• Published 2nd Apr 2021
  • 8,097 Views, 51 Comments

Fractured Friendship - ScisetShimmerEvan

No one remembered Sunset as anything but as a bully—or so she thought. But someone did remember a hand given in friendship...will it be enough?

  • ...

Epilogue (Edited by 13 Shades of Sunset) (Updated 1/31/2023)

A few days have passed since the end of the Memory Stone crisis and everything had finally gone back to normal.

As for the Main seven, they decided to spend another Saturday down at the beach. But this time, with their new friend Wallflower Blush who would be joining them.

After they helped Wallflower showing her a better way than being alone and how good friendship is. It helped her a lot, especially with the change in her attitude she gave to people.

She started to get more attention from many students at CHS, managed to get some new members for her gardening club, and with her extra help, the yearbook was completed on time and was expected to be shipped to CHS in the coming days.

When Sunset arrived at the beach that morning sporting the same swimsuit she wore the previous weekend, she spotted her friends all enjoying themselves while applying sunscreen to not get sunburnt. The weather was gonna be in the mid-eighties and no one liked getting sunburnt. She felt a bit of anxiety crawl down her spine over what happened a week prior but reminded herself nothing bad was gonna happen this time around.

“They aren’t under a spell anymore Sunset, they remember you. You're gonna be alright.”

And the very first thing that Sunset was greeted with the moment she laid her towel down next to Twilight and Rarity was a hug out of nowhere from Pinkie Pie.

“Oh, I’m so happy you're here Sunny! This beach day wouldn’t be the bestest day ever without you!”

“Yeah, thanks Pinkie. Can you please let me go now, I can’t breathe!”

Pinkie Pie sometimes forgot how hard her hugs would be but let go of her friend who felt glad to see her on this beautiful day at the beach.

After applying some sunscreen and Twilight explaining to her some modifications she made to her drone Wallflower arrived.

“Uh, hey girls I’m here.”

“Wallflower, glad to see you here,” replied Sunset.

“Yeah, I am too.”

The girls soon realized that Wallflower didn’t seem very happy to be with them at the beach.

“Is there a problem darling?”

“Sorry, I’m not used to being out in public a lot. Especially on the beach. Plus, the only swimsuit I had was this one.”

Wallflower soon revealed the swimsuit she was wearing which was a simple gray and black one-piece that she didn’t seem to enjoy wearing. She began to feel embarrassed as she tried to hide under the big beach hat she was wearing.

“Nonsense darling. That looks gorgeous on you.”

“Thank you,” said Wallflower, who blushed at Rarity’s nice comment.

“Now then, why don’t we start our day of fun at the beach? And this time we have nothing to worry abo-”

“What’s she doing here!”

The moment Sunset heard it she thought Rainbow Dash was saying that to her until she turned to see Trixie Lulamoon dressed in her swimsuit right in front of them all.

“Um hello, is Trixie interrupting something?”

“The only thing you're interrupting is our fun beach day. We were about to have our new friend Wallflower Blush join us and make it up to Sunset for what we did to her last weekend during the memory crisis,” replied Applejack.

“And why are you even here in the first place!” Yelled Pinkie Pie.

“Listen, I know we all haven’t had the best moments in the past, but I came here to apologize. And for getting Fluttershy hurt.”

“This isn’t a trick isn’t it Trixie? And I’m not allowing you to get your page in the yearbook. It’s already completed and out for delivery,” said Rarity.

“No, I’m being completely honest. Trixie knows she sometimes isn’t the best at being nice, but after seeing what Sunset Shimmer did, I thought to myself, maybe I should be shown how good friendship is, like Wallflower over there.”

“You want to learn friendship?” Asked Twilight.

“Yes. Trixie doesn’t have many friends, and I was hoping we can be friends?”

The rest of them weren’t sure what to say to this but Sunset did.

“We’d be happy to show you, Trixie. And besides, we owe you a favor for getting us out of the computer lab. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have gotten my friend’s memories back.”

“And it seems like you care about Sunset,” replied Twilight.

“Thank you Twilight, so you mind if I join you all?”

“We’d be happy to. And I forgive you for what you did to me. I know I was fine after you threw Twilight’s drone at me. But if you ever do something like that to me again, YOU’LL REGRET EVERY MINUTE OF IT!” Replied an angry Fluttershy, which surprised everyone to see the shy girl act like this. But they knew that she was just showing them that she wasn’t always a shy girl and cared very much for her friends.

“Didn’t see that one coming,” replied Applejack.

“Come on girls, why don’t we all go for a swim? I hear the water is perfect today,” replied Rarity as she removed her blue sarong.

“Race ya there Applejack.”

“Oh, you're on Rainbow!”

As the two girls raced over to the water along with their friends, Trixie and Wallflower, Sunset watched feeling relieved that she was able to get them back. And she managed to finish the yearbook in time with their help and got two new friends in return.

“You ok Sunset?”

“Yeah, I’m fine Twilight. Why do you ask?”

“I’m just glad to see you’re happy.”

“Yeah, after spending three days trying to deal with this memory crisis, I’m glad to relax at the beach with the friends I care about. Even if I was once mean and alone.”

“It’s all in the past now Sunset. You're different now. You have people who care for you to help you when needed. Don’t you ever forget that? And please, don’t let your demons win against you. We’ve already beaten ours once, we can do it again. I’ll always be here for you when you need me, Sunset. It’s one of many reasons I love you very much.”

This made Sunset make the biggest smile she made all morning.

“Thanks, Twilight. Thank you for everything, and this relationship too. I hope we’ll get to know more about each other with time.”

“It was nothing Sunset. And I’m excited to see where this relationship of ours will go.”

“Do you wonder by any chance how your family is gonna react once they learn that we’re dating? Or the fact I’m not from this world?”

“We’ll worry about it another time, for now, let’s go and join our friends.”

Sunset and Twilight soon blushed at each other before Spike called out to them.

“Come on let’s go, the others are waiting for us!”

Before the two knew it they were holding their hands together as they ran off to the water to enjoy their fun beach day with their friends knowing that whatever their future had in store for them, they’d be solving it together!

The following Monday, the new yearbooks arrived at CHS and many students were very excited about it.

Sunset was very proud of her work as the yearbook president. She was able to get it done with the help of her friends and the other members of the yearbook committee.

As Sunset reentered CHS to head off to Wallflower’s garden to deliver a yearbook she ran into Trixie.

“I demand to speak to the yearbook president! How did this get in here?”

Trixie then shows Sunset a page in the yearbook that had her on it, saying 'The Most Greatest and Powerfulest, Trixie Lunamoon.'

“As a thank you.”

“For the help, I gave you and your friends?”

“Yep. I know I said I didn’t want to, but after seeing what you did to help me and my friends, and your new friend I thought you deserved it. A reward for showing us that you always don’t like showing yourself off and saying you’re the best.”

“Thank you Sunset. I don’t know how I can repay you for this.”

“As long as you try not to use smoke bombs near us or say how great you are a lot, then I think we’re even.”

“Trixie will do her best.”

After the two of them said their goodbyes Sunset arrived at Wallflower’s garden to deliver her yearbook to her.

Since the rock formation was found in Wallflower’s garden where she found the Memory Stone, Wallflower ended up not destroying it and ended up letting it stay there as it was in the school's garden. She did want to destroy it at first knowing that it still might be a problem. But after thinking about it she knew that without the Memory Stone, the rock formation was simply just a harmless piece of stone that only served as a regular rock formation now. Plus, she thought it was a nice touch to the garden.

When Sunset arrived she spotted Wallflower planting some plants with the help of the two newest members of her gardening club, Rose Heart and Derpy Hooves.

“I got a yearbook delivery for Best Gardner!” Sunset called out, getting Wallflower’s attention.

Once Sunset handed Wallflower her yearbook she started looking through its pages at all the hard work they did. And when she saw her page for being voted for 'Best Gardner' Wallflower noticed it was signed by Sunset and the rest of her friends.
This made Wallflower very happy knowing that Sunset and her friends had fully forgiven her for what she did to them, showing how important friendship can be.

After another long day at CHS, all the girls had left for the day except for Sunset and Twilight. They were still at CHS at the statue aka portal to Equestria talking about some plans for their first date.

As they were getting ready to go home they noticed that the portal was activating, and out came Princess Twilight!

“Ah my head, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.”

“Princess Twilight? What are you doing here?”

“Hello, Sunset. I’m sorry I didn’t message you I was coming, but I had something very important I wanted to tell you. I managed to find out the reason why my counterpart and Spike’s counterpart weren’t affected by the Memory Stone.”

“Really, how?” Sci Twi asked.

“After Sunset sent me that message the stone was destroyed I did a bit of searching in the secret section of the Canterlot library. I found something that might answer why the other me and Spike weren’t affected by the stone. I’m glad Clover the Clever made sure to mention it in one of his scrolls.”

“And that is?” Asked Sunset.

“This might shock you both but, the main reason why she wasn’t affected was the strong bond you two share.”

“What do you mean?” Wondered Sunset.

“According to what the scroll said if the stone is used on someone who has a strong bond with a friend or someone they care for deeply, erasing a memory from them won’t work at all. They won’t be affected or even be able to take a memory from them. Ever since you two became close friends I’ve noticed a bond was developing between you girls. And when you told me that you started developing feelings for her Sunset, I managed to figure out that it was her love that made my counterpart not forget you when the Memory Stone was used on your friends.”

“Now that you mention it, that’s also what I came up with. Sunset has become a big part of my life since she showed me a better life than being alone all the time with how important friendship is. I’ve felt like a completely different person because of Sunset and that’s how I started to develop these feelings for her,” replied Sci Twi as she blushed happily away.

“Yep. That’s what I was able to figure out thanks to Clover the Clever,” replied Princess Twilight.

“But what about Spike, why wasn’t he affected?” Asked Sunset.

“I wasn’t able to find a logical reason why he wasn’t affected, but my guess is probably since equestrian magic made him talk and that Wallflower only used the stone on Sunset’s friends and students that attend CHS,” Princess Twilight answered.

“Well, it does make sense when you put it like that. I mean, I doubt Wallflower knew I had a dog until she spent the day with us at the beach this past Saturday,” Sci Twi mentioned.

“Yeah, but it’s all in the past now. It’s best to look forward to the future,” replied Princess Twilight.

“Yeah. I’m glad I was able to stop her and the stone is no more. And I have you, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and my Twilight to thank for the help. And Spike. I couldn’t have done it without you all helping me every step of the way.”

“It's my job as the Princess of Friendship. I know your relationship with my counterpart will get better and better as time goes on. I’m very proud of you for how much you’ve grown since the Fall Formal Sunset, and to call you my friend.”

Sunset was very amazed Princess Twilight was happy to see how much she had changed and knew there was more to come for her and their friends in the future.

“It was all thanks to you Twilight for giving me that second chance back at the Fall Formal. I appreciated it you gave me that. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. Thank you.”

The three girls came into a group hug and thanked Princess Twilight once again for her continuous help.

It was soon time for them all to go their separate ways as they said their goodbyes to Princess Twilight as she reentered the portal heading back to Equestria. While Sunset and Sci Twi left CHS, making their way home for the night, excited for summer vacation that was just days away.

It had now been two weeks since Sunset and her friends destroyed the Memory Stone and befriended Wallflower Blush and Trixie Lulamoon. It was Friday and Sunset was getting ready for a date she was having with Twilight. She was finishing up her makeup in her bathroom before looking back in the mirror at how she looked in the outfit she chose for her date.

She had changed her shirt and swapped her leather vest for her favorite jacket. Rarity gave it to her with her other favorite outfit and thought it would be nice to wear it for her first date with Twilight.

Sunset then headed over to her desk to put her shoes on and then pulled out her diary and a pen. She hadn’t written in her diary that often since coming to this world but since she had some time to spare before Twilight arrived she thought it would be a nice thing to do while waiting for her girlfriend to arrive.

Dear Diary,

It’s been a while since I’ve written something here, but I thought this would be nice to do this since it’s been quite a while since I’ve written in here.

Anyway, not too long ago, I experienced what I thought was a total nightmare where my friends had forgotten who I am. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash as well as many students at CHS had forgotten I had changed and thought I was still that bully who once ruled CHS.

Luckily Twilight, Spike, and Princess Twilight didn’t forget I had changed and I managed to figure out with their help that my memories of the good me were erased by an equestrian artifact called the Memory Stone that a girl named Wallflower Blush got her hands on.

After we stopped her and destroyed the stone we showed her what friendship is like and how important it can change your life. But now, two weeks later with the Memory Stone gone, I’m feeling relieved to know that it’s in the past now and everything is back to normal. I have my friends back thanks to the help from Princess Twilight and her counterpart.

Well, not everything is back to normal.

Other than Wallflower and Trixie are now good friends of mine I’m now dating Twilight’s human counterpart. I’m starting a new future together with her with this relationship of ours we’ve developed since meeting each other at the Friendship Games.

I’m not one hundred percent sure how well this relationship will go but like my dad once told me, 'never give up on what you care about in life.'

I don’t know what tomorrow holds, nor this coming summer or even my final semester at CHS this fall, all I know is that whatever Equestrian Magic or artifacts that have ended up here and someone stumbles upon one, my friends and I will stop them with the power of our friendship!

And that when Twilight’s family learns my secret they’ll still accept me dating Twilight and hopefully get married one day.

But for now, I have a date that I’m very happy about to see how it goes.

Sunset Shimmer.

After Sunset put her diary away she heard a knock at the front door. She went over and opened the door to see her girlfriend Twilight Sparkle. She looked beautiful in the dress she chose for their date as well as having her hair down instead of a ponytail or bun. Sunset thought she looked great despite not noticing her hair down. Just seeing Twilight here was all that mattered to her.

“Hey, Sunset. Ready for our date?”

“You bet I am Twilight.”

They decided to take Sunset’s car that night instead of her motorcycle. As much as Sunset loved it, she preferred her red Camaro over the motorcycle at times. And since Twilight didn’t enjoy riding behind it.

As the two of them got into the car Sunset finally noticed something about Twilight’s appearance that had caught her attention.

“I see your hair isn’t in a ponytail or a bun. This is not like what you normally do, Twilight. Did you not feel like it tonight?”

“Kinda. I’m thinking of doing it more often. You know, trying something new for a change?” Replied Twilight as she twirled a bit of her hair with her finger.

“I see.”

“As much as I prefer having my hair in a ponytail, I do like having it down more often. I just have it in a ponytail so no one gets me confused for my counterpart.”

“Sorry about that Twilight.”

“It’s no biggie Sunset. I’ve gotten used to it by now. But since she hardly comes here anymore I can at least style my hair the way I like it. Is that fine with you?” Twilight asked as she once more twirled a piece of her hair with her finger.

“As long as you're ok with it, that’s fine with me Twilight. And besides, it also makes you look even more beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Twilight replied as her cheeks blushed bright red before Sunset gave her a small kiss on her nose, getting a giggle out of Twilight in the process.

After they had fastened their seatbelts and the car came to life they made their way to where they were dining and then headed to the mall to see a movie afterward.

“Are you ready for our fun date tonight Twilight?”

“I’m ready for anything Sunset! As long as I have you by my side,” Twilight replied as she placed her hand on Sunset’s right leg.

Sunset was glad she was now in a relationship with Twilight and that the future she is going to with her was gonna be a fun adventure. They were both hyped about it and wondered what could come next after high school in the coming year. There was more to come for the two of them and their friends with college and a possible marriage as well. But that's a story for another time.

The End

Author's Note:


Wallflower swimsuit, art by Siansaar

Sunset's outfit, art made by Punzil504

Sci Twi's dress, art made by AryaTheEditor

And that wraps up my Alternate Forgotten Friendship Story "A Fractured Friendship." I'm glad to finally have it done and that my friend 13 Shades of Sunset was enough to edit the last 2 chapters for me which I appreciated. Despite I did enjoy working on this story, a part of myself didn't enjoy it but it's the effort put into it that counts and that I got it completed. I'd also like to give a shout-out to Fimfict users Pokeprof and Lonely Fanboy48 who made their versions that inspired me to write this story, and I highly recommend checking out them they made great stories. I'd also like to apologize for the wait since I needed to focus on completing the second half of my semester of college which is why I decided to put this on hiatus until recently when another friend of mine was happy enough to edit these last 2 chapters. But now that's done I'll be going on a bit of a hiatus for a bit since I'll be busy with my summer plans such as job searching, reuniting with family, planning my classes for my next semester of college as well as finishing my planning for a trip I'll be accompanying my uncle with him in August, I might try and squeeze in a few stories rewrites if I have the time but I'll see what happens since my summer is gonna be a bit busier than I thought. Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoyed this story very much, and make sure to comment down below on how much you enjoyed it. I hope to make another story similar to this in the future if I ever plan on it but for now, it's on hold. That's all for now and until next time, I'm SciSetShimmerEvan and I'll see you down the line, and I hope everyone has a good and safe summer!

Comments ( 13 )

now i want to see how Timber reacts to Sunset being all like "She's taken"


Yeah I really dislike her a lot, in fact what she did in forgotten friendship was very similar to what I saw happen in a transformers tv show, specially transformers rescue bots season 2 final which involved around memories being erased as well, but worst.

That's Was Very Awesone

enjoyed the whole story and in the end, it really did make sense. Great Work Evan

Thx my friend, it's something I'm glad worked out great in the end.

They lived happily ever after. I hope.

Thy do, I did plan on adding something extra to the ending but I ended up not doing it. I can explain the rest in a private message if you'd like.

I really like this great, wonderful story!^_^

Thx I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Idk either, that's just what she said in the special itself. :unsuresweetie:

Yep... :twilightoops:

Dun dun dun!!!

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