• Published 23rd May 2021
  • 6,997 Views, 538 Comments

To Walk The Sky and Catch The Moon - Celestial king turles

What if Vader didn’t die on the Death Star, but escaped with his son to a planet far far away.

  • ...

Chapter 11

The journey back to the Nubian was short and uneventful, yet it felt long and uncomfortable. When Anakin ran into the woods and battled those wooden creatures the temperature in his armor began to rise, then he felt the uncomfortable heat begin to build up until it was smoldering.

Usually, he would be used to the heat — it was nothing compared to Mustafar — but because he was not as connected to the dark side as he was in the past, it now felt like he was wearing an oven.

‘What was I thinking, not installing more cooling vents?!’

On the bright side, the new prosthetic limbs worked better than anticipated. Sure, they were still outdated to some standards, but with Obee’s help, the two of them were able to replace some stiff sections that hindered certain movements, replacing the uncomfortable sections by replacing it with a more flexible and lightweight material they were able to scrounge up. The results provided greater mobility in the joints, and the speed and swiftness of his limbs were vastly superior to the prosthetics he used before. Not only that, sensory systems were installed into the limbs that shot electric signals into the brain to simulate feeling, which meant the stimuli of touch had returned.

Although it was still partially muted, by the Force, he could feel again!

With enough time he knew he could improve this technology, and he felt excited at that prospect. After all, managed to build C3-PO with a box of scraps from Watto’s shop. Though…he did have to steal from others to get the right parts.

He hoped that Obee could uncover any data from the ship that could boost their chances of survival. Even though it was unlikely to find instructions to, for example, build a sentry droid. It still wouldn’t hurt to try. He still had plans to improve his armor and perhaps removed these accursed weights off his damn shoulders. It was just a growing project amongst others.

Once inside, Anakin seated himself in the living area. He felt like he'd been running a marathon for an entire day. Then again, he had been tinkering with Obee, working on a spare piece of armor, and working to repair what little of the ship he could for a good while — not that it would ever fly again.

A deep sigh escaped his respirator. He felt a dew of the force seep into his muscles to alleviate the soreness — particularly on his shoulder. Maybe he pulled a muscle or something.

Teefour, on his side, tended to the two new guests. The youngling Apple Bloom looked around in amazement despite the room's current condition of loose ceiling wires and partially uprooted cables. Her excitement grew once she realized that Kyuugee wasn’t the only astromech droid and that he could talk.

Even the yellow creature, Fluttershy, as she called herself, shared the same kind of awe once she stepped foot—hoof— onto the ship.

“Whoa,” Apple Bloom expressed with childlike wonder. “This is ma first-time bein’ on an alien ship!”

“Order: Hold still please.” Teefour reached down to grab her sprained hoof making the filly yelp, he then carefully wrapped it up with a cloth.

Anakin wondered why Teefour didn’t consider using a bacta patch. Then he realized that their biology could react differently and they could be allergic to it.

It was unfortunate, but common with unknown lifeforms. Until the medical droid could get a DNA sample — Which no doubt he would — it was best to stick with some wraps.

“Statement: There we are!” Teefour said. “Doctor’s orders: Now make sure you get proper rest and try not to add too much pressure alright?”

Apple Bloom nodded rapidly. Anakin could see how nervous she was around the droid, so he called out to it. “Teefour, you forgot to switch off your combat protocols.”

“Embarrassment: Ah! My mistake.” The droid straightened for a moment then returned to a sem-slouch. “Ha. There we go. Back to normal.”

The small filly snickered. It made Anakin smile a little. He noticed, however, that Fluttershy had her eyes on him specifically.

Through the Force, he could sense all the different emotions wafting off of her — the main ones being curiosity and fear.

The small piece of the dark side that was still latched onto him stirred with life. Its dark tendrils reached to her wanting to taste her fear, to sip it like the finest wine.

Anakin leashed its tendrils to keep its attempts at bay. It struggled against him, agitated from being denied a meal, but it ultimately relented. If it hadn't fed on the animal fear of those wolf creatures it would have been far more difficult keeping in check.

With that dealt with, Anakin turned to face the quivering Fluttershy.

“Is there an issue?” he asked. She flinched at his harsh voice, and he quietly swore to himself. Of all the changes planned, a change to the vocoder settings was near the top of the list. He wouldn't get any information from these creatures if a simple question was barked at them with the voice of a demon.

She flinched and blinked at the same time and her jaw quivered. “U-u-um…” Fluttershy stuttered out. “W-w-w-where a-are w-we?” She gulped. “A-a-a-and w-who are—“

“Anakin,” he interrupted, which made her squeak. “My name is Anakin Skywalker.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. She was about to speak until Apple Bloom appeared on his lap so fast Anakin swore she teleported.

“YOU’RE LUKE’S PAPA!” A small part of Anakin had admitted that the little pony had an impressive set of lungs on her. Another part was silently thanking Sidious — thanking! — for having sound dampeners installed in the suit. If his eardrums hadn't already melted that shriek would have burst them

Fluttershy, unfortunately, wasn't so lucky; she was rubbing her ears. “Apple Bloom, inside voice…”

“Oh.” The child giggled nervously while stroking the back of her head. “Sorry…”

Anakin tilted his head slightly. His shoulder and neck twinged slightly at the movement, but he ignored it. He would dip in some bacta after he got to the bottom of things.“You know my son?” he asked.

“Oh, yeah!” Apple Bloom bounced happily. “He landed in our backyard.” She sat down. “Well, crash landed.”

Anakin had wondered where that pod landed. All the transponder had reported was that it had landed in an open field. “I see. So, where is he?”

“And might I inquire about his health?” Teefour asked while wrapping a bandage around Fluttershy’s wing with delicate care.

“Oh. He’s doin' okay! He was helpin' back at the farm until…” Apple Bloom suddenly looked nervous and fell silent.

Fluttershy drew in on herself a bit; she looked apprehensive.

Was it because of earlier events?

Oh who was Anakin kidding, of course it was! Who wouldn’t be frightened after they witnessed him decapitating and crushing those wolfen creatures asunder? Not to mention the fact that he was over six feet tall, jet-black from head to toe, and had a kriffing skull for a mask. If they knew what he did before as Darth Vader, the color of their fur would no doubt be as pale as Ahsoka’s lightsabers.

In any case, Anakin wanted to know about his son — and why he wasn’t with them in the first place. “Is there a problem?” He asked, taking care to control his tone of voice as best he could. “If my son is doing fine, then why hasn’t he accompanied you here?”

It was odd that Luke was not present with them if he were indeed healthy and capable. Anakin could feel panic beginning to kick in; his heart seeming to flutter and jump at the thought of his son in peril; but he kept that emotion under control. He needed information rather than threaten lives. Luke wouldn't approve if he started threatening his new friends, and his son was more than capable of handling himself. He was fine — wherever he was. Anakin hung onto that thought like a lifeline.

The group remained in an almost complete silence broken by the electric hum of the ceiling light and the occasional whistle from Kyugee and Obee—who wheeled in earlier to see his twin— until Fluttershy began to speak.

“U-um M-Mr Skywalker—“

“Anakin,” he interrupted a bit harshly. Wincing, he struggled to make his tone more gentle. “Just Anakin.”

She nodded nervously. “A-Anakin…y-you see what happened…was…” She took a deep breath to calm her nerves and faced him. “Our uhhh… law enforcement had taken him away to a place called Canterlot. It’s—“

“Ohhh! Let me tell him!” Apple Bloom interrupted, she faced him and explained. “It’s a pretty big castle that hangs on the side of a mountain. Mah Granny Smith said it’s one of the oldest places in all of Equestria!”

“Really?” He asked. Even though he had just met this youngling, a fondness began to well in his chest, and he appreciated the information, and yet; there was that part of him that felt the prickles of agitation at the mention of his son being taken.

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom cleared her throat. “Umm, sorry, Fluttershy. Continue.” She rubbed her scalp with embarrassment.

“Thanks, Apple Bloom,” she said softly, clearing her throat. She continued. “As I said, they are taking him to Canterlot because…” She stopped for a moment to think. “I’m not quite sure but if I had to guess, it was due to recent events…”

“Recent events?” Teefour asked.

Anakin can tell that the other two droids present were just as interested as he was.

Fluttershy nodded. “I think they called it the Thunder Clap?” She rubbed her scalp. “But anyway, everypony in Equestria felt this shockwave, and at first I thought I was a little tired, but then when I talked with a friend of mine she said she had a splitting horn ache. Something happened in Canterlot that did something to the magic around there, or at least that's what the ponies in town were saying.” Fluttershy rubbed her shoulder. “And I think it also came here as well, I’m not sure.”

Anakin asked. “When did it happen?”

“Three days ago,” Fluttershy replied.

An itch crawled on Anakin’s shoulders, and he flexed his arm to soothe the deepening ache there. His chest felt tight as the implications sank in. The timing of this “Thunder Clap” was too much of a coincidence, and it made too much sense. The struggle with the Thing on the world’s moon had been titanic indeed; when the clash erupted massively, all that raw energy had to go somewhere. The Force connected all things after all, and if the shockwave was potent enough even the marginally sensitive would feel something. Even Force-blind individuals could be affected by a great enough disturbance.

“I see.” Anakin moved Apple Bloom off his lap with the Force; causing her to yelp in surprise.

“Then allow me to rectify this issue.”

Teefour turned to him. “And just what exactly do you intend to do?” the droid asked suspiciously.

“I will go, and I will speak to whoever I need to see my son released.”

“And if they won’t?” Obee’s tone was skeptical.

“Then…” Anakin gestured, and Windu’s lightsaber flew into his hand with a resounding smack. Both Apple Bloom and Fluttershy stared wide-eyed at the weapon, which remained unlit. “I would consider aggressive negotiations.”

Silence reigned in the room. Everyone just stared at Anakin like he had grown a second head. Anakin felt a little annoyed at this point. “Well?” he asked.

“Well, what?” That had been Obee.

“Aren’t you about to try and persuade me about how bad of an idea that is?”

‘Why would we?” Teefour interjected. “You do have a point; you are the only one aside from the young master who can explain the situation best. Going to this ‘Canterlot’ to support him is a logically sound option, and besides, seeing as they have already taken the young master into custody, that denotes some belligerence. We cannot expect them to see reason.”

“Yeah, he’s got a point!” Apple Bloom cut in. “Two of the guards were nice enough, but one o’ them was reeeeeaaaaaally nasty! He even accused Applejack an’ me of treason for helpin’ Luke!”

Anakin gaped at the group before him in disbelief. “You do realize what I’m suggesting, don’t you?” he exclaimed. “We’ll be running headlong into a likely fortified city, most likely on high alert, teeming with hordes of armed guards and Force knows what else! And it’s entirely possible we’ll have to fight them all to get my son out of there. Knowing that you’re all willing to come with me?”

The combat medic droid shrugged. “That was never in question for us,” he said, gesturing to himself and the astromechs. “Where you go, we go, and if it is to aid the young master, we’ll fight to the end.” There was an agreeing chirp from Kyugee, and Obee added his two credits.

“And besides, it’s, well, you. Someone has to watch your back.”

“Uhhh…I’m not sure about this…” Fluttershy shifted from hoof to hoof. “B-but if it’s to help Luke, I’ll do what I can. If it’s alright with you, I mean…”

Anakin didn’t know what to say about this. Usually, someone would say ‘Oh no you can’t do this because something, something, something’, but none of that happened, not even from the two natives on the ship which he isn’t sure if they were going to join. If Anakin honestly felt conflicted about whether or not he should go.

But whether he should or not, his son needed aid. In the face of that, his decision was already made.

With a nod, he spoke. “Then shall we pre—“

He was interrupted by the sound of tapping. The group was surprised by both Apple Bloom and Fluttershy jumping at the sound. Seconds later, Obee spoke up.

“Lord Anakin. Ships sensors have detected a lifeform outside. It is different from those wooden creatures.”

Anakin turned to the two ponies. “Friends of yours?”

“I’m…not sure,” Fluttershy admits. “When I was following Apple Bloom and Kyuuge I didn't see anypony behind me.”

Apple Bloom chirped up. “Maybe it’s ma Granny!” Then a look of horror dawned on her face like she had just seen a Rancor for the first time. “Oh Faust, maybe it’s ma Granny.”

Anakin can only raise a brow, whoever her Granny is must surely be a terrifying force to be reckoned with.

“Hmmm, tell me,” Obee said. “Does your Granny wear a cloak and hold a spear?”

Her fear was washed away with a look of confusion “Uhhh…no?” Apple Bloom looked at Obee curiously. “Wait, how can ya tell?”

Obee was quick to answer. “This vessel's cameras are still operating. I was able to connect to them and view those on the other side.”

Anakin doubted they understood the astromech's explanation, he could see it in their eyes. Yet they both nodded. Clearing his throat, he spoke. “In the meantime, I will investigate this newcomer, and assess if they are friend or foe.”

Clipping Windu's lightsaber to his belt, he made his way down the hall, stepping over the scuttling mouse droids that were clearing the litter. He extended his senses towards the door and felt no malice from the other side, only wariness and curiosity.

Something felt amiss, however. Was the hallway always this long? His suit felt tight on his chest, and the ache in his shoulder half spread down his back. It was feeling hotter too. Perhaps he should let some of the cool air in. His mask whirred with life as it began to open up in the front, a few small flaps on each side to vent heat.

He was thankful for the few modifications he managed to squeeze in. Between that and the neural sensor pads replacing the needles in his helmet, it was a tiny bit more comfortable. Maybe he should figure out a way to lighten the casing of his chest computer, or somehow distribute the load into a smaller accommodation. Had it always felt this heavy?

The former Sith felt the cool air on his pale skin. It was something he missed dearly and found himself taking a moment to enjoy before continuing on his way with the mask snapping back into place, locking together with an automatic click. Fresh air returned to his lungs as the respirator switched back on to continue supplying him oxygen.

With a press of a button, the door opened at a slow pace, revealing the being outside. As Obee had predicted, it was hidden by a leathery brown cloak, it was tattered from branches of bushes and other kinds of foliage.

All that was visible was the black muzzle and the striped hoof wrapped around an intricately carved spear. Anakin couldn’t tell if it was a male or female, or even if it was the same species as Fluttershy and Apple Bloom.

In the Force, Anakin could only sense wary curiosity. He looked down at the stranger, trying to see something of its face; then the hood moved slightly and he could briefly make out bright blue eyes. The stranger in turn kept the point of its spear leveled at his mask, ready to impale him at the slightest provocation.

He needed to end this standoff. “I have no intention to fight," he began. If the stranger was unnerved by his voice, it didn't show. He continued "However, it is unwise to point a weapon at me. You will find no resistance from me — but if you require answers, I'd rather not give them at spearpoint.” A small voice in his head noted that Obi-Wan would have been proud of that little bit of negotiation.

The stranger in front of him blinked in surprise and then narrowed their eyes. “I have traveled from forest to shore, but I have never seen your kind before…” Their voice, feminine and exotic, reminded Anakin of some races and the sisters of Dathomir.

At least one question was answered, now it was time for the other. “May I ask who you are?”

“Zecora is my name.” She replied simply. Keeping her eyes leveled on him. “What are you called beyond this forested plain?”

Anakin blinked, this Zecora spoke in rhymes. She reminded him of Yoda, only he spoke in reversed sentences. “I am Ana—kin?”

What just happened? One moment he was just talking to the newcomer, the next his back was on the floor facing up the sky. Everything felt off, what had ha—

“Lord Anakin!”

Teefour? Why was his voice so…distant, what was…what was going on…?

Only his rapidly beating heart filled his ears, it was fast, and rhythmic like it was being played by an expert drummer.

The force…the force felt strange, it felt warm.

Darkness began to encroach on his vision, he realized at that moment he would lose consciousness, but his thoughts were on his son. He needed to see him, he wanted to talk to him but that chance would never be given at this moment.

The last thing he saw before blacking out was the multitude of eyes and optics staring with shock.

The chariot moved swiftly, carrying its four passengers without effort. A gentle breeze washed over them, cooling them and bringing the fresh smell of late spring. The sky itself was clear, a few clouds scudding high above.

When the carriage took off from the ground Luke was a little apprehensive; this wasn’t like being on an X-wing at all. Hell, it wasn't even like the old Sky hopped he had back on Tatooine! There was no seat or strap to keep him secure and prevent anyone from falling off. There was no reinforced glass to protect him from foreign objects that would fly and smack him in the face. He was completely bare to the outside, in the clouds miles above the ground.

Yet, he was perhaps experiencing the greatest time of his life for he could not fend off the smile growing on his face. The excitement coursed through his body as he experienced this new sensation. These ponies continued to surprise him.

At first, he didn’t know how the pegasi would be able to lift such a large carriage with the extra weight on it, but, to his surprise, it lifted from the ground as if an anti-gravity field had been switched on, such a device did not exist in this world.

Luke first thought that perhaps it was lifted by the force itself until he felt the power being generated. It was different and hard to describe, it raised some questions about what it was exactly.

Fluttershy did mention that they used magic, but Luke had interpreted that as them using the Force, and it was just perceived as magic. Yet what he sensed from a while ago, and what he’s feeling from the carriage itself, made him question if this was indeed another source of power he did not know of.

But if that were the case, how did it explain the literal ocean of force energy that stretched across the planet? Simply put, these were just questions he didn’t have and he doubted his father knew either.

However, like every question, they can be answered at a later date. Right now Luke wanted to bask in wonder, as they flew over the vast land of trees with a flock of birds flying away and a great glistening lake that seemed to snake across the fields for miles.

“I have to say, this is my first time seeing more of Equestria. It’s beautiful,” he stated while smiling.

Rarity giggled. “Amazing isn’t it?” She said, Leaning her hooves on the edge to set her head. “Not even the greatest, well-cut, and polished diamond could compare to this.”

“Ya darn tootin’, it’s one heck of a view!” Applejack replied happily.

Times like these were something that Luke enjoyed a lot: when he wasn’t burdened by the galactic war. If he was honest this world was just perfect for retirement, not just for him but for his friends. The people he fought alongside with, even…his father.

But if war had taught him anything, it is that peace only lasts for so long. Obi-Wan’s warnings still rang in his mind, he never forgot about the creature on the moon, he knew that he needed to be prepared for the coming storm. Whenever that great typhoon came, however, was still the issue at hand.

Speaking of weather, he should acknowledge the streaking blue rainbow that was looping around the carriage. “Haha! See I told you guys I can handle this!”

“Rainbow, stop doin’ that!” Applejack shouted. “You're gonna make yourself sick!”

Rainbow laughed while still looping around the carriage. “I know, I’m sick as heck!”

“Not that kind of sick!” Applejack shouted.

Rarity groaned. “Uhhgeee.” Her face became a little green.

“Are you alright?” Luke asked. He knew what she was experiencing, but he felt that he should ask with some concern.

Rarity replied. “Oh I’m…” she gulped. “Fine darling, I-I just have the occasional air sickness. Ugh, the spiraling colors aren't making it better…”

Maple decided to speak, edging away from her. “If you’re gonna puke, please do it on the other side.”

Rarity groaned. “Oh please… you might be a ruffian but I’m not that cruel…” Applejack rubbed her hoof on Rarity’s back.

Luke chuckled as he watched Rainbow Dash having fun.

He wondered how long it would be until they were at the location, he also wondered how long Rainbow Dash would continue her flight considering the two pegasus pulling the carriage did mention that the journey would be a long one.

Four minutes had passed, and Luke used that time to observe the landscape thoroughly. Once again he appreciated the beauty this world had to offer. From a distance, he spotted a flock of birds flying out from the tops of trees, in a dozen droves. He speculated that they were spooked by the large shadow cast from the carriage itself. That, or it was because of Rainbow Dash still cackling in the air.

He could hear Rarity mumble with some annoyance at Rainbow Dash’s antics. It made the young Skywalker chuckle at the antics as it reminded him of the old times he had with the others.

A tap on Luke's shoulder pulled him out of his mind as Applejack spoke. “Luke,” she said, a smile slowly rising as she pointed forward. “Look.”

Luke turned, and when his eyes fell on what Applejack was pointing at, he could only stare in awe.

It was monumental, it sprouted from the side of a large mountain like the branches of a tree. It wasn’t just a royal palace in the middle of a dingy town like he had seen so often, accentuating the difference in status and wealth. This place was so enormous that Lukei felt like it would take him hours to go from one end of the white land to the palace and back. Waterfalls rushed out from the unseeable peak of the mountain itself and crashed down into lakes that had been carved in the stone, directed through canals.

The water ran through the infrastructure like veins in a body, feeding the greenery around it and pooling every which way these creatures had directed it. He could see small lakes born from this craftsmanship around which colorful buildings grew. One such lake dangled on an artificial platform someway beneath the main body of the city and let out its contents through two openings into the valley far, far below. It was then that Luke realized that most of the city wasn’t built on nor into the mountain.

It was dangling from the side of it.

Rings around the base of the palace seemingly clung to nothing but remained steady and stable in the air. A very large circular platform from which extruded several more of smaller stature floated silently as large dirigibles docked at their sides. Luke could only see so far, so he couldn’t tell what they were disembarking, but he could still feel the lives through the force. He could sense the concentration of ponies here as well as other creatures traveling through the confines of the streets.

Focusing more on the finer details, Luke noted that most roofs were purple or golden while the vast majority of buildings were primarily white. On occasion, he could spot an open bit of street on which a sun, a crescent moon—or sometimes both—were present. He thought that they had to be pretty immense to be able to be spotted so clearly from the sky, but he wasn’t exactly sure what they meant. Did the ponies worship the sun and moon in some way? Was it royal symbolism? It was never mentioned before.

While Luke was no historian he still had interests in alien culture, and his mind began to fill with questions he would ask in the future.

Seeing his amazement. Applejack chuckled. “Heh, yeah, Ah had that same look when Ah first came here.”

If only his friends could see this! He wondered what their reactions would be. Would they be amazed like he is? Would his father be amazed?

Where was his father anyway?


Luke was taken out of his thoughts once he heard a whisper, and turned towards the source. Maple was smiling at him, and he was showing signs of relaxation. It seemed the hostility he had earlier was washed away seeing the kingdom they were about to land in like a soldier returning home after a long and arduous campaign.

Perhaps there was more to Maple than met the eye, Luke thought.

“Oh my.” Rarity spoke with her head over the edge. “Canterlot is more lively than usual.”

“I wonder why…” Maple under his breath. Luke heard it but chose not to acknowledge it or the venomous glare that he could feel on the back of his head.

From in front of the carriage, Spearhead shouted. “We’ll be making a descent soon. Please keep close and don’t wander off!” That last sentence, specifically thrown to Rainbow Dash.

Speaking of the Rainbow manned pegasus she was beginning to look tired after flying for so long. She huffed a lot, her wings trembled with the strain used to keep her aloft, but Luke could tell she still had the drive to stay afloat.

In a bid to boost her morale, he called out to her. “You got this Rainbow! We are almost there!”

Applejack chuckled next to him. “Come on Rainbow, yer more stubborn than a mule, I know you can do it!”

“I-I know I can!” she shouted back. “I-I’m just enjoying the view from up here!”

A humored snort was heard coming from Rarity, her air sickness from earlier seemed to lesson on her.

The chariot slowly began its slow descent with the winds beginning to pick up, the chariot even began to creak slightly from the sudden turn. Luke guessed that their destination was the palace.

The closer they got, the more varied and detailed the immensity of the palace grounds became. It almost looked like it was the size of a small village from where Luke sat. There were cobblestone pathways with large trees and bushes on the side trimmed in various shapes, many of which he did not recognize and could only conjecture about.

There were large groups of around ten armored ponies patrolling the grounds, their golden armors gleamed from sunlight in a show of brilliance. Some of them had extra padded armor covering their legs, and even though he couldn’t see it from the distance he was, he could see a…symbol on their chest. A crest, but he couldn’t tell what it was.

They often stopped to check with groundskeepers and other employees about their identity. Several large buildings were built into the inner side of the walls, which were reinforced with thick white beams crisscrossing their front. The buildings looked like they were squishing themselves against the wall as they gradually flattened and climbed higher.

Dotting the landscape were smaller buildings, seemingly homes, with immense mansions that made the houses seem smaller than they should be. The multitude of things the Jedi could sense here was overwhelming. Of course, the lives, but the Force felt… strange. He could feel its regular motions flowing across him like a cool breeze on a lukewarm day, but there were other things. Things piercing through that veil, trying to overpower it, or somehow circumventing it entirely. It was only their proximity to the Force that alerted Luke to their existence. It was disconcerting for him. Were they different aspects evading his limited knowledge or something else entirely?

But most of all, Luke felt pain. Here, more than anywhere else, the Force felt bruised. It was strained and overstretched as if a great shock had run through it. He could feel it in the ground beneath his feet, and smell it in the air. He could see it flash across the faces of ponies passing by for a split second; a momentary gap of naked grief in the glamor of cheer; before the mask reasserted itself, and they continued on their way as if nothing had happened.

Canterlot, for all its pristine beauty and stiff resolve, was shrouded in pain and melancholy. And he, Luke, had been instrumental in causing this pain.

Luke was then immediately assailed by the sweet fragrance of perfume. In any regular scenario, this might have been a pleasant moment, but the sheer intensity made him reflexively cover his nose. Did these creatures just enjoy such an overpowering stench, or did they have diminished olfactory capabilities and this was the only way for them to notice odors?

With a shake of the carriage and slight forward momentum that was quickly stopped by the pulley ponies in front, Luke was finally within the castle’s grounds. The carriage landed in one of several large circles flattened and treated from the rest of the grounds. It took on a tannish color and crumbled underfoot, keeping it easy to spot even in the dark, although some shoots of grass were starting to pop up through the material.

All eyes were immediately on the newcomers, displaying various emotions. Some were surprised to see something like Luke, while others — he assumed they were the older and more experienced guards — were able to hide their emotions better.

Applejack and Rarity were the first that trotted out, Luke and Maple last. Then there was Rainbow Dash who landed down in a heap trying to catch her breath while wiping the sweat from her brow, snickers can be heard coming from Applejack and Spearhead. The latter spoke first. “I told you it would be long.” He said with humor.

Rainbow glared while pulling herself back up on her shaky legs, cursing under her breath. Then she looked around her and quickly stood tall, adopting the same swagger he had seen from the start, even though her wings and legs were visibly quivering. Luke had to suppress a laugh in order not to incur her rainbow fury; Han and her would definitely be best friends.

“I see you’ve all returned.” A voice called out, authoritative in tone. “With civilians and…who is that?” The voice came from a particularly large Unicorn, striding toward them from the nearest gate.

He was as tall as Big Mac with a build honed from militaristic training, Luke could tell pure muscle hid behind fur as white as Rarity’s. The horn on his head was twice as long as hers, ending with a pointed tip. Luke knew that horn was more than just for show, given the chance he’d rather not end up skewered by it.

Gleaming amethyst and gold armor covered the top of his form, the back being protected by a segmented plate, that moved unison to his stroll. At the center of the chest was a purple star, with its center being pink.

Was it a kind of rank? A family crest? Was he a captain perhaps? Luke wondered. His question was answered when Spearhead, Flash Sentry, and Maple lined up in front of him.

“Sir!” They greeted in unison, snapping off a picture-perfect salute as one.

He acknowledged them with a nod “I assumed things went well?” He asked.

Spearhead was about to speak until Mapel beat him to it. “Yes actually, more than that actually.” he turned to Luke and glared at the Jedi. “We just caught the one that started the Thunder Clap!”

The sounds of gasps and murmurs filled the air now, as all eyes were on Luke. He was still unbothered but the same could not be said about his three companions; their faces contorted with different stages of anger.

“Now hold on just one damn—!”

Applejack was about to unleash a tirade of curses, but Luke was quick enough to dispel that with precision.

“Stop,” he said calmly. “It’s okay.” Varied looks from them said otherwise. He knew they wanted to defend him, and he appreciated it but it was unneeded. He shot them a look that said, ‘Don’t worry, just let it play out’ Then he smiled at the three with such disarming charm it would make even old Ben proud. Thankfully they relented, with Rainbow huffing.

“Is that so?” The captain said. Hir brow raised with a questioning leer. “And your proof?”

Caught off guard by the question, Maple stiffened, and he began to splutter. “W-w-well I-I uhh—!”

Rainbow Dash snickered while she whispered to her friends. “Looks like he didn’t think it through.” Applejack snorted with humor while Rarity shook her head with amusement.

While Luke watched patiently as the scene played out, Maple pointed to him. “Well, look at him!” He shouted as if that was enough. “He even admitted it!”

“Spearhead, is that true?” The captain asked, focusing on him now.

The brown pegasus nodded. “Yes sir, but that’s not all.” Spearhead leaned into the captain’s ear and began to whisper, Luke couldn’t hear it but by the facial features of the captain and the flicks of his blue tail, it was clear that he was displeased.

“I see.” The captain gave a look at Mapel which lasted for a second, with said pony shrinking down a little. Before he turned to Luke, he strolled up to the man and said. “I’ll be honest, I’ve never seen anything like you before. Do you have a name?”

Luke nodded. “Yes, I am Luke Skywalker.” He introduced. “I do not know how many times you’ve heard this, but I mean you all no harm.”

“Yeah!” Applejack called out. “He’s done nothin’ wrong!”

“I agree. What are his crimes anyways?!” Rarity asked loudly.

The captain, unfazed by the mares, replied. “That is something I cannot say under jurisdiction.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Is this about the ‘Thunder Clap’ that everypony is talking about?”

“No comment.” Was the instant reply. Other guard ponies stepped closer just in case things got more heated.

The captain was silent for a moment, then he spoke. “My name is Captain Shining Armor. I command the Castle Guard here at Canterlot.” He gave Luke a level look. “ Mister Luke Skywalker, do you know why you are here?”

Luke nodded. “I do, and I know you are only doing your job.” He said.

“I see,” Shining replied. He turned to the two Pegasus guards that had brought them to the yard. “Spearhead, Flash, please take our new guest to a cell. One of the better ones in the guardhouse, we won’t be keeping him there long.” Then he turned to Maple and gave his subordinate a cold stare with an equally cold tone. “Maple, I expect you to be in my office later. Understood?”

Maple didn’t reply but Luke could feel the spike of anxiety and fear wafting off him, he only quietly said. “Yes sir…” then bowed his head to not incite Shining Armor’s wrath.

“Well.” Spearhead started, looking at Luke. “Follow us then.” Then lead the way with Flash Sentry in tow.

Luke did so with no complaint, only having a calm demeanor as he walked behind the two. His companions shouted to him.

“Don’t worry Luke, you’ll be out soon!” Applejack stated. “Yer gonna be okay!”

“Yeah, if not I’ll bust you out myself!” Rainbow Dash stated. Earning some looks from that.

Rarity was quick to correct that. “What she means is that we are here to support you no matter what, you won’t have to be afraid!”

That made the young Jedi knight laugh. There was no reason to fear if he was honest. He had faced down criminals, Stormtroopers, and two Sith Lords along with a menagerie of other dangers. Going to an Alien prison was no worse than a stroll over the Dune Sea, making the trench run on the Death Star, facing his father stars knew how many times, frequenting cantinas in Mos Eisley or even Nar Shaddaa, pranking Yoda, or stepping between Han and Leia in the middle of an argument. Those girls were so precious that it made his heart warm, even though they’d been friends for a few days they already treated Luke like they had known him for years. If he was honest he felt the same way.

“Rarity, I’m doing just fine, I appreciate it though!” Luke shouted back. He turned to Spearhead as Shining led the two away, with a visibly sulking Maple in tow. “They won’t be arrested, will they? For helping me?” Spearhead snorted.

“Absolutely not,” he spat. “Maple was way out of line threatening a civilian family with treason charges; much less one of the most influential families in Ponyville.” He caught Luke’s confused expression. “Their apple crop is one of the most well-known in Equestria,” he explained. “Ponyvill was practically founded because of their apples. More to the point, your posh friend was right; we don’t arrest ponies just for being good hosts to a stranger.”

Flash Sentry spoke up. “That said, those girls care for you quite a bit for a pair of ponies who had known you for just a few days.” He looked up at him with a slight scrutinizing gaze. “Are you mind controlling them?”

Now it was Luke’s turn to snort. “No, but I can see why you’d assume that.” He said with a smile. “It caught me by surprise too, how quick they were to befriend me.” Flash raised an eyebrow at that, but whatever was on his mind, he refused to voice it.

As he followed the two guards toward the guardhouse, a thought lingered in his mind. He could have sworn he sensed something through the force, like a tiny swell of power coming from the girls, Rainbow Dash more so…

He would mull on it later.

When Luke stepped inside. There was no shouting of profanities or the sounds of metal bars being smacked. It was just…silent. Only the clopping of hooves and boots against stone. It was a little strange but certainly not unwelcome.

The guardhouse was dimly lit, the only light coming from torches hanging from the walls. The ground was clean and pristine of any possible litter and the air was devoid of any strong, unpleasant stenches. The young Skywalker took in his surroundings as he moved forward: The walls themselves were covered in markings and scribbles he didn’t recognize. Though they did seem similar to the runes on his cuffs, was this perhaps their written dialect or something else?

As he walked with Spearhead and Flash Sentry he took a look at the cells and noticed that they didn’t seem to have been used in a very long time. That said, they looked more comfortable than most detention cells or brigs he had seen. They looked more like cheap hotel rooms than housing for criminals; proper beds, some bookshelves, even the walls seemed to have been plastered and painted with a warm cream color, more comforting to the eye than the drab gray of bare stone.

Eventually, they came to a stop. Spearhead opened the cell allowing the young Skywalker to enter. Flash Sentry then removed the cuffs with a silver key, then the runes on the cuffs glowed and hummed. In an instant they snapped off and into Speahead’s hoves, returning to its previous form.

“There, now you don’t have to worry about those anymore.” Spearhead then slid the cell door closed and said. “You’ll stay here until Her Highness is ready to speak with you.” He then tapped the cell bar with his hoof. “These bars are covered in magic runes, so if you attempt to use magic you’ll be negated.”

“Interesting”; Luke thought even though he couldn’t see the runes. Were they perhaps so tiny the naked eye couldn’t see them?

Placing two fingers on the bar he sent a stream of Force energy into it and was met with a reaction. An orange-red glow appeared with the runes being shown. A sizzling similar to oil boiling on a hot pan was being produced from the metal yet no heat was being made. There certainly wasn’t pain of any kind. He felt the force being pushed back or…reflected, like trying to make two positive magnets meet. He poured a little bit more power then suddenly a sensation came across his body, a kind of pressure trying to contain the power back to his body.

This got a reaction out of the two guards. “What are you doing?” Flash Sentry asked, his wings tensed. Spearhead, however, was more relaxed but was ready to pounce at any moment.

Luke smiled calmly and replied. “I’m just testing the defense, I’m impressed.” Though Luke was honest with himself, if he was any lesser Force user than he was before he doubted he would get free, even now it would take a considerable amount of power to burst out from the cell. But he wouldn’t do that unless he wanted to compromise his peacekeeping mission.

Retracting his finger the runes slowly vanished and the sensation along with it. “Well, don’t mind me.” Luke sat down on the new one he’ll be sleeping on, it was comfortable, but not as comfortable as the mattress from Sweet Apple Acres, but it'll do.

Seeing as Luke settled in, Spearhead turned to Flash. “Alright, Flash, I want you to stay here and stand guard, I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?” The younger stallion asked.

Spearhead replied. “I’m going to get our equipment. We're going to stay here so I might as well bring snacks” He patted Flash’s shoulder. “I shouldn’t be long, okay?”

With that Spearhead trotted away, leaving Flash Sentry with the new inmate. The Stallion nervously looked at Luke, with the former waving at him. “Oh boy…” he muttered.

Luke understood the creature’s nervousness and apprehension. Most sentient species were usually afraid of something new; something they couldn’t understand and it was usually why some species were more hostile than others. It wasn’t because of ignorance, it was because of an evolutionary drive that had been engraved into the very bones of life that made them react the way they did. Of course, with the invention of hyperspace travel most beings were now less hostile and more trusting, but considering he was now on a planet that he never knew existed and doubted the rest of the galaxy even knew, and where the hyperspace technology didn’t exist, the behavior was warranted.

Seeing as Flash had decided to start his guard duty by facing away from Luke, the Jedi had decided to check on some of the books on the bookshelf in his cell. He telekinetically levitated one towards him, the book was red with its edges being black, and the cover of the book had… a strange creature on the front, with a squarish skull and two horns protruding from the back of its head. The title was on the bottom, but he couldn’t read it. Luke could only find amusement in that; these ponies spoke Galactic Basic well enough, but it seemed wherever they had gotten it from didn’t include Aurebesh.

Shame because it looks interesting. Maybe he could use the Force to translate the language. But then how would he do that?

‘If Ben or Yoda appear again I’ll ask if they know if such an ability exists.’

Well if there is nothing to do, then meditation will have to do. He shuffled himself onto the bed more with his boots removed, leaving him in black socks. He closed his eyes, placed his hands on his lap, and then started meditating.

Luke had to admit that even after three years of getting used to it, meditation wasn’t one of his favorite exercises; though he knew it to be necessary. it allowed both his body and mind to relax, to stem the tides of anxiety and fatigue to more manageable levels, and to remove the overbearingness. It also helped to control his emotions. On the day he crossed lightsabers with his father for the first time on Cymoon-1, he allowed those emotions to overtake him. He had been lucky to escape that with only his ego bruised. On Bespin, as a Jedi trained only enough to give him plenty of confidence, but not enough strength, he hadn’t been so fortunate. It had cost him his friend, his father’s lightsaber, and his hand. It took him a while, but under Yoda’s tutelage, Ben’s help, and his journey of self-discovery over the following year, he learned not to make the same mistake again. He finally gained wisdom. Then he faced his father once more with a calm mind and demeanor, even while under the gaze of the Emperor himself. It had lasted for a good while even as they dueled, but when his father mentioned corrupting his sister…he had snapped. All he saw was red and just wanted nothing but to end him right then and there. Thank the Force he didn’t- the power he felt when each strike was made was stronger. He felt mightier than a rancor; like he could take on an entire army of well-trained stormtroopers and come out unscathed. He felt the hot power coursing through his veins, and it was glorious.

And it scared him.

Being under that state wasn’t right, like he wasn’t himself. Yet Luke was not naive and attempted to deny what happened and blame it on the dark side. That was not how it worked. He learned that while that vast dark ocean of boiling stimuli enhanced his rage, that emotion came from him.

Perhaps he could ask his father. After all, the man himself was practically bathed in the Dark Side itself, and if anyone had any knowledge of it, it would be him.

‘Hmm… how is my father?’ he wondered.

A voice called out gaining his attention. “Can I ask you something?” Luke opened his eyes to see Flash sentry staring at him.

“Fire away, but is there an issue?” Luke asked.

Flash shook his head. “No no, it's just…” He paused himself, trying to get the right words out. “Are you uhh…uhh”

“An alien?” Luke supplied drily.

Flash nodded his head. “Yeah, yeah, are you an actual alien?” There was a child-like curiosity in the young stallion’s eyes. One that Luke decided to fulfill with an answer.

“Why yes, I am.” He smiled.

A look of awe grew on the young stallion's face, Luke could sense his growing excitement. “Wow really!” He stifled, then he shook his head rapidly to remove the smile. He cleared his throat “I mean uhh… interesting.”

Amused, Luke chuckled while Flash Sentry slowly became embarrassed. “I’m assuming you have more questions right?” he asked, Flash nodded rapidly. “Alright then; fire away.”

To say things were tense would be an understatement to Shining Armor. The atmosphere felt thicker than cold mud. The three mares following behind him sported a myriad of emotions about the eventual interrogation of Luke.

He turned to the others after opening the door to his office and slowly scanned them all.“Please step into my office and don’t touch anything.” The three nodded in agreement, but Rainbow still shot him a glare that he reciprocated with a stern gaze. He then turned to Carmine who had followed behind. “Maple, I want you to wait out here. We will be talking afterwards. Understood?”

The red stallion bowed his head down. “Yes, sir…” he said quietly.

With that done Shining shut the door and turned towards the mares. “Please sit,” he said as he made his way behind his desk.

His quarters were spacious and illuminated by the afternoon sun from a window on the right side of the room. On the walls hung paintings and pictures of previous captains who once led Shining’s regiment, although the further back they went, the more haggard the ponies became. A sign of the tumultuous past brought into the modern times… Directly behind the stallion’s desk was a hoof-crafted map of Canterlot, detailing as much as possible from the castle down to the finer details of ponies walking in the streets, even if they were a bit difficult to spot. Beneath that and to the sides were small shelves holding many books with gold-inlaid spines and the symbol of the guard printed at the base. Each was related to the military in some manner, from military tactics to handling supplies, and all looked quite worn to some extent.

Whether Shining was the one reading them that much or the wear had come from his predecessors was up to him to answer if so asked. Sitting on Shining’s desk was a plethora of neatly stacked documents he had sorted through earlier and needed to deliver quite soon, but the current situation warranted his focus more than some papers did.

“Now.” The stallion cleared his throat and then sat down, placing his hooves in front of him. “I want you three to explain in a calm, orderly fashion. Which means no shouting, no getting physical, and no interruptions. I am here to question and to listen,” he stated firmly yet calmly. Hopefully, he could get through it without issue. “Now, what are your names and what is your relationship with…Luke?” Honestly, he didn’t know what the heck Luke was other than by name. He would inquire into that later. “Starting…with you.” He pointed to the orange mare with the hat. “What is your name?”

Blinking, she sat up straight and then cleared her throat. “Right, Ma name is Applejack ‘n I am Luke’s friend,'' she stated firmly.

Her rainbow-maned friend let out a small scoff next to her. “I’m Rainbow Dash, and I’m also Luke’s friend,” she affirms. Judging from her tone it was obvious that she didn’t like what was happening with their mysterious visitor. Shining could tell that loyalty was in her heart as he could see it clearly in her eyes. He’d have to keep an eye on her so she wouldn't get in trouble.

He turned to the third mare of the group. She nervously rubbed her well-kept mane which glistened slightly in the light. Grunting, she eventually spoke in a regal and calm tone. “My name is Rarity, as for my relationship with Luke I would say… I'm more of an acquaintance. Like a very close acquaintance that's close to being considered a friend.”

“I see.” Shining nodded.” Now please explain to me about Luke. What is he and where did he come from? Also do tell me the truth because I will know if you are lying,” he said, his tone becoming a little stern.

Rainbow Dash let out a small scoff. “And why should we-” She didn’t get to say her piece once Applejack shoved a hoof in her mouth.

“I’ll explain because I know ma friend will get ahead of herself.” She turned to shoot a small glare at her. Rainbow Dash all but relented once Applejack removed her hoof and faced Shining. “Now for where he came from. It all started about…three days ago-”

Shining nodded as she began to recount days prior. His horn glowed as he pulled out a notepad and a feather, to which he dabbled into then started writing in information. He found it interesting. From what she said Luke came down from a giant sphere and crash-landed into their fields, and Luke wasn’t alone. The orange pony spoke about his companion named Kyugee. She described him as ‘A metal trash can with legs and squealed like her brother whenever it got scared’. An odd quote for sure, but Shining's heard weirder. From the way she described it, it almost reminded him of a-

“Wait wait wait wait wait!” he said rapidly while shaking his head from side to side, the action catching her off guard.”So what you're saying is that his companion was a robot?” She nodded.

Rainbow Dash spoke up. “Yeah I was just as surprised too,” she admitted. Rainbow raised an eyebrow in a confused manner. “What's with that look?”

If anypony were to describe Shining's face, it would be so blank that it might as well have been carved from granite. Despite looking calm, Shining was fuming within his mind because of all the things his subordinates didn’t think to bring was the Tartarus damned robot!

How could they have missed bringing such an asset to Canterlot?! That's the whole reason he sent them out there in the first place!

The captain of the royal guard took a deep breath to quell the bundle of nerves that made up his frustration. He was going to be speaking with Spearhead next after Carmine. The girls gave him a concerned look, though Rainbow Dash was more so confused.

“Umm…” Rarity started. “Are you okay?”

Dandy,” Shining replied calmly with a hint of steel in his tone. “Anyways, it isn't important.” He motioned her with his hoof. “Continue.”

Applejack blinked, a little confused by Shining’s change of tone, then simply shrugged and continued. “So anyway…”

She continued her story of how she and her family then took them both in and how quickly they warmed up to their new guest. She described Luke as a calm and collected individual, who didn’t seem to be the least bit bothered with them though it did seem he was confused at first.

Shining then questioned her if there was a reason why Luke crashed into Equestria in the first place, and, thankfully, she had the answer. While she admitted that he was vague, he explained that it was an accident. He and his father had been trapped in something called ‘Hyper Space’ —Thanks to Rainbow’s clarification— for days after escaping a war above another planet.

They managed to get out but in the process, the vessel was damaged. They saw their world and were making plans to land somewhere in an empty field, but complications arose when something attacked them and tried to pull them to the moon. Luckily they won the tug of war but at the cost of the ship being flown towards Equestria. His father had pushed him into the escape pod which explained how he ended up in the field.

His father was apparently in Everfree.

If the captain was honest, what he wrote down word for word sounded ridiculous. Though his mind was reluctant to admit it, the accounts seemed to match up. After all, the Thunder Clap was quickly followed by a massive ball of fire that streaked across the skies. He knew his eyes weren’t messing with him once they veered off in a different direction, away from the castle.

Still, there were now two pressing matters: One was the apparent war. Two: the being on the moon. Once he was done with the girls’s testimonies he was going straight to Celestia urgently.

After 20 minutes of getting each of their testimonies, he closed up the notepad before turning to them. “Thank you for your testimonies, you are free to leave.” He stated.

“Wait!” Rainbow said. “What about Luke!? What's going to happen to him?’

Rarity chimed in. “I have to agree, you heard our story so he isn’t a threat.”

“Yeah, so can’t ya just let 'em go?” Applejack asked.

Shining shook his head at them. “I’m sorry but that’s not how it works, I can’t just let him go, he is still unknown to Equestria. I need to at least know what his motives are.”

“But he hasn’t—!” Rainbow Dash was about to argue on the alien visitor's behalf.

Shining, however, interrupted her. “Look, I already listened to your stories, however, I cannot just disclose this with a simple flick of my horn.” The reaction he earned from the three ladies was varied, but it was clear that they were displeased. Rainbow Dash looked to start a fight, where it not for her friends next to each other.

Despite how they felt, he knew that they understood even if they didn’t like it.

As they left, Shining was left to his thoughts. Quietly contemplating everything that happened lately, with the Thunder clap and now the Alien within canterlot. He could almost feel an ache beginning to grow within his skull.

Either way, he already made his decision. ‘Faust…’ he groaned in his mind. ‘I need a break.’

Author's Note:

I deeply apologies for taking so long. Life has been taking us hard, I took it the most because my dog had unfortunately passed away, plus a menagerie of other problems me and the team have been facing.

Thankfully we managed through. So I thank you guys for your patients, I hope you all enjoy the chapter. Please tell me if there are any typos, I’m considering going through all of them the fix the irregularities I left behind.

Thank you.

May the force be with you all.

Comments ( 42 )

Yup, Maple's career isn't going anywhere fast after this.

Except maybe off a cliff...

Great chapter, Anakin obviously overstrained himself, our medical Droid has his work cut out for himself.

Guess he need a day or two more to recover, perhaps a investigation into the Forrest and a heavy duty chariot bring him for questioning?
The easiest was to jail break would be to let them bring Anakin to Luke.
If they have to break free at all.
I doubt Celestia would be unreasonable.

Correction send to Discord :twilightsmile:
But other than that, awesome and flawless chapter :ajsmug::rainbowdetermined2::raritywink:
Maple made serious accusations to not just a citizen and lower Nobel pony, but to a national hero.
Demotion is already guaranteed.
Attempting lethal force use against orders and insubordination. Maple will face brig time at the best of cases.
Shining Armor might actually have to punish unfortunately Spearhead for him not controlling his subordinate.

one can hope it dives right off the cliff.
Seriously. With how she behaved, she has no business being in the guards.

nice work look forward to the next chapter:twilightsmile:

sorry but they are not national heroes yet because if you remember Nightmare Moon is still trapped on the moon

O crap... than it is only citizen accused of being treasonous.

My bad, when one read literally thousands of stories one on occasion mixes things up.
Thanks for reminding me. :twilightsmile:👍


Sweet a new chapter is always a joy! Regarding how long it took to post this, your fine my good author I like to think all of us understand that life takes priority, take your time write great chapters and deal with life as you must.

Until the next one I eagerly wait, keep up the awesome work!

First things first. Excellent chapter as always.

Second we under stand irl takes priority. Besides I’d rather you guys take your time with this story. You can’t rush greatness.

Hell, it wasn't even like the old Sky hopped he had back on Tatooine!

"Skyhopper" is the term you're looking for.

This place was so enormous that Lukei felt like it would take him hours to go from one end of the white land to the palace and back.

This and others, but judging from the comments, I think someone else caught them already.

Nice chapter. I'm enjoying this, and I'm always happy to see it continue. >^_^<

Okay Shining what law has Luke violated to warrant imprisonment. I get detained for questioning but a cell isno longer warranted

well this is getting more interesting!!

loved this chapter!!

i wish you luck with irl stuff!!

May the Force be with you!!

Awesome chapter, I know how bad the pain is over loosing one's companion. My first dog died last year. Take your time and I hope for a bright future for you and your team

I look forward to the roasting that Maple is going to get next chapter... I can smell it already.

I'm happy to get to read more.

I came back I saw the comments. Thank you guys so much, I’ll do my best to fix these issues.
Nice profile dude, praise the sun.

Firstly so good to see a new chapter, I love this story as it is doing a wonderful job of blending the Starwars characters into the setting without causing of setting to overwhelm the other. Luke and Anakin are still themselves, they can do what they do, and their tech and all that works even if it beaten all to hell and they are reacting how one would think they would. Yet the MLP stuff is not being steam rolled or shoved down as weaker/lesser than the Starwars elements...that's a very tricky balance to find but you are killing it.

Also my condolences for your loss.

11816039 As for the imprisonment thing...ehhh I think it more a case of national security, and to fully understand what the hell happened with the accident he was involved in. They need to know these details to not only be prepared for whatever issue caused it, but also to have SOMETHING to give the public to calm them down and help them feel safe after the scare they were given. I'm sure Luke and Anakin will not suffer more than minor inconveniences for this at worse, which is honestly pretty good considering the amount of harm the accident they were in caused. Quite a few civis got their magical bell rung after all...that's generally frowned upon in most governments, the whole large swaths of innocent civilians getting harmed in some way.

but why a cell rahter then a guest room with armed guard

I will say, they will rebuild their tech. I’m gonna have fun with that lol.

Because they don’t know anything about chin, for all they know Luke could be dangerous so they rather be safe that sorry and place him in a cell reinforced with magic.

It's BAAAACK! Finally! :D

Sorry to hear about your dog and your other struggles. I have faith that you can make it through this though.

With that said, I enjoyed this chapter! I feel like it is also rather strange for Anakin to be unopposed in his plan to just waltz to the city to bust out Luke; I'd expect him or somebody there to know or somehow feel that Luke is in little danger and breaking him out would definitely make things worse. I have no issues with this chapter other than that.

Well it was more like no one even stopped him that made him conflicted.

Great chapter.

“Are you mind controlling them?”

Glad Flash Sentry is guarding against alien waifu-snatchers!

House arrest in the castle until further notice seem more logical to me, than a jail cell long term, unless they want to upgrade their dungeons into a miniscule cheap hotel room.

But these things happened in other Fimfiction stories I read over the years, hard to foresee the coming events.
For all we know we have one or two V.I.P. dungeon cells with furniture etc etc.

Wasn't there a anime that featured something like it?
I don't mean 'Hellsing' by the way.

I do so hope for all of equestrias sake that none of them will be to rough or rude towards Luke, Anakin might take it a bit peronal.

Maybe, but honestly I feel Anakin merely getting agitated instead of going ballistic in a roaring rampage upon hearing Luke was taken prisoner is a step forward. :P

And the fact Applebloom and Fluttershy don't object to him going, even with him gearing up for 'aggressive negotiation' on their Princess probably helps. Though ironically no one objecting at all to him going being the thing that unnerves him shows how low on options they all must be, hahah!!

Hopefully with Fluttershy and Applebloom meeting Zecora this early on can only do wonders for her prior to the Poison Joke episode; good ol' butterfly effects. :)

Twilight's probably gonna be more steamed than Shining about missing a chance to see a robot for herself. XD Luke and Twilight, that'll be something to see and I'm surprised no one's done it before. Ah well, we'll get it eventually, that's all that matters. :D

All in all, another solid chapter!

And idiot that I am, it took me this long to realize Spearhead is an actual character, not an OC. XD

I would've mentioned this sooner, but I imagine Anakin and Luna will have an interesting dynamic.

As a casual, movie/video games Star Wars fan, it's nice to see the little nuggets of lore from outside those mediums sprinkled into this fic. I'm learning and enjoying the story!

I wonder what will come next?

Evil hearts song would be quite something ♤♡

It will be entertaining for sure...


Illegal entry, accidental injury.

no he was invited into Aj's house.

What mysterious things can be found for human in the antic Crystal Empire? Or the modern Equestria?

I wonder how the Equestrian alphabet looks like, I personally imagen something alongside this in writing:

Take your time dude, just as long as this doesn't die, I'll be happy. And even if it did, I'd get over it because it would be unreasonable otherwise.

Regardless this is looking good so far, I think you've got Luke's character down, especially for where he is in his journey. Looking forward to him meeting Celestia, that will definitely be fun

Thanks, I definitely do the best I can. If there are any issues with characterization i definitely want to know so i can do a bit more research.

Other than Luke, what do you think of Anikin currently?

You know what, I actually Hesitated to mention Anakin, not because your portrayal is bad, but because I can be pretty opinionated of his character.

The long and short of it is that I think you maybe softened his character too much. Like, he's the type who would feel immense guilt over what he's done, as he should, but that being said it makes him seem too hesitant in my opinion. At least in his own mind if that makes some sense.

Also, since you did asked, I want point something out. While I personally flip sometimes on whether Vader is a separate personality, or if that it's just Anakin indulging his worst traits(+The Dark side of the Force ). Overall I'd say they're more similar than different. To the point that two characters canonically figured out that they were the same person simply because they knew Anakin from before, and one of them only knew him for a few days at that. But the point I'm trying make, in my own convoluted way, is that having spent 23 Years BEING Vader presumably would leave him with certain habits he'd find hard to shake. Even if his first instinct is No long Murder and Intimidation.

In-conclusion, Thank for coming to my TEDTalk and I hope this wasn't too much.

No issue honestly, I like people opinions sometimes when it’s constructive criticism instead of blatant insults, those people aren’t worth the time.

But anyways for Anakin, I don’t really see it, but I’ll go back to read the chapter to see what you mean exactly. But I think the reason why I think he might be softer is because I might have wrote him a bit realistic. On how someone would react knowing they caused atrocities and would be like, “Oh my god, what the hell did I just do?!” I mean the Darkside is kinda like a drug, the anger is easy to cling on and it will be shown more later, hopefully, and I think it’s more of a split personality. An accidental one at that.

I’m probably not making any sense cause I’m dumb.

No it's fine, I got what you're putting down.

And honestly what you've described definitely sounds intriguing. Either way I can't wait for more.

If it's not due to criminal negligence, were engaged in lawful activity or had criminal intent it isn't a crime.'
Neither three applied to what happened.

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