• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Thought Prism

Founder of Thought Prism Games. Check out my work at thoughtprismgames.com!


Even across eons and lightyears, love blooms. But everything beautiful withers away in time.

An entry to Scampy's SunFlower Shipping Contest, and winner of the Made Gay for Gadot Feel Extremely Gay Feelings Ribbon. She never said we couldn't submit crossovers, and I'm kinda obsessed with Lancer now, so here we are. No prior knowledge of Lancer is necessary to enjoy this story. Actually, you don't really need to know about EQG either.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

Oh my lord this was beautiful and painful and just absolutely amazing all the way through. I never knew I'd love a sci-fi take on these two so much!

I mean, with a campaign called "No Room for a Wallflower," this was inevitable. I half-seriously considered doing a Lancer crossover myself.

Some were using infoskin to alter their appearance, while others wore custom hardsuits or bore cybernetic enhancements.

Assuming Wallflower's still green in this setting, I can only imagine what the folks with infoskin are doing.

I love the subtle use of turnishes to improve the far-future feel. Because why wouldn't people develop a turnip-radish hybrid?

Sunset as an NHP. Fascinating, but I think I already see the problem on the horizon.

She began fidgeting with her scraggly brown hair, trying to hide herself from SUNSET's invisible gaze.

Aww, I liked the idea of chromelanin in a Lancer setting. Ah well.

"Anyhow, speaking of fitting you, Wallflower, for some reason, I feel like you'd look good in green," SUNSET said. "Not your clothes, mind, those are fine. I mean your actual skin and hair."

... Okay, between you, me, and SUNSET, someone is reading someone's mind here.

I met this one HORUS NHP once, couldn't stop shouting about 'castigating the enemies of the godhead'.

"Destroy the temple of the enemies of RA!"
"Okay, I need you to take it down about twelve notches."

The idea of SUNSET- and TWILIGHT-class NHPs amuses me to no end. PINKIE is clearly a Horus pattern group.

And there it is. Brilliant way to refer to the teenage army. SUNSET could've tried to help Wallflower make bonds with other humans... but I can certainly understand that teensy bit of selfishness on her part. Heartbreaking bit of romantic tragedy, and I mean that in the best way. And congrats on making a Lancer story compelling with precisely zero giant robots. Best of luck in the judging!

This was adorable and tragic and wonderfully unique. I love the spin you took here. Great work.

Glad everyone seems to like it!


To which charity would you like your donation to go?

Oh, right. Let's do the Transgender Law Center. With what's happening in Arkansas, I feel like they need it.

Good god why are all the stories from this competition so freaking good and sad at the same time?! I just want to read a sunflower love story not a beautifully crafted tragic yet fulfilling romance!!!

😳 I don't know what to tell you.

I'm going to be thinking about this for days how can you do this to me

*fidgets awkwardly* I just like it when people read my stuff. :twilightblush:

Author Interviewer

Wallflower nodded automatically, already fantasizing about what they might do. Maybe they'd even hold hands again. She swooned, almost faint.

Whoa, slow down there, Casanova. :V

Wow, that sure turned in a hurry. c.c;

I massively appreciate that this is actually a tragedy, not some mis-branded sadfic, and the very premise make it one: from the moment SUNSET first chooses to reach out to Wallflower, their future is doomed. Poor Wally, but at the same time she grew so much, and has the possibility of a waiting friend in the post-reset SUNSET—perhaps a healthier one in the long-term. Great job conveying the essence of the setting to those (me) with no prior knowledge of the Lancer universe.

Wow, thanks for the kind words! Glad you appreciate this.

Absolutely wonderful story. :applecry:

i love this but it hurts

That was what I was going for!

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