's back and push him off.

Rampager staggered away and wildly swung his sword around, trying to get Lepusinge. But he had already rolled away and picked up Fluttershy to get to a safe distance.

"Earth isn't your playground. You might think you deserve to have it, but you're dead wrong!"

Fenroar continued to be squeezed by Quetzal, who hissed and licked her lips ready to snack down on him. But Fenroar quickly bit down on her, making her cry out and loosen her grip.

"Ability," Applejack held up a card, "Activate!" Fenroar started shaking, causing sand to fly off the Bakugan. "Sand Cloak!" That sand flew into Quetzal's eyes, blinding her and allowing Fenroar to pull his arm free and slash at her.

"So don't expect us to just fall to our knees groveling. You're not the first group of psychopaths who thought they could bully us into surrendering!"

Muddion waded through the flooded street towards Cleopal, who was sitting against a building with her head down.

He chuckled at this, but then noticed Cleopal raise her head and glare at him. She un-cupped her hand to show Rarity, who wasn't at all wet, the woman glaring as Cleopal was suddenly on her feet.

In the next moment, she practically teleported behind Muddion, her claws thrusted forward whilst a rush of wind suddenly cut Muddion's legs in half. He cried as he fell into the water, whilst Cleopal leapt a safe distance away with Rarity on her shoulder.

"You better not count us out. Even if we can't win, we'd rather go down fighting then roll over and let you have your way!"

"That's right!" Spike cried before charging forward, Skulpion growling. "You want this world, you'll have to go through me and my friends."

"Gladly!" Skulpion cried as his claws glowed purple. "Poisonous Tear!" He slashed at Spike and the X-shaped energy blade slammed into the Darkus Bakugan, making him cry out as the energy exploded and surrounded him. Skulpion then swung his tail around and knocked Spike backwards.

"Spike!" Twilight cried as her Bakugan was knocked into a building, the poison surging through his body and paralysing him. Twilight then felt a shadow looming over her and looked up to see Skulpion staring down at her. He smirked and raised his claw, ready to swat her like a bug. She sighed and closed her eyes, expecting this to be the end. But she was wrong.

"ULTRA DESTROYER!" Her eyes shot open as a laser flew down and slammed into Skulpion, knocking the hybrid backwards.

Twilight turned towards the source of the beam and saw Supreme Leonidas, hovering above her with a certain someone on his shoulder. "Flash." She was ready to cry when she saw him, Flash smiling back at her.

Author's Note:

Well, this was certainly the Rainboom's time to shine. Just goes to show, there are roles for everyone. Even those who aren't the heroes, can have the most important roles whn the time matters. Hope you enjoyed.

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