• Member Since 16th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen May 12th


Clop writer involving pretty much anal as my favortie topic, but enjoy writing other things as well. I do not Take Requests, Comissions are rare. This is my hobby in spare time.

Comments ( 27 )
kalash93 #1 · Oct 27th, 2021 · · 59 ·

I'm a simple man, I see Anon, I downvote.

yeah, this isn't feral or bestiality.

Both parties are sapient creatures capable of verbal communication, which means neither of them are feral; and human on pony in MLP isn't bestiality, it's interspecies but not bestiality.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good clopfic but you can't label it bestiality or feral when it's clearly not.

and we now see what made flurry...and why she was named flurry lol. Anon must have been craving a Mcflurry something awful :rainbowlaugh:

?????????? you realize feral is in relation to the body type right? As in not anthro and not human.

I like Anon, but I don't like Cadence.

I'm thoroughly conflicted, but I'll still favorite this story and read it later.

Punctuation issues, incomplete sentences that are obviously meant to be part of/modifiers for previous sentences, missing words, words split up (like "within", at least one example of "your" used in place of "you're" -- this needs the attention of a decent editor.

I appreciate your honesty.

Thank you for your honesty. I know its like many things in life where its hard to do something cause part of it makes you uncomfortable. I know I have those things as well and still end up enjoying a portion of what I did.

Sadly I dislike my own story myself, cause drunk me writes things too fast and doesn't take time. As for standard me, I try to edit to the best of my ability as I cannot afford an editor to the work as this is a hobby more than it is a job. If I was making 1000$ a week then ya, I would be hiring editors and not doing anything else but writing. I appreciate the feedback overall as its something that can be used to help improve in the future and find more niche problems.

There are plenty of stories on this very site that were looked over, corrected, proofread, edited, and so on without the writers paying for the help. We're all unpaid authors here, and sometimes you can find people willing to polish your work for free if you look for them. The fact that you can't pay for professional help is a poor excuse.

Meanwhile Shining is away both to avoid any more pregnancies, and more importantly, busy screwing Twilight through a wall...

hey this guy volunteered

That being said, I don't hate the story, like at all.


I can't help it. Anon is like opting out of writing a character. It takes away the best dimension of fictional sex, the emotional chemistry. You can definitely do better, you have talent.


"feral" in this context refers to proper animal form rather than anthro biped or fully humanized.

It doesn't, you're just turning your brain off and ignoring his character. There's more than enough chemistry here given the circumstances, how long the fic is, and the intent of the fic, it's worth an upvote not a downvote.

11029894 It is a bit like picking up a book where you're meant to fill in half of it yourself..

alright, I'll conceed that point.

But that doesn't change the fact that this isn't bestiality, Cadance passes the harkness test so it's only interspecies.

I am in agreement.


I am opposed to home-wrecking and adultery, but if Shining really is being a lying cad without an excuse, it serves him right.


By the letter of the law word, it is bestiality.

By the spirit of the law word, it isn't.

Humans have never had to differentiate between non-sapient non-human and sapient non-human, so as far as the dictionary is concerned, there isn't a difference. Pedantic, I know, but the more you know...!

Also, I agree. By the spirit of the word, it's not bestiality. After all, Cadance would be infuriated by the insuation.


Is that why the story keeps using "starring" instead of "staring"? :raritywink:

That would be why. Drunk me stories are never really that great and contain so many errors that it feels bad, but oddly this one has done well in terms of Like/Dislike ratio which baffles me. You are correct it should be staring and not starring for words.

Cute little adultery story i'd love a sequel where Cadance does get pregnant from Anon but instead of being filled with Shame she blows up at Shining for lying and avoiding her during her Estrus then she divorces Shining and just to spite him further she marries Anon the same day she signs for divorce

Hey readers can you tell me something is it just me or does this name spelled wrong [Cadance] ? Because when you play the (read player) it says something different,what do think. Is it the righter or the read player doing it wrong?? And so do you know how to make the spelling bigger on there it feels like I'm righting in (DOTS?) and what up with the red and blue lines???one last thing [Righting] mean too spell words right?๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”


I think it would be an interesting story, perhaps absurd, but no less interesting!

The read aloud (if that's what you are referring to) pronounces things weird no matter what you do, don't put too much stock in it.

As for Cadence's name, it can be spelled either C-A-D-A-N-C-E or C-A-D-E-N-C-E, though from what I am aware personally, it makes more sense to be spelled the second way, as "Cadence" is an actual word, hence fitting with the name theme for ponies.

I don't understand the rest of what you want help with though. Sorry.

Where is S. Armor?

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