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Family Quest part 2

Family Quest part 2

Doctor Caballeron, "Well isn't this an interesting situation? One does not get in to things like this everyday."

The mane six and stallions glared at the villain as his goons holed tightly Spike Scootaloo, Tinder Tapes and First Base.

"After so many years of waiting for somepony to come looking for Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood," Said Caballeron, "You lot arrive just in the nick of time."

Rainbow Dash then shouted "You better let those four go!"

"Ubupbup.." Said the doctor, "I'll be giving the orders around here."

Flash Sentry spoke up, "How do you know about Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood?"

The the doctor spoke, "All in good time my friends which is something you don't have. Now then would kindly tell me why you are looking for them."

Then a sly look came across Trenderhoof's face, "Well that' a very interesting question one that has numerous possible answers to it."

Troubleshoes heard what is friend said and instantly knew what he was up to.

"The real question is." Said TrenderHoof approaching Caballeron, "Why do you want to know what we know about Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood?"

"What?" Said Caballeron confused.

"Yeah," said Troubleshoes, "Why do you want to know do you want to know what we know about Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood?

Caballeron stuttered, "Wha.. Y-you know why I want to know what you know about Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood!

TrenderHoof smiled, "I don't know if we know why you want to know what we know about Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood."

"You know why I want to know what you know that I know that you know.. Dup.. Aggrrh!" Caballeron shouted know furious. "That's it! You will tell me what I want to know this minute, or the foals get it!"

Trenderhoof smiled, "What foals?"

Caballeron turn to see that his goons have been beaten up by Flash Thunderlane, and Soarin. Spike, Scootaloo, Tender Tapes, and Frist Base, are in the capable hooves of Twilight and Fluttershy.

"Oh pony feathers." Said Caballeron.

"Get him!" Said Applejack swinging her lasso over the doctor.

Pinkie Pie and Cheese then proceed to rapped Caballeron up in the rope tying him to a chair.

Trenderhoof said "Now your going to tell us what we want to know or else."

"Hahaha!" Laughed the doctor "You ponies think you can get me to talk? Never I have will of steel."

Rainbow Dash glared at the doctor and said "Oh yeah?" She glanced back at the other. "Time to bring out the big guns!"

The ponies stepped aside and let Pinkie Pie approach the doctor.

"This is your your big gun?" Caballeron Laughed "This puny pink pony?"

Then Pinkie Pie smiled and asked "Have you ever had a cherrychanga?"

"What?" Asked the doctor confused

"Well now wonder!" said Pinkie Pie "Because I made it up myself! A cherrychanga is mashed up cherries in a tortilla that's deep fried. Cherrychanga. Great name, huh? Oh, but maybe I should call it a chimicherry. Ooh, that's good too. Which do you think sounds better? Cherrychanga or chimicherry? Or what if I combine them? Chimicherrychanga! What sounds the funniest?"

Caballeron was quickly becoming annoyed as Pinkie Pie continued.

"I like funny words! One of my favorite funny words is 'kumquat'! I didn't make that one up. I would work in a kumquat orchard just so I could say 'kumquat' all day! Kumquat, kumquat, kumquat! And 'pickle barrel'! Isn't that just the funnest thing to say? Pickle barrel, pickle barrel, pickle barrel! Say it with me! Pickle barrel, kumquat, pickle barrel, kumquat, pickle barrel, kumquat, chimicherrychanga!"

Caballeron then scream. "AAAAHHHHH! Make it stop make it stop!"

"There's only one way to make it stop." Said Rainbow Dash covering Pinkie's mouth "Is for you to spill the beans!"

"Never! You'll never get me to talk!" Shouted the doctor

Rainbow Dash then uncovered Pinkie Pie's mouth. "Speaking of beans, did you ever realize how many words rhyme with 'beans'? Lean, mean, spleen, unclean, bean..."

"Alright, Alright, I'll talk just please make her stop!" Shouted Caballeron.

"Alright," Gasped The doctor "It's like this ten years ago, I was out to find a rear artifact for a potential payer. But when I had a run in with my old arch enemy Daring Do."

Daring DO is real!" Shouted Rainbow Dash excited.

"Yes yes," Said the Doctor "Daring Do is real, I'm real Ahuizotl is real blah, blah, blah. I had this conversation a millions times, but anyway Daring Do was not alone she long companions Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood."

"I did read anything about that in the book." Said Twilight taking out the titan's talisman.

"Oh you be amaze what they leave out the books." Said Caballeron "Honestly it's a wonder they even sale."

"Wait!" Said Flash "That was you at the auction back the con!?"

"Of course!" Said Twilight "You were trying to sale the Daring do book to pass along secret information about your arch enemy!"

"No." Said Caballeron "I like visiting my fans, you be amazed what they pay for an autograph."

Flash just rolled his eyes. "So what this have to do with Parents?" Said Flash angry

"You were that little brat!?" Said the Doctor "I thought you looked familiar, you kicked me in the face!"

Flash got up close to Caballeron with an angry look. "I'm about to do it again it you don't tell me where my parents are!"

Caballeron began to sweat. "I don't know the last time I saw them. They were in the temple of Anubis I was fighting them for the titans talisman... When Ahuizotl showed up I may be one of the greasiest treasure hunters in the world even I'm not cray enough to go up agents that monster!"

Flash sighed "Well everypony I think we know here we're going next."

The ponies turn and proceeded to leave the tavern.

"Wait!" Shouted Caballeron "Are you going to untie me first!?"

Then Thunderlane said "No!"

The ponies walked in the streets of Saddle Ariba more confused then ever.

"So mom and dad knew Daring do?" Said Scootaloo "Awesome!"

"Not awesome." Said Frist "Because Daring Do is not real that guy was obviously out of his mind."

"Still," Said Twilight" "It's worth investigating."

"So," The next spot we should go to is this Temple of Anubis?"

"And how exactly are we suppose to find the Temple of Anubis?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Ohh the temple of Anubis?" Said the same passing pony of earlier "Why it's right on the other side of the river just go thought the jungle then your there!"

"Seriously!?" Shouted Rainbow Dash "How do you know this?"

"Everypony knows this." The stallion snugged

"Wait minute." Said Flash "Discord is that you?"

"Aw lookad the time." Said the Pony, his eyes darting nervously. "Must be going now bye, bye!" And the pony disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"how does he keep doing that?" Asked Soarin

"I don't know." Said Twilight "But at least we know were the temple is."

The ponies and Spike trudged thought the jungle the hot sun beating down on them from the tree above.

"How..(Gasp) Longer to this temple." Asked.

"I don't know." Said Rarity "But if we stay in this heat much longer my mane gonna frizz out."

"According to the Titans Talisman" Said Twilight looking at the Daring do book. "We only have another mile until we reach Anubis temple.

"I don't even know why we're still listing to that book." Said Frist Base "It's just a loud on nonsense."

"No it isn't!" Said Scootaloo "Mom and Dad knew Daring Do!"

"No they didn't!" Said First Base.

"Yes They did!" Said Scootaloo.

"No they didn't!" Said First Base

"Yes they did!" Scootaloo Proclaimed

"No they didn't!" Shouted Frist Base "Daring Do is not real and Mom and Dad never coming back so stop being such a big baby!"

The whole jungle suddenly when quit every pony glared at Frist Base as Scootaloo began to tear up.

Rainbow Dash and Tender Tapes began to comfort her.

"Nice going kid." Said Rainbow Dash to the young colt.

Frist Base suddenly feeling guilty then trotted away from the group Flash Sentry then looked at the others and sigh. "I'll talk to him."

We walked after the gloomy foul sitting beneath at tree.

"Look Frist." Said Flash "I know how tuff it can be not having parents, I had to grown up with out them. But that doesn't mean you have to take it out on Scootaloo."

"That's not why am angry." Said First, Flash looked at the foal confused.

"They weren't there for us." Hump Frist Base. "For ten years they weren't there for us, now I'm supposed to believe that their were just missing? Don't you what means? What if they didn't want to come back? What if they just abandon us?"

Flash thought for a moment. "Well I'm not gonna lie kid that seems like a possibility."

"Wait What!?" Said First looking at Flash confused.

"I grew up on the streets not knowing my parents or even if I had any. But I still had a family I had Cheese, I had Soarin and now I have Twilight Thunderlane, Discord, and more. I have always have a family to stand by me." He then place his wing on Frist Base's shoulder. "And you know what so do you."

First Base smiled for a minute.

"But family a two way street." Said Flash "You need to stand by them as well. Even if you don't agree with them."

Frist Base sigh. "I guess I how Scoots and apologies."

"I guess so." Said Flash

"AAAAAAHHHHH!" Shouted a voice over the jungle.

"That was Pinkie Pie!" Said Flash

The two ponies ran back to where the others were only to find that they were surrounded by jungle cats.

"Everypony chimed down!" shouted Applejack trying to reangle a panther. "There's no need to panic!"

"I'd say there is!" Said Soarin trying to fly away from a Cheetah.

"Nice kitty, good kitty." Said Fluttershy trying to calm down a tiger. "don't be mad at me."

"Help!" Shouted Scootaloo

Flash and First Base turn to see Scootaloo and Tender Tapes were about to be attacked a bobcat.

"Scootaloo! Tender Tapes!" The foal ran tows his sibling and push them into a of pile near by bushes.

"Where' everypony else." Said Flash joining Applejack

"This darn gone' varmints dragged them away!" said AJ

"Dragged them where!?" Said Flash

"I have not ideyaahaahaaaaaah!" Applejack said as the Panther pounced down on her.

Flash watched in horror as the animal dragged her away, "Let her go you big..!"

"Hey buddy a little help over her," Soarin cried out.

Flash turned to see the Cheetah was dragging Soarin Away to.

"Oh my Goodness! Oh my Goodness!" cried Fluttershy as the tiger pulled her away!

"Everypony!" shouted Flash. Suddenly the Bobcat leapt at Flash it's fangs drawn.

"Flash." A voice said "Flash." Flash's eyes open to see his three possibly siblings looking down upon him.

"Aw we were so worried about." Said Scootaloo.

"Wh...what happened to the others? "Asked Flash

"They were all taken away by those big cats." Said Tender Tapes.

"But we were rescued." Said Frist Base in disbelief "By her!"

Flash turn to see a pony sitting in front of a burning camp fire she safari hat and a cargo shirt her light brown wings glistened in the fire light.

"What are you foals doing in my jungle?" Daring do proclaimed

"Your...Your Daring Do!" Flash shuddered in disbelief

"And you haven't answered my question." Said Daring Do "What are you doing in my jungle?"

"Well," Said Flash "We were looking for the temple of Anubis but then those giant cats showed up and took away our friends."
Daring Do groan. "Great now Ahuizotl got them."

"Ahuizotl!" Cried Scootaloo "The monster from the books!?"

"Yep." Said Daring Do tiling her hat. "If I didn't have enough things to worry about now I have a hostage situation."

"What are we going to do?" Said Frist Base

"You're not going to do anything." Said Daring Do "I'm going to go to the temple of Anubis and rescue your friends. you all are going to stay right here."

"Now wait a minute!" Shouted Flash "We came a long way to get to this stinking temple and we're not about to leave now!"

"That's not my problem kid." Daring do growled.

"But what about our parents!?" Said Scootaloo

Daring do paused "What about your parents?"

"Um..."Flash paused for a minute and then responded "you might find this hard to believe. But we're pretty our parents were Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood."

Daring Do then turn to children a look of disbelieve on her face. "You're all Mane Allgood's kids!"

"We think so." said Flash "You know her?"

A sad look cross Daring Do's face "Mane Allgood his my big sister."

"Wait a minute." Said Scootaloo "That's means your our aunt!"

The three foal raced to Daring do hugged her tightly.

"Um guys." Said Flash "I don't think we have time for this."

"We never had a famous aunt before!" Said Frist "Let us have this!"

"So Flash Sentry." Said Daring Do approaching the stallion. "It's been to long I hardly recognize you."

"You know me?" Said Flash

"Know you?" Said Daring Do "Snap and Allgood used to take you on adventures all the time."

"Lucky." Mumbled Scootaloo

Daring do counited "You looked up to them so much and of course to your famous aunt."

"But what happened to them?" Flash asked "Were they been all this time?"

"You don't remember?" Said Daring Do

"No." Said Flash "I don't."

A sad look cross Daring Do's face again. "It's a long story, but right now we need to get to that temple before Ahuizotl does."

The five ponies approach the temple of Anubis guarded by viscous jungle cats.

"There it is." Said Daring Do. "Ahuizotl has been lying low in this temple for the last ten years."

"But why?" Said Tender Tapes

"I imagine he still can't get to that key." said Daring

"Key?" said flash, "What key?"

"Another long," Said Daring "But now what's imported is that we get in there."

"And how do we do that?" Asked Frist

Daring do whistled, "Here kitties! Kitties! Kitties! Over here!"

The jungle cats growled seeing their familiar foe.

"I'll distract the sour pusses, you kids break in to the temple!" said Daring Do flying off.

Seeing the cats casing the heroic pony Flash turn to his brothers and sister. "Let's go guys."

The four ponies snuck their way into the temple's entrance and trotted in side.

The inside of the temple was like a maze nearly impossible to navigate.

"Shh...Guys," Said Scootaloo, "I think I hear something."

The four ponies turn a corner and saw the mane six Spike and the remaining Stallions hanging from a cage.

"Twilight look!" Said Spike

"Flash! Kids! Your alright!" Said Twilight

"We sure our," Said Flash, "Let get you out of there."

"Twilight," Said Scootaloo, "Why didn't you just teleport out of there?'

"This cage is immune to alicorn magic I couldn't teleport if I wanted to," Said Twilight

"And believe me," Said Soarin, "We want her too."

"Hurry up!" Said Rainbow Dash "Before he comes back!"

"Before who comes back?" Flash asked

"Well, well, well, what have we here?" A voice said

The ponies turn to see a tall blue creature approaching them it was part cat, part money, all hideous. "If it isn't the young flash Sentry return from the dead and grown up."

"Ahuizotl," Flash said his eyes opening wide. "Now I remember you were the one I was running away from!"

"Ah very good," Said Ahuizotl, "And I nearly would have gotten you too If it wasn't for you're meddling aunt of yours."

"What did you do with our parents!?" Flash said in an angry glare.

"Me?" Ahuizotl gestures to himself with his tail hand in disbelieve. "Why Don't you remember? I didn't do anything to them."

Ahuizotl reach out his tail and the hand on the end pulled out at a leaver. A lager stone wall rose reveling two figures of stone.

"Mom, Dad?" Said Flash

It was indeed Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood both of them transformed in to statue.

"That's our Mom and Dad!?" Said Scootaloo tears forming in her eyes.

"They can't be!" Said said First

That's right!" Said Tender tapes "It's can't be!"

"No," Said Flash, "I remember everything now. Both of those statues are our parents both turn into stone by that!" Flash pointed.

Behind their parents stood a large stone corridor and at the end of it stood and missive statue of Anubis holding a large stone key.

"Mom and Dad trying to get that key before Ahuizotl did. But before they could reach it that thing turn them to stone." Flash said

"Tell me about it." Said Ahuizotl rolling his eyes. "I've spin the last ten years trying to get past that beast. But there' no why to get out of it sight."

"But Why?" Said Twilight from the cage. "what do you have to gain from that thing?"

"An excellent question princess." Ahuizotl began to pace. "Image if you will seven keys of each one powerful enough on their own. But when put together they gain the ability to unlock the doors to Tartarus itself and with it all the horrors it contains."

"That terrible." Said Thunderlane "Who in Equestria would want keys like that?"

"King Sombra would." Smiled Ahuizotl "And once I've delivered this key to him I shell become one of his top underling."

"You haven't been able to get that key for ten year what makes you think you'll get it today?" Rainbow Dash yelled

"Because," Said Ahuizotl waving his tail's index finger. "Today I have the eldest son of Mane Allgood and Snap Shutter."

Flash Sentry growled "Even if I could get to that stupid key, what makes you think I would?"

"Two reasons," Said Ahuizotl "Frist of all that key the only way to turn your parents as they were, second of all if you don't..."

Ahuizotl then snapped the figures on his tail his army of cats suddenly shows up and surrounded the cage with his friends inside.

"...Who knows what will happened to your friends," Said Ahuizotl

Flash glance at the cage his terrified friends inside and then tows the statue of his parents.

He took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"No!" Shouted Scootaloo as she grabbed his hind leg. "Don't do it Flash you'll turn to stone too!"

"I don't have a choice." Flash said sadly. "This is the only way to give you guys back our parents."

"Flash!" Twilight Sparkle called out from the cage he looked over to her holding out the Daring Do book. "Remember the legend of Somnambula! You have to face the challenge with your eyes blind!"

"With his eyes blind!?" Said Rainbow Dash "Who is that going to help?"

Flash thought for a moment he whom so ever enter Anubis sight shell suffer his wrath.

"What?" Said Scootaloo looking confused.

Flash then closed his eyes tightly and stepped forwarded into the chamber flames suddenly rose from the floor in front of him but he keep his eyes close when the flames died he step forward as as the floor dropped in front of him say a bridge, Flash cross the bridge carefully. As snakes began to dropped from the ceiling.

"Snakes." Scootaloo watching "Why did it have to be snakes?"

The snakes hissed around Flash as he made it to the other side of the bridge with his eyes still closed. He slowing approach the approach the statue of
Anubis, the statue seem to growl at him as he got closer. Bees of sweat dripping from his brow Flash Sentry reach forward and remove the key from Anubis clutches.

"Phew." Said Flash Sentry "That was a close..."

"At last!" Scream Ahuizotl as he swap the key from Flash he had been fallowing the young stallion from behind this whole time.

Flash then open his eyes and turn to Ahuizotl. "Alright you got your stupid key now let my friends go!"

"AHhahahaha! You actually thought I was going to hold my end of the bargain!?" Said the evil money cat.

The statue of Anubis eyes glowed red.

"Now that I have the key of Gluttony there is nothing that can stop me!"

The statue then began to crumble, pieces of stone falling away.

"I hope you enjoy spinning the rest eternity in this temple along with your parents!"

"Ahuizotl!" A voice boomed

Flash Sentry and Ahuizotl turn to see the statue of Anubis had come to life. "Are you trying to seal my key again!?"

"Anubis!" Said Ahuizotl with a nervous smile "What a surprise I didn't expect see you here in your temple."

"This is exactly why we banished you from the pantheon!" Shouted Anubis "You are the worst guardian ever!"

The entire temple shook as Anubis took a swing at Ahuizotl.

Flash grabbed the key as Ahuizotl try to get away. "Let's get out of here!" As he races tows the others.

"But what about mon and Dad!?" Shouted Scootaloo

"There's no time!" Said Rainbow Dash as she and Thunderlane were fighting off the cats. Trenderhoof had apparently picked the lock on the cage.

"She right!" Said Twilight as spike was clinking on tightly on her back. "We got to find away out of this place before it falls apart on top of us!"

"Up here!" A voice called the ponies looked up and saw Daring do swinging a rope down to them from an opening above.

"OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh!" Said Rainbow Dash "It's Daring..."

"We don't have time for this!" Shouted Thunderlane pushing her forward.

The pegasi flew up ward with the foals in hoof, while the unicorns and earth ponies claimed the rope. When the last pony reach the top Daring do looked down at Anubis holding Ahuizotl in a headlock.

"Better luck next time Ahuizotl!" She shouted down at him with a smile.

"Curse you Daring Do! BWAhahaahahaa," Ahuizotl cried at his arch enemy.

The ponies and Spike began to race away from the temple as it began to collapse behind them. When they finally got away they fell to the ground and got their breaths.

"Is every pony okay?" Asked Twilight

"I've been better!" Said Spike still clinging tightly to her mane.

"At long last," Said Daring do taking the key from Flash, "We finally got a hold of the key of wrath."

"But we didn't get our parents," said Scootaloo tearing up.

Tender Taps and First Base attempted to comfort her. Flash sight and approached the filly.

"I know what it's like to lose you're parents," said Flash. "This isn't my first time losing them, but at least we still have each other."

"And you still have us said Rainbow Dash," approaching Scootaloo. She gestured towards Spike, the remaining Stallions and Mares. A tiny smile began to form of Scootaloo's face.

"Look!" shouted Pinkie Pie, pointing to where the temple had once stood.

The ponies watched in awe as to figures, a Mare and a Stallion approached from the crumbling ruins.

Scootaloo's eyes lit wide open, "Mom! Dad!"

She, Tender Taps, and First raced over to the two ponies who embraced them lovingly.

"Look at you all!" said Mane Allgood, "You've all gotten so big!"

"Crikey," Shutter Snap proclaimed, "How long have we been turned to stone?"

"About ten years," said Daring Do approaching the two ponies.

"Ten Years!" cried Shutter Snap. "You couldn't have broken the curse sooner Abby!"

"I told you not to call me Abby!" shouted Daring Do to the Stallion.

Flash Sentry as the three ponies continued to argue, the foals racing in-between them.

"Well," said Soarin approaching Flash from behind, "aren't you gonna say "Hi" to them!"

Flash stood still, not moving a muscle. Finally Soarin called over to Cheese and the two stallions pushed their friend forward.

Snap and Allgood ceased arguing with Daring Do. "Flash Sentry?" asked Mane Allgood.

"Hi mom..," Flash Sentry nervously scratched his head. "Hi dad.."

"Look at you, Mate," Snap Shutter said approaching his son. "The last time we saw you you were just a little Joey."

"We though we'd never see you again," said Mane Allgood holding her grown son tightly.

"Me too," said Flash hugging his mother back.

"So it's true," Tender Taps asked, "Flash Sentry is our older brother?"

"He sure is mates," proclaimed Snap Shutter, placing a hoof on his eldest son's shoulder.

The three foals suddenly raced towards Flash Sentry, tackling him to the ground hugging him.

"This is the best day ever," said Scootaloo holding tightly to Flash, "We got our whole family back."

"Well," Mane Allgood to Daring Do, "Looks you saved the day again, eh Abby?"

Daring Do growled, "I told you not to call me.."

"Wait," said Rainbow Dash, "what is this thing between you guys?"

"Well that's my little sisters name," said Mane Allgood holding Daring Do tightly, "Abigail Katherine Yearling II."

"Yeah," said Snap Shutter, "They named their dog Daring Do!"

"Wait a minute," proclaimed Rainbow Dash, "Daring Do is your sister?!"

"And she's named after the dog," said Soarin trying not to laugh.

Daring Do growled, still in her sisters embrace, "I had a lot of good memories of that Dog.."

And with that the ponies rode off into the sunset..

Back at King Sombra's castle, a battered and bruised Ahuizotl approached the evil kings throne.

"Well..?" King Sombra growled at his minion.

Ahuizotl smiled nervously at his master, "Here's the thing.. After ten long years, I was finally able to get ahold of the key contained within the Temple of Anubis.."

"And where is the key?" said King Sombra expecting more.

Beads of sweat dripped down Ahuizotl's brow, "Yes well.. I regret to inform you that Daring Do swooped in at the last minute and took the key. Right now it is probably on it's way to Tambelon where the Princess Twilight will lock it up in her castle."

King Sombra hoofed himself in the face out of frustration.

"But there is still good news," Ahuizotl said with a smile.

"Oh..?", said King Sombra.

Ahuizotl held out his fingers, "We still have one of the keys. The ponies only have two."

King Sombra looked unamused, "You're point?"

"My point!?" said Ahuizotl frustrated, "The keys open more than just the doors to Tartarus you know! They open doorways! Doorways to the other keys!"

King Sombra eye his minions curiously, "Oh.. Go on.."

"Stay with me for a moment," Ahuizotl began making gestures with his hands, "We have one of the the keys.. Two of the keys are in Tambelon.. We use our key to open a doorway directly to Tambelon.. Grab the other two keys.. And bring them here!"

King Sombra smiled, "Yes.. Yesss! I like it! I like it a lot!

Ahuizotl was pleased to see Sombra happy.

"And since this was your plan Ahuizotl," Sombra continued, "you shall carry it out. And just to make sure you succeed, bring the Diamond Dogs with you.

Cujo and the Diamond Dogs entered the throne room.

"This is how you expect me to succeed?" Ahuizotl gestured towards the Diamond Dogs in disbelief.

Sombra shrugged, "Desperate times call for desperate measures."

"Hold on a minute King Sombra!" Cujo proclaimed. "There's no way were taking orders from Monkey-Cat over here!"

Ahuizotl glared at the dogs, "Excuse me my canine friends, which one of you is the smallest?"

Spot raised his paw, "Uh, that would be me!"

There was large roar and a great snarling of teeth, as the diamond dogs watched in horror!

King Sombra merely rolled his eyes, "Ahuizotl.. Spit him out.."

Author's Note:

look out for season 2

Comments ( 4 )

Hi, I just finished reading your two stories AND I WOULD LOVE for you to create the next book / season of this story.

I'm working on it

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