• Published 1st Aug 2021
  • 3,136 Views, 80 Comments

The Adventure of the Apex Legion - DeffBwade

A new pony arrives in Equestria and goes on an adventure like never before. He may be shy and goofy at times, but he's also a kind soul. But most importantly, he's the Apex Legion.

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Chapter 2: Welcome to Equestria

Previously on The Adventure of the Apex Legion

"There is something I must show you. For I fear that Equestria will be in grave danger unless we do something about it," he said and with a snap of his finger, he, Celestia, and Luna disappeared in a flash of light to some unknown location.

"We literally got nothing else to play," I complained aloud.

"Either in video games or real life, I need an adventure."

"We would like to offer you a chance to visit our world, Equestria," Princess Celestia said.

"Das klingt super," I said, making them give looks of confusion, "Uh...sorry...that means that sounds good."

"Maybe I'll be getting the adventure I wanted after all."


"Wait, did Princess Celestia say in a brand new fo-"

And with a flash of light, the princesses and I disappeared.

The Adventure of the Apex Legion

Written by DeffBwade

Chapter 2: Welcome to Equestria

Welp. Now I know how the killers from Dead By Daylight feel whenever I blind them with a flashlight. Spoiler alert: it fucking hurts! It wasn't even like a flashlight, but instead a flashbang or fire cracker. Holy shit, if I end up blind from whatever the princesses did, I swear I'll tear off their horns and shove them so far up their ass it won't be visible anymore.

That's nasty bro, but it's kinda kinky as well.

Excuse me good sir, but I'm the one that's supposed to have the perverted mind.

I mean...technically I am your mind so...


Hey dude, I think the light is clearing up.

My vision, which was once filled with a bright light, eventually faded back to normal and instead I saw...black. All I saw was darkness. I fucking knew it. Those princess bastards took away my vision. I guess it's time to see whether they enjoy their horns up their asses. Hopefully their parents will forgive me for what I'm to do.

You realize this is royalty you're basically threatening, right?

I don't care! Yolo! Yolo! Yo-...w-wait hold on. I think my vision is coming back. Never mind. False alarm.

Thank god.

As my vision started to clear up, I heard voices beside me. I recognized them both as the princesses. I then began to notice that body felt a little...odd. Not in a bad way or anything, just so much that it's a cause of concern. First of all, I couldn't feel any of my fingers or toes. Let me guess, the Clown stole them, or this is some kind of Saw trap? Second of all, I felt some extra appendages, two on top of my head and two on my back. The ones on my head kept perking up and down as the princesses continued to mutter. The ones on my back just stood still, and they felt...feathery? Finally, I felt something...hairy...around my ass. It's not ass hair if that's what you're thinking, you weirdo. Point is, everything about my body felt weird. I really hope I'm not going through some sort of...second stage of puberty.

I stirred as my vision finally cleared up, albeit a bit blurry, and I was now staring at a white ceiling and the voices have stopped. I felt the soft feeling of a bed underneath me. I heard footsteps, or should I call them hoofsteps, coming up to me before Princess Celestia came into my field of view.

"Can you hear me young one?" she asked to which I slowly nodded, "Are you alright?"

"I feel...weird," I responded, "Not hurting or anything, just...weird."

"I believe you are simply adjusting to your new body," I heard Princess Luna say before she also came into view.

"Oh. Okay," I said nonchalantly before realizing what she just said, "Wait. What did you just say?"

They were silent for a bit before Princess Celesita decided to break the ice.

"I think it's best if we show you," she said before her horn started to glow and a hand held mirror floated into my field of view.

"Show me wha-...wha-...WHA-WHA-WHAT?!" I screamed as I looked at the mirror and saw...me, yet...not me at the same time. Instead of seeing the reflection of my human, I saw the reflection of a...pony. One that had dark grey fur, brown eyes, and a black, spikey mane that slightly drooped down in front of their right eye. I scrambled up, but in my panic, I fell off the bed. I mean, can you really blame me? I just woke not as a human, but as a pony. Let me know what would your reaction be.

"I-I-I'm a pony?!" I screamed as I stood up on all fours, while struggling to balance myself, and began looking myself over. I saw that I had a black tail, which also had a spikey look to it, and determined that this was the hairy thing that I felt. I then took notice of the appendages on my back.

Holy shit.

"Are these...w-wings?" I questioned aloud.

"Indeed they are," I heard Princess Celestia said, "Since you show kindness like Fluttershy, as well as loyalty like Rainbow Dash, I thought it would only be right to turn you into a pegasus."

I didn't even know who Rainbowshy or Flutter Dash were, nor did I care at the moment. I was more focused on the fact that I was a god damn pony! Sure, a pegasus no less, but still! I was a pony!

"Y-you turned me into a pony?!" I asked the two princesses.

"And why I naked?! Where's my dick at?!"

Dude. Calm down.

Shut the fuck up brain! You weren't the one that was turned into a pony by two princesses! Oh god, if Jrod or Gaming ever saw me like this, they would never let me live this down.

They don't even know what your human self looks like. Well, Jrod actually had a glance at you, but besides that not even your friends know what you look like.

"I'm sorry, but we had to. Humans don't actually exist in Equestria," Princess Celestia said, "In fact, most of my little ponies haven't even heard of them, so I don't think one showing up out of the blue would lead to an immediate welcome party, unless it's by Pinkie Pie of course."

"First, Fluttershy, then Rainbow Dash, and now Pinkie Pie? Besides Fluttershy, those names sound like flavors of ice cream. This place really is a cartoon," I thought as I finally calmed down. Never in my life did I think I would turn into a pegasus. Now that I think about it, flying would be really cool.

"That...makes sense. After all, there's no talking ponies that could fly or do magic back on Earth," I said.

"And what about earth ponies?" Princess Luna asked, "They can't fly or directly utilize magic. Do they exist on your world?"

"Aw geez. How do I explain it to them?"

Tell them the truth?

"Well...um...they do, but...they don't talk," I said.

"They don't talk?"

"Yeah. They usually just walk around and eat grass all day. And they kinda smell," I explained.

"Preposterous! They just need somepony to guide them. We shall do something about that," Princess Luna declared with determination, "We shall go back to your world and make your ponies like the ponies of Equestria."

Heh heh. I think I'm gonna like this one. She's weird.

"Okay," I laughed before turning to Princess Celestia, "So...what happens now?"

"Now...you shall explore Equestria," she said, "You are free to go wherever you wish, but if I may offer a suggestion, you should first head to Ponyville. You'll definitely fit right in."

"Ponyville? Really? What's up with these names? What's next? Manehattan? Baltimare?"

I'm telling you man. The horse puns are real.

"Can you tell me more about Ponyville?" I asked, trying my best to stifle cringing at the name, to which Princess Celestia nodded.

"Ponyville is a very nice place. Quite a quaint and quiet little town," she said, "In fact, it's where my student, Twilight Sparkle, and her friends recently opened a brand new school. One that teaches friendship to all creatures throughout the lands."

A school that teaches friendship? I don't whether that sounds cool or fucking gay as shit.

A better question is how someone needs to go to school just to learn about friendship. I never did that and I have wonderful friends. I remember the day I played Friday the 13th (R.I.P. by the way because that game is now dead) and randomly got into a match with Jrod (at the time he was called 020_Jrod, hence the name I call him by). After that match, he friended me and we've been friends ever since. Through him I met Gaming as well as everyone else in my friend group. I think I'm all good when it comes to making friends.

Then again, this is a whole new world, and it would be a good idea to make some new allies besides the princesses. Perhaps going to this school, or at least checking it out, would be a good idea.

Yeah...Yeah. You're probably right.

And also a quaint and quiet little town. Sounds like a place for me.

"It sounds like a nice place. I do prefer living in a quiet neighborhood," I said.

"Then it's official then," she said. She cleared her throat before raising her hoof up, "I, Princess Celestia, hereby declare that you-"

"Oh wait. Hold on," I interrupted, "Sorry to interrupt, but wouldn't be a good idea for me to have a new name to go along with this new form. After all, I don't think my name is considered normal here after hearing names like Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie."

"Hmm. That does seem like a wise decision. Very well then. What name do you wish to use during your time here?" Princess Luna asked.

Oh shit. The hardest decision in every character creation. Choosing your name. Whatever you choose will be your name forever and you can't change it. Sounds simple right? Well, you'd be wrong. Choosing a name might be a very simple procedure, but you must realize that it'll define who you are for all eternity. You pick a crappy name and that's what you get, so...choose wisely. Oh wait. That's my job. Crap.

"Come on man, why is this so difficult. Just think of a simple name that sticks with you. You've done this dozens of times in RPGs. Then again, I either just went random or used 'DeffBwade,' and I don't think using that name is a good idea. This is real life, not a video game. Hmm. Maybe I should name myself based on how I look. Let's see. Princess Celestia said that she's the princess of the day, and Princess Luna is the princess of the night. They definitely look like they're connected to the sun and moon, and they even have-wait...what the fuck is that?"

As I pondered my thoughts, I noticed that the princesses had marks on their asses. Princess Celestia had one of the sun, and Princess Luna had a black splotch with a crescent moon in it. In hindsight, it was probably a bad idea to glance at their asses, but can you really blame me? Those marks stand out like a sore thumb.

"Why do you have tattoos on your butts?" I asked, giggling a bit at the concept of 'butt tattoos.' Some people actually get such a thing.

And how do you know that?

Just trust me. I just know, okay?

The princesses glanced at their butt tattoos before Princess Celestia said, "Oh, these are called cutie marks."

Cutie...marks? Seriously?

"I think I prefer the term 'butt tattoos.'"

"Cutie mark?" I asked.

"A cutie mark is a symbol that represents what your special talent is. For example, mine represents my ability to raise the sun and bring forth the day, and Luna's represents her ability to raise the moon and bring the night. All ponies have them," Princess Celestia said.

"Including you," Princess Luna said.

"Wait, what?

I looked back at my ass and saw a symbol I knew all too well.

"Well I'll be. The symbol of the Never Stop Slashing skin. Thank you Amacky by the way for designing such an awesome skin. It was through you design that I truly became the Apex Legion."


"Wait a minute. That's it."

"Apex Legion," I said.

"I'm sorry?" Princess Luna asked.

"My name...will be...Apex Legion," I said.

"Very well then," Princess Celestia said with a smile before raising her hoof up again, "I, Princess Celestia, hereby declare that you, Apex Legion, shall take up residence in Ponyville."

"I like the sound of that. And as long as I'm here I should start treating you like the princesses you are," I said before bowing...well, it was more like lowering my forehooves to the ground but you get the idea, "Thank you for letting me visit your world, your majesties."

"Please. There is no need to bow," Princess Celestia said with a giggle.

"Indeed. We like being treated like normal citizens," Princess Luna added.

"Oh. Okay then," I said getting back up, "Sorry. It's just...I've never really met royalty before. I kinda feel honored for meeting some actually. So how do I get to Ponyville anyway?"

"I will teleport you just outside of Ponyville, but first..." Princess Celestia said before she levitated a small bag. I heard the sound of coins jiggling before the bag was placed into my hooves, "...take this."

I untied the string and opened the bag. Inside were...

Holy shit.

"G-golden coins?!"

Yo! If you manage to take some of these back to Earth, we'll be rich as fuck. Maybe.

Princess Celestia, noticing my confusion, said, "Those are bits, Equestria's currency. There should be roughly 200 of them in that bag. I hope that will be enough to help you with settling down in Ponyville."

"And here is a saddlebag for your trip as well," Princess Luna said before levitating what I assumed was a backpack for ponies on my back. It was pretty much just two bags connected by a strap.

"Um...thanks," I said, placing the bag of bits into the saddlebag.

"Oh. One more thing," Princess Celestia said, "I think it would be best not to tell anypony that you're really human."

"Oh yeah, no, I completely agree," I said with a laugh, "I don't need anybody-er...anypony..."

"That's gonna take some time to get used to."

"...thinking I'm crazy or anything. Anyway, do your thing princess."

"Very well," she said before her horn started to glow.

And in flash of light, I disappeared...again.

As Apex Legion disappeared in a flash of light, Princess Celestia let out a sigh of relief. Teleporting spells, on other ponies no less, through great distances does tend to put a strain on one's magic if not fully concentrated. Luckily, she was a alicorn, making her magic twice as strong as the average unicorn. Only a few ponies were as strong as her, including her sister, Twilight Sparkle, her niece Princess Cadence, and her old mentor Starswirl the Bearded, and he's not even an alicorn.

Now her thoughts went to the young human, now known as Apex Legion. From what she saw from his memory, he's a kind soul that tries to have everypony get along with each other and doesn't get angered by many things, has a quirky personality and a nice sense of humor (although a lot it is based on rather raunchy subjects) to make his friends laugh, the ability to get things done if he believes and puts his mind to it, and a tenacity and perseverance to not give up until the very end.

"He'll definitely fit right in at Ponyville," she said looking at the window and towards the little town.

"Indeed," Princess Luna said, walking next to her, "But...sister. Are you sure it was wise not to tell him?"

"For now, I believe it's for the best," she said with a sigh, "But now, let's see what awaits for him, and when the time comes...I'll tell him the truth."

Author's Note:

Ok everyone, here's the deal.

I'm gonna make sure that each chapter is at least 2000 words long.