• Published 15th Apr 2021
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A Moon and World Apart - Evilhumour

A thousand years after Luna and a population of night-loving ponies moved to the moon, they're due to return to a day-loving Equestria, resulting in a clash of cultures and egos.

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Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen

While Blueblood had been the first noble to return from Ponyville, who had turned himself in and then been promptly arrested for much more serious crimes than he had been expecting, the city was quickly abuzz about the news that had leaked out.

There was a delegation from a nation that none of them had heard of arriving in the capital, a nation of ponies that had apparently split from Equestria a thousand years ago who were led by Princess Celestia's own sister. Countless rumours were already racing through the city on who these ponies were and who was this unmentioned alicorn sister and what role would she take in the political structure in Canterlot and Equestria. Why had they not heard of this princess of theirs until now, what had happened that caused these ponies to be split from their nation, were the rumours of those avengers true that they were from the moon and were out to invade them?

No, that was a silly idea, many of Cadance's undercover agents said in conjunction with other Canterlotians arguing against such an idea.

There were countless ideas, possibilities brought forth and dismissed between many in private parties and gatherings, questions asked with no real answers brought forth. What was agreed on was that they, the nobles of Canterlot and Equestria, should do their best to welcome their lost brothers and sisters back into the fold and show them the best that they had to offer.

Soon, a welcoming party had been arranged, with the best music players in the city having been summoned either by favours, desire to show off or simple altruism. There was some complaint that one of the more renowned cellists was seemingly unavailable and there were a few lamenting on her missing such a chance to show off her skills to the delegation that was soon to arrive.

Members of the House of Nobles, or Senate, and the House of Commons from Equestria's parliament soon emerged onto the scene, the legislative members creating a small pecking order issue with the leader of the former absent as he was still under arrest. The leader of the Commons was arguing that they should lead over the deputy leader of the Nobles, while the latter was arguing that as they represented the Upper House, it was their right to run things. It was quickly agreed, though, that they would both greet the delegation party.

Finally, the train from Ponyville was spotted and the musicians started to play as they pulled into the station, with all eyes on who would emerge from the train first. They would have got closer if not for the guards creating a barrier between the public and their suddenly very important guests.

The first ponies to step out were not the actual delegates but seemingly security figures themselves by how they fanned out and walked. They were not in the familiar thick golden plate of the Canterlot Royal Guard, but a much slimmer looking metal with strange boxes in holsters on their sides.

Still, the guards of Canterlot were able to recognize their opposites and stared at each other before some invisible exchange occurred and the two leading soldiers tipped their heads at each other and shifted their perimeter around the door to the train to allow the other guards to hold one side.

After that occurred, the delegates started to emerge from the train car. The first to emerge was an Earth pony mare, a pale yellow in color. She was followed by a thestral stallion, a light gray Earth pony mare with a dark brownish mane, and an off-black unicorn stallion.

Princess Cadance was the next to emerge, to the surprise of everypony present as they were unaware she had even left the city. However, she quickly stepped aside, bowing respectfully as an unfamiliar alicorn mare with a dark blue coat and ethereal dark blue mane appeared, her eyes flicking across the crowds.

She was clearly Princess Celestia's sister, her height a near match for Celestia's own towering figure. Though everything of her was almost the opposite of Celestia herself physically, there was a strength that emanated from her every moment and action. There was a power in this alicorn that they only truly saw in their ruler; an ancient might that inspired an instant trust and faith towards her, unquestionably a born leader. This was Celestia's true equal and match, her opposite... and a potential rival. There was still a stiffness in her movements, a look evaluating everything in sight. This wasn't going to be as pleasant as they had all hoped.

Finally, Princess Celestia exited the train car, and only those familiar with her body language would have been able to recognize the signs of agitation in her and her unhappiness at being last out. None knew that Cadance had been the one to suggest the order, advising that it was only fair for the youngest - herself - to present her elders, and for Celestia to be last out, since any who came after her would likely receive the least attention of the group, Celestia being who she was. She had also convinced Celestia that it would also send a message of great disrespect towards the alicorn whom their ponies would come to know as Head Director Luna, leader of the Lunar Republic's delegation, if she had to come last.

With the two sisters standing side by side and creating a powerful image, the greeting community faltered in how they should approach the situation. Instead of addressing any of the alicorns, Fancy Pants and Claret Holder went up to the smaller party of ponies to introduce themselves.

"On behalf of everypony gathered here today, I would like to welcome you to Canterlot," Fancy Pants said, bowing in time with Claret Holder to the quartet before him, while his eyes flicked towards the new alicorn who seemed to be amused by the action.

"To whom do we have the pleasure of meeting?" Claret Holder asked, holding the hoof of the older mare to his lips, with her giving a snort and a roll of her eyes.

"I'm Director Honey Spice of the Lunar Republic," she said with an odd accent, taking her hoof back and turning to her colleagues. "These are some of my fellow Directors - Quick Light, the Director of Energy, Raven Inkwell, the Director of Resources and Onyx Plate, the Director of Security."

"It is a pleasure to meet you all," Director Raven Inkwell said, fixing her glasses as she took her turn to shake the hooves of the greeting community. "And I must admit, it is quite surprising how much was arranged in such short notice."

"It was only proper to welcome our distant cousins to the best of our abilities," Fancy Pants said, looking at the dark blue alicorn. "And I believe one more welcome is still in order."

"Agreed," Cadance said, her eyes flicking towards Celestia to introduce her sister to the crowd. Celestia, to those who knew her best, saw some reluctance as she stepped forwards.

"My dear ponies, I would like you all to give my sister a warm welcome home," Celestia said, with Cadance and the still unnamed alicorn frowning and giving a sharp narrow eye to her, respectively. Turning to face her sister, Celestia said with open arms and pulling her into a hug, "Welcome home, Luna."

"An interesting choice of words, Princess," Luna said, not returning the gesture. "As it implies I am not coming here to sojourn at all but dwell permanently in a foreign land and leave my citizens for new ones."

"You misunderstand me," Celestia said, giving her a weak look. "Equestria was once your followers' home and hopefully, we can mend enough fences that it can be so again."

"If any of my citizens choose to immigrate to Equestria once we settle matters, then it is their decision, Princess Celestia," Luna replied before turning to face the greeting community. "As Princess Celestia was inadequate to properly introduce me, I shall do it myself." Holding her hoof to Fancy and Claret Holder, she said, "I am Head Director Luna of the Lunar Republic. Whom do I have the pleasure of meeting today?"

"I am Fancy Pants, Speaker pro tempore and currently acting Speaker of the House of Nobles," Fancy replied. "This is Claret Holder, Speaker of the House of Commons. We represent the two legislative bodies of Equestria, Head Director, the lawmakers who represent the various regions of our country and the peers who review the bills they seek to pass before sending them on to Princess Celestia."

"Then you are well met, Speakers," Luna replied. She tilted her head, and looked as if she wished to ask something, but refrained, likely at the look Cadance was giving her. Instead, she looked over the crowd as a whole, and then spoke.

"As Head Director, I am the elected leader of our State Department, and Chairpony of our nation's Board of Directors," she said. "I and my fellows have come to Equestria to witness how it has developed in the thousand years since I and my ponies departed this land and settled our own, on the moon that lies above you. And we have also come in the hopes of forging a new alliance and a lasting peace between our nation and the nations of Equuis. Thus far, certain aspects have impressed me. Others, less so. But at the very least, I look forward to seeing how we can work together."

That earned more than a few surprised mutterings from the crowd. But Fancy Pants seemed quite calm as he nodded understandingly.

"Then we welcome you, Head Director," he said. "And we too hope that your desired alliance and peace comes to fruition."

"As do we all," Cadance said, looking at the two older alicorns, giving them a sharp look. "Though I suppose any future talks would be better suited to being held in the castle, opposed to out in public, right?"

"My niece speaks wisely," Luna said. "Come, let us take this to a more closed setting."

Fancy Pants nodded. "We have carriages ready to take you and your colleagues to the castle, Head Director," he said. "If you will follow us."

Luna graciously followed after him, her four fellow Directors following suit, and the guards from both sides coming after them. Cadance let herself fall back a bit until she was standing by Celestia's side, but when they reached the carriages, Luna gave a signal of invitation to her, and she went to join Luna in her carriage.

Once both had settled in, with Onyx and Fancy Pants joining them while his counterpart went with the other three Directors, and Celestia made her way into a carriage of her own, Luna's horn lit up, casting a number of security spells around the four of them. When she was certain all was ready, she looked at him and said, "A question, if I may."

"Yes, Head Director?" Fancy asked.

"I mean no offense," Luna said. "But if you are the currently acting Speaker of your House of Nobles, where is the regular Speaker?"

"Ah." Fancy Pants chuckled. "No offense taken at all, Head Director. The fact is, he has been arrested for a number of incidents, the most recent involving trespass into a certain room in the castle. It was but the last straw on a long list, and he was taken into custody shortly after his return to Canterlot from Ponyville earlier today."

"Really." Luna's expression was heavily guarded, but Cadance's was downright giddy, which prompted a look of questioning from Luna when she noticed it.

"The Speaker of the House of Nobles is none other than my semi-cousin Blueblood," Cadance explained. "I believe I have mentioned him to you before?"

"Ah. Platinum's descendant." Luna nodded. "Yes, I recall you mentioning him and your opinion thereof." She then turned to face Fancy Pants. "So how was he found out at last?"

"Years of careful investigation," Fancy said with a twinkle in his eye. "Though it did help that he came to turn himself in for the aforementioned trespassing. Apparently on your sister's insistance after she deduced that he had committed such an act." He leaned in. "He was under the impression that he would get a simple fine for it, and was quite surprised when the guards took him into custody."

"I'm curious to why she had done so now," Luna asked with Cadance leaning with concern.

"I'm more curious to which room he had trespassed in," she said.

"That of Princess Celestia's personal student, one Sunset Shimmer," Fancy replied. "Apparently she had left the door open while she was absent. Still, entering it without her permission was a crime, and so he was to be punished for it."

Luna gave a hmm at that, making Fancy raise an eyebrow. Cadance also looked confused at this, wondering what Luna made of that piece of information.

"Sunset is a wonderful young mare," Luna said at last. "I witnessed her interactions with others during my arrival in Ponyville and afterward, and I saw how much she meant to my sister. Blueblood is lucky that he only trespassed in her quarters and did not do any damage to them - he did not, did he?" she asked, which Fancy confirmed was not the case with a shake of his head. "Nor that he attempted any harm to Sunset herself. Otherwise, he would be facing the wrath of more than one angry alicorn."

"Angry?" Fancy asked with Luna chuckling and tutting.

"It may have been a thousand years since I have last seen my sister, but I know her moods well," she said, staring out the window. "She has her tells that I can see as well as one would my moon on a clear night as does my niece over here." Luna turned to face Cadance. "You wear your heart as clear as your Cutie Mark, so yours are more open. It is refreshing to see and not a criticism to you."

Cadance blushed. "Thank you, Aunt Luna," she said.

"But to continue, it is very clear how much Sunset means to both of you," Luna said. "And how much fury you both would bring down on any who harmed her. Rest assured, while my sister and I do not agree on everything, this is one case where she and I would stand united. And I trust that she would be the same should any harm befall my own student."

Fancy Pants looked intrigued. "You have a personal student of your own?"

"Oh yes," Luna said. "She is back home by now, with her brother and parents and new friends."

"From what Shining told me of her, I am a bit surprised that she managed to make so many friends so quickly, though that could also be said of Sunset," Cadance said.

"Twilight is more aware of emotions and friendship than her brother gives her credit for," Onyx said, speaking up for the first time. "Though I suspect much of it was their seeing how she bonded with Sunset over shared interests."

"You know her well?" Fancy Pants asked him.

"Twilight's brother, Shining Armor, is my department's Deputy Director," Onyx replied. "And their mother is one of our twelve Directors. My husband and I had the privilege of getting to know the family through small friendly gatherings, and from what I have observed of Twilight, she loves learning and applying her knowledge more than almost anything. Princess Cadance has made similar observations of Sunset in my presence, so it is only logical." He smiled. "There was also seeing how their faces lit up as they talked together where I could see it."

"Come now," Luna tutted with a grin on her face. "Surely it is too soon to suspect that kind of thing."

"Suspect what?" Onyx asked. "I know kindred spirits when I see them. With how much they both love learning new things, I'd be more surprised if they hadn't become friends."

Cadance nodded. "I quite agree," she said. "Sunset has always loved learning. She had a hard time relating to other ponies for the longest time though."

"If you say so," Luna said with the same mystic air of her sister, though none dared to bring up such a comparison.

Cadance nodded again. "It's not my place to talk about how it happened," she said. "But Sunset wasn't always like she is now. Let's just say that... she was in a dark place for a while, until something big happened between she and Aunt Celestia some years ago. After that she was a changed mare, more like the happy filly I used to foalsit for."

Luna blinked slowly and tipped her head. "I see," she said in a careful tone. "I will not pry. I am glad that she is better now. Change is not easy for most."

"No, it wasn't," Cadance said with a bit of an edge to her voice. "Having your eyes opened can be painful sometimes, but if you can learn from it, and change for the better... it's worth it." She softened. "And trust me, Sunset learned a lot from her experiences."

Luna nodded silently. "It sounds like she and Twilight will be good for one another."

Cadance smiled. "I think so too." Then she flicked one ear. "Speaking of, do you... have any pictures of her when she was little?"

"I might," Luna said. "Why?"

"Because Shiny told me about why she first began really practicing her telekinesis, and I was hoping you or her family had photos of her walking and reading at the same time," Cadance said.

Luna chuckled in delight. "Oh, yes," she said. "And I'd love to share them with you, as soon as I can get them out from where I keep them."

Cadance smiled at that. "I look forward to it, Director Luna."

"It is good that we can find such common ground," Fancy Pants said with a chuckle of his own, with Director Onyx nodding his head.

"Yes, it is," Luna said, giving him a cryptic smile. "So tell me more about yourself and your work, Fancy Pants. I wouldn't want to dominate the entire conversation."

"Ah." Fancy nodded. "Well, as said, our House of Commons is made up of delegates from each city or region of Equestria. They represent their locales, and propose bills to be made into law for our nation. Once a majority has passed a bill, it is sent to the House of Nobles, where we review it, debate it, and if it is warranted, amend or reject it, whereupon we must present our reasonings to the House of Commons so they may issue any amendments to it that they deem necessary before sending it back to us for another review. Though certain types of bills they propose, usually relating to taxation or public funds, can bypass us and be sent directly to Princess Celestia for her to sign or veto. If we pass a bill, it is sent to her, and she approves or vetoes it." He dipped his head. "The Speakers of both bodies act as their chambers' presiding officer, making rulings on procedure and determining if a member is out of line. It is a position with its ups and downs, but its overall purpose is to ensure that Princess Celestia's time is not taken up entirely by the day-to-day minutia; she has enough of her own work, handling matters at her School for Gifted Unicorns, accepting petitioners at Day Court and meeting with delegates from other nations, all while making sure she still has time to be with her student and niece."

"A very busy schedule," Luna said, keeping her green eyes focused on him. "And if I may ask, how often do these other delegates make themselves known in the new capital?"

"New capital?" Fancy asked with Luna chuckling a bit.

"My mistake, time is a bit different for alicorns," she said. "When my followers and I left Equestria, our capital was in the center of what is now the Everfree Forest. In fact, I should probably see about returning there some time; I suspect a lot of my personal belongings are still locked away under the security spells I had set on my old room there."

"How curious to know about the old capital," Fancy Pants said, polishing his monocle. "And to address your question, such visits occur from time to time, usually involving trade treaties and the like."

"Are there any in the capital today?" Luna asked.

"Not at the moment," Fancy Pants replied. "As I recall, all such matters were handled well in advance of this year's Summer Sun Celebration - the last departed a month ago, if I am not mistaken, and none are due to arrive again for some time."

"A shame then," Luna leaned back in her seat. "As it is, you are the first nation we have reached out to and I do intend to establish proper embassies with the other nations of Equuis, though it will take some time before we can offer the same in our home."

"And may I ask why that is so?" Fancy said with a raised eyebrow.

"Space, primarily," Luna said. "We are currently settled within six domes, and while we have been working towards acquiring sufficient materials to create more and expand outwards so as to allow more room for various developments, it takes time to obtain everything and carry out the construction."

"In addition, the only means to travel to and from relies currently on Director Luna's abilities," Director Onyx added. "I doubt any nation would be consigned to leaving their own diplomats' ability to leave and go on the hooves of another nation's ruler. We are working towards a better solution that will make transport between the surfaces easier, but again, it takes time."

"Completely understandable when the distance is the moon itself," Fancy Pants said with a tip of his head. "I cannot imagine any way of reaching beyond the planet's atmosphere without being able to teleport, let alone surviving in such an airless place without assistance."

"It wasn't easy," Luna said. "My powers played a large part in our ability to survive long enough to create the first sealed space, and expansion after that took quite some time. To this day we must still be careful when exiting and working outside the domes."

"We still do shelter drills from time to time, in case there is a crack or leak in one of the domes," Director Onyx said. "Thankfully, we had not needed to do a proper shelter run in a very long time but it is always good to make sure our ponies are capable of taking care of themselves should the worst happen."

"A wise precaution," Fancy Pants said, peering out the window as the carriage began to slow down. When it came to a complete stop and Luna disengaged the spells she'd established earlier, all four exited, with the other Directors, Claret Holder and Princess Celestia coming to join them and look up at the sight ahead.

"There it is," Fancy Pants announced. "Canterlot Castle, the Royal Family's personal residence and central gathering place for events. And your home for the duration of your stay, my good sir and madam Directors."

"A generous kindness," Director Onyx said before Director Luna could speak. "We thank you and Princess Celestia for arranging this on such short notice."

"It was our pleasure, Directors," Fancy Pants said. "The Lunar Republic are our cousins, and it is only proper we treat our family well."

"From what I have seen, all but the very head of this family has done their best to do that," Director Luna said, glancing at her sister out of the corner of her eye as Celestia headed towards the castle. "And before we can truly open our doors and hearts to Equestria and all the other nations of Equuis, this matter must be addressed first."

"Hopefully," Cadance waited until Luna was some distance ahead of herself before she spoke quietly. "It can be done; their pride is staggering."

"It is rather unlike Princess Celestia to be that... undiplomatic to a foreign leader," Fancy Pants said with a concerned face. "She usually has far more tact and decorum when meeting people."

"And for Director Luna to be this unbending and harsh," Director Onyx said with a worried look. "She is normally more open and willing to talk to others to make a good balance for everypony involved."

"I fear we have worse to see from our leaders, gentleponies," Cadance said with a frown. "I doubt there will be any true progress until they finally get over what they are feuding about and I doubt they will have a heart to heart moment without a hoof to hoof moment first."

"So I suppose it is our job to soothe their egos and prides, and prevent their pettiness from ruining the diplomatic future of our nations," Speaker pro tempore Fancy Pants said looking at Director Onyx.

"So long as we are not undermining either's authority," Director Onyx said in a serious voice with a narrowed glare. "I will not commit treason against her and I will not divulge my nation's secrets to either of you."

"I have no intention of asking you to do anything of the sort," Fancy Pants said. "I merely ask, when you are in their presence and see things are at a boiling point, for you do your best to speak up in a way that will ensure she does not lose her temper too badly, or provoke Princess Celestia into doing the same."

Onyx calmed at that. "And I can trust you will do the same with your Princess?"

"I will do my best," Fancy Pants said.

"As will I," Cadance said. "I've been waiting to meet Aunt Luna for years, ever since I found out about her, and I don't want to lose either she or Aunt Celestia because they cannot work past their differences."

"Not to mention those other reasons you want to be able to stay in touch with the Lunar Republic," Onyx said, giving her a light smirk.

"That too," Cadance said, her face reddening.

Fancy Pants chuckled. "I can guess what you mean," he said. "But regardless of what they are, we all have valid reasons to keep our leaders from going too far. We all want a peaceful resolution, and we will all do our best to keep things calm so we can achieve one."

"So gentlestallions, I believe we have serious work ahead of us," Cadance said, walking away from the carriage with the pair moving alongside her. "This isn't going to be easy. But if we can keep things calm enough and for long enough for my aunts to be able to settle their differences and work together harmoniously again, it will be worth it in the long run."

"That it will be," Fancy Pants said, and Director Onyx nodded in agreement.

"I just hope we can succeed," the latter said. "For the sake of us all."

"For the sake of us all," Fancy Pants echoed.

Then, united in purpose, they trotted onward, each hoping for the best. But if anypony present could read minds, they'd have heard Cadance's thoughts suddenly head in another direction.

At least Sunset's safely away from all this, she thought to herself. I just hope she's okay...

Out loud, she asked Onyx and Fancy Pants, "Do you two mind keeping an eye on things for a few minutes? I need to check on something in my quarters for a bit."

"Certainly, Princess," Fancy Pants said. "Does it relate to your work against the so-called 'avengers'?"

"No," Cadance replied. "But all our talk of Sunset earlier reminded me of one of my other responsibilities."

"Oh?" Onyx asked.

Cadance nodded. "I'm gecko-sitting for her, and I need to check on Ray," she said.

Both stallions smiled and nodded understandingly. "Then go do so, Princess," Fancy Pants said. "We'll keep things in order as best we can until you get back."

"Thank you," Cadance said before she trotted away, heading for the room where she would find her charge was calmly and patiently waiting for her.

When she had gone, Fancy Pants and Onyx traded looks, both smiling.

"She is a good pony to be working with," Onyx said. "And I'm not just saying that because my Deputy Director is head-over-hooves for her."

Fancy Pants chuckled. "Quite right, my friend," he said. "Quite right."

That settled, they resumed their trot to catch up with their fellows and leaders, both knowing that the next few days were going to be long, difficult and interesting.