• Published 1st Sep 2021
  • 12,499 Views, 489 Comments

Equestria: A New Generation - Phantom-Dragon

What-IF: Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria and joins Sunny Starscout and friends on their adventure.

  • ...

Friendship Is Magic

It was a startling moment that no pony could ever forget. After stopping Deputy Sprout from going through with his madness, to the end, Sunset Shimmer and her new friends, from a new generation, had succeeded in reigniting the magic of friendship, between earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi.

Suddenly, a blinding light erupted from the lighthouse of Sunny's home. The young earth pony mare then found herself, surrounded by the three lost crystals of the three pony tribes. Together, by the powers of the unicorn, pegasi, and earth pony crystals, they worked their great magic together, blessing Sunny with the power of, not one, but all three pony tribes. And in that very moment, Sunny appeared before her friends, and all the ponies gathered in Maretime Bay, as an alicorn.

Sunset Shimmer could hardly believe her eyes. To her, she thought she was looking at her friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle again.

"She's an alicorn," Sunset gasped.

Then, in the blink of an eye, another blinding light burst from the sky, banishing the darkness, and bathing all of Equestria in a dazzling aura. And with it, came the restored magic. Every unicorn's horns began to lit up, in a shower of sparkles, with every pegasi wings glowing and coated in magic sparkles.

"We're actually flying!" Pipp Petals exclaimed gleefully, as both she and Zipp flapped their wings and take to the sky, where they met up with Sunny.

"Whoa, Sunny!" Zipp exclaimed. "Check you out!"

"What?" Sheriff Hitch exclaimed, too taken in by Sunny's new appearance.

"I can't believe it!" Sunny smiled.

"Now that's what I call a glow-up," Izzy pointed.

"You've earned it, Sunny," Sunset smiled as she walked up to Sunny.

"Sunset," Sunny smiled enthusiastically towards the fiery unicorn. "I...I...I can't...I'm...I'm an...I'm an..."

"You're...an alicorn," Sunset confirmed. "Just like Twilight...I think this means, you've become a Princess of Friendship," With that, Sunset Shimmer bowed her head, in respect.

However, little did Sunset knew, the magic wasn't entirely finished.

"Hey, look!" Izzy pointed, up in the air.

Without warning, the aura worked up some more magics of its own. Appearing from the sky, galloping down to the ground were what appeared to be a herd of spiritual ponies. They danced and circled around the six friends, before it became apparent that Sunset was the center of attention.

Before Sunset could fully realize what was happening, she was lifted off the ground, into the air, with the spiritual ponies still doing their dance. As their dance intensifies, so too was their magic light show, blinding Sunset Shimmer, forcing her to close her eyes shut. It was in that moment, that Sunset experienced a rushing wave of flashbacks that flooded into her mind, like a tidal wave. She remembers her first birthday candle she blew out, to the day when she got accepted into Princess Celestia's School of Gifted Unicorns, all the way to her first arrival in the other world, and her first meeting with Princess Twilight and friends.

In that moment, the sound of Princess Twilight's words echoed loudly in Sunset Shimmer's head:

"The magic contained in my Element was able to unite with those that helped create it! Honesty! Kindness! Laughter! Generosity! Loyalty! Magic! Together with a crown, they create a power beyond anything you could imagine, but it is a power you don't have the ability to control! The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer, but you cannot wield it, because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all: the magic of friendship!"

"I...I know that speech!" Sunset remembered. "That was when I had my first taste of friendship!"

"Here and in Equestria, it is the only magic that can truly unite us all!"

Finally, with a burst that's more resounding than fireworks, but just as astounding than a Sonic Rainboom, the light show has ended, to reveal Sunset Shimmer...as a brand new pony.

When Sunset Shimmer finally opened her eyes, she gasped in shock, looking down at herself, to find her youth restored. On top of that, she has grown a pair of wings herself. Letting instinct take her over, Sunset Shimmer flapped her wings and proceeded to fly in the air, among the spiritual ponies, recognizing some familiar faces.

"Rainbow Dash?" Sunset shouted excitedly. "Applejack! Rarity? Pinkie Pie! Fluttershy! Twilight! Ha ha ha! YEAH!"

With a twirl of her body, Sunset Shimmer joined the spirits in their graceful dance, as she gallops in the sky, until the spirits disappeared in puffs of sparkles. With that, Sunset turned her attention back to the ponies below, and she landed back to the ground, standing before an excited Sunny Starscout.

"Sunset!" Sunny exclaimed, excitedly.

"Sunny," Sunset began. "I am very hungry."

"Ooh! I've got some sandwich!" Izzy held up, one of her homemade sandwiches.

"Not that hungry..." Sunset shook her head.

Unable to contain herself, Sunny ran up to Sunset and the two mares-turned-alicorns, wrapped their hooves and wings, in another loving embrace.

"Thank you, Sunset!" Sunny Starscout smiled. "For everything."

"Hey, you little ponies are the real heroes here, not me," Sunset Shimmer reminded. "I just happened to drop in."

"Still...I'm glad you were a part of this quest," Sunny smiled with newfound admiration. "I'm glad I got to meet someone like you! Some pony who knows a lot more about friendship, than I do!"

Once again, the two ponies, old and young, both exchanged loving smiles, as they moved in closer and shared another hug. Wanting in on the loving embrace, Izzy Moonbow was the next to jump in and wrap her hooves around the two mares, followed by Hitch, Zipp, and Pipp.

"Yay!" Izzy cheered. "Two alicorns for the price of one!"

"So I guess we have two Princesses of Friendship then," Zipp guessed. "Except one of them's young and the other is old."

"Hey, want to see how fast you can fly to the moon?" Sunset threatened, in a teasing manner, with a glow of her horn.

"So, uh...your majesties," Sheriff Hitch began, as he bowed his head. "How...may I be of service?"

Sunset and Sunny both exchanged looks, before they laughed.

"No need to be formal, Hitch," Sunny reassured.

"Just Sunset and Sunny is good enough," Sunset added. "We're all friends here."

"Oh! Okay," Sheriff Hitch smiled as he got up on his hooves.

"So, Sunset," Sunny began, as she turned to Sunset Shimmer. "I have like about a gazillion questions right now! Like...how do I even begin to use magic? Do I need to concentrate? Do I need to think positive? Do I just need to believe in friendship? Or-"

"Questions for another time, Sunny," Sunset stopped the excited young mare. "I believe we have a town to clean up."

"M'lady," Sheriff Hitch bowed. "You are a mare after my own heart."

And so, for the rest of the day, Sunset Shimmer, Sunny Starscout, and all of their friends worked together to clean up Maretime Bay, and fixed all the damages done by Deputy Sprout in his corruption of power, and his time as Emperor.

Needless to say, however, watching all the ponies befriending one another, in spite of their differences, was the greatest reward for the heroes, who made it all possible.

Everywhere they looked, young foals from different pony tribes were running around, playing and laughing together. One earth pony foal was happily chasing with Queen Haven's winged dog, Cloudpuff.

"Aw, you made a new friend!" Queen Haven cooed, cuddling her cheek against Cloudpuff, before he resumed playing with the foal.

"Hi there, buddy!" Alphabittle greeted a young colt, who stared in awe.

Meanwhile, Sheriff Hitch and some earth ponies were working on getting a trolley, back up on its wheels. However, Izzy and Sunset were already working on it, courtesy of their magic. Of course, Sunset had to teach Izzy the proper method to use telekinesis first.

"Concentrate," Sunset lectured. "Focus. Focus on the trolley. Think nothing, but how to flip it back up, on its wheels."

"Okay, I got it," Izzy did as she was told, as both she and Sunset successfully lifted the trolley in the air, before they gently placed it back down, on its rail. "I did it. I DID IT!"

"Good work, Izzy!" Sunset smiled proudly. "Hmmm. You could make an excellent magical protege. How do you feel about taking friendship lessons, from a pro? Sunny could use a fellow classmate."

Izzy gasped in awe, "You're going to be our magic teacher?!" Izzy asked.

"First thing, at 6 AM sharp, tomorrow," Sunset instructed. "Don't be late."

"Yes sir!" Izzy saluted. "I mean, ma'm!"

"Hey...uh..." A voice asked, revealing himself to be the former Emperor Sprout. "About the whole...trying to arrest you and Sunny...thing. Can we...forgive and forget?"

"Hmmm, what do you think, Sunset?" Sunny asked.

"I think...he should do some community service," With a blast of her magic, Sunset Shimmer stripped Sprout of his medals, and badge, and put him in an orange reflective vest, complete with a trash picker. "Clean up your litters, and then we'll consider shortening your sentence. Hitch!"

"Yes, ma'm?" Sheriff Hitch asked. "Uh, I mean, Sunset Shimmer?"

"You'll be in charge of seeing this earth pony doing community services," Sunset ordered. "Make sure he actually does his jobs, and don't let him lay down on the job, or its...you know what," She winked.

"You got it," Sheriff Hitch returned the wink, before he turned to Sprout, with a stern look. "Well, you heard the mare! Pick up those litters! That's an order!"

"Yes sir!" Sprout whimpered as he immediately went to work. "Sheesh. From Emperor of Maretime Bay, to community service. My life's gone to the dogs," No sooner did Sprout say that, he heard an angry growl, to which he turned to see an annoyed Cloudpuff. "Hehe, nice doggy."

"That should teach him a lesson he'll never forget," Sunset smirked, confidently.

"Still, I can't believe it's...it's finally over," Sunny frowned, looking up at Sunset Shimmer. "The adventure, the crystals, and everything."

"Over?" Sunset scoffed. "Far from it. I'd say this is just the beginning."

"But Sunset..." Sunny began. "What about this...this other world you came from? Won't your friends there notice you're missing?"

"Well, technically, I...I did leave a note, saying I'm on vacation, so...I wouldn't be missed," Sunset shrugged.

"Still, don't you have to get back, sometimes soon?" Sheriff Hitch asked.

"Yeah...maybe later. Right now, I'd say I'm booked for an extended engagement. Even with the magic of Equestria restored, there's still so many questions I need to find the answers for. Like how did this all happened? Will it happen again? And how we can prevent it, for the next generation, or so? And what happened to Princess Twilight."

"Well, whatever happens," Sunny began. "I know we'll figure it out, together."

"And we'll never be apart!" Izzy smiled.

"We're all in this together," Sheriff Hitch added.

"And we'll do our parts," Zipp added. "Hooves to heart."

"Pipp Pipp hooray!" Pipp sang and flapped her wings.

"Hooves to heart!" The six ponies said together, putting their hooves together, and lifted them up in celebration. "Pipp Pipp hooray!"

Suddenly, at that exact moment, a familiar pony dropped down, after his long balloon trip around the world.

"Whew! Hey, guys. What did I miss?" He asked the ponies.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Equestria...

"My prince! The sky is awake. The light has returned! The ponies...they...they are united!"

From the darkness, a pair of evil green eyes pierced with a menacing glare.

"It's back!" An evil voice hissed.

Meanwhile, back in Maretime Bay, after helping the town of Maretime Bay getting cleaned up, Sunset Shimmer was walking through a field, when she noticed a trio of foals walking pass her.

"Glowing up!" A unicorn foal sang.

"Kind of looove," An earth pony followed.

"We say high! You say what?" The pegasus sang, with their friend saying the last part together with a laugh. "Race you the bridge!"

"Oh it's on!" The unicorn raced.

"No using your magic this time!" The earth pony foal shouted, chasing after her friend.

"Last on there is a rotten sardine!"

"I'm gonna win this time!"

Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but chuckle, shaking her head in delight at the little foals, happy to see Equestria back to the way it was supposed to be. But in the blink of an eye, in their place, she could've sworn she saw pony version of the CMCs, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

Shaking her head, bringing herself back to the reality of the present, Sunset continued on her way, towards Sunny's lighthouse.

Later that night, Sunset Shimmer was writing a friendship letter:

Dear Twilight,

I don't know if you are reading this, or if you'll ever get it.

I'm just writing for friendship sake. I came back to Equestria, hoping I could find you and talk to you about something that's been bothering me. I thought I needed to talk to you to find some kind of closures.

But I think I've figured it out, and a young pony Sunny Starscout has helped me. I'm currently in Maretime Bay, with my new generations of friends, and...I think I'll stick around with Sunny and her friends for now. I don't know what the future may hold, but I'm excited to find out together with these new generations of ponies...and friendship.

Hopefully, someday, you and I will see each other again.


Sunset Shimmer.

After she was done writing her letter, Sunset Shimmer turned to Sunny Starscout, who has a balloon at the ready. Together, the two ponies tied the letter to the balloon and sent it floating into the night sky, to an exciting future.

Author's Note:

Phew! It's finally done.

A What-IF fanfic, of Sunset Shimmer returning to Equestria, and joining in on the adventure of Sunny Starscout and friends.

And before anyone else begins, I GET IT! I've seen your reviews. I was too dependent on the movie's transcript, and made Sunset Shimmer more of an "observer" than an actual "character" helping to move the plot along.

I'm still learning some things about storytelling. That and I've been hanging with the Disney Chronicles, the Cinematic Adventures, and Game Quest way too much. So, in a way, I treated this story more of a crossover, and I've yet to learn when the lines are drawn.

It was so much easier when I was working on The Fighting Dragon, but that's a different story.

But anyway, thank you all for putting up with my inexperience, and to those of you who enjoyed the story, I appreciate it.

In all honesty, I owed the inspiration of this story idea to Raya and the Last Dragon. In a way, it was fun for me to picture Sunny as Raya and Sunset as the dragon, Sisu. So, imagine Awkwafina's voice, or Rebecca Shoichet doing an Awkwafina impression, coming from an older Sunset Shimmer. Lol.

Anyway, this has been Equestria: A New Generation, and a – how do you say? – love letter to G4 as we are anxious to see what the future holds with G5.

Comments ( 95 )

ok I take my last comment back.
I am sorry I lost faith in you good job and thank you for wonderful story

Oh. Ignore my last comment please. I didn't realize there's another chapter. And glad you gave sunset the place she deserved. Hope you'll make a sequel for the g5 series.

Prince….Green Eyes……hold on, could that be?!

Bravo, phantom! Bravo!

I’m not sure sunny and sunset would be the ‘princess’ type. Also Who would the prince with the green eyes be? He might either be a rogue changeling or an oc villain.

And so the story comes to an end…

But Sunset’s journey is far from over…

For even as the sun rises on this new era, there are still many questions left to be answered.

And while Sunset and her new friends were able to restore the magic, their actions may have just opened the door for those who use magic for evil to menace the ponies once again...

I really liked that nod to Raya and the last dragon.

but I LOVED that bit of foreshadowing you did. I can imagine a shadowy figure leaning forward to reveal the eyes, after reading that. * Shudders *

I can imagine the scene cutting to the moment Pip takes as we hear Cloudpuff start barking at Sprout, who screams a girly scream in the background.

It was beautiful 😍 I cried a little but it was tears of joy I hope there would be a sequel soon for both this fanfic and the movie🥰🙏

I just wonder, if you do a sequel, will you do it when the special comes out in May?:pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Hitcharmor45 deleted Nov 1st, 2021
Comment posted by Hitcharmor45 deleted Nov 1st, 2021

That Raya movie was disappointing. She never met Sho'Nuff!

"Hi there, buddy!" Alphabittle greeted a young colt, who stared in awe.

with good reaon, Alphabittle is about the same size as Big Mac, XD going overboard on that scale would've been making him the same size as Trouble-Shoes, which he ain't, and i can tell because Alpha is next to Queen Haven, a Pegasus of Normal Hight, and Alpha is about a head taller then her, she would've been lucky if she has reached his midsection if he was the same hight as T-S, i mean Trouble Shoes has been comfimed by Faust to be taller then Celelstia.

Great job on the final two chapters of this story. Really appreciated the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations, action (involving the battle with the mecha) and future set-up in all the right places. Really appreciated how you had Sunset playing such an active role in the final battle as well as Sunset being the one making the friendship speech before both she AND Sunny ascended. Also appreciated the extra detail going into Sprout's punishment, Sunset giving Izzy those levitation lessons, Sunset mentioning that she doesn't have to get back for a while, the set up for the new villain waiting in the wings and Sunset writing the friendship letter to Twilight at the very end.

Definitely looking forward to more of your work in general.

This was good thank you for writing the story. In a way it felt like Sunset was like a teacher/mother figure to Sunny and the ponies. I do like the different takes from the movie and think that Pip was done better a little better here since the film should have been longer.

I wonder how ponies handle magic since they are use to not living with it… Sunset will definitely have a lot of students to teach and hope it’s funny. Also, Prince? Mmm… I wonder what’s happening there…

Great job there and wow that was great, now both Sunset and Sunny became alicorns and can guide equestria back on track, great job what you did to this story. And Pirnce? I wonder who that is? And don’t worry, the adventure have just begun, and I see the raya and the last dragon movie, it’s kinda like that and I still like it either way.

And don’t worry, this story will continue, there is gonna be a 44 minute special coming out on spring 2022. We just need to wait for it. But great job, keep up the great work.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Equestria...

"My prince! The sky is awake. The light has returned! The ponies...they...they are united!"

From the darkness, a pair of evil green eyes pierced with a menacing glare.

"It's back!" An evil voice hissed.

Easter egg from Peter Pan 2003 (1:51 - 2:02):


As long as everyone euphemistically says "taken out," it's fine to even show the Earth Queen graphically murdered by airbending asphyxiation onscreen.

Can't think of a better way to end things than this: Hit it, gang!

It was just an awesome story, super and cool, everything is cool written,great and cool,it was a great trip to the world of the G5 pony from Sunset. Oh, here's a moment with green eyes mmm,

Are you going to make a sequel?

Holy hell I love this fan fic I don’t know why but it just works also I hope it gets a sequel which is the special and series along with leaked mini movie coming in December of next year but who knows anyway loved this story I give it a 9/10

Suddenly, at that exact moment, a familiar pony dropped down, after his long balloon trip around the world.

"Whew! Hey, guys. What did I miss?" He asked the ponies.

Lol that poor guy he missed alot 😂

From the darkness, a pair of evil green eyes pierced with a menacing glare.

Ohhhh I sense a sequel coming soon pretty exciting stuff here

Ok wow that was a pretty good story and a way to have Sunset Shimmer to be with the new generation so with all the magic return and everything and sunny became an alicorn it looks like the spirit of the Mane 6 also grants one little wish to Sunset and it looks like she also granted to become an Alicorn as well and it looks like they're going to fix up Maretime Bay from everybody and it looks like Sunset Shimmer decided to stay with them to help out whatever she can and discover what really happened and what's become of Equestria of what the separation from ponies and creatures and who is that mysterious villain but I guess that's is another story anyway this was a pretty nice story and I like that scenario and it kind of reminds me of Chronicles of Narnia at least the third one because when they came back things change like they're in a different timeline so that was clever what you did there anyway keep up the good work

They have revealed some juicy details.

1 the tree that they talk about on the map from zephyr heights to bridlewood is actually the new tree of harmony( the one that the young six built a tree house)

2 sunny is not a full time alicorn yet.

3 the transparent wings and horns are do to the fact that magic is just returning and couldn’t fully activate the alicorn transformation

4 the movie is not a pilot story it is a connection story. Due to the scene with the mane 6 with their original VAs.

5 the pilot of g5 is due in 2022 spring.

Not gonna lie, I REALLY REALLY Enjoyed this a LOT, and I look forward to seeing where you go with this in future should you decide one a sequel to it!:twilightsmile:

Also YAY for Alicorn Sunset!:pinkiehappy:

This was very well done, and I liked that you saved Sunny’s house from getting torn down.

Great ending. Have a like :) It was fun!

Well hang on to your excitement because I heared that there is gonna be a 44 minute special that is coming out on Spring 2022. So that means, this story gonna continue if the Arthur is okay with it.

Good concept, but somewhat lackluster execution. Felt a bit disjointed and needed a proofreading pass or two. Grammar in particular. Honestly, the latter may be a major cause of the former.

Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but chuckle, shaking her head in delight at the little foals, happy to see Equestria back to the way it was supposed to be. But in the blink of an eye, in their place, she could've sworn she saw pony version of the CMCs, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

I also forgot to mention I like that ending do these kids actually getting along and it does remind me of the Cutie Mark Crusaders

I'm not blaming you for what was done to Sunset. Plus, while living on Wattpad, I started to find A New Generation in Friendship is Magic style, not to mention Equestria Girls style. Also, having Friendship is Magic and A New Generation Crossover is quiet interesting. If you don't mind, I could upload your stories on Wattpad (BlueAlastor I'm known there), so people there could know about you. Great story, keep it up

I wonder who could that be? Something about a prince and it wouldn’t be sombra.

Loved the story, hope you can make a sequel for it in the future, was a really fun read and had me on the edge of my seat the whole time, just waiting for more. :D

Comment posted by EaglesFan1127 deleted Nov 3rd, 2021

Honestly, I was thinking by the end 1 of 2 things would happen. Either Sunset Shimmer would die, or would become an alicorn herself. I thought either would make sense for the story. The former would complete Sunset Shimmer’s arc, and reunite her with the one who helped her see the light, and embrace the magic of friendship. While the latter would fulfill that destiny Sunset Shimmer saw when she looked into the mirror in that IDW comic that explored her time as Princess Celestia’s student.

I really enjoyed this story, and I do appreciate how you changed from what happened in the movie as the story progressed. Very satisfied with the ending too. Keep up the good work.

Yeah. And you know like sunset said in this story, it is just the beginning of their adventure, and we all know that it would continue, because on Spring 2022, there is a 44 minute special coming up after the movie and after that, there is gonna be a tv show, this is just the beginning of their adventure and we are gonna see more of it and figure out the mysteries of how equestria lost its magic, how the ponies are divided and what happens to twilight and her friend that replaced friendship with fear and paranoia in the first place. And it will continue in the spring for us to find out

Just wanted you to know, I enjoyed your story. :twilightsmile:

Maybe Blueblood, who became corrupted by a dark influence?

I’m not sure. But I’m sure that your future stories will come when the series comes out.

Yeah that would be the 44 minute special coming out on Spring 2022 and after tv series that takes place after the movie, so we will see more adventures and maybe some answers on how future equestria came to be

Pretty good story over all👍 Definitely could see the improvement in writing over the last few chapters. I wonder though, what would have happened if Sunset came back and couldn't use magic? I wonder if that would have been a better prompt🤔

Also just to add, I know some others have given similar feedback, but I think it would have been best to follow sunset's perspective and ignore the situations where she wasn't there. That'll allow more room for creative input by you, without the story filled with unnecessary repeated content from the movie. For example, during the portion about sunset sneaking around in maritime bay at the beginning, it would be funny to have sunset just hear part of Sunny's song as she whizzed past, rather than the whole song

When Sunset Shimmer finally opened her eyes, she gasped in shock, looking down at herself, to find her youth restored. On top of that, she has grown a pair of wings herself. Letting instinct take her over, Sunset Shimmer flapped her wings and proceeded to fly in the air, among the spiritual ponies, recognizing some familiar faces.



"Still...I'm glad you were a part of this quest," Sunny smiled with newfound admiration. "I'm glad I got to meet someone like you! Some pony who knows a lot more about friendship, than I do!"

And ngl, it made the story 10 times better, heck perhaps an 11 instead. :ajsmug:

"So I guess we have two Princesses of Friendship then," Zipp guessed. "Except one of them's young and the other is old."

I'd rather all sunset the princess of empathy instead actually since it suits her well. :scootangel:

Everywhere they looked, young foals from different pony tribes were running around, playing and laughing together. One earth pony foal was happily chasing with Queen Haven's winged dog, Cloudpuff.

Good to see things are back to normal alright. 😇

"First thing, at 6 AM sharp, tomorrow," Sunset instructed. "Don't be late."

Looks like she'll be staying for awhile longer than she thought she'd be.

"I think...he should do some community service," With a blast of her magic, Sunset Shimmer stripped Sprout of his medals, and badge, and put him in an orange reflective vest, complete with a trash picker. "Clean up your litters, and then we'll consider shortening your sentence. Hitch!"

Good thinking sunset. :rainbowdetermined2:

"Over?" Sunset scoffed. "Far from it. I'd say this is just the beginning."

Not to mention the start of generation 5 of my little pony.

"Well, technically, I...I did leave a note, saying I'm on vacation, so...I wouldn't be missed," Sunset shrugged.

That's a relief and something we won't have to worry about.

From the darkness, a pair of evil green eyes pierced with a menacing glare.

That ain't good! 😰

But I think I've figured it out, and a young pony Sunny Starscout has helped me. I'm currently in Maretime Bay, with my new generations of friends, and...I think I'll stick around with Sunny and her friends for now. I don't know what the future may hold, but I'm excited to find out together with these new generations of ponies...and friendship.

Apart of myself still wishes eqg would return and see how it ends but I think I'm fine with fanfic versions to get over the fact the show is cancelled and has a very slim chance of not returning. But my love for eqg and sunset shimmer won't be going away anytime soon and after spending the last 24 hours reading this I'm definitely rating this story a 10/10! Keep up the good work, as well to all the fimfiction writers out there including myself who does plan to make my own eqg finale in the future. :twilightsmile:

Well fasten your seatbelt mlp fan, because on Spring 2022, there will be a 44 minute special of G5 MLP and then after that the tv series as well. And maybe when they come out, our friend "Put Sunset in New Generation" pal here will continue his story when it comes out. Because like Sunset said, this adventure is just the beginning of a new. So be ready for that, because who knows, maybe the 44 minute special and tv series will maybe helps us solve the mystery on what happen to Twilight and her friends and how Equestria was divided and how friendship is replaced with paranoia and fear.

I'm sorry but where did you hear news on a 44 minute special? I already knew about the tv series coming but not the 44 minute special.

Well if you seen the new g5 wiki, you would know and found out that there will be a 44 minute special after the movie. If you don't believe me here is a link to it to believe it.


Just go to this link and see for your self, it even said the release will be on May 2022 on netflix.

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