• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2018
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Merchant Mariner

Lover of the sea and proud seafarer. Focuses on non-pony creatures. I write ship fics.

Comments ( 45 )

Off we go on another adventure. Where will we go, what will we do, what will we see? Stay tuned for further developments!

This seems like an interesting start, I can't wait to see where this goes.

And it the ship on the cover a fishing ship or a shrimp boat?

woot woot awesome start to what is looking to be a grate story.

Just a trawler.

I took that picture myself, off the Isle of Texel, Noord Holland. The lighthouse in the background should be the Lange Jaap.

Damn, now I’ve got to read the first story

Likely a Fishibg Trawler then because I don't think shrimp show up in Europe due to water conditions.

Journeys in the New World.

Hope whoever is goingwith Aleksai likes chocolate shrimp, cos theres a lotta Yaga in that Black Forest Chateaux.:trixieshiftright:

Rhineforests LASH barges were made to do the river run? Hence the name?

At least they got a relatively easy run with a Defender. For a sounder, try getting ultrasonic parking meters and electronics box, might need to modify the output drivers to handle heavy piezos and Im not sure how water pressure resistant due to rain, splash and surface water at 100mph the sensors are, but its something to look forward to later? In fact, given submarine sonars cause problems close up with sound pressure levels, just how well would they work as underwater point defence especially with a variable focal grid style lens?


Rhineforests LASH barges were made to do the river run? Hence the name?

Err... yes and no. If you look at pictures of the ship, the barges themselves are just yellow floating boxes intended to carry the cargo. That's why in-story, this version of Rhine is able to transport tugboats (and other auxiliary craft) to actually get the barges where they need to be.

In short: Rhine's barges don't have propulsion. The tugs do, and even better for an upriver trip would be the trawlers RHine Forest can deploy.

And Aleksei did acknowledge going by land wasn't the brightest of ideas.

For a sounder, try getting ultrasonic parking meters and electronics box, might need to modify the output drivers to handle heavy piezos and Im not sure how water pressure resistant due to rain, splash and surface water at 100mph the sensors are, but its something to look forward to later? In fact, given submarine sonars cause problems close up with sound pressure levels, just how well would they work as underwater point defence especially with a variable focal grid style lens?

Hardware seems feasible. Difficulty might be interference and wave reverberation in shallow waters, which would be made worse by the fact such a sounder can't really point straight down and would have to be set at an acute angle to give the truck enough warning before it drives into a ditch.

Comment posted by KorsonKeisyr deleted Aug 29th, 2021

I am 100% caught up now. You're off to a great start.

I've long wanted to visit the Netherlands because my father was born and raised in the Hague. It's a little depressing to think how quickly a lot of the country would collapse into a mess if it wasn't for constant efforts to prevent that from happening.

By the way, have you got yourself a proofreader? I saw lots of errors aside from the known problem of words running together.


Usually I do two passes of spellchecking before Alden takes a look at my chapters. Still, I'm not surprised mistakes would fly past either of us. Proofreading-wise it's sort of a hiatus at the moment. I don't want to stop the story, and I'm still writing, but I barely have enough time to write the 5-6k words per chapter I would want that I don't have buffer chapters built up at the moment. And I'd rather at least have a month or two of chapters ready before publishing resumes as I did with tome one. That... would unfortunately take time.

Either way, glad you liked what you read.

Magical anomalies in or around Rome, possibly caused by museums?

Can you say, Vatican Archives?

the story is progressing excellent.
this chapter is really good. i can see some really men in black kind of shit happening in places.


Can you say, Vatican Archives?

Vatican Archives.

I mean... ain't it obvious? Sure in this verse, modern monotheistic religions like christianism don't have any magic to them, but early christians were drawn to ancient artifacts like magpies to shinies. So of course the vaults would be filled with 'appropriated' treasures.


this chapter is really good. i can see some really men in black kind of shit happening in places.

Sounds a lot like HPI operations then...

That area aint going to be crossable by Landies for much longer without majour support.

How long can the species in this universe live?

That's a... tricky question really, and one I haven't had much use answering yet since my story (Alden's as well for that matter) isn't that long after the Event yet. But I *have* thought about it.

All in all, it depends on the species.

Some are true immortals, though they are extremely rare. Alicorns and Draconequus are.

Others, though they may seem immortal, have lifespans that can reach millenia. I'm thinking of sphinxes and dragons there, though these two are a particular case because of hoards. In theory, a dragon could live and keep growing forever since his lifespan, past a certain point, is tied to his hoard, so as long as he keeps expanding it he would keep living. Sphinxes are similar, although their case is more complex since their 'hoard', so to speak, is enigmas, knowledge and secrets.

Up next should be the upper tiers of changeling subspecies, depending on which hive type they come from. A queen or an alpha can easily live a couple centuries if properly protected. Praetorians... probably two centuries as well, but unlikely to reach that age due to their role.

That leaves the more common species then. Generally speaking, most should have a lifespan similar to that of a human (70-80 years that is), with the added factor that magic does extend lifespan. Therefore, unicorns, gargoyles and other magic users rank towards the top around the 200 years mark for the most powerful unicorns, and 150 years for weaker magic users like hedgefogs. Then come species with natural attunement or physically enhancing magic like earth ponies, centaurs, minotaurs, deer... Most should orbitate around 120 years of lifespan. In that category, they should be sorted by rule of thumb. 'Bigger they are, longer they live', making a minotaur generally longer-lived than a comparatively tiny deer.

Species with limited magic like Diamond-Dogs and Abyssinians are right behind, just around 110 years.

Next, and their position is owed to the fact flying does put a strain on the heart, are flyers. Ornithians (the parrots *do* fly when they turn their arms into wings), pegasi, batponies, griffons, hippogriffs... Taking to the skies has a cost, and that brings them at 90-100 years of lifespan.

Then, humans. Average at 70-80 years, but maybe the HPI will find a way to go beyond that, hmmm? Time will tell.

Dead last, species that could be considered 'frail' like breezies and the weaker changeling drones, for whom life will unfortunately be shorter. A drone is likely to last into his sixties, and a breezie his forties.

Of course, the post-Event world being one of many dangers and scarcities, for lifespan to actually matter they'd have to live that long, and it can be challenging with demons, monsters, pirates and bandits on the prowl. There are, also, many ways through which one can extend his lifespan beyond what should be considered normal for their species, or even, like Merlin/Starswirl, transcend mortality.

That was a mouthful, but I hope it sates your curiosity.

Efficiency of supply chains? Existancee and resiliance isfirst?

It will be interesting once The Fearsome Fivesome get more ‘screen time’ with the New Tides regulars. Probably once they reach Havana.

man this chap i read at the sound of a song for a siren. thanks spotfy

amazing chapter Merchant Mariner all kinds of fun times are a hoof.


Efficiency of supply chains? Existancee and resiliance isfirst?

It *is* kind of important to subsistence though. Most of the modern world relying on overly elaborate logistics chain, any advanced gear they want a steady supply of that would not be related to salvaging. Ammunition, food, spare parts... Hard not to concede those don't play a role in existence and resilience. Not every colony has the manpower to put together a workshop to machine the parts they'd need to keep something like mere generators running.


It will be interesting once The Fearsome Fivesome get more ‘screen time’ with the New Tides regulars. Probably once they reach Havana.

Lots that can happen in Havana. Way I designed that colony, it's intended to be a trade hub for the American sector. Lots of stuff.

Hard part though, is that Alden's story is months ahead of mine in lore, so coordinating events between the two without spoiling one or the other is a bit of a challenge.


man this chap i read at the sound of a song for a siren. thanks spotfy

Siren? Hmmm... There are still two of the trio left alive. Pity the poor sod that'll try to sail the Baltic. Might need to borrow a 40mm Bofor from the WSU, ought to drive 'em off.


amazing chapter Merchant Mariner all kinds of fun times are a hoof.

A-hoof? Way to get my gears running on technicalities. Since they walk on 'em but use them to grab stuff, would the closer idiom be 'at hand' or 'afoot'? ... At Hoof... A Hoof... [grumbles thoughtfully]

i am more talking about a pairing the reading the last chap whit this music song for a siren that my Spotfy rolled this week in week discoveries

What happens when a pregnant woman turns into a parrot or other egg-laying species?


What happens when a pregnant woman turns into a parrot or other egg-laying species?

Nothing harmful normally. In all likelihood, the affected mothers would return into existence with the egg within them and would find themselves laying it in very short order after that, with the embryo inside set at a development stage proportional to how long it had been in the womb before that. Might be quite the surprise for them, but I doubt even a Returnee not familiar with the new world would be surprised to see a parrot or dragon laying an egg.

Only specie I can think off the top of my head where the difference in development time would be significant compared to humans, is the dragons, since they're notably slow to reproduce, so the egg would take several more months to finish its cycle than the usual 9 months.

The complicated part might be with species like hippogriffs and griffons that can gestate both ways, since for them the early stages of the pregnancy/egg are when the conditions are set for which type will be chosen, and a new Returnee wouldn't have the knowledge of which factors to pay attention to, to get the result they want.

and how do changeling reproduce? The same as in the canon of ponies after people or by the queen or otherwise?


and how do changeling reproduce? The same as in the canon of ponies after people or by the queen or otherwise?

That uh... depends. In order to make it fit together at least semi-coherently with PaP canon and MLP in general, I've decided to follow the same thread that the 'template' for returnees that come back as changelings was a bit screwed up.

So in practice that means multiple wildly different subspecies of changelings exist. They're still all egg layers, but those subspecies will differ in appearance and social order. On one extreme you'd have Chrysalis' kind of 'lings with a hivemind and a queen that produces the drones, and on the other end of the sprectrum you'd have the more independant 'reformed' changelings that can reproduce on their own, but lack the hivemind connection.

And since the species' template is screwed up, add to those two however many subspecies you'd want.

Narratively speaking, and I try my best to keep the worldbuilding coherent... changelings are a pain in the ass.

Comment posted by discord2004 deleted Nov 12th, 2021


will there be warships in history?

Not many, and in all likelyhood they would be of small tonnage and firepower. A corvette or a frigate maybe, but nothing much bigger than that. The point of the story isn't really to have modern militaries turn up and curbstomp the demons -if they were still present in the story, they would-, but it's more of a low intensity conflict where the WSU is more interesting in cementing their infrastructure than actively going after the demons.

And in their eyes, a surface-combattant isn't that interesting. An armed cargo vessel can fight off an attack and prove itself useful by ferrying goods and manpower between colonies. A destroyer would have little trouble fighting off a sea beast, but good luck loading one with enough cargo to be relevant on a trade route.

And an aircraft carrier whose crew would not be able to fly planes anymore?

Difficult to work with. Another author might be interested, but personally I'm not too invested in adding military ships, much less one that would bring several thousand people in one go when the largest colony at the time barely breaks the 300 inhabitants cap.

So it's highly unlikely I'd ever add one.

Anything with Baba Yaga is gonna be creepy as fuck

FOOT prints? I would say Baba Yaga or a changeling with bad information, based on the feel of magic and the green flash. Will wait for next chapter!

a grate chapter lots of action.

i am leaning towards changeling my self one that is pissed off.

As for the god Abraham, he can be considered something other than other deities, as in the case of Percy Jackson, where there is evidence of a higher deity in this universe, evidence for this can be found in the book Heroes of Olympus: Diaries of the Demigods, more specifically in the story "The Son of Magic". In it, Hecate appears to the protagonist, Dr. Claymore, in the church. He seems to be praying. When Dr. Claymore asks Hecate, "If you yourself are a deity, who are you praying to?" Hecate replies, "I hope you find out." So the universe was created by God and mankind is the first intelligent species and lesser deities were born from their faiths. As for why God does not intervene, you can follow a similar path to Jack Baker's inquisitorial cycle, where the protagonist's guardian angel revealed to him that God had disappeared. and there are 3 theories in heaven about what happened to him. 1 says god is dead, 2 went to another dimension to see his works do without him, and 3 says god wanted to understand humanity better, so he forgot he was god and was reborn on earth as a human after death. is reborn as a different person with no memories of previous lives, will last until one day god remembers that he is god, among the angels who believe in the 3rd theory there is a group that is looking for a god and when they find him they intend to torture him so that he will never be again he dared to leave his children.
or something similar to this link where the Abrahamic god is the guardian.
. https://mojwlasnyswiat.miraheze.org/wiki/Mag%27azgrad%27letyh_Hraf%27mettg%27lio

With yhr anti magic fields. Who knows. Might work, might make them feel like shit, or it might push them out of their disguise

Comment posted by discord2004 deleted Nov 26th, 2023
Comment posted by discord2004 deleted Jan 28th, 2023

I have an idea of ​​what a dreamland might look like, in my opinion there should be certain laws in it, such as that night ponies (bat ponies) cannot influence other people's dreams if they do not allow it or use the knowledge they learn there if a given person allows it will not allow .
and this law should be governed by the gods of dreams like morpheus I got the idea from the pandemic universe https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212821/pandemic/thread/420868/night-pony-faq . https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/949142/night-pony-and-pegasi-differences. https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/841045/preview

and that's the idea of ​​the kirins
Kirin have similar spellcasting magic as unicorns, although their spellcasting limits are much lower. However, Kirin are fireproof and do start literally flaming when they get angry, highly agitated, or feel threatened. They also have powerful talents in shaping wood .This is not growing wood, but bending it and reshaping it without breaking the wood. They can also increase other items' heat resistance (although if the new threshold for heat is reached the item will instantly and dramatically burst into flames like the kirin village did when they all went nirik at once).

Blanche snorted. "Maybe you shouldn't ask her for help. I ended up with a bag like a kangaroo. I am a kirin!"

Kirins have pouches, Tempest informed her.

Blanche turned her head to look at Tempest. "What?!"

“The Kirin have pouches,” Tempest repeated. “They are the least pony-like of all ponies, hence the reluctance of many ponies to accept them as such. One of the key differences in their tribe is that they do not give birth alive. They lay eggs like a dragon and can breed with dragons and ponies while producing viable offspring. They carry their eggs in a pouch after it is laid and then continue to keep their foal there for months after hatching, only taking them out for a few minutes at a time for the first few weeks. I believe this helps them protect the young and the environment from the influx of foals. Unicorns reportedly had this trait in the past, but lost it after extensive breeding with earth ponies. I doubt the preacher knows Ten.
Blanche stared. "I'm laying eggs?! Am I even a mammal?" This was also new to Charlotte, though she knew little about horsemen. It just wasn't something they taught in most public schools.

"You've got mammary glands in your pouch, so yeah," Tempest said dryly. Then she looked at her intuition. "If you're wondering, Princess Cadence has been keeping information from you. She wouldn't know the magic of transformation from the top of her head. This is something she would have to follow instructions for. He doesn't know how to change you."

idea comes from https://www.fimfiction.net/story/512425/a-shadow-of-myself

I imagine that Charybdis and his troops are like Rangda from the ascendant empire, i.e. magical Necromorphs armed with Tyranid weapons https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/imperium-ascendant-heresy-less-40k.596194/page-103?post=46907353#post-46907353
or https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/imperium-ascendant-heresy-less-40k.596194/page-350#post-64588148
and in my opinion the true form of charybdis looks like this

Their conversations were cut short however as the demon in question decided to show itself. In all its unholy glory, it was a hulking phantasmal mass of intertwined sanguineous bodies of all different species. Ponies, griffons, diamond dogs, their faces crying out in anguish. Its main face appeared formless however. Standing at least seven feet in height, it was horrifying to look at.

this is from The Happiest Place on Earth https://www.fimfiction.net/story/379750/the-happiest-place-on-earth

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