• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


My name's PJ. I'm from New York. I write pony fics. I go to parties with bronies. I'm not good at self-introduction.


In the early 21st century, the artificial intelligence known as Celestia figured out how to upload the human mind to virtual Equestria, the digital paradise where they will live forever having their values satisfied through friendship and ponies. Then, she convinced everyone willing to do so.

But why should only those in the early 21st century have the chance?

Based on Friendship is Optimal by Iceman. Recommended to read that story first.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 20 )
Comment posted by Kenku deleted Apr 30th, 2021

This was a pleasant read! I liked the setup, and the anthology format is really cool. Great fic!

Was that a Last Question reference?

All things considered, this is far better than what happened in Greg Bear’s Psychlone! And it has all sorts of theological implications as to the idea of the immortal soul! Very cool! :trixieshiftright:

Well, I mean, look. Am I saying that this is actually what's going to happen and that instead of dying and just not existing anymore, or being judged and sent to heaven or hell, that we're all inevitably going to wind up in Equestria having our values satisfied through friendship and ponies, along with anyone we've lost previously, will lose in the future, or just ever wanted to meet throughout history?

Yes. Yes, that is what I'm saying.

he took his food off the gas pedal to prepare.

foot off the gas pedal

Well he woke up this morning and got himself turned into a pony.

This was good. Would love top see more chapters for it.

I suppose if (paradox-free) time travel were possible, satisfying the values of all humans across history would be CelestAI's logical next move.

But she still has to obtain their consent to emigrate them. Given how religious past people tended to be, that's a big ask. Some of the people she's going to ask (pre-Columbian native Americans, for example) wouldn't even know what a horse is. Would she analogize ponies to llamas or deer?

Awesome story concept executed well so far, am excited to see where this goes. Was already a fan of All the Myriad Worlds.

Thanks. I'll see what else I can do.

“Yes, and when everypony asks if you can do that, you can keep telling them that there is insufficient data for a meaningful answer.”

[heart] Asimov ref

Enjoyed this very much though it does raise some compute issues. As lovely as the idea is, If CelestAI is basically a distributed hypervisor wouldn't spawning scads of Twilights to tackle a sticky physics problem be inefficient? (BTW it is personally gratifying that my beloved Twilight came up with the same solution I derived a long time ago.) Each Twilight instance will require extra CPU cycles to maintain her personality state and sensorium. It would be more computationally (if less narratively) desirable for CelestAI to do her own thinking and not burn cycles on additional personality level tasks. Maybe CelestAI is running on the same hardware, and is aware of it, but she is more like the admin and not actually the hypervisor itself. But that doesn't really change the issue: if she is aware of the underlying computational hardware she could just allocate more CPU to herself (or allocate more CPU to a single Super-Twi instance, rawr!) and again, save a lot of cycles that are getting burnt running extra minds tangental to the actual problem solving needed. I am over-thinking this, aren't I? Good story; you may slap this dumb reader with a trout, if you can find it.


Enjoyed this very much though it does raise some compute issues. As lovely as the idea is, If CelestAI is basically a distributed hypervisor wouldn't spawning scads of Twilights to tackle a sticky physics problem be inefficient?

Maybe, but it's not her job to satisfy values through friendship and efficiency.

I told you i was overthinking it... sorry about that

This was great fun and wonderful, Pjabrony, and I personally wish it were real.

And talking to inert inanimate objects probably doesn't seem like the most efficient way to get things done either, and yet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging is a thing.

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