• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


A guy. A guy who writes stories. Stories about ponies. (And sometimes robots).


This story is a sequel to The Prisoner of Zebra

When Flash Sentry (HERO OF EQUESTRIA) and Carrot Top (aka Special Agent Golden Harvest) are sent to the frigid peaks of Yakyakistan on a diplomatic mission, Sentry finds himself facing a fate worse than death!

He honestly should have expected as much.

Volume 9 of the Flash Sentry Papers.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 35 )

What What?

A new Flash Sentry story.


especially given the superior prose of this apocryphal volume.

Ooh, self-burn. Those are rare.

“The only other candidate is Princess Twilight’s friend Pinkie Pie, and she’s trouble enough when she’s sober.”

I mean, on the one hand, a drunk Pinkie does sound terrifying. On the other, I imagine her special talent gives her truly legendary alcohol tolerance, to say nothing of being an honorary yak. Still, that could end very nastily...

Well, it will anyway, but now we get to find out about it through Flash. Eagerly looking forward to it.

“While I’m the designated drinker.” I mulled the concept over.

There hasn't been a more fit task ever for our hero. Is this wasn't enough of a signal to get him to run for the other hills by now it shows he'll never learn :rainbowlaugh:

Oh yes. A new epic tale of a Coward who keep falling upward while his government and girlfriend keep sending him into mortal danger.

I missed this.

An offer for friendly drinking and schmoozing by day and "keeping warm" with a lovely companion by night all on Equestria government's shilling? I fear poor Flash is going to be so tense and on alert waiting for the other shoe to drop that he will never get a chance to enjoy it.


To be entirely fair, his entire experience, written or not, justified his current behavior

“You’re going to be part of a diplomatic mission--”

Oh goodie.

Ha! Self-defenestration. Just the word itself made me chuckle.

Bar tabs backed by the Royal Expense Account would be something to behold

--they’re going to put me up against some brute of theirs in some barbaric blood-duel or something, aren’t they?” My voice cracked. Slightly. I stared out the window again, wondering if I could defenestrate myself before Carrot Top could tackle me and drag me off to my terrible, Yak-murdered fate.

It took me a little while to work out this works on more than one level.

“While I’m the designated drinker.” I mulled the concept over.

I can see how this would be really attractive

Just got all caught up on this wonderful series. Looking forward to what comes next! :pinkiehappy:

only thing that would have been better would be a footnote from someone about how sandbars poems either revolutionised the world, or are used as a torture technique by the pony vogons

“The only thing I’d like to get off my chest is you.” I wheezed.

Flash's got jokes.

“It’s not always Pinkie Pie’s fault. In fact, I’d say she’s responsible for shenanigans only about--” Carrot Top furrowed her brow in thought. “Sixteen point seven percent of the time. Roughly.”

“That is an alarmingly precise number.”

“I’ve been hanging out with Princess Twilight.”

That explains it.

“Relax, Sentry.” Carrot Top reached up with both front hooves and pulled me back down onto the deck. “Yona’s harmless.”

Eh, I'd moreso say "not intentionally dangerous."

“Don’t get too mellow yet.” Carrot Top gave me a gentle, playful nudge. “The Yaks are expecting a proper Hero of Equestria, after all. They’d be gravely disappointed if you turned out to be boring.”

“I promise you, Carrot Top, I will be anything but.”

Oh Flash you fool.

Which is really admirable but you shouldn’t keep your feelings all bottled up like that so if you have anything to get off your chest just let me know!

Heh. Pinkie can tell Flash is hiding something, just not what.

... or the strangely enduring legend that Princess Luna once fronted a heavy metal band.

I'm not sure if the diarchs retired in the Sentryverse, but if so, it's only a matter of time before she does.

Sandbar's attempts at verse will either go startlingly well or absolutely horrendous. Possibly both depending on the listener. I look forward to finding out. And to more in general. Yak diplomacy is a tricky art; hopefully Flash will let Pinkie take the lead.

Fantastic to see a new chapter for Flash, though a formatting issue tagged along

[right_indent] *See: Octavia’s Eleven. [/right_indent]

Always a fun read to see Flash getting thrown at trouble unseen in distant lands. Including Yona and Sandbar will surely make things interesting.

Pinkie pie is the perfect unpredictable to throw with in with Flash. She could do anything at any moment and it would make (pinkie) sense

I believe this is one of the first times a pony has cursed their own liver.

Well, this is a change of pace from previous adventures our "daring" hero has been thrust into. :trollestia:


Something tells me Carrot Top is going to change her mind about not killing anyone. :pinkiecrazy:

Though it’s worth noting Flash’s Day isn’t recognized as a bank holiday, and honestly has slightly less cultural cachet than National Paperclips and Staplers Day, which takes place a week prior.

I'm sure Flash himself prefers it that way. Imagine if ponies actually celebrated the farcical facade that was his legacy. He'd die of embarrassment until he reincarnated.

If yaks call a part of their cuisine "argh," you know it's going to be bad.

... Oh. Oh dear. Yona and Sandbar this isn't. I can only imagine how Flash gets out of this particular predicament with both his dignity and Equestria's diplomatic standing in Yakyakistan intact.
What am I saying? Of course his dignity won't be intact.


Oh this should be good.

I set my drinking bowl on the ground, and prepared to make history. I opened my mouth to start my oratory--

--and belched instead.

Yeah, that about tracks.

A few more drinks, maybe a bawdy song or two, and then we could hop back on the airship and get back to Canterlot before the hangover wore off.

Flash, it's telling that you're drunk because you'd never be this optimistic sober.

“FLASH SENTRY IS STRONG DRINKER!” Prince Rutherford declared, in what might have been the most honest thing ever said about me by royalty. “FLASH SENTRY NEED TO TRY SPECIAL YAK DRINK NOW!”

Oh boy.

“Wanna bet?”


The things I do for my country.


As for as stomach-turning as the yak’s signature liquor was, at least it wasn’t hallucinogenic. The last thing I needed was another wormwood induced episode like I’d gone through the one time in Ponyville.*

Oh hey, a call back.

“Well, there’s a surprise.” I murmured to myself, and promptly passed out.



First time he's ever heard that.


That's most decidedly new.


“I don’t know if I’d go that far--”

That's DEFINITELY never been said before.


You'll what?

I could almost see it coming towards the end. :rainbowlaugh:

I life, or at least his pelvis is definitely in danger of being crushed. :rainbowlaugh:

Wow, Duke Flash Sentry. He certainly is moving up in the world.


Is Golden Harvest going to have to smack a Yak?

Oh no. :rainbowlaugh:

What's worse, is that Sandbar will now see him as an expert in yak-wooing specifically!

Came here after Carrot and Stick because I started rereading from Prisoner because was looking for the Papers due to needing to compare with another Caphius Cain-y story.

Woo! Glad I decided to look up you stories! Another tale in Carrot Top x Flash Sentry!

Yay! They hooked up! Or close to it!

Now to refresh my Absinthe.



whine Which > whine. Which

anyway!I > anyway! I

*That Princess Twilight Sparkle is responsible for several notable academic grant programs has nothing to do with this notation.

Did not expect a Citizen Kane ref. Wow.

Canterlot mountain > Canterlot Mountain

I was wondering why nothing happened in the Sandbar x Yona plotline. Hope Sandbar isn't gonna think getting smashed is how to be smashing.
Remind me to check Prisoner for typos too, I know I didn't report one because I didn't notice the edits occurring, so I thought nothing changed.


rainbows would explore > rainbows would explode [?]

ill-advisedd > ill-advised

-especially given the superior prose of this apocryphal volume.

Don't sell yourself short; your prose is great.
Or was that George MacDonald Fresian impugning Flash's prose?

“You … you didn’t tell Princess Twilight about that business with the tulips and the walrus, did you?”

Carrot Top (a.k.a. Special Agent Golden Harvest, master of hoof-to-hoof combat, a.k.a. one of the most beautifully dangerous ponies I’d ever met), didn’t look up from her morning newspaper. “I didn’t.”

As can be seen from Flash's writing, the unspoken 'yet' at the end of that answer truly was needless to say.

Death by snu-snu.

Nearly two years and... still nothing. The story is dead?

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