• Member Since 31st Oct, 2016
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I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.


This story is a sequel to Pokémon: Equestrian Champions

Horizon City, a technological masterpiece where humans and Pokémon live together peacefully. But an ancient evil is hidden within this city, and a newer one is attempting to unleash it.

And it's up to some very unlikely heroes to stop it before it's too late.

Edited by KingJoltik

On TvTropes

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 64 )

This will definitely be an interesting "movie fic". Let's see if Lightning will get a wake-up call about the meaning of strength. Power means nothing if you have no reason for it aside from power.

"Not enough," grumbled a feminine voice. "I need more power." They moved up and placed their hand on its leg. "At this rate, I'll be discovered before I have a chance to finally awaken you. I need more power. But where am I supposed to get it?"

please let it be Cozy Glow as she of characters in MLP FiM actually has a connection with Tirek, or rather the version of Tirek this Pokemon is based off of.

"Shining Armor said travelling there through this route would be good training," Flash replied, now thinking about the three weeks since they had left the Crystal Empire after defeating Sombra and his evil team. In that time, they had met many strong trainers, Flash fighting them all, claiming victory every time. They weren't easy, but that was what made them worth it to Flash.

:ajbemused: If you're not going to show the reader in the text, then use character dialogue to do the exposition, there's a reason why the show uses the Friendship Express as... as the fandom often calls it... the Exposition Express.

Cue epic Pokémon music.

and this is a Pokemon movie that means it's time to press the fast forward button :ajbemused:... I can't have been the only one to have done this when watching a Pokemon movie...

Music ends.

and now we return to the feature presentation

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Flash cried, falling to his knees as tears began to stream down his face. Springer moved over and placed a hand on his shoulder, while his friends all sighed at this.

Let me play you a sad song on the world's smallest violin...oh this was meant as a joke...:facehoof: ... yeah bad drama makes for good comedy, but bad comedy doesn't make good drama, and this just comes off as either Flash is being almost out of characteristically juvenile or the author is trying way to hard with this joke... or both

Flash stood there with wide eyes, gasping as he saw who was on the battlefield, "Lightning..."

And this surprises Flash, how? :facehoof: I get that Flash ain't the most genre savvy character, but he's got to recognize the pattern around tournaments at this point, it's basic human survival driven biology to recognize patterns.

Not a bad start, but we all know the second movie had the best start... and is the better movie/entry of the last two movies... much like Rainbow Rocks is the best of all of Equestria Girls... and both employ the Dazzlings... :applejackunsure: I wonder if that's a correlation or a causation...

So we have someone trying to wake Centirek and use it to conquer the world and Flash and Lightning are both going to have to swallow their respective pride and work together to defeat the final Pokemon of the Equestrian Region... or rather the last one to meet... I know it will happen, but I want to know how and what is Flash going to offer up/sacrifice/pay in order to get Lightning to join him. Well, let's see how this all plays out.

Well this is going to be interesting for sure.

A bit too bad Flash couldn’t participate in the tournament but no real loss. In my experience in Pokémon movies, any tournaments held usually end up getting canceled once the major threat arrives if it doesn’t conclude by the end of the opening theme. It was pretty cool to see how famous he has become since defeating Sombra.

I’m looking forward to seeing what role Lightning Blitz plays here, and hopefully seeing him get what’s coming to him. Looks like his Guardroid evolved into Androrg. I wonder if his Sharazor evolved too?

This is gonna be interesting

What kind of title is Rival and Darkness? Is it because of the plot? If so, then great title.

Please have Ash and Pikachu arrive! I want Pikachu to use Volt Tackle on Cozy Glow and defeat her.

I found the perfect Pokémon Movie theme for your Pokémon Movie stories: https://youtu.be/MQ5IVh8buu8

Wait. Cozy Glow? That has to be the villain. Anyone who has seen the Season 8 finale would know why.

"Yes," Redheart nodded. "All your Pokémon are still in top form. I didn't get my medical degree just by learning to push buttons."

and yet you are a nurse and not a doctor... I going with the assumption you got screwed out of your M.D.

Can you guess who the bad guy is yet?

That's a sucker's bet, it's Cozy Glow. Of course Starlight will be presented as the bad guy for a while but she's a red herring, and given that the Pokemon that Lightning and Flash will need to work together to fight at the climax, Centirek, is clearly based off of FiM's take on Tirek and Cozy Glow, in the show, was one of only three characters that had actual interactions with Tirek that could be considered friendly, while noting that Discord has already been revealed as Dischaos and this series' take on Chrysalis is, at the least, awaiting trial, and it's only now that Cozy Glow has been introduced... the real question is how effective a red herring Starlight will be. Also since this the third movie, it's going to borrow some elements from Spell of the Unown (Emperor of the Crystal Tower ENTEI in the original Japanese) and the antagonist of that film was Molly Hale (Me Snowdon, in the original Japanese), a little girl who had lost her family and managed to connect with the Unown and they reshaped the word for her, and Cozy would be the closest to Molly in age... so yeah, it's Cozy Glow.

Love the take of Cozy being Starlight's assistant, but who was Starlight's uncle, and why did he leave it the company to her? While I get the need to use certain characters to fill certain roles, Starlight Glimmer is no Seto Kaiba, so why is she in command of such a company? Ah, the path of the red herring.

There's also The Third Pokemon movie, but I do agree.

Nice, this is going good so far. I think the two most likely characters to be the villains are either Starlight Glimmer or Cozy Glow, since they were antagonists in the show. Between the two of them though I would lean a bit more towards Cozy, since she seemed annoyed at not getting respect due to her age.

I also think that The Poké-Arms System is really cool. Maybe it will become important in the climax of the movie here, with Ash using it to combine with Springer.

"Wow!" They ran over to him, "Flash Sentry!" The teen let out a sigh, having hoped this would be done for today. The trainers all gathered around him, asking what he was doing there and if he was in the tournament. And as they did this, Lightning glared at the sight before walking away, only Twilight noticing the scowl on his face.

"What's up with him?"

Ha! Lightning’s jealous that Flash is famous now and he isn’t. I bet that is going to be his whole subplot for the movie, if not the remainder of the series. I still am betting the tournament will be canceled before it concludes, but if it isn’t and Lightning ends up winning I bet everyone will still give Flash more attention.

Flash was about to reply, only to hear something from a nearby TV. "Next up in the Battle Tournament, Lightning Blitz verses Conway." Flash looked up at the screen, Twilight and the others soon watching. "What Pokémon will these two trainer use in this battle?"

Man, I loved Conway in Diamond and Pearl! He was funny and one of Ash’s most unique rivals.

Also, I think the pokemon Centirek should appear in this movie. Same reason as Cozy Glow.

I say it's Cozy Glow. No proof needed.

Remind me again why Flash promised Grand to save Lightning? I doubt that there is any good in him. He only battles to win and gain power. I feel like he’s a lost cause. That’s my opinion.

I loved that whole speech Twilight gave Lightning. Flash is much better as he's not seeking power to be strong, but helps others get stronger. I get the feeling that Lightning will finally get what he deserves when Centirek wipes out his team and our real hero saves him despite what the jerk is like.

Lightning does have a few valid points, granted he's fundamentally wrong, but he's right with that when Flash had to chance to do it himself or call for help, when if Flash is as good of a trainer Flash professes and Twilight seems to believe he is, Flash would have handled it himself, he instead called for help. Yes Flash did do the right thing, but Lightning's argument is not without it's own merits. Although, I don't Twilight was the best person to try to debate Ligthning, maybe Doc... but Doc had basically shut down his gym to do what he should of done years ago before he took over the Metal Gym... and we all know Ligthning has no respect for Flash... and Spike... well... yeah, there's no one in the Hero team that Lightning would ever listen to.
Beyond that... interesting method of collecting the Infinity Energy needed to revive Centirek.
Oh and good on Flash to actually note that Lightning was winning, now if own Flash would take the time to sit down and think about how he's going to fight in the league, formulate some strategies, develop a few tactics, maybe jot down information about the trainers he's fought along the way and how to beat the ones that most likely made it into the League, I am mean he's got nothing better to do... until Cozy revives Centirek and he has to convince Lightning to work with him... although Lightning strikes me as the kind of guy that would let the world burn around him, if it meant that Flash was finally put in his place once and for all. And looking at this from Lightning's point of view, Does Flash really have what it takes to be Champion? Half his team are starters and at this point everyone else have already retired their starter, and his 'ace' pokemon is still unevolved, let alone never Mega evolved.

The plot thickens. But who is the culprit?

We all know it's Cozy Glow, please don't insult our intelligences. By all means, feel free to insult your own to the end of days, but please don't insult ours. The real question is how will Cozy set Starlight up to take the fall until Cozy is able to revive Centirek and attempt to capture him with the Master Ball.

I am really liking this story so far. The Burst Evolution from the story sounded amazing! I like how it is what inspired Starlight and Sunburst to creat their Poké-Arms system, and I hope they get it working soon.

There is something about seeing Lightning get so frustrated over Flash’s popularity that is just so cathartic, just as much if not more than all the times he lost throughout the series. Twilight’s speech to him was pretty awesome too, even if I doubt it got through to him. It reminded me of how Cadance talked down to Lightning at the Balance Battle Tournament. There is one thing that got me thinking a bit. I wonder if anyone will make a comparison between Centirek and Lightning in the story? Since Centirek was said to steal power from others for no other reason than to show off, while Lightning doesn’t seem to have a goal beyond “get strong and become champion.”

Lightning might think that once he beats Flash in the League, no one will remember Flash’s name, but to borrow a quote from Monsters University, when Lightning loses, nobody will let him forget it. That being said though, he is showing that he is still a tough opponent. Now it is confirmed his Sharazor evolved into Thrashark, confirming half his team evolved off-screen. The only Pokémon on his team that isn’t fully evolved yet, or at least not confirmed yet, is his Frostoak, and I bet he will take care of that before the League.

I still think the villain is Cozy Glow. There are a few subtle hints like her having the Master Ball, and both her and the cloaked figure tripping. I am still excited for what else is in store.

Good chapter.

I wait for the day when someone puts Lightning in his place. Even if Mewtwo comes out of nowhere and does it like he did with Gary

I called it. Didn't I call it? Cause I sure did.

Rattata uses Thunderbolt

Not the Pokemon I'd think most would use to make the point, as much as you seem to hate the mascot (given how you write Springer in Flash Sentry Defender of the Peace), Pikachu is objectively the better choice to convey the point.

"Genius..." Twilight whispered.

:facehoof:Time and place, Twilight, time and place

Starlight was in her lab, working on something at one of the desks. The sparking of a smolder filled the room, staring at a device beside a computer that had a bunch of schematics on the screen. And as the sparking stopped, she pulled back and lifted her goggles, lifting up a pistol-like device.
She squinted at the gadget before turning to her laptop and shutting it. She then opened a nearby drawer, pulling out a glass container full of the green liquid, which she screwed into the end. "Perfect," she replied with a giant smirk, "Now it can deliver the energy even faster."

Now that is how you do a red herring.

Lightning huffed at the sight, "A little late for Halloween, isn't it?"

given that is bein published in September/October... it's early or on time depending on when the last chapter is published.

Laughter filled the air as the holder of the gun walked up to the now unconscious Psychick. They turned to a container connected to the gun, now seeing it fill up. "Perfect," the figure pulled off their hood to reveal a head of curly blue hair. Cozy Glow stared at the full container, a barrage of unconscious Pokémon behind her as she giggled, "Just perfect."

you'd couldn't have waited one more chapter before the reveal, couldn't yah. Well it's not like there was that much of a mystery from the get go.

I don't like using this, but I can track her gauntlet's signal." A flashing red dot appeared on the screen, "Found her...and she's nowhere near the city dentist."

Unless Starlight actually owns the gauntlet and she's tracking it, I don't think she can legally track Cozy, to the best of my knowledge she's not Cozy's legal guardian.

That Sombra guy was a total idiot,

he planned this for years, decades likely and he actually studied the two major lendaries and he actual held for a while the three horses, I doubt you'll be anywhere near as successful

"Oh please," Starlight hissed, "Don't try that with us. Just wait until your-"

her what? Who has the authority over Cozy that Starlight has to defer too.

And thus, Centirek rises. Now our heroes have to find a way to stop it, if they can.

and we all know it will involve Lightning, the question is how will Flash convince Lightning to help, other then begging on his knees and/or agreeing to not interfere with Lightning trying to capture Centirek, I don't know how.
Although a Faustian Deal with Sombra could help... yeah that's wishful thinking on my part.

Oh boy, this is where the action really starts now! Centirek Is finally free, and that can only mean trouble for everyone in the Region, possibly the whole world if he gets strong enough. I can’t wait to see what is going to happen next!

I know it proved to be bad, but I enjoyed seeing Lightning have his Pokémon drained in front of him when he started getting cocky. Though, now it is confirmed that he has a fully evolved team since his Frostoak evolved into Roglacier.

I, like most people, correctly guessed that Cozy was the villain, you did a good job with the Starlight Red Herring before the reveal. I like how when it seemed like Cozy failed to revive Centirek she tried to play the “I’m just a kid” card to gain sympathy. I wonder if she survived the collapse of the temple? But even if she did she will still need to face punishment for this, and I bet it is going to be a very big one.

The part where Centirek was almost caught in the Master Ball actually made me shiver for a moment, but then it became even more frightening when he actually managed to do the impossible and break out of it. I remember the Master Ball only appeared once in the anime, and it also failed that time, but that was played for laughs while this is obviously a much more horrifying example. I wonder what hurts Cozy more though, that her “brilliant” plan failed, or that she lost the thing she had to remember her grandfather?

This is not looking good! How are they gonna stop Centirek?

Able to break out of a Master Ball. Creepy! Good chapter.

Yeah I agree. That moment was terrifying.

I kinda figured it was Cozy Glow behind this. I hope Cintirek is the one who puts Lightning in his place.

I am hoping that too. Though until then, at least he became a casualty in Cozy’s plan by draining his Pokémon right in front of him. That was a pretty satisfying moment.

Well so much for my Faustian Bargain with Sombra dream, but with the effects of Sombra's action still lingering on the two Legendaries, I have to say nice... as Silverquill would put it

So now we have the two rivals face Centirek. I get the feeling that they are going to end up losing the first few clashes as the four will end up tripping over each other, Lightning trying to get the quick 'kill' while Flash is trying whatever plan he has... assuming Flash actually has come up with something which is unlike as Twilight is the Idea Guy of his group... Flash seems to be overly dependent on Dumb, Blind and Stupid Luck when dealing with these potentially world threatening events...
Criticism of Flash's demonstrated lack of tactical and strategic skills aside, the two will somehow synchronize and they will win, (after Centirek had bashed Springer and Gorillamp around because not even Goku and Vegeta in the final parts of DBZ, DBGT and DBS Broly or Goku and Frieza at the end of Tournament of Power Arch of DBS could work well together at the start of the fight and needed to go through the hell of the fight they were in to be properly in tune, I'm no expert on Pokemon, but it is a post Dragon Ball Z Shonen anime so it's more likely then not going to follow the rules Dragon Ball Z pioneered)
Maybe they will use the armor-thing that Starlight and Sunburst were developing... Chekov's Gun and all.

On a different note, both Pokemon 4Ever and Pokemon Heroes Latios and Latia were also released in the Original Series of Pokemon, granted that was Gen 2, the Johto Region, but Johto and Kato are effectively sister regions, just saying.

Wow that is intense! Centirek is on a rampage, and several other trainers step up to try to help stop it. Unfortunately, this Legendary fights dirty and just keeps getting stronger and stronger. You really get the feeling that Centirek is more dangerous than any threat they have faced so far because of all the collateral damage it causes, even making Flash bleed!

The arrival of Alicormony and Dischaos was certainly cool, letting us get a battle between Legendaries. It almost felt like a kaiju battle. But even they couldn’t stop Centirek this time, and got drained themselves. I know it was explained that they were still weakened from what Sombra did to them, but I can’t help but notice the two of them seem to suffer from The Worf Effect a lot whenever they show up. Still, at least they actually managed to put up a fight this time, that’s more than their first few appearances.

Now we finally get to Flash and Lightning, two hated rivals, forced to team up against Centirek. I have my own idea how they could possibly stop it, but I am excited to see what happens next.

Man, that is one super tough Pokémon!

And I hope Lightning actually learns something after this.

"Don't make me laugh!" Lightning barked back, "You're by far the weakest Pokémon to ever exist! The fact you had to steal the power makes you pathetic!" He pointed to himself, "Real strength comes from putting everything you have into building your own strength. Taking it from others means nothing." Flash turned to Lightning, wide-eyed at his words before glaring back at the monster.

And this is why Lightning has the winning streak between him and Flash, and why his team is with him and while he's somewhat wrong with fixation on strength alone, this shows that at his core he is on the right track.

"No he's not...he's a wimp." Lightning moaned as he pushed himself onto all fours, "Forehead."

Again Lightning shows that he's a Pokemon trainer people should not take likely as he's the first to firgure out Centirek's weakness.

Lightning let out a moan as he tried to stand fully up, Flash doing the same. "Here's what we're gonna do, so listen up." Flash glanced at him. "I'm gonna run up and deflect whatever attacks that things throws at us. Meanwhile, you're gonna run up behind me and go straight for the forehead."
"What?!" Flash's eyes went wide at this, "You want me to use you as a human shield!?"
"It's our only option," Lightning grumbled, "My armor's thicker then your noodle body. That and...my body ain't fast in this thing. You're the only one who can do it right now." Flash raised an eyebrow. "My attacks are all super powerful, but they're all for doing major damage against the outside of the opponent. None of them are designed for piecing attacks. Thunder might get the job done...but it's not exactly known for its accuracy. The only move that has a chance of getting this done is your Aura Sphere."

Hum, reminds me of when EmperorGreymon and MagnaGarurumon faced Cherubimon in the fourth season of Digimon (Digimon Frontier) And anything that reminds me of Digimon is good.

And yes, I called the use of the Poke-arms. So aside from the Infinity Engery being returned, what happens in the finale of the third movie?

Oh and I nominate Lightning Blitz for MVP.

That was an awesome battle! I knew that the Poké-Arms was going to be the key to defeating Centirek. Though I gotta admit, making it so Flash and Lightning were able to speak to Springer and Gorillamp while using it was pretty clever and heartwarming in a way, but what was even better was it translated what Centirek was saying too.

Looks like my guess that a comparison would be made between Lightning and Centirek was wrong though. Even if they both think they are the best and just want to show off, at least Lightning is strong on his own and doesn’t steal anything. He might be an asshole and a bully but he isn’t a thief.

The battle here was just epic though, from beginning to end. I especially liked the ending where Lightning was able make an opening for Flash to defeat Centirek. Nice way to call back to Twilight’s earlier speech to him, even if it is just another way for him to try to take the credit for himself.

Even though that one moment where Lightning created the opening for Flash to win reminded me a bit of the battle against Cherubimon in Digimon Frontier, with EmperorGreymon and MagnaGarurumon, I believe the overall battle reminded me a bit more of Izuku and Bakugou battling Nine in My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising. Two rivals work together and gain incredible power to stop an evil force. I couldn’t help but listen to the same epic music from the climactic scene as I read it.

This chapter was amazing! I love the whole fight with the Poké-Arms system. Makes it seem like Flash and Lightning are Kamen Riders. At least there's some respect for Lightning in this chapter because he knows about his definition of strength and when to not be a dick (but he can still be a jerk). Let's just see if he'll learn power isn't the only way to become strong.

Seriously, two Dislikes (granted with one like) and I pretty much praised how Lightning has been used and made a positive comparison to something else I enjoyed? What the actual .....

A fitting end to the third film, but not much note worthy other that Twilight being the one to admit that if weren't for Lightning, they all be dead, Lightning still a jerk, but Flash really can't complain about it now because it was that jerk that made it so he could beat Centirek.

Well, that's it for this movie. I'm not sure which of the three movies I enjoyed the best, I feel like I'm leaning to the second, but they were all great to write and I hope they were great to read.

Yeah the second was the best to read, Sonata was just so much more interesting as a character in it than Sunset was in the first movie and Starlight and Sunburst could have been omitted from this one. Also Guile was just so more interesting of a villian than the others

Now, we can move on to the final act of this series. The Equestria League is on the horizon. Who will win? Who will lose? And who will give it their all no matter what? Only time will tell.

Well it's either gonna be Lightning or Flash who wins, unless you throw a monkey wrench into it all and it's Derpy that wins, if for comic effects if nothing else. But seriously it's either going to Flash, thus proving the Power of Friendship thesis and theme, or Lightning showing that he is objectively the better trainer and that while the Power of Friendship is a nice trope, battles are won by those willing to do whatever it takes to win it. They will both give it their all. And given how Flash in other stories by Banshee tend to get authorial help, it's a suckers bet.

This was an epic movie. I admit, it had a bit of a slower start compared to the first two, but it certainly made up for it once Centirek was unleashed. It was awesome getting to see one of my favorite MLP villains as a Legendary Pokémon, and go on the Pokémon equivalent of a Kaiju rampage.

This ending tied everything up nicely, with Centirek being sealed again and Cozy being arrested. I admit, I was worried for a moment that she was killed the temple collapsed, but only because then she wouldn’t face the consequences of her crimes. I know she is just a kid and would probably go to juvie for her crimes, but it might be interesting if she ends up in the same prison as Team Shadow so all the antagonists end up watching Flash win the League together.

I admit, I was hoping the big tournament would be canceled due to Centirek’s rampage so Lightning couldn’t win it, but after Alicormony repaired everything I knew that wasn’t going to happen. Guess I’ll just have to wait for him to get what’s coming to him later. We are approaching the endgame of this series after so long, and this was another epic stop before it all ends.

Lightning chuckled, "Sure you will. Just remember, you're still a worthless loser and a weakling that had to ask for help." He glanced back, "I'll acknowledge you probably got those badges...but that's it." He pointed at himself, "And as for me, I'm about to become Equestria's greatest trainer."

He began to laugh as he walked out of the center, Spike growling at the sight, "What a jerk."

:facehoof: Lightning hasn’t learned a single thing from all this. Regardless of whether he helped save everyone or not, he is no hero. The best I can say is that his actions show he has a strong bond with his partner Pokémon similar to Flash and Springer, but considering Gorillamp has shown to be just as much of a jerk as him that’s not always a good thing.

Karma is going to hit them like a truck to the face.


Lightning hasn’t learned a single thing from all this. Regardless of whether he helped save everyone or not, he is no hero.

That depends on how you define hero, by Twilight's own which she gave earlier in the film Lightning is not only a hero, he is THE hero. As for learning nothing... well both he and Flash are fundamentally flat characters, they don't exist in a story to learn anything but to teach something.

The best I can say is that his actions show he has a strong bond with his partner Pokémon similar to Flash and Springer, but considering Gorillamp has shown to be just as much of a jerk as him that’s not always a good thing

I don't know, toxic relationships don't bond as well as health ones, and even if both of them are 'jerks' they are on some level right, it's all about having the power to enforce one's will. Flash's will might be more tolerant to others, but at the end of the day he too seeks the power to enforce it, Ligthning, like Sombra, is 1) more honest about what he seeks and 2) acknowledges that he will be opposed by others and it's only by being more powerful that his will shall be enforced. Flash might have noblier ends, but his rival and his foes are more honest about the means and Gorillamps respects that about his trainer and in turn is respected for his own sheer power and will, it's merely a reflection of Flash and Springer's relationship


Team Shadow so all the antagonists end up watching Flash win the League together.

Prison Break Finale, Prison Break Finale, Prison Break Finale! And a Faustian bargin with Sombra... a guy can dream right?

I am ignoring everything you just said, idiot.

Why? What do you find wrong with my arguments? Did I miss something because Twilight did say in chapter three, and I quote

"Why not?" Twilight replied before glancing back at him. "Real heroes aren't always the ones who land the finishing blow or get the flashiest victories. They're the ones that put everything on the line so that the final blow can be landed. That's what it takes to really be a true hero."

Or is that you disagree with my argument about Flash and his antagonists, well they are all, objectively, motiaved to be the 'strongest' in order to impose a will, Flash's will is for people and Pokemon to do whatever they want, but that is his will and he needs to be in the position of Champion to impose it. Lightning also seeks to be the strongest, so that he can impose his will of defeating Shining and reclaim his family honor. Sombra thought power to impose his will to rule the world... I can go on, but at the end of the day Flash's only real difference is his motive, and that makes him a hero of the story, however this all told from Flash's point of view and we all think we are the heroes of our stories.

And Lightning learned nothing. I was hoping he’d get slightly mentally scarred but it was a good movie despite him. Look forward to the next part

A great end to this movie fic. I'm thinking that after you finish Pokémon, you could do a Kamen Rider fic for Flash and the others. That would be fun and the whole Poké-Arms battle gives us fuel for that.

I definitely see the Equestria League finally being what shatters Lightning's views on strength. Let's see how Lightning finally loses a legit battle.


I definitely see the Equestria League finally being what shatters Lightning's views on strength. Let's see how Lightning finally loses a legit battle.

I, like nearly everyone else probably, have been looking forward to watching him lose in the League. Though I have been wondering, if and when he loses to Flash, how will he react right away? Will he have a Villainous Breakdown over it and let off a loud scream of frustration upon defeat, or will he be a graceful loser like Paul was to Ash in the anime?

Given his attitude, either can work. But it all depends on who speaks with him throughout the tournament.

I finally had a chance to start this. I feel bad that Flash can't participate in the tournament, but I'm intrigued what he's going to end up doing instead.

Yeah, Starlight doesn't have her primary motivation for turning to villainy here, so unless you're doing something out of left field, the villain is obviously Cozy.

Sunburst is going to have to get his invention running on the fly, isn't he?

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