• Published 8th Jun 2021
  • 1,658 Views, 6 Comments

The One Where Everyone Finds Out - PixiePony

A rumor can be a dangerous thing, but what if the rumor was true? A complementary short story to my EG story Pretending To Be Mine.

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The One Where Everyone Finds Out

Author's Note:

A/N: I'm back! Enjoy this cute complementary story to my Flutterdash fic: Pretending To Be Mine :twilightsmile:
I also legit made a daily class schedule for every character, including Shadow Chaser. :twilightsheepish: I might share it later.

While extremely worried about her friends, Pinkie Pie was looking forward to getting some of her pent-up nervousness out during her PE class. Fluttershy had gone to see the principal during their lunch period while Rainbow Dash accompanied her, making sure a certain unwanted classmate wouldn’t follow.

Pinkie had been concerned about Fluttershy when she told her friends about Shadow Chaser keeping a close watch on her. The extent of his affection had been a little bit alarming, but Pinkie was sure Fluttershy could get help from the authorities of the school.

While running down the field, not really focused on the game, Pinkie Pie felt her phone vibrate. She kept running but immediately snatched her phone from her hair.

While swiping the lock screen her phone buzzed again.

“Huh,” she said, a little suspiciously.

Before she could read the first text she had gotten, a video request for PonyTime popped up on her screen.

“Wow,” she wondered, “what’s happening that I don’t know about?”

She declined answering because her PE teacher, as lenient as she could be, wouldn't like Pinkie taking a video call during class. Once she was able to see her messages she halted to a stop, letting out a loud squeal.

“Oh my god!”

The entire class looked at her briefly but continued to play. Which was fine since Pinkie had ignored them anyway, violently typing away on her phone.

Pinkie Pie kept receiving several messages as she typed, all talking about the same thing.

Her best friends, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were apparently in a romantic relationship!

A thrill shot through her at the thought. As long as she had known them, they had never told her about liking one another but she was so unbelievably happy that two of her closest friends were going through something so big.

The class had moved down the field, enough away from her that she was able to express herself freely in her own space. Pinkie thought about them holding hands, going to prom, a big extravagant wedding, growing old together. She bounced on the field and giggled to herself. What a life they would have, and it all came down to this special day.

Pinkie’s timid shy friend had apparently been the one to ask out her brash confident friend. What a turn of events.

Her friends had to know.

Economics class wasn’t anything exciting, but Rarity had a knack for business. While most others took the class out of necessity, she enjoyed it.

Rarity’s phone had been going off almost since the moment class had begun so when she heard her phone buzz in her bag for the millionth time, she knew she had to investigate. She pulled her phone out discreetly.

‘32 New Messages’

“Wow, what is going on?” She said as she opened a couple of them.

Rarity was unable to stifle the loud gasp that escaped her lips. Her classmates looked towards her and she quickly hid her phone under her desk, still holding it in her hands.

“Is there something you’d like to share with the class?” Her teacher spoke up.

“N-no! Excuse the interruption. My apologies.”

The teacher nodded and continued his lesson. Rarity immediately pulled her phone back out, rereading her messages, unable to believe what she was being told.

Her close friend Fluttershy had gone and asked out another one of her close friends, Rainbow Dash, of all people. It was shocking and she was worried it might be a harsh rumor before she got a group message from Pinkie Pie.

The group message was addressed to the four other friends it didn’t involve. Breathing deeply, she nodded her head.

Rarity was good at figuring out what was a rumor and what wasn’t but knowing that Pinkie Pie felt the need to share what she knew about the subject meant it had to be true. Pinkie, although very loud and very social, didn’t spread rumors. Especially ones about her friends.

“Okay then,” she said quietly. “It has to be true.”

The last time she had seen her friends, they were headed off to the principal's office to remedy a stalker problem. In the time it took to go down to the office and make it to their class, Fluttershy had asked Rainbow to be her girlfriend.

While worried about what that would mean regarding the stalker, she was genuinely happy for her friends if it were true.

At the end of the day in her last class, a class she shared with Fluttershy, Rarity kept looking at her friend from the corner of her eye. Nothing seemed to be the matter, in fact, she seemed a little more upbeat than when she had left them at the lunch table.

“Hey Fluttershy,” she said softly. “So, how did talking to Principal Celestia go?”

Fluttershy’s content smile faltered, and she shrugged, looking away.

“I-I don’t really want to talk about it yet. Not until we can all talk.” She said with her hand on her chin. “As a group, you know?”

Rarity nodded but kept a close eye on her friend until the end of class.

On her way to her PE class, Applejack felt her phone go off. She pulled it from her pocket and saw a group text from Pinkie Pie.

Applejack stopped in the middle of the hallway, her jaw slack.

Pinkie had heard from several reliable sources that their friends, last seen going towards the main office, were now in a romantic relationship with one another.

Applejack wasn’t sure how true the statement was. Rainbow Dash was her best friend, and she never got the idea that she had been interested in Fluttershy. Girls, yes but not one of her close friends. It was a little odd, mostly since she didn’t see it coming.

Applejack shook her head and continued to walk, but before she could respond to the message, her phone buzzed again, alerting her to a new message from Rarity.

Rarity was worried what Shadow Chaser, the unsavory guy who had been stalking Fluttershy for the past couple months, might do if he found out about them. Applejack assured her that it probably wasn’t anything too serious to worry about. If anything, it might help the situation by making Fluttershy unavailable.

Applejack paused for a moment, realizing that made more sense than the two of her friends confessing their feelings.

While she was happy for them and thought they would make a cute couple, it had seemed to come out of nowhere.

When she walked into the gym locker rooms, she found Pinkie Pie waiting, practically vibrating on the spot.

When Sunset had walked into the gym locker rooms for her next class, Pinkie Pie and Applejack were already talking, and she could easily imagine what it was about.

“Did you hear??!” Pinkie said loudly, giggling to herself.

“Yes,” Sunset said skeptically, “But we don’t really have time to talk about it right now.” She crossed her arms. “Class is about to start, Pinkie. You need to go!”

Pinkie nodded ecstatically and gave them both a hug before dashing out the door. Just at that moment, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy came walking in, hand in hand. Pinkie Pie gave them finger guns and a wink as she ran by. They both blushed at the attention.

Sunset rubbed her eyes for a second and looked again.

Sure enough, they were walking as a pair. When Sunset had heard the news about her friends, she had been immediately skeptical, not really trusting the rumor. It just didn’t make any sense.

The last any of her friends had seen them was during lunch and they had been headed towards the principal's office. Suddenly they were romantic partners? All in one day?

She shook her head and looked at Applejack who looked just as concerned.

They made their way to the field, Sunset and Applejack walking side by side.

“What do you think?” She said, looking to her side.

“Not sure.”

Sunset sighed and hesitated. “Well, Fluttershy honestly looks a lot happier.”

Applejack nodded but was frowning. “Yeah, I guess so. I just don’t know about this. It doesn’t make any sense.”

“YES!” She said a little too loudly. “Thank you! It doesn’t, does it??”

Sunset was glad one of her friends shared her skepticism. Applejack went on to explain what she thought might be the reason. Fluttershy using Rainbow as a cover story for not being available sounded plausible. Plus, she thought, Rainbow was very protective of her friends, especially when they were in need, so having her be essentially a bodyguard was a good idea.

As they played on the field, she noted that Fluttershy had stayed to watch them on the bleachers, something she hadn’t done in a long time. Her friend really did look happier than when Sunset had last seen her. It made her smile, even if she wasn’t actually dating Rainbow, whatever it was they were doing was making her happy.

Once PE was over, Sunset messaged Twilight that she would be late to class, staying back to talk to Applejack a little before running down the halls.

AP Chem class was Twilight’s favorite part of the day, besides lunch time, where she could talk with her friends. She enjoyed learning and enjoyed science the most, but her last class of the day was one she also shared with her closest friend, Sunset.

Twilight smiled when she saw Sunset run through the door, out of breath and red in the face.

“Hey,” she said, trying to catch her breath. “Did you get my text?”

Twilight shook her head. Sunset, of all people, should know that Twilight never used her phone during school hours. Not unless it was for an emergency.

“Oh,” Sunset laughed. “Right.”

Suddenly, Sunset slammed her bag onto her desk. “Oh my god! You don’t know!”

Twilight pushed her glasses up her nose and tilted her head.

“Don’t know what?”

After getting the cliff notes version, all before the teacher began her lesson, Twilight found it hard to focus on her work. She was so proud and giddily happy at the idea of her friends dating one another. It was sweet and they had been friends before any of the others had even known each other.

Luckily, they weren’t doing anything too important during class because Sunset wanted to continue their conversation. Their shared chemistry table made a great conversation area and was just enough on the side that the teacher couldn't hear them.

“I’m telling you, something is up with them.”

Twilight smiled. “I think it’s sweet.”

Sunset smiled back and shrugged. “Yeah, I mean, I saw how happy Fluttershy was, but it just doesn’t add up.”

Sunset had told Twilight her theory and she thought it sounded plausible, but the question still stood, why would they resort to doing something like that. They had all told Fluttershy to visit Principal Celestia and Twilight was sure she would have been able to fix the stalker problem.

Overall, Twilight felt optimistic about her friends and wasn’t as suspicious as Sunset seemed to be.

When class was over, her friends all gathered at the front of the school, like they usually did at the end of the day. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash still hadn't shown up, so the girls were able to freely talk about what had been on their minds since lunch.

While they all had their own theories, it all came down to what their friends would tell them when they arrived. There was nothing more that Twilight wanted then to know the truth.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy came walking out of the school, hand in hand, but let go when they reached their friends. Pinkie Pie was bursting at the seams, ready to congratulate the pair.

Rainbow crossed her arms. “Yes, Pinkie? Do you have something to say?”

Pinkie Pie pulled out one of her many miniature confetti cannons and there was an explosion of confetti.


Comments ( 6 )

Pinkie thought about them holding hands, going to prom, a big extravagant wedding, growing old together.

Pinkie has some great taste in shipping. Flutterdash prom is still such a great premise.

To be fair...they didn't really explain what was going on xD so they left it open for their friends to assume stuff.

Well done.

I would like to see more flutterdash from you :heart:

Glad you like my Flutterdash work! My next story will be Rarijack but I do have another Flutterdash in the works after that! :twilightsmile:

Great , cant wait for it :yay:

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