• Published 2nd Feb 2021
  • 715 Views, 21 Comments

The Trouble With Pies - Forgetful

When it comes to love, It's better to be prepared than lucky.

  • ...

Pale Moonlight

Troubleshoes gave a massive sigh of relief as the final bowl had been emptied. His once-empty belly was full of various stones and swishing with a dangerous mixture of seasonings. The stallion was just happy that the worst was over, and not one mare thought of him as rude.

"So my soup was pretty amazing right!?" Limestone flashed a confident grin toward her guest who looked away slightly.

"It was unique ma'am. " His mind raced to find the correct words.

"Ha, one of a kind! I knew it!!" Limestone flashed her little sister a smug grin as Marble daintily cleared off the table.

"Mm-hmm? " She softly nudged the stallion on his side, her eyes locked on his with an enchanting glow.

"Hmm, need help clearing ma'am?" He chuckled with a hearty smile as he easily lifted the pots of stew off the table.

Both ponies exited the dining room towards the kitchen with Limestone left to her lonesome at the table. "It's ok, I don't need conversation. " She whispered under her breath cautiously.

"I'm used to it."

"I hope tonight wasn't hectic." Marble spoke with the cutest of whispers as she eased the utensils into the soapy kitchen sink.

"Not at all, not every day two lovely mares make me dinner. It was prettier than finding a bit on a dusty trail. " His hoof tilted his hat towards the mare politely.

"Thank you, I'm not much of a cook." Marble looked away blushing as her hooves delved into the warm water to start scrubbing.

Troubleshoes simply shook his head in disagreement. "That's not true, your soup was something else, it took me back to better times, it took me home." He watched the tiny mare struggle to scrub the massive pot clean.

"May I?" He nudged the mare on her side gently.

"Mm-hmm. " Her cheeks burned a bright pink.

Towering over the mare like a protective mountain, his massive hooves wrapped around both sides of the petite pony. His hoof atop her own, he aided her with scrubbing adding a firm touch to wash away her troubles. Marble felt her tail swish against the stallion, her heart racing with delight.

The dishes were too soon done, as soon the sink had become empty. Troubleshoes happily nod to the mare on a job well done. Marble returned a warm smile in return, as for the first time she felt talkative.

"If you feel like it sir, maybe we could go for a stroll?" Marble's voice lifted into an adorable higher volume.

Without being hidden by a whisper, he had to admit she had a really elegant voice. "Ma'am, it would be my pleasure. " Troubleshoes politely bowed to the mare, who giggled wasting no time to grab her shawl off the kitchen wall.

After all, tonight was so clear and calm. It would be quite a shame not to enjoy it. Both ponies exited through the back quiet as church mice, a flustered Limestone left to watch them vanish from the darkened doorway.

"If I may ask ma'am. You don't seem the rock farming type, I sure hope I'm not overstepping my bounds." Troubleshoes walked by the mare's side basked in the pale blue moonlight.

His gigantic silhouette protectively guarded her from any harm the night could bring, her canter so delicate and feminine as she followed close for a little warmth. Her large violet eyes gazed towards the full moon above, both sparkling as the moonlight caught their glow.

"I wouldn't say it's my first choice, but my family needs me. So I do my best to stick around, not that I'm really of any help." Marble slumped over as she came to a slow stop.

"How so?" Troubleshoes turned to watch over the delicate mare protectively.

"Limestone is the strong one, she does nearly everything on this farm. She breaks her back constantly with little to no reward, and puts her wants behind that of others." Marble winced as she felt her heart begin to crack.

"Yet here I am, barely able to crack rocks. I'm slow at lifting, and my mining skills are mediocre at best. I just want out of here, maybe find my way out west." Tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked out over the horizon.

"West is pretty big for such a small mare." Troubleshoes gently brushed the tears away from her eyes.

"The wide open spaces always called to me, they seem so alive. Plus I've heard they need teachers out there, I always wanted to share my thoughts and teach history." Marble sniffled with a warm smile, these open spaces around her lacking.

So empty and cold.

"Well, I say follow your dreams, ma'am. Life has a knack for passing you by if you decide to get fearful. " Troubleshoes shared his thoughts before brushing her mane away to the side, her face far too pretty to be hidden.

"But what about…" Marble whispered uncertainly as loud hooves rushed towards them out of the bleak darkness.

"Ni…nice night for a walk!" Limestone skidded to a stop beside both ponies, her teeth chattering loudly in the night.

"Ma'am, you seem sort of cold. " Troubleshoes watched the mare shiver and exhale a long cream-colored stream of smoke.

"I…I couldn't…fi…find my coat." The words struggled to escape her muzzle.

"Mm-hmm. " Marble shook her head softly.

"Because I love my late-night blind walks, that's why!?" Limestone snorted defensively towards her sister, blushing embarrassed.

"Maybe it's time to go back inside, good night for some firewater coffee. " Troubleshoes suggested a nightcap to end this exciting evening.

Marble gently scrunched her muzzle at such an idea. Limestone perking up and smiling at the mere mention."Marbles here doesn't partake, she…she…loves her tea instead." She smugly bumped her hips into his.

"Mmmm." Marble glared at her older sister, as she walked happily towards the house with the stallion at her side.

His warmth now protected her from the cold, as an icy shiver caressed down her backside.

"I have a pot already on the boil, and trust me this old bottle of brandy is going to blow your mind." Limestone joked with the stallion, both sharing a light-hearted laugh.

Marble followed behind silently, as the house came closer into view. She wasn't a big drinker at all, but tonight would have to change that. One little cup of Fire Coffee couldn't lead to much trouble.

Could it?

Comments ( 3 )

"The wide open spaces always called to me, they seem so alive. Plus I've heard they need teachers out there, I always wanted to share my thoughts and teach history." Marble sniffled with a warm smile, these open spaces around her lacking.

I did remember reading a comic that she wanted to go to college or something like that

Hey nice to see the story come back on so it looks like the pie sisters are still trying to give troubleshoes a good Hospitality especially limestone but it looks like marble wanting to go out and he wanted to walk with her and it was a pretty nice moment between them and she admitted that she wanted to do something more than just being a farmer because she's not cut out to be one don't worry I'm sure in the future she will but the moment was cut shorts because limestone still trying to get his attention with a cup of tea which marble did not like but apparently she's going to try it and something tells me this is going to be very crazy I guess we'll find out next time

Any chance for a new chapter?

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