• Member Since 2nd May, 2013
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Insanity is best served with curry and rye.

Comments ( 76 )

Awesome. I've been looking forward to this.

InterestIng that Clover is taking some responsibility for what happened to Onyx. But good lord, the guy is not equipped to handle kids is he? Hah!

"My apprentice watched his mother die before his eyes then endured the equivalent of Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker and Midnight sparkle, not for a few short hours or even a handful of years but for an entire millennia. In part because I - yet again - ignored the needs of the youngling in my care. Shall I get him some therapy? Nah. There are some gang members there. He needs to let off steam. Let's beat them up instead. "

Clover I see, subscribes to the "Bruce Wayne" school of child rearing I notice. Kid needs friends.

Purely a hunch, but maybe *this* will be the Catalyst for his inevitable blow up with Celestia? After all she has some experience with misreading the needs of people close to her... And she's a teacher. She does know kids. Is Onyx gonna meet the CMC? *thats* an encounter I want to see. That could be *hilarious*. CMC meets dark and brooding teenager from further north who doesn't understand basic jargon, speaks overly formerly, has *ridiculous* magic, is apparently the apprentice to the archmage? Someone stop Sweetie Bell before she Does her best impression of Rarity at the Gala...
Huh. For some reason I really want to see that now. It sounds adorable.

Or maybe I'm over analysing things again.

Love the chapter. Nice to go in guns blazing. I also love the mental image of Clover finding spare cloaks and Rarity fritzing out over it.

You know, if the plot doesn't steer in the direction for Onyx to meet up with the CMC's, I might have to make a one shot of it sometime.

Ha. That chapter title.

Some intriguing things going down.

I was not expecting that last line.

lol, my editor said the same thing.



You know... We'd speculated that Clover was in some ways the absentee father of Equestria. Now he's the progenitor of the Changeling Hives? Though obviously he didn't stick around. is she a blood relation? Does Luna know? Or is this another case of adoption where Clover set up a kingdom and then waltzed out of their lives?
The questions.... I look forward to answers.

If Clover is her Grandfather and the other Queens are her cousins, is Clover the Primarch of all Changelings? Including Chrysalis? Or is she some kind of hybrid?

Clover is the master of Sombra, the indirect cause of both Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker and the Grandfather of the Changeling Queens? How many of the threats to equestria is he responsible for?!

Also... A word of caution. It's possible to overdo it and have Clover just be *too* powerful and overly important to the extent that nothing threatens him. Do that and there are no stakes. No drama. Hes already the first male Alicorn who seemingly set the ball rolling on... Everything. Don't go too crazy or he stops being interesting. Doing lose sight of what weakens him. What frightens him. Remember the Golden Rule. Superman is *much* more interesting when his foe has Kryptonite. Make sure you know what Clovers is.

Oh I've made sure to curtail him where necessary (trust me, I've had to stop myself a few times already). If you remember in the previous story, the only time we saw him "fight" in present day was when he was fighting to reclaim the amulet, and even then, his opponent was a fresh alicorn before she threw down with Tirek. Aside from that, all the more impressive accomplishments were very past tense.

Excellent chapter. Wonder what her mother is going to do when she hears into not any alicorn, but Clover.

yes... Rest In Pieces spectrum.... hopefully she at least puts him under before she carves him up. I would NOT want to be aware when the dissection starts.

Prey 42 huh? I think we know who that is.

"And that's how Eque- The Hive was made!"

Well you see, little timmy. When changeling's tummy gets the rumblies...

Oh blimey.

So. On top of all Clovers previously established negligence for Equestria, and the Sisters, he then abandoned Celestia to the Nightmare and sought a live where he deadened himself to the world and his pain by changeling powered magic drugs.

*Daym*. He really is the Absent Father of Equestria.

Yeah, pretty much. I had a feeling you were gonna comment on that.

Yeah. It works really well. I can totally see Clover going to some dark places. I'm a fan of stories with immortals going through horrific times. Most wouldreach for the needle or the bottle sooner or later. There's no shame in trying to deaden the pain. But - as with most angsty protagonists sometimes you want to shake them and ask them if they seriously think they are th e first person to ever lose someone. He idly suggests at one point that the Nightmare is something all Alicorns experience sooner or later. So that's something mildly terrifying.

I can't shake the haunting scene that he *knew* Luna was gone. And he straight up abandoned the one person who loved her as much as he did. Not just to her own pain and grief (for what, the third time at this point?) But to the Nightmare. The affliction he *knew* about and didn't forward Luna of. Then leaves Celestia to the same, killing who knows how many innocent people when she goes on a Rampage as Daybreaker.

It wasn't just neglectful. It was *cruel*.

And that's okay. As a character. It's something people do when they are hurting. They lash out. They say *exactly* the thing they know will hurt the most. Betrayal is a horrific weapon because it is a bespoke weapon custom made for the back you stab it into.

It's far more interesting, I think, than paragon perfect heroes, to have heroes who have a weakness, a flaw, a trait that makes them less than perfect. Is Clover a bad guy? No. Not even close. He's saved more people than he's hurt several times over. Hes a hero.

But he actually has real flaws . Not things like a messiah complex or an unwillingness to involve his friends for dead they'll get hurt of a tendency to hide his doing from his love interest or other nonsense flaws that arent really flaws.

He fundamentally runs from his responsibilities. He let a poisoned chalice fall to a child. And when she fell short, he despised her for it.

How scared must she have been? A filly. Crowned as Princess, with the likes of Blueblood and Platinum for guides. Worshiped as a God. Destined to be ageless and breathless whilst her parents, lovers, friends all blew away like smoke. Do you think Clover warned her, what it would be like? To live Eternal? Or let her discover on her own? And when Luna fell to the Nightmare, (a threat he was aware of and did nothing to stop) he abandoned her to the Nightmare too and fled to dull his memories once more leaving Equestria to the whims of a Mad Goddess.

But she doesn't. She pulls herself free. She banished the Nightmare from her. "Physician Heal Thyself" and she does. She orchestrates her sister's return, raised Cadence, Sunset and Twilight, ruled 1000 years in peace, rebuilds her kingdom, all of whom look to her. Ford guidance. For assurance. For comforting guiding hoof.

Did she ever have that from Clover? Even once? Did it even occur to him? Even now, does the 1000 year old Sun Goddess feel like the filly they crowned so that Clover didng have to stay in one place for too long? Could she have been the figure Sunset Shimmer needed her to be of Clover had been the one she needed from him?

Clover to me, I think, is like Loki. Like Mercury. Mercurial. He's ancient and powerful but he isn't the father of magic or the primarch of Equestria. He's like Hoid. A hero certainly. But definitely larger than life.

It's strange because on the face of it he's ludicrously powerful. But I think that sooner or later, Twilight, Saphire, Stygian , they're going to find that Clover will disappoint them. And maybe to Clover that will be a nice change of pace. More open more honest relationship with people that dont out him on a pedestel.

Could be good.

If they're the kind of rumblies that only hands can satisfy, then yes.

Are the rest of the six founders of Equestria going to appear in this story series?


Then leaves Celestia to the same, killing who knows how many innocent people when she goes on a Rampage as Daybreaker.

I didn't like reading this part. Because Twilight herself would NEVER look at Celestia the same way again, if that was true.

"Ok then," said Mama Pancake, her presence making it very clear that escape was no longer an option. "What exactly did you do to make poor little Quartz cry?"

OH boy.

Only if they fit in the overall story I'm telling. They were briefly mentioned in the first story.

I realize my opinion is subject to being biased, but ask yourself this.
If she had and was eventually able to bounce back, do you think Celestia is the kind of person who would hide herself away, or do everything she could to make up for it?


Well, it will be very hard for the families/friends to "forgive" and stop fearing her. That's all I'm saying.

While the immortals have to constantly live with the reminder, 1000 years is a long time for past wrongs to fall into obscurity.

On the flip side, Celestia is the only one of all the Alicorns to fall to their "Nightmare" form and escape it under their own power.

Luna required the elements and a millennia long time out on the nearest satellite. Twilight nearly killed one of Clover's friends and could have done damage to Discord if it came to it and Clover eventually managed to fix her of the affliction. Remarking that it was a process most Alicorns seem to go through at some stage.

But Celestia? She succumbs to the Nightmare after Luna's imprisonment, is briefly sealed in stone before she's freed by Twilight's ancestors, and has a (brief) reign of terror that remains in the genetic memories of most Ponies who still fear her in a way they seemingly don't fear Luna. She is abandoned by Clover.

But she hauls *herself* out of the Shadows. She cures herself. She - alone of the Alicorns - throws off the Nightmare by her own Power. Then reigns for a thousand years in peace and harmony. Without her sister. Without her parents. Without a lover. Everyone she draws close to eventually dies.

I don't think Twilight would think of her the same.
But I don't think she'd be angry.

She would be proud of her mentor. Because for every trial she and Cadence and Sunset have had at their various stages of accension, every question they had for their mentor about what it means to be immortal, to be worshiped as a deity, to be an Alicorn?

Celestial walked that path first. And she Did it Alone.

Every time you think about how Luna depends on her big Sis, Cadence on her Auntie, or Twilight on her Mentor, remember that Celestia did it *Alone*. Imagine what learning of Clover's nature means.

When Luna emerged from the Nightmare, her sister was there. To hug her and tell her it was okay. That she could make ammends.
When Twilight ascended, Celestia was there to guide her. To explain to her what it meant. To sing of her accomplishments.

Who was Celestias mentor? For whom was she a faithful student? Where could she turn to?

When she shook herself free of Daybreaker, when she stood in the Ashes of the Nightmare, that took all her pain, all her wrath and fear and misery and loneliness and turned it against the people of Equestria, who were *hers* to protect and guide and care for, Who was there to say "Its okay. You're free now. The Nightmare is Over." ?

Who was there to protect and guide and care for her?


Hmm, touche.


Yep. Her PSTD would be the absolute worst. But, she somehow went though with it alone.

Did any one get confused by the transition in this chapter? Just asking. 🤔

I fixed it up a bit. It did need some attention.

Interesting. Not to beat a dead horse, but it seems like Clover is blaming the regular Ponies for Celestias Fall. Thats... Certainly one interpretation. I wonder if Clover thinks he can take Daybreaker or not.

My money - especially with Celestia enhanced by the Nightmare - is that Clover would want to avoid a direct confrontation. Though I'm certain it would sting his pride, I think Daybreaker at the moment probably exceeds him in raw power. When they last clashed, Celestia had just defeated Nighmare Moon, and was grieving and hadn't yet succumbed to Daybreaker. Now? I think their positions are reversed and Clover needs to be very careful. Plus Daybreaker would probably be as murderous if she learns *Clover* lives as she'd ever been.

Of course , on his terms, with Time to prepare, Clover could probably engineer a way to best Daybreaker. But in a straight fight? One on one? I think Daybreaker may win more fights than she loses in that scenario.
I wonder if Clover has ever felt that before at this point in the timeline? It's rather interesting.

This is going to be interesting. Emotional instability reunion, woo-hoo.

Spectrum's long, insectile wings were on full display, the holes that were present in them looking unnatural. Instead of perfectly rounded shapes which might normally be found in changeling wings, they were instead covered with jagged tears that made it look like they had been damaged. What really got him worked up though was the shell on his back.

Is there a picture of him and the rest of the ocs?

No, but maybe I should commission one.

The queen was no longer paying him any mind as she lapped the blood from the blade with her tongue. She took her time meticulously licking the blade clean before sucking up the rest of the sanguine fluid. She seemed to take some time considering something as she rolled it around in her mouth. A mix of emotions she was feeling were on full display for anyone who was watching her. It started with confusion and slowly evolved into shock as a visible shiver rippled over her body. Her expression softened as tears began to stream from her eyes, catching the attention of her guards.

She can test DNA with her tongue?

Sapphire huffed. "Personally, I find the idea of experimenting on any of my children creepy to the extreme," she said. "It may have been our way at one point, but times change. "

You pay them with good vibes as currency for being volunteers instead.

"LA LA LA LA!" Sapphire slammed her hooves over her ears as she tried to drown out the stories of her conception. "I'm not having this conversation with my mother!"

Kinda weird for a changeling queen with thousands of children to be embarrassed by sex, but I guess she prefers the child raising more so than the sex.

Also finally all caught up. :twilightsmile:

Yeah, you've been cruising through the chapters

He would've absolutely loved solving the mystery of what caused this one changeling to outlive generation after generation of queens.

She cracks immortality and the number of changelings explode in number. The conflicts between rival queens get really wild with "minor" skirmishes of billions of nigh immortal drones.

Onyx's eyes widened as he turned to look back at where the old pony had been sitting, only to now find himself alone on the docks.

He's a ghost.

Lol whoops. You'd figure after going over the chapter a dozen times, that I'd catch all the little flubs.

Celly is here and she gonna fuck things up.

The beginnings of peaceful cooperation

I saw the way he was looking at when

I saw the way he was looking at you when

Obviously he doesn't kill her, but it does make one wonder what did happen between the two of them.


That wasn't the best of plans.

Gotta wonder exactly what Clover did to to the bears.

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