• Published 16th Mar 2021
  • 3,324 Views, 20 Comments

Phoenix King Blaziken! - Uncle Iroh

After oversleeping in in College, I scramble to my feet only to be sent to Griffonstone as my favorite Pokemon. Which would be great, but if only they knew what I could say...

  • ...

I have several questions, and one needs an answer!

I lied there, dormant, asleep and welcoming the soft and warm embrace of the bed. I went to my side and groaned, the sunlight from my window waking me up. I went to my back and sat up straight, my long hair blocking my eyesight. I let out a deep yawn and got to the end of my bed. I walk forth and got picked out some clothes.

"This one says, square up bitch, this one says, I would love to meet you. Meh, I'll go for the I would love to meet you one." I grabbed the hanger that held up a black suit with a red bow tie, what can I say? I dress to impress. I place it down upon the bed and I go to my drawer. Searching for some genes but found some khaki's that matched the black suit in style and in color. I got some socks from the drawer, long socks in fact, yeah, I'm dangerous. After searching for my black boots, I placed the boots next to the bed. I walk into my bathroom to take a shower. A very, very, very hot shower. As I shed my pajamas before I turned up the heat.

"And there we go," I said as I stepped in, the tiny little water droplets hitting my brown skin. I let out a deep sigh, showers were always the best. After finishing the shower and cleaning myself, I dried myself off and got my clothes on. I go to the mirror and I blow-dried my hair, keeping it the silky and long hair that it was. I brush my teeth afterward and with a smile towards that mirror that damn near blinded me I go to the kitchen and prepared some plain coffee. Turning on the news as I waited for the coffee and toast that I put in the toaster. I watched it say something about people randomly disappearing. Weird huh? Anyways it went to weather and both the coffee and the toast were ready. Putting the plate of toast down to the table and a napkin under to coffee mug. I took a bite of the toast, I then slowly put the coffee mug close to my mouth and blew on it gently, cooling it down.

"Huh, I wonder what time it is? My roommate isn't here, and it is early in the morning. I turn on my phone and brought it close to my face. The time of the day was 2:55, that number caused me to spit out my coffee that I was in the process of drinking and onto the toast.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" I run to the door but walk back a few steps and grabbed the toast, let no toast be let to waste Gandhi once told me in my dreams. I walk towards the door, calmly, hopefully, the instructor won't chew me out this time. As I reached for the door and opened it, something hit me, literally.

I stood there, toast in hand in a forest. Dead leaves fell from the trees, and I looked around, taking a bite out of the toast.

"Where the hell am I? Am I back at Camp Warriors?" I ask myself, I went to a camp called Camp Warriors, it's not active anymore but the forest gives me memories. I take another bite of the toast and I look to my hand, except it wasn't a hand now but a claw. I stood there in silence and pure disbelief, I then reluctantly look that it after swallowing my fear, pause on that, I only saw red and yellow. I was tempted to drop the toast and run to a river but toast is nice, so I finished my toast and walked to a river via hearing the water. Camp does a lot to you, especially being in a one for six months. I stood there, looking at the water, I had no mouth but a beak, there was no sugarcoating it. I was a fucking Pokémon, and not just any Pokémon, Blaziken.

"Oh... I see, I'm a Blaziken now, that's nice." I said as I sat down next to the river, I know what you're saying, "Why isn't he freaking out?" A. Because I just woke up so I don't wanna scream, B. It would scare the animals away and potential prey. C. It would probably attract predators. I do not want to attract predators in a forest with animals that may or may not be bears, wolves, leopards, eagles, or even a lion, or any crap like that. I slumped down on a nearby stump, and tried to process what's happening.

"Okay, Food, Water, and Shelter are a priority, but first Water needs to be first on my list. Wait, Water is right here! Why am I so retarded?" I chuckle as I get up to look around for an animal or some of their tracks. "No luck huh? I should build a shelter so I at least have somewhere to stay in case it gets dark. Right now, I'm aiming for a tent, or a hut but I'll need wood." So I walked up to a tree. Stared at it, and kicked it, surprisingly the kick went through the tree like a hot knife going through butter. The tree fell down before me and I stared at the tree then looked at my legs.

"I HAVE THE POWER!!!!!" I roared, laughing happily, I then heard a howl in the near distance. "Why did I yell?" I ask myself before looking for somewhere to hide. I heard footsteps or pawsteps in this case but terminology aside I need an escape route and I need one fast. I look at the river and I realized this could be my only source to quench my thirst for miles and I decided... To defend this river.

"Alrighty then, this may not be the smartest idea to do but my idea nonetheless! I will defend this river!" I heard more footsteps- no, pawsteps coming closer and faster. I got in a fighting stance, and looked at the bush that was ruffling. "Come on! Come and get me!" I looked at the bush, my heart pounding with a mix between anticipation, fear, and regret. Something came out and screamed and jumped back, covering my face with my arms, expecting something to rip me apart but it never came. I very slowly, set my arms down and see a cute little bunny.

"Aw, come here you cute little bu-" The bunny was soon ripped apart by a wooden wolf, it's thorns for fangs drilling themselves deep into the bunny. Then shaking it like a chew toy and throwing it aside, I looked at the wooden wolf as five more followed after it, the wooden wolf that killed the bunny looked at me. Seemingly staring into my soul, blood dripped from it's fangs or thorns, whatever.

"Who goes into these woods?" The wooden wolf spoke, yet it's mouth did not move, I'm guessing telepathy.

"Uh... Jack, Jack the Blaziken." I say as I take a step back, they take a step forward, this made me feel very unsettled.

"...Jack the what?" The wooden wolf turned back to it's comrades who just shook their heads.

"Jack the Phoenix." I put it in simplest way I could possibly put it. "But uh... My parents had legs so I'm here I guess." I was scared out of my mind, they're fucking wooden wolves who could talk. Well, I'm a chicken that can talk so I shouldn't be as weirded out as I am.

"What kind of Phoenix has legs? In any case why are you here?" The wooden wolf inquired, "Oh, mind my manners my name is Autumn, but answer my question first before you engage in a series of questions." The wooden wolf I now knew as Autumn told me, I got out of my threatening stance and I looked down at them.

"To be honest I don't know even how I got here, or why for that matter all I know is I'm scared, lost, and I need help." I look at them, Autumn paused and looked between her comrades then back to me.

"Hm, I can see that you are... Confused with your surroundings. Come with us, you need to meet our Pack Leader, the Guardian of these woods. If you want to stay here that is, the nearest by town is a low of 53 miles away. And I highly doubt you could make it past the Manticores, Cragadiles, Giant Scorpians, Leopards, and Ursa Major's and the Ursa Minor's here and not to mention the..." She trailed off and I deflated with each mythical creature and real life creature she spoke.

"Okay, okay, okay! I get it, I'm going with you, damn..." I grumbled as I cross my arms, she turned around and went into the bush, others following her as well. I followed her, I looked back at the bunny before following her through the bush. As we walked I decided to stir up a conversation.

"Ahem," I began, "So what's this... Guardian of the Woods like?" I asked them, Autumn spoke up.

"Well, she's very stoic, brave, overprotective, and a complete and utter bitch." Autumn barked, my eyes widened.

"Don't talk about your mother like that, she's trying to protect you." One of her people who I'll call Dave because why not?

"From what?" Autumn turned to face Dave as she walked on.

"From yourself!" Dave said, I mentally groaned, this is like you being at your friends house and their mother scolds your friends and they have an argument. I looked at a wooden wolf next to me who I'll call Chad.

"So uh... Is it always like this?" I asked Chad, Chad looked at me.

"Does the sun rise every morning?" Chad asked me, I blinked at that.


"Then you got your answer." Chad said as he distanced himself from the argument, I follow him as well. This is gonna be a long trip ain't it?

We arrived at the zenith of our trip and arrived at an area of vines over a wall. I looked at it and I looked at Autumn.

"Is this where your house is at? Concealed?" I ask her, Autumn looked at me with a deadpan stare.

"Of course it is you dimwit! And this isn't our house, it's our base of operations." Autumn snapped, I put my hands up and took two steps back.

"Okay, okay, snappy much?" She glared at me one more time, "Alright, I'll shut up."

"Good choice." Autumn walked through the vines and the other wood dogs, I followed her inside and we arrived at a dense forest, with almost no sunlight coming to light our way but curiously there were some glowing mushrooms to light our way. We went on a trail that lead to a giant dragon skull, they went into the eye and I just stood there wide-eyed.

"You coming or are you just going to keep on standing there like an idiot?" I snapped back to reality, which seemed like it wasn't even reality anymore like a fantasy. I walked forward and climbed up the dragon's skull, I then went into the eye and saw a giant wolf, a giant wooden wolf to be precise, had to be fifteen feet tall. I look at it and I go to the exit immediately.

"Nope!" I shouted out, Autumn rolled her eyes and walked up to me, and bit my hand. I yelped and I turned to her, "The hell was that for?!"

"Listen, if you want to stay in these woods you have to make an agreement with the Guardian of it!" Autumn said in a loud whisper, yanking me closer to her.

"Fine, fine, fine! I'll try to, sheesh." I walk on over to the Alpha. And I bow to it, knowing it has high, very high authority over me. The Guardian looked down at me.

"Rise." The Guardian ordered, her very voice shook me to my core, I stood up and I looked her in the eyes. "Who are you?"

"My name is Jack ma'am. Jack the Phoenix."

Author's Note:

Eevee person guy notice me!