• Member Since 12th Jun, 2012
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There is a connections to all the magic found across the dimensions. And in her quest for revenge Sunset Shimmer will show it to different groups what it is. Even if she has to drag them kicking and screaming to do it.

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Chapters (29)
Comments ( 261 )
Comment posted by Roboman3000 deleted Sep 7th, 2021

Ah man, I thought this was just going to be an Equestria Girls and Winx Club crossover

Is it me or does this seem random?

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Sep 7th, 2021
Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Sep 7th, 2021

What was that about, again? It’s kinda been awhile.

Which "dimension/world" is she going to? Because, I HIGHLY Doubt she can take on the most OP Characters in different franchises, especially fighting animes. She is NOT that OP.

Unless of course, you make her, and pony kind unnecessary "OP" for no realistic reason, other then plot!

You noticed that, too? When I saw some of those names I knew she was gonna get mopped.


Look. I'm not normally against her. But, there is SO MANY different Universes/Worlds/Dimensions and franchises that can easily one-shot the MLP and Equestria Girls Universe.

And I find it hard to believe that she gets some deus ex machina powers that can might just "one-shot" someone within Superman's, Goku's, or any other OP Character's power range. I just saying.

Well, we haven’t seen many feats of mlp and the eqg. So that might be true.

Even if we’re not talking about goku or Superman she’s still not powerful. I could name multiple tv shows that could beat her. Some of them not even anime’s.

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Sep 7th, 2021

My bad, I meant goku. Sometimes I hate autocorrect.

Sunset isn't going to be holding the villain ball or the idiot ball. She's going to be that rare bad guy in kid shows who is smart and well prepared.

As in Skullmaster level from the old cartoon Mighty Max level. Who was such a chessmaster and prepared for the heroes that the only way Max could beat him was by rebooting everything back to the beginning so that he could do it all over again with the knowledge of what will happen on his side.


Oh ok. I also have that same damn problem as well on my tablet or phone.


WTF??!! Seriously?! I never watched the show, but the only solution to beat the main villain is to reset it back to the beginning, and have the fore sight and knowledge from the previous timeline to be your major assent??!! Like Undertale? Damn! Too bad it left a massive cliffhanger ( I search the Wiki of Mighty Max after reading this. ).

Despite that, even if she is gonna be a very intelligent and smart villain. I doubt she will be strong enough, fast enough, or even durable enough to take on OP beings in many franchises.

What's stopping them to just punch her that is a equivalent to DESTROY a Planet or even a Sun/Star. And get it over with?

Plus, another thing I don't like. Is having a villainous Sunset somehow beat/conquer other universes/dimensions/worlds ( Which I find it a COMPLETE BULL that she "could" achieve "multiversal conquest"! )

And I will probably don't like her go out her way to somehow beat very, VERY powerful Heroes/Anti-Heroes, and Villains/Anti-Villains that are my favorite characters from many franchises.

I mean, she is not like UI Shaggy or something, am I right.

Sorry that I act critical. But, I have to be honest on my thoughts and views.

But, would that save her?

Glad I’m not the only one.

I think I see your point. Intelligence is good, but it’s useless against someone who outclasses you in everything else.

I’m kinda confused on who these characters are.

The problem with families and whatnot knowing is they quite often in those stories where others know is that they try to help.
On the other hand, the ones who do it right stay on the down low and hold down the home base. Spiderman's Aunt May and Batman's Alfred do it right.
Looking forward to how this works out

Yeah, that is a good point.

I have a really mixed opinion .

I kinda hoped than she would actually be send to the earth of Winx and live there, rather than having a magic book allowing her to enter into different setting like that.

Winx, W.I.T.C.H or any stories like that and living there doing her adventures, rather then the mess which seem to happens here.

I am kinda disappointed.

Honestly, I kind of agree with you. There’s only two chapters so I may be judging early, but so far it just seems so mushed together and confusing. Especially if you haven’t watched some of the shows.

The main plot is Sunset being a villain who unlike the ones in the show never holds the villain ball which is the reason why the villains lose all the time in the shows.

Then why not simply choosing one setting ? Also, there is a difference between her being a antagonist and some sort of one sided stomp.

Why not having her being part of the academy of witches in Winx ? Instead of just creating such a mess between all of those world ?

Wouldn't had work for what, I'm planning

Is this gonna be one of those clichés where she turns good?

Is it gonna be one of those clichés where she’s easily forgiven?

Is this going to be one of those stories where "Being competent" equals flawless victory because the enemy is still holding the villain ball and thus will never actually adapt to the new circumstances.

For instance if one where take the place of a villain in Pretty cure and decided that "I could totally win if because I have competence (reading ahead in the script)", what's stopping the good guys from getting smarter or fighting harder in turn. Resulting in the villain getting his face mashed into potatoes

The heroes aren’t use to having a smart villain and learn that too late

That exactly my point. All you've done is hand the idiot ball to the good guys so they would be incapable of reacting to Sunset's tactics and respond in turn. Imagine if the people Sunset are fighting adapt the next time they fight and get just as creative

If she fights them and not use the villains from the other series to do her dirty work for her so that the heroes have no idea who she is

What? Your English is a little scuffed right now but if you're saying what I think you mean that still doesn't address my concern. I'm guessing that Sunset does the sneaky sneak while team Witch is distracted but otherwise they're just a new cast of villains to be fought and overcome

True but it always takes time for the heroes to get use to fighting new villains

As with any new villain, but that usually takes place over the course of an episode. But I still need reassurance, will the good guys be treated as idiots or will they be allowed to improvise, adapt and overcome this out of context problem

Inside a privet lab of one of the businesses that Ms. Shimmer funds, a young scientist is hard at work. Her lab was little more than her one bedroom apartment before she was contacted by Ms. Shimmer. She publish her theories on using magic and technology online, and videos which was one of her sources of income, from before. The other source of income was as a freelance programmer and computer help center.

So anyone is able to use magic?

She was reduced to living off her merger income by cutting corners and she can only afford the red sticker, half-off, expires-soon foods. If she still had her dog Spike, she would be sharing his food. Then Shimmer came to her and showed her a why to make her dream of creating magictech to become real.

What happened to spike?

"The magic taken from the heart is more powerful than anything I have seen so far," Sparkle said reading the data coming to her from the scanners.

What heart?

"I want to know is that the powers the heart has can be copied even without the pendent," Shimmer said.

What pendant?

"I'll test it out then," Shimmer said picking up the watch.

Watch? I thought it was a pendant.

"By a spell called Astral Drop that creates a magical doppelganger. Although a Drop is a perfect physical copy of a person, they possess none of their memories, and have no personality of their own. The leader Will only used it once and never again after an enemy of hers turn the Drop into an Altermere. An Altermere has the exact powers of the person who they are based on. As Altermeres also gain the feelings of this person, the two are capable of finishing each other's sentences. Unlike Astral Drops, they do not fade away when "Astral Drop" is said; they are actual living beings with feelings, emotions and memories. My plan is to go inside a book and create a Drop of a person and see if they can come out of the book with me," Shimmer explains.


“Like those monsters in Power Rangers where they’re created by using clay?” Sparkle asked.

They went into power rangers? Ok, now I’m jealous.

Magic is being used as Twilight used it when she used it to transform into her Midnight Sparkle form.

And the heart is the magical item that the guardians used in the last chapter.

The watch is what Twilight made to control the magic stolen from the heart.

The drop spell is from the W.I.T.C.H. cartoon

That’s who they were?

You mean like a watch you wear on your wrist?

Yes from the last chapter the guardians from the witch cartoon.

And it’s a pocket watch like.

And Spike is a normal dog with a normal lifespan and twilight is in her 30s

So none of them are in high school?

Not the mlp cast the Equestria grls cast are all adults now.

That’s what I meant. Sorry for not making it clear.

Ok, what is this a crossover of, again?

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