• Member Since 27th Sep, 2021
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“Had a dream I was king. I woke up, still king.” - Eminem



After his defeat in Turtles Forever, Ch’rell aka The Shredder was somehow transported into the Storm King’s territory. Shredder quickly deals with the annoying king and takes over his armies. Now with a new army, Shredder will find a way back to Turtle Prime and finish what he started. But he will need the magic of four princesses to accomplish that.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 22 )

Your interpretation of Ch'Rell is spot on

Thank you
I loved the show as a kid and he is my all time favourite Shredder
Glad I’m doing the character a justice

Equestria is screwed

This is even more violent with Shredder taking lives and making bigger threats to those around him

Well we can add the decimation of Klugetown to the long list of Ch'Rell's atrocity's throughout the universe

Yeah Shredder's just like Storm King, not known for keeping promises. And nice you managed to keep Ch'Rell's quote from one of his deleted scenes during the battle in Turtle Prime. Destroying the Multiverse would result in his own destruction, and yet he doesn't even care if he destroys himself. It pains me that there's no place to watch the Uncut Turtles Forever movie

This isn't the full uncut version of the movie but it includes every scene Ch'Rell is in in the entire series. Including the deleted scenes in Turtles Forever.

And yeah it pains me that there is no way to watch the uncut version as well

Sadly tempest died and could not celebrate in the end. Though now they got to extract Chre'll from his suit and probably turn him into stone as punishment.

Shredder took Tempest's life, and now he must face punishment

"No, we shall keep it here in Canterlot. The technology in this suit is extraordinary and could benefit pony kind for generations to come." Celestia replied.

Is that even a good idea?

"In time, this has been a very difficult experience for her. I will give Ch'Rell this. He taught my former student something I could never teach her." Celestia said.

"And what's that?"

Celestia sighed and closed her eyes. "Something I never wanted for her."

She opened her eyes and looked to the door.

"He taught her how to hate."

Is that supposed to be a bad thing? I mean, I don't blame her for hating the Shredder, everybody does.

Just hope that she doesn't get consumed, corrupted, or something?!

The lesson of hate is strong, but the better lesson is you can't save everybody. And in a sense she did. Tempest sacrificed herself to save them.

This story while bit short was also really enjoyable, and look forward to this sequel. :)

Shredder being part of the legion of doom is a horrible idea on Discords part since compared to the main trio he’s evil incarnate and will focus on destroying the multiverse again instead of ruling Equestria

I know this story and its sequel are finished but tone down the exclamation marks.

One thing it missing... Reverse engineered foot soldier bots.

What if rottmnt shredder was in mlp: the movie

I just read this chapter and man I did NOT expect something like this to happen. I haven't watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in a long time but I mean the 80's version as I haven't watched the other reboot shows. There was the one made by that crappy company 4Kids and I think I only saw one or two episodes. There are other tv versions I haven't watched as I don't like what they did with Michelangelo in the new series.

Anyway I looked up who this Shredder is and he's from the 2003 show. He is now in Equestria and that spells trouble as he killed not only the Storm King but some of his minions as well though I'm honestly surprised the Storm King went down that easily as I figured he would use his magic staff to fight the Shredder.

But now he has a new army and Twilight better be careful or she may end up dead. Also there was something I wanted to point out.

"This was who you had guarding you? How incredibly disappointing." Shredder said while shaking his head. Tempest growled angrily and and fired a shot of electricity from where her horn would be directly at Shredder. Shredder rolled out of the way and glared at the unicorn.

I noticed the word and being used twice in this part. Just thought you should know. I'll check out the next chapter when I have the chance.

Good Luck Battwell.

Just read the second chapter and it looks like Shredder is taking no prisoners as he is capturing the princesses with ease. What makes this even worst is that the army under Ch'Rell's command has a lot more deadlier weapons. Twilight and the other managed to escape but Tempest will be after them.

Looking forward to reading the next chapter.

Good Luck Battwell.

Just read this chapter and this is nuts! :rainbowderp: Shredder just killed Verko and Capper got captured trying to help Twilight and the others. I've noticed you skipped other scenes from the movie but I can understand as repeating the same scenes from the movie would get tiresome.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Good Luck Battwell.

Yeah, there will be a few mistakes, this was my first time coming back into writing after a year hiatus

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