• Member Since 26th Apr, 2019
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This story is a sequel to My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony

NOTE: As mentioned above, this is a sequel to Sparkling Harmony. I highly recommend if you haven't already, go check that out first before reading this one. Don't worry, this story will wait for you.

Sparkler's finally found a place to call home. After so many years of being made to think she was a freak, She finally found herself among friends who think otherwise. It was a bumpy road coming out, but she's faced her fears and now she is free to be herself. And she's even developed a crush on the princess of friendship. Things are DEFINITELY looking up.

But she'll soon learn that the discovery of another Alicorn, one who is NOT royalty, will not sit well with certain ponies among the Canterlot Elite. And things will get even more complicated when she meets a foal one night in an alleyway.

What's next for our heroine and her parrot friend? Only time will tell.

If you like the story, how about an upvote? If this story gets 75 likes I'll release the third chapter of the side story set in the Sparkling Harmony universe. Like if you want to see that.

AU Changes:

Takes place during season 8 and beyond but Cozy Glow doesn't exist
Celestia and Luna never retire.

PS. If you must leave a dislike, I would like to know WHY so I know what I'm doing wrong.

Chapters (80)
Comments ( 1138 )

Yay! It’s time for a new story to unfold!

*rubs hands together.* Oh, I am just getting started. Now that Sparkler is out of the closet I can REALLY start with my plans for Sparkling Harmony. Hang on to your hats.

.The horn blasted through the speakers, and that shit the crowd right up as they covered their ears.

Accidental swearing.

THANK YOU for pointing that out!

EDIT: fixed now. again, thank you.

Comment posted by SethFilms deleted Dec 21st, 2020

Hope you enjoy this episode.

and thanks for the encouragement.

uh, I think I accidentally deleted your comment. SORRY! was trying to like it

its fine, i read it now!
it was amazing.
hope Thunder is ok!!!

- Reciprocated crush on a character, Check
- malnourished runaway/orphan needing affection, Check

probability of family bonding -> 80% (more if the mysterious figure of the previous season kidnaps the child)

No. Not QUITE reciprocated just yet. but you are on point with everything else.

Hope you are enjoying the story. :twilightsmile:

Sparkler shrugged. “I don’t know. I offered to take him home, but he just flat out said no and ran to his trunk. It was like he was afraid to go home.”

Hiding in a trunk...
Eating rotten food...
Scared of his own house/parents...

Where have I heard of tha.. Oh..

(Now we need a Guppy. Take him to Fluttershy and give him a pet)

Did I make a reference to something I didn't know about? Because you mentioned a guppy...god damnit now the gears are turning for Kicker to get a pet. lol :rainbowlaugh:

Great chapter! Keep it up!

I say it does need a Dark Tag since it involves murder and Arson. Unless there's more murdering

Comment posted by Captain_Cosmos deleted Jan 4th, 2021

I was just answering your question on the Dark Tag. No, you don't need to add it since its a one-time deal.

Comment posted by Captain_Cosmos deleted Jan 4th, 2021
Comment posted by Exodd deleted Jan 4th, 2021

“It is currently being looked into how she is an Alicorn since she shouldn’t have any Pegasus DNA in her body. But regardless of the how, Sparkler has proven to be a good friend and ponies around town have voiced their continued support for our second most powerful resident.”

Second most powerful?
Is that a flag rising I'm seeing on the horizon?

I call it now: Sparkler new element of (musical) harmony

He heard laughter behind him, laughter that was getting closer. All of a sudden, he felt his tail get yanked up and he was hanging in the air by his tail. He gulped when he saw that he was caught in the aura of one of the ponies chasing him. “No! No! Please! Let me go! No!”

"Luna, you are again sleeping on your work" :trollestia:
"Yes, sister, it is how we work" :trolluna:
"... such jesting is unbecoming of you"

Kicker nodded. Sparkler reared up on her hind legs and wrapped her forelegs around the colt. “It’s alright Kicker, you’re safe. Nothing’s gonna getcha.”

'Em all !

Sorry I had to.


Undermining the princesses claims of royalty?
If an alicorn can avoid its obligations to rule, then why should they have the right to?
Evil Starlight likes it :smugstarlight:

Kicker said nothing as he slowly nodded. Even if I had a nightmare, it was better than I’ve been getting for a while.


Kicker, through his tears, glanced between them, debating what to do. After a moment, he sniffled and wiped away his tears. “I-it all started three years ago, I was only two at the time. I don’t remember much, but one night, based on all the commotion I heard, a pair of ponies broke into our house, murdered my parents, foalnapped me...and set fire to the house, destroying everything.”

Bet a bullseye that that is not the full story.

Good albeit short chapter. Keep flutter on!

Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

also, Sparkler has said that she has nod desire to be a princess so it's not so much undermining as it is reacting to her claim.

its great to have you back from the holidays!

keep it up!

Yay update. But I honestly just wanna see more of how the nobles are reacting to this. It interests me.

Don't worry. the nobles reaction to Sparkler is coming.

Yay more but here's to hope for kicker's safety

I'll say right now that Kicker comes out of this situation alive. There MIGHT be some time spent in a hospital, haven't decided yet. But he's gonna make it through this. That much is certain.

Kicker’s mind was racing. He hated the ponies who took him from his home. But he did learn one thing from them. “You’re a...a...oh, an Ailcorn!”

Corn Farmer: "Stay outta ma field!"

Sparkler nodded. “Exactly.” She turned to look at Twilight directly. “Twilight, any chance you can confirm any validity to Kicker’s story?”

Twilight nodded. “I’ll get in touch with Celestia, see if she knows anything.”

Starlight nodded. “I’ll go find Spike, Kicker and Flappy. We need to make sure we have the full story.”

Sparkler nodded. “I’ll come with you.” Starlight nodded and she and Sparkler proceeded out of the library.

More nodding here than in a metal concert, I see.

Ten minutes later, in Canterlot, Celestia was chowing down on a piece of cake as her after breakfast desert.

Directly imported from Saddle Arabia.

"Sweet FAUST. I have to get to the CPD.” She got out of her seat, lit her horn, and summoned a scroll and a quill. She wrote as she walked.

Canterlot Police Department? It just strengthen my theory something else/bigger is going on on the background.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. As it just so happens, I recall this particular case and know exactly who to consult, I will pay the Canterlot Police Department a visit and I will send an update when I can. I would appreciate it if you would keep me updated.

Ah, called it

Also, I'm not sure the letter to Sparkler is about Kicker, I think it's more about the newspapers and news about her coming out.
If I'm wrong, I expect something on the line of -Twilight is too busy, could you look after Kicker for now? don't let her know I said that, she would take it personally- , even if there are better option in Ponyville, like Cherilee or nurse RedHeart (or what was her name).
Actually, a visit to the hospital would be called for, anyway.

Keep going!

Thank you for pointing out the mistake.

That Ailcorn joke just wrote itself in all reality. it was just too funny.

Twilight won't be taking care of Kicker. it only makes sense that Sparkler takes care of him because he trusts her the most.

and I guess a hospital visit would be warranted. seeing as how he's probably several checkups behind.

also, the letter Celestia WAS going to be actually written out, but I felt that wasn't right because the story was at a good place to cut off at the dear Sparkler part.

It has nothing to do with this chapter but.... Falsicorn (Falseicorn?) found in Ponyville? Best name for a “false” Alicorn.

ooh. I like that. I was actually planning on the nobles calling her an Alicorn imposter. But a Falsicorn is so much better.

Though Sparkler is ultimately a genuine Alicorn. in essence, She is an adult Flurry heart in that she was born an Alicorn.

Considering an alicorn is a mix of all three tribes how would you or a pony unmake one. Cut off their horn amputate their wings. While there is how the others Celestia, Luna, Twilight would react how would the alicorn react to such or their magic for that matter. Even if this succeeds without killing the alicorn what's to stop them from recovering

I don't think you CAN unmake an Alicorn. Especially if they're natural born Alicorns.

But do you REALLY expect the nobles to think logically here?:rainbowlaugh:

10623138 no thinking logically is not a common trait and I imagine it might equally hard to try and unmake an ascended alicorn. That's not a concern for this story apparently

And yet the nobles will demand the Sparkler be descended. Which no Alicorn will do.

Nosey nodded. “Right.” He took both letters in his magic, put them in the folder, and picked it off his desk. “The letters say that new Alicorn’s the one that found him and took him in. Send ahead a memo saying two officers of the CPD will be right there to at last get to the bottom of this. Also, do whatever you have to do to keep that foal in Ponyville. He’s our only lead.”

is he.. ordering around Princess Celestia? I'd think he would ask politely instead of commanding her.
Aren't ponies afraid of exile on the moon yet?

Nosey nodded. “That’s what the letters say.”

Ok, now you're yanking my tail. 35 uses of 'nodded' almost consecutive in a single paragraph. Is this some form of retaliation on my last comment?

Nosey chuckled as he turned his head back to the princess. “Don’t worry your majesty. Unlike those self-absorbed Nobles who’ll surely riot. I read the Ponyville Daily, understand that she didn’t ask for the wings, and I respect her decision to stay out of politics.”

Ponyville Daily... In Canterlot? Now I want a spinoff on Derpy delivering those copies :derpyderp1:

“That pony was NOT born an Alicorn Quill. One is NOT just born an Alicorn. The only way to become one is to ascend, and that desecrater is NOT worthy!”

"You call my daughter a desecrater again, and you will be shipped with a frog for the rest of your life!" :angryCadance:

Pearl’s mother shook her head. “Sorry Sweetie. That ain’t gonna work. Now, if you would please go finish getting ready for school. And please don’t spy on us. I really don’t want to have to use a memory wiping spell on you again.”

Capital Sweetie? so the name's Sweetie Perl? :unsuresweetie:

Also, you really really sure you want to make memory spells canon in your story? it can get reeeeeaaally messy very quick.
and besides.. It hints that maybe there are also memory alteration spells?

Woah... 2 chapter in 2 days? You're spoiling us. If you want an advice, instead of raising the frequency, make the chapters longer.
Keep kicking!

The nodding wasn't a retaliation. I just apparently can't stop using it because that's what my characters do apparently.:rainbowlaugh:

Also, The thing about Nosey, He doesn't have such fears when he's in work mode. In his eyes, he's just making sure he can do his job. Plus, I feel like Celestia wouldn't be THAT strict. I see her as laid back enough that she wouldn't get that mad for ponies not saying please to her all the time. Especially in situations like this where Nosey had a good idea and time is of the essence.

and about chapter length, I want to keep some coherence of consistency with chapters.

whenever I'm not taking suggestions, if a chapter is done that why wait to post it?

And lastly, Autocorrect apparently got to me.

Amputate an innocent pony who had no control over what she was born with?

I will admit, while I'm glad the chief has no problem with it, I am a bit worried for dear Sparkler, If Celestia doesn't nip this in the bud now Sparkler might be attacked and her wings, horn or both cut off.

Having thought of that now though, I wonder if Sparkler could be listed as a member of a very rare Pony race, as the only other natural-born Alicorn we know of is Fluffy Heart, so in theory Sparkler could be protected by that.

That's just my thoughts on the matter, I quite like Sparkler so I am worried about her safety, the poor Mare has suffered too much already. Blasted Nobles, should have bee removed of power long ago.


“That pony was NOT born an Alicorn Quill. One is NOT just born an Alicorn. The only way to become one is to ascend, and that desecrater is NOT worthy!”

Me: Holds up Fluffy Heart. "Than how would you explain this?! *Cadance is next to me looking at the Noble with a rather "I'm planning so many ways you will regret this" Look.

That reminds me of one story, can't recall the name off the top of my head, I think is was called "The God Squad" but I could be wrong, where Cadance could make Stallions carry a foal. I think in the same story she threatened to render the entire Zebra species sterile after they threatened Shining, again I'm not sure the name but I do remember those two factors quite well.

:rainbowlaugh: Since when have nobles ever listened to reason when they're mad? Flurry's birth won't help Sparkler here.

Also, yes. Sparkler's been through hell and back. But THIS time, she has real friends to help her through it.


🎵Your friends, are always there for you🎵

I think a flashback scene(From kickers point of view) would be great for next chapter!

Keep it up!!!

It's basically the same as Sparkler's story. Minus the alleyway.

But I'll see what I can do along with the full, official report that Nosey will disclose with Sparkler in order to maximize her ability to protect Kicker.

Kicker nodded as Sparkler lit her horn and floated Kicker’s shake down, which was in a plastic, closed cup, to him on the seat. “Go on. You’ll like it.”

I had to reread it a number of time before get the meaning, I think that if you move 'down' after 'cup,' it could gain in readability. Buuut probably that's just because english is not my native language.

Sparkler looked up, and looked Flappy right in the eye. Starting another one of their eye conversations.

Was this a thing already before? I don't remember. It seems to use at least a bit of telepathic magic to be able to convey "he's scared they'll come for him".

Ha! Just let them try. They got nothing on you. You’re the second most powerful resident of this town. Keeping Kicker safe’ll be a snap.

Eh. Starlight would like to have a word. And while Pinkie wouldn't care, I wouldn't Pinkie bet on it.

The conversation was interrupted when they noticed golden sparklers fly into their view, and reform into a scroll, one with what Sparkler recognized was the official royal seal on it.

How... But the only... Spike can't...
Y'know what? Suspension of disbelief. I'll let it pass.

At the Medley household, Sparkler, Kicker, and Flappy were playing Monopoly in the living room. Flappy rolled the dice, and moved his piece the specified number of spaces...right onto the jail space. He groaned. “Squawk! Aw man! Seriously?! Squawk!”

Ways to easily break family bonds:
1 - divorce
2 - heredity
3 - monopoly

A new chapter three days in a row. I don't know if that's good or bad.

Ok, then, different advise:
set a minimum publication delay between chapters (like 3 or more days). It has a number of advantages like
1 - it lets you accumulate chapters to publish even when you slow down
2 - it gives you more time to modify chapters already written but not published, when you get an idea for a future chapter that needs some background
3 - it gives the readers more time to review

They had an EYE conversation during that one episode where Sparkler gives a presentation on Saddle Arabia.

Sparkler and Flappy have developed such a strong bond over the years that they can read each other with just eye contact.

Twilight sent a letter the exact same way to Celestia, and I have to believe Spike isn't THE ONLY way they communicate by any way other than regular mail.

and lastly...Monopoly was just the first thing that came to mind. and people get WAY to serious about it if it can break a family bond.:rainbowlaugh:

Also. I imagine that Alicorns are more powerful than Unicorns by default. so I stand by the statement that Sparkler is the second most powerful resident. but Starlight is definitely third.

Wonders why neither Sparkler or Nosey thought about asking Twilight as assistance, or Starlight for that matter. EVen if not assisting with magic themselves I'm sure either could provide spell too help protect, defend and track Thunder Kicker

Oh believe me, Sparkler will definitely ask for help in fortifying her house.

But the tracking...Yeah I just want Sparkler to have that ability because...well she is currently Kicker's caregiver and I feel like she's the only one Kicker would accept to know his location 24/7.

So should Kicker meet the rest of the Mane 6 and the CMC or do you want to see them do something else?

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