• Member Since 31st Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Mystic Mind

The greatest storyteller of our time, or just another smuck pony fan on the internet? YOU decide! (Also I do episode analysis sometimes.)



Twilight Sparkle has a problem on her hooves. A very hairy problem, to boot. It is not every day that spells misfire, but when they do, the results are strange, to say the least. Turns out, Equestria isn't the only world with inherent magic, so swapping one citizen for another may not be as simple as she thought it'd be.

A one-shot Discworld crossover fic.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

oooo oooby dooo I want to be like youuuu

It is not every day that spells misfire

You need to read more fanfics if you actually believe this.

No! You dont get to cheat us out of a story about Rincewind talking to ponies!!


Do I have to be that guy? Ugh, I'm going to be that guy.

The Librarian's name is probably Horace

I was wondering if the Librarian had a name or not, but I couldn't find it based on cursorary searches. I just chose a name at random based on what I thought would be funny :P.

By now, a crowd was beginning to form around them, with ponies squeezing past each other for their once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the alien creature. The most enthusiastic pony, of course, was Lyra Heartstrings.

Of course Lyra would be the most excited!:rainbowlaugh:

“Well… I, err,” Lyra stammered, no doubt internally bemoaning the loss of her one defining character trait beyond the fourth wall. “Yeah, but I knew before anypony else! And this one is hairier, so, there.”

Funny and kinda true. Outside of being shipped with Bon Bon and being obsessed with humans, Lyra isn't used for much else in fanfic stories, save for a very few stories that do.


Funny and kinda true. Outside of being shipped with Bon Bon and being obsessed with humans, Lyra isn't used for much else in fanfic stories, save for a very few stories that do.

I'll make note of that for future stories :P.

Did someone say discworld?!

Hmmm, a discworld crossover you say? Color me intreaged.

The Librarian's name is Horace Worblehat according to TvTropes which got it from supplementary material I think. I saw that someone else aready commented on that. The real question is how they are going to restore the siutation.

At least no pony said the "m" word

I don't worry about the librarian too much, he can probably walk back to his own library through L-space. He is a professional after all.

Smashing stuff. You even got sourcery right. The Wordsmith would be pleased.

Clearly First Filo isn’t senior enough in The Librarians of Time and Space to know about such things. A shameful state for a chief librarian.
And of course, The Librarian knows that it’s very important that Twilight never, EVER discovers the existence of L-space. First she’d go catatonic with joy, and then she’d start Meddling. She does not respect the library rules sufficiently.
1) Silence;
2) Books must be returned no later than the last date shown;
3) Do not interfere with the nature of causality.

Hold on. the Luggage was affected by Wizard Magic? Straight Earth Pony kinetic impact and Pegasus wind streams, due to their post non magical nature I can understand, as long as its s suprise, but that thing took out an active Wizards Combat Tower in the book Sorcery?

The name of the Librarian is a very well kept secret. This is because anyone who cared to actually remember was genetly reminded to forget by the demonstration that if they didnt, such Librarian was quite easily capable of twisting their head off like the cap of a bottle of soda.:trixieshiftright:

Still, for a fun piece of work, excellent marks.

Where do you think Pinkie got the recipie for Banana Cream Pie from in the first place?:pinkiecrazy:



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