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trying to see how many ways i can hurt applejack, apparently Ko-Fi | Pronouns



Miserably, Wallflower sighed. She was beyond the point of feeling sorry for herself. She just wished someone would.

Sunny would.

Yes, Sunset would. Wallflower knew that, but did it matter? Sunset didn’t even know of her existence until Wallflower tried to erase hers. Would it matter once Wallflower was gone? Everything would just go back to normal, and Sunset could go back to her better friends as if nothing had ever happened.

Because that’s all Wallflower was. Nothing.

CONTENT WARNING: This fic talks heavily about suicide. Please seek help if you’re thinking of harming yourself. You are loved, you matter.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )
Scampy #1 · Sep 9th, 2021 · · 1 ·

Good lord, hon. This reminds me a lot of my own vent stories. It's grim and hopeless right from the outset and even knowing how it'll end, I couldn't look away. I hope writing it helped you somehow, the way my writing helped me 🙏

I kept writing it cause I promised Scampy once I'd write more Sunflower but there wasn't even any in here. Maybe that means I make a sequel? I have an idea already heehee

First off, thank god this isn't a direct sequel to Obelus. I don't think I could handle that story ending this way. Second, I am very much down for a sequel to this, regardless of whether she was successful here. Both outcomes could make for equally heartbreaking narratives, especially from Sunset's POV. Dealing with the grief is one thing, but dealing with the aftermath of a failed-but-serious attempt would frickin' hurt, man. Even if she survived, there's no way Wally wasn't seriously injured, possibly permanently.

Anyway. I'm gushing. This was excellent and I can't wait for more 🙏🙏🙏

Ah! Thank you for the comment. Yeah, absolutely it uh, it did help a bit, which is good and... strange haha.

You know, at first, i did think about making it a sequel to Obelus but it was also meant to end in a different way. I'm kind of glad things changed. Now that I'm less focused on just venting, I feel like making a follow up to this would definitely follow more of a sound story structure and not just have whatever happening.

Thank you for the comment :D

Oh no it's Obelus 2.

haha the uh.. the worse younger sibling

This story is one of the most powerfully upsetting things I've read in a while. Wallflower is a great character for being able to transmute sadness in art, especially the kind of issues with mental illness and self-harm that are grounded in human, young adult perspectives. The same can't be said for characters who are intended to be alien, like Luna, due to their more magical and inhuman in-universe existence. But Wally? We know Wally, we've been Wally, and some of us are Wally. The intrusive thoughts and bleak turmoil of Wallflower in a world so mundane it can't really reflect or manifest her feelings the way a magic pony land can is crippling. Even those I hadn't caught myself thinking before were ones that were immediately recognizable in the emotions that they stirred up. Thousands of stories tackling sadness and mental illness exist on this site, and there are hundreds about suicide/self-harm related struggles too (and what happens when those battles are lost) but very few of them are really relatable to me, or able to make me feel as ill and intensely as this one has.

This story was absolutely going to be dark and disturbing, one look at the tags and summary shows that. I've read stories with way more upsetting content than this, and you're good with warnings, so this isn't a complaint to you but a HOLY FUCK THAT IS TOO CLOSE TO HOME BUT YOU WRITE IT SO WELL because what I hadn't expected was how familiar some of these conversations sounded, or Wally's routines with her digital communication, or even down to the way she goes through with her attempt. All of them are something that has been pulled straight out of what I've done before especially the intended suicide method and I hadn't expected to feel about this story as strongly as I did. Fucking hell. Some real stellar (pun intended) prose and a properly gut-wrenching story. I only regret that this ruins the nice 420 stories I had in my top favorites shelf.

Wow, this was a comment and a half. I really appreciate everything you said, and I am sorry (? hehe kinda) for hitting too close too home. I tend to do that sometimes apparently. Again, thanks for your comment and your insight, and I’m glad you’re here to make it :>

Nah dude, don’t apologize for writing well. 👀👌

Dear gods. This is so heartwrenching.

Make sure you give attention to your loved ones. Smile at people on the street. Be kind. You never know who needs it.

I actually said something along those lines when I attempted a little while back. Dw, I'm fine.mostly

If you read this, I'm asking you to go give someone a compliment (if possible). Doesn't matter who.

Heart wrenching is my middle name.
And I hope you’re doing better now, it can be hard to bounce back after an attempt. Its always at our lowest when we think our wisest thoughts, isn’t it? Or, at least, sometimes. Thanks for the comment, I hope other people are out there spreading positivity like you are.

Comment posted by Sunset Shimmer The Great deleted Jun 23rd, 2022

Whoops, accidentally deleted my comment!

Can't say I'm doing much better, but I'm holding on. We always need more positivity, especially during these tough times.

Well keep holding on, I know you can. I hope things get better for you, really.

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