• Published 23rd Feb 2022
  • 1,690 Views, 18 Comments

Pink Heart - Spazz Kid

[Displaced]A boy with repressed issues is sent to an anthro Equestria as Spinel.

  • ...

2 - Welcome to Ponyville, scrub

James woke with a start, quickly clutching the sides of... a bed?

He quickly sat up, looking around him.
He was in a hospital room! Had he been dreaming? That would explain it..

To confirm his hypothesis, he looked down at himself and...

"God dammit..." James muttered angrily as Spinel, gripping the sides of the bed tightly in panic. "So it wasn't a dream.. What the hell is going on??" He muttered some more.

He looked around the room again, only more closely, noticing that there were several contraptions he had never seen in a hospital room before.

Several voices could be heard outside of the room, on the other side of the door to his right. They seemed to be having a very fast paced conversation. The door opened, revealing another anthropomorphic horse thing, this one wearing a doctors uniform, and holding a clipboard. It had a horn on its head, and wire framed glasses on its face. Its eyes widened at James' awake-ed-ness. "Ah, you're awake." It said, it's voice sounding male. It turned to the pink haired nurse, who was right beside him. "You can go tell Pinkie that her friend is fine." The nurse nodded, then walked away. The doctor horse-man-thing continued into the room, closing the door behind him. He stopped next to the bed as James stared at him with wide eyes.

They both made eye contact, the doctor looking curiously and James looking back at him in silent horror. The doctor made a quick note on his clipboard, before clearing his throat. "Hello there. My name is Dr. Pheelgood. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand for a shake.

James stared at the hand, contemplating where he should take this. If he were to shake the horse's hand, what would he introduce himself as? James? Spinel? He shouldn't have to really think about that, but now that he is in a new body that he only just barely understands, that happens to belong to a fictional character, he should really take in consideration what he says. Or.. should he? Is he overthinking this? He's probably overthinking this.

Quickly deciding his fate, he grabbed the doctor's hand. "Spinel. It's.... nice to meet you, too." James said slowly. He decided he would wait to reveal who he actually is, and only to the right person; someone who could probably send him home.

The doctor nodded, pulling up a chair, and sitting in it. He took another quick glance at his clipboard, adjusting his glasses while he did so. He looked back up at James, who sat there, completely still, staring back at him unblinkingly. He ignored this, and cleared his throat. "Well, Spinel, I gotta say, you've kinda stumped me."

James furrowed his brow, scratching his head. "What? How?"

"Well, I'm gonna be blunt, you have no skeleton." Dr. Pheelgood rubbed his head tiredly. "And we've tried everything to to find out why, and help, but..." He looked up at James, who was looking back with a neutral expression. "Well it didn't work. But, it didn't seem to matter in the end, as you're alive, and probably feeling well... you are feeling well, right?" Pheelgood leaned forward, eyes wide.

"....Yeah. I'm fine." James replied, setting his head into his left hand.

"So, then, could you please explain... why?" Pheelgood gestured to James' body.

"Well..." James thought for a moment, realizing there wasn't a really easy way to explain it. He pointed at his heart gem. "You see this gemstone?"

"Ah, yes, the upside down heart!" Pheelgood looked thoughtful for a second. "Do you have any relation to the Crystal Empire?"

"Uh..no, what's that?" James asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh. N-nothing, please continue." Pheelgood gestured for him to, well, to continue.

"Okay..." James stared for a moment, before getting back to his explanation. "Alright so basically, my body is made of some sort of solidified light, which all comes from this gem right here." He explained, which caused the doctor to hum in interest.

"So, you're actual body is the gemstone?" Pheelgood pondered, getting ready to write on his clipboard again.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." James shrugged.

"Fascinating." Pheelgood scribbled quickly on his board, before looking back up at James. "What are you then, if you don't mind me asking."

"I'm something called a gem, which is a species comprised of millions of beings all based of different gems, or really any mineral you can think of." James said, gradually gaining speed the more he spoke. "They are led, you could say, by the Diamond Authority, a small group of gems all based off of diamonds. They are seen as the most powerful gems; the most flawless beings in the galaxy. I, as you could probably guess, am a Spinel gem, grown to serve the youngest of the Diamonds, Pink Diamond, who ended up abandoning me for 6,000 years without me realizing it, and then I went after her son, who turned out to be a half gem. How that works when gems are made of light, I do not know, but it happened." James stopped, realizing he was venting trauma that wasn't his. "I'm gonna stop now."

"Uh-huh..." Pheelgood nodded slowly. "6,000 years? Are you really that old?"

"Hey!" James said, smirking for the first time in a while. "Didn't your mama ever tell you that asking a lady her age was rude?" He crossed his arms, trying his best to look angry.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't realize-"

"Nah, it's fine." James leaned on to the back of the bed, his smirk quickly leaving. "It doesn't really matter how old I am, considering I'm probably not even from this universe."

"Wait, REALLY?" A new voice exclaimed, coming from the doorway. James looked over, eyes wide. "That is, like, so crazy!" It was the horse thing that he remembered seeing before collapsing. He barely had time to properly process that, however, as she zoomed over to the side of the bed. "I've never met an alien before, is it okay if I call you an alien, I don't want to be offensive. Oh! If you're an alien, have you ever been to a party before? If not I can throw you one, I mean, not like I wasn't going to throw you one already, but it's just nice to know, right? Oh! I have so many questions. So many,in fact, I had to put them all in this notebook." She pulled a notepad out of her hair. "Alright, question number 1 of 3,456, do-"

"How about you just tell her your name, and we'll move from there." The nurse said walking up behind her.

"Mmmmmmm, okay." The Pink One said, shoving the notepad back into her hair, before grinning wildly back at James. Or Spinel, or, whatever. "Hi! My name is Pinkie Pie! What's yours?"

"Spinel." James squinted at 'Pinkie'. He didn't this one's energy. Not that she was suspicious or anything, he just didn't like her energy. It was too much, even for him.

"OOOOOHHHHH, It's great to meet you, Spinel!" Pinkie gushed, bouncing up and down. Literally. "I can't wait to show you around town, and throw you a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party and -" She was actually vibrating at this point.

Pheelgood stopped her. "Pinkie, before you and Spinel do anything, we need to make sure she's feeling good enough to do anything." He looked over at Spinel. " You are fine, right?"

"Yeah. I just fainted." James deadpanned.

"Are you... willing to go?" Pheelgood asked hesitantly.

James looked over at Pinkie, who was grinning broadly. He looked back at Pheelgood. "...... sure."

"YES!" Pinkie exclaimed loudly, wrapping her arms around James. "Let's go! I need to show you around town." She somehow zoomed out of the room, dragging James along with.

Needless to say, he immediately regretted his decision.