• Member Since 21st Jun, 2021
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago



What would happen during the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance, Twilight had been taken to Gravity Falls and her friends could only watch without being able to do anything.
It is a parallel story to https://www.fimfiction.net/story/499451/the-power-of-the-gravity-falls

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 43 )

It’s a nice start

Looks interesting, though I think that Chrysalis would have feigned a bit more worry or sadness at Twilight's possible death, such as some crying.

Chrysalis realized that no one was going to believe her and she had to keep her eyes open in case someone tried to attack her and try to escape.

Interested story, but the presentation leaves something to be desired.

Don't get me wrong this is interesting...but I hope you have a plan to make this story different from your other story...

1. How about when Dipper finds the journal, he finds instructions on how to gain magic and spends the next couple of days focusing solely on helping Twilight regain her magic...the downside is that while he's doing. He's so distracted helping Twilight, he misses the whole thing with Norman....and so Mable ends up kidnapped for SEVERAL days...and is finally forced to escape and defeat the gnomes herself.(before you say boo to this idea, remember how both Dipper and Twilight are defined by their Obsessive compulsive nature. They both literally had an episode discussing this. Not to mention how important magic is to Twilight, with her LITERALLY being the element of magic....I could easily see them ignore everything around them and focus solely on that. Plus Soos and Wendy don't know Mable that well yet, so neither would worry about her being gone. And Stan- let's be honest had a very 'hands-off' approach to parenting...especially if he's using 'the most distracting object in the world'. So I bet he wouldn't notice her missing either)

For the Gobblewonker episode, after being chewed out by Mable for not being there to rescue her- Twilight interjects that although they should've been more attentive, expecting Dipper to always be there for her and bale her out is a rather unhealthy relationship expectation(she recounts how the rest of her family and friends weren't there for her when she needed it the most and now she's stuck in this world by herself). This saddens her friends and family watching through the mirror, Mable realizes Twilight is right...and Dipper warmly comforts her saying HE'LL be there for her and hugs her. This causes everyone to 'AWWWWW'...except Grunkle Stan who shouts 'get a room you two!' Much to their embarrassment.

It then truly starts to hit Twilight she might be trapped here for a while...and she starts to have a panic attack, Dipper- being expereinced with this, having had a fair many himself -tries to help her through it.

Grunkle Stan, was originally planning on a family trip to the beach...but reconsiders it seeing Twilight's panic over the prospect of being trapped here and never seeing her family again- even he's not THAT big of a jerk -but Mable- taking Twilights advice on being more indepednt from Dipper, suggests that she and him go to the beach alone and just leave Dipper to take care of Twilight at the Shack.

(so Mable basically, dose the whole gobblewonker hunt herself to prove she can be independent...even going as far as refuse a boat ride and flat out SWIM to the island...which is a terrible idea which she immediately regrets as she nearly drowns when some rather large floatsom snags on her sweater.)

Anyway, Wendy and Soos- concerned for Twilight- stay at the Shack(and give Themselves more screentime)

When Twilight calms down, one of her concerns is how she's going to afford to take care of herself, as she doesn't want to mooch off the Pines forever OR just be a roadside attraction...

So they discus various ways she can use her magic to make money...

When Dipper hears about how Pegasus make a living, it gives him an idea...and finds a spell in the journal that will give her wings(Soos makes a Red Bull joke, while Wendy makes a crude teasing about how Twilight is doing it all wrong and SHE'S supposed to get Dipper's 'wings' up and running. Much to both their embarrassment.).

The idea, is that Maybe Twilight can sell weather to people...

Anyway, they help Twilight learn to use her wings(a main problem is she keeps trying to be analytical about it, and since there's no way for wings of that size to support a pony, her doubt causes her to crash...and Dipper's equally analytical nature doesn't help, so it's Wendy who tells them they just need to relax and roll with it, EMBRACE the sheer insanity of the situation their in(magic, unicorns, other worlds, etc.)...this finally allows Twilight to fly...she even lets Dipper get on her to fly with her(Wendy again teases how Dipper should at least buy her dinner before he 'mounts' her)

(also during this, Dipper- after Twilight explains more about the Pegasus -points out the hypocrisy of the 'no magic' rule during Ponyville's winter wrap up, as clearly the pegasus are not only doing magic to both fly AND control the weather. But NEED to use it do their jobs! Through the mirror, Rainbow dash realizes he has a point and decides to go make Mayor Mare annul that old law...much to Applejack's annoyance.)

Twilight practices forming clouds and laying on them....during this, Dipper can't help but think of Wendy's words...and he can't help but think of his 'position'...and how much fun he's had with Twilight...and how amazing she is....how majestic...and radiant she looks...and pretty...

And so naturally the universe decides that now is the time for Dipper to have his first boner...which Twilight FEELS.

She so startled by this, it messes up her spell and causes a mystic discharge that gets ride of her wings...which causes her to fall through the clouds and too the ground.

Thankfully, they weren't too high, but it's high enough to cause Twilight to scream in fear. Dipper- acting quickly -twists their position in mid-air so he takes the brunt of the fall...Thankfully, his injuries aren't too bad but they still call it quits for the day to get him tended to...

when asked what happened, Twilight admits she's not sure...but she was surprised by something very tiny suddenly poking her in the back...

Seeing Dipper fluster and flinch at the word 'tiny'...an amused Wendy gets it, but deflects the conversation to be nice...but quietly reassures a mortified Dipper that he'll 'grow into it'.

Meanwhile, through the mirror...the mares- also figuring out - what happened, playfully tease as well...although Shining is just grateful to Dipper that Twilight is alright...

But Celestia meanwhile is surprised by what happened, as while she knew that equestrian magic could make a facsimile of wings that could at least grant flight and cloud walking...but NOTHING that life-like and that could actually grant other ponies PEGASUS magic over the weather...she realizes Gravity Falls magic must be different and wonders if Twilight will become a alicorn sooner then expected...

during the Headhunter episode, Dipper and Wendy focus on Earth Pony stuff as according to Twilight Earth ponies could make huge swooths of crops grow at a fraction of the time humans could....if done right, Twilight would be financially set for life.

Hearing that last bit, Stan eagerly tells them to focus on that While Mable and Soos help set up the wax figures,

They get so caught up in helping Twilight learn this, they miss everything with the wax figures. Again, Mable takes Twilight's advice and decides to solve the mystery herself.)

Again, they use a spell to give Twilight the characteristics of someone she imagines...which is applejack...which gives her a more muscular frame...it also has the side-effect of making her plot bigger and more 'plump'...this again makes Dipper hard...much to Wendy's amusement...especially as this time Twilight notices it...but says nothing, as she too is embarrassed...and not sure how to take it...

While Twilight works on making various potted plants Dipper brought to grow faster, Dipper- desperate to think of something else beside Twilight's jiggling plot and Wendy's ribbing...begins to theorize about other things 'earth magic' could do...

Using various forms of comics and anime as inspiration...they start to experiment...and eventually Twilight gains a crude form of 'earthbending' and manipulating plants to do her bidding...

Getting excited, they decide if they can make a sickly tree become alive, fruitful and fertile again...

And it works! A sickly, old apple tree, WELL pas it's prime...not only is it restored to full vitality, but actually grows BIGGER and it's fertility goes through the roof with an abundance of giant, juciy apples that make EVERYONE mouth water just looking at them(Applejack in particular looks like she's about to have an orgasm).

Twilight is so excited for her succes...she accidnetlly looses focus and cause her sepll to hit Dipper right in his loins....

Before any can react...


Not only dose Dipper find his genitals suddenly growing massive, but he's sporting a massive erection. His shorts have literally ripped in two.

Wendy is stunned, Twilight is SHOCKED(she'd NEVER seen male reproductive organs out of a text book, and stallions always kept them tucked inside, never out in the open...)

Mortified, Dipper covers himself with his hat and runs...unitinateionally mooning the girls as he did...

Wendy, not being able to resist, give him a playful smack and shouts, 'BE PROUD DIPPER! YOU'VE JUST BECOME THE ENVY OF ALL GUYS!" She laughs! She then turns to Twilight congratulating her for accidentally discovering a billion dollar patent...and making her summer more 'fun'(that last comment REALLY make her fluster).

When Dipper enters the shack, he finds Mable...covered in bruises and scratches...her clothes ripped WAY post the point of immodesty(this sight thankfully, had the much needed benefit of causing Dipper to 'calm down' in disgust)...using a battle axe to smash the last of the wax dummies to bits...she holds the axe up proudly and shrieks proudly...

They then both see each other...and jsut stare for a moment...

Mable: ...don't ask?

Dipper: Don't tell. (he finishes)

And they both go their separate ways...

Meanwhile, through the mirror. The mares are having a good laugh over what happened.

Candance: Well...looks like Twilight has a LOT to look forward to...

Shining: (groans) Thank you so much for putting that image in my head...

Also, Applejack is amazed at how much power Earth pony's have and plans on seeing if she can replicate it when she gets home...first, using it to get ride of those dang fruit bats...

She also has to finally concede that Dipper is right about the 'no magic rule' being hypocritical and promises to help Dash convince the mayor to annul that law.

Celestia, although amused...further thinks on these developments...Dipper had found uses of earth pony magic even SHE had never thought of...and Twilights causal ability to now use it makes her marvel at how different GF magic is...and how how so much closer to being an alicorn Twilight is...and how she'll be a greater princess then even Celestia ever thought possible...

The hand that rocks the Mable...wraps up much more quickly...

Mable...having had a rough couple of weeks...kidnapped, nearly drowned, nearly eaten by a mechanical Gobblewonker, and nearly being torn apart by a swarm of wax dummies...she's in no mode for Gideon's crap...

So when Gideon and the crowd start to pressure her at the resturaunt start to pressure her....she screams NO!, flips the table and kicks Gideon in the balls....

(in the background we see Dipper Wendy and Twilight working on new ways to use her magic, I'll let you decide what.)

Mable feels terrible about what happened and letting her temper get the better of her...especially when people in town start to see her as a deranged lunatic...

She gets a call from Toby, asking to see Dipper....but Dipper is busy with Twilight, and Mable...still wanting to be independent...goes tot he warehouse instead...

Gideon, not facing forward in his swivel chair...assumes Dipper is here...and begins to flat out accuse him of turning Mable against him and that he'll lock him up and rip out his 'lying' tongue until she 'sees sense'...

He then swivels around and realizes it's MABLE he's talking to...he tries to back track...but Mable isn't having it! She violently attacks him before he can use his bollo to defend himself and beats him up so badly, it's get smashed to pieces....

Overhearing the beatdown that lasts for HOURS, this gets reported to the police, they of course take Gideon's side...and try to have Mable arrested.

But Twilight(who, having seen the commotion as people gather to wonder what the loud beatdown was...comes to her defense...

Everyone is so busy squealing over the cute unicorn...they just completely believe her...

A brutally pummeled Gideon is so furious he angrily threatens Twilight...which turns the crowd against him, forcing him to flee...

(the reason I'm making Mable independent is so she'll be more accepting of Dipper going off and taking Ford's apprenticeship later.)

What do you think?

Hey, are you okay if I use some of these ideas if I ever write a GF x MLP fanfic?
I will give credit to you of course.
Also if I do get permission I won't be using as many of the more NSFW suggestions, since anything more than an innuendo here or there is not my style.

I can’t wait til Twilight mets Gideon

I liked this, and that was a rather good lesson. Showing both sides. The commentary from Twilight's friends is also nice

The main reason I suggested you have Mable and Dipper do separate things was so this story would be different form your other story, but this works too.

That being said, I do hope you at least do my idea where Dipper experiments with Twilight's magic as I feel like that be thing Dipper would want to do, plus it's important to Twilight.

Well, having Twilight stay with Stan for a bit and be concerned for Mckgucket(you should have her follow-up on that next chapter....which confuses the twins. Only for Twilight ask 'why on the world would I ignore a man with mental health issues- which makes the twins feel bad as they had essentially done that -who can also build killer robots?(that last bit makes the twins feel frightened as they realize helping him NOT want to do would be a good thing)) was nice touch...but I gotta comment on something...

No offense man, but you kinda over-explain things.

Example: You could've just had Twilight say 'I don't know how you managed to talk me into that.' And just left it at that, there was no need to have Mable explain why. It would've sounded better as a segment and even played for laughs.

I also wish you'd had twilight reprimand Mable for deliberately wasting cameras to extort Dipper.

Other then that, good chapter.

You should join groups to get your story out there for people to read

Uodate it quickly, I want to see how Twilight and the others react to seeing the horrors of Gravity falls

I liked it, but I feel like you missed an opportunity.

when Stan went through his 'Responsible adult wouldn't let them solve a murder, but I'm an uncle so Avenge me' rant...you could've had the people in equestria ask... 'Why in the world did their parents send the twins to him?'

Well, I liked this...but why did you have Twilight wait outside? She was worried about Dipper, there is literally no reason why she wouldn't go with him...

Also, how did Gideon NOT hear Twilight at the restaurant, she was right in front of him!

I'm sorry man...but you bent too many things over backward to keep things cannon...

p.s. I had an idea in the next chapter, Twilight gets a bit jealous seeing Dipper putting all his attention on Wendy...so she secretly goes with them to the abandoned store...to impress Dipper, she tries to exorcise the ghosts herself...but in doing so nearly kills Dipper...Wendy and Twilight are forced to work together to fight the ghosts...until it reaches a stalemate...Dipper then wakes up, forced to do the lamby dance to save everyone and Wendy, Twilight have a heart-to-heart afterwords...

What do you think?

Gideon not attention a Twilight, because he was planning his revenge against Dipper.
He also wanted Twilight that was outside of warehouse, so that Twilight not could easily defeat the amulet's power.
I modified the chapter a bit to make those points clearer.

Wait, I get the first point...but the second point makes no sense.

If Gideon thought Twilight was a mindless animal, why would he consider him a threat to his amulet and want to keep her outside...actually HOW did Gideon keep her outside? I don't see anything about how he did that, Dipper just says that she st6ayed outside. That's it.

Gideon covered the warehouse with energy to prevent Dipper from escaping, because he wanted to first show off to Dipper that he is far superior and after hurting Dipper, he also intended to harm Twilight simply to get back at Dipper, but he realized that he had left her outside the warehouse. and decided to only harm Dipper because he didn't want to give Dipper a chance to escape from the warehouse, but Gideon never thought of Twilight as a threat or something to worry about.

So what are you saying? The energy barrier meant to keep Dipper IN, also unintentionally kept Twilight OUT?

Well okay, you might need to make all that a bit more clear in the story then...

So, wait, did Dipper not realize Twilight wasn't with him until AFTER Gideon pointed it out then?

Dipper immediately noticed that Twilight stayed outside from the warehouse, but Dipper wasn't scared to stay inside the warehouse because he thought he wasn't in danger..
Dipper and Twilight were far enough away that Dipper was inside the warehouse and Twilight outside the warehouse, but close enough to each other that anyone who saw them would know they were walking together.

Okay, good. But in that case, you really need to put all that information int he story. Because I didn't get that when I read it.

Not trying to be mean, just factual and constructive.

Great chapter, and wow, some details on the ghost and how the products are still fresh and wow, Twilight and dipper facing the ghost with the teenagers and windy, while Mabel been out of it, in a store, nice ghostly chapter there, keep up the great work

I liked this, especially how you made Wendy SMART here...i feel like they wasted a lot of potential with Wendy in the show honestly...

Okay...next is 'Dipper v.s. Manliness'...please tell me you'll do the ideas I suggested!

I feel like that episode had a lot of potential and they squandered it!

Tell me what needs to be done to make it happen!

Awesome and wow dipper sure wen through much to become mainly and twilight is worried for while stopping him from killing multi bear, while mable and the others help Stan date with susan, which turns out okay but sometimes weird for him, awesome job, keep up the great work

What? Ah, come on man! You said you'd use my dialogue for this!

sorry that took so long.

Can't you just go back, edit the chapter and put it in?

Dude, did you make pinkie absent just so they could STILL do the Pinkie clone epsisode?

Why? Seriously, when you do things like that it makes the crossover episode feel pointless...

If I wanted to watch cannon, I would've just watched the show. I do fanfiction to get AWAY from cannon.

It would've been interesting to watch Pinkie watch the episode and have some thoughts and epiphanies.

Also, why did you separate Dipper and Twilight? It have been interesting to see how their shared anxieties played off each other...

Also, while I liked Wendy getting involved...you didn't commit to it. It have been interesting to see Wendy get more screen time and maybe act as an older sister figure to Twilight and Dipper, help them through their issues...

And while I like the new direction your taking pacifica...AGAIN you didn't really commit to it.

She finds a REAL, TALKING unicorn...and she STILL focuses on the crown?

Again, it would've been more interesting if she forgot about the contest and focused on learning more about Twilight...or maybe even kidnapping one of the Twilight clones...

bottom line: You wasted a lot of good story potential to keep things cannon...I'm sorry, but that's just how I feel...

I'm sorry, but I wanted Pacifica to relate the gold coin to Twilight. Pacifica is also afraid of her parents and they taught her that winning is the only important thing, especially if it's in public. The next chapter I will have more Wendy appear and I still don't know what to do with the Pinkie clones chapter so I left it ambiguous.
And thanks for giving your opinion

Okay, well you should've made that more clear...like have her tell Twilight that, or realize Mable was a friend of Twilight, privately take her aside and explain that...

And also thank you for that, have Wendy involved with the search for Trembly...maybe use this as a way to explore the old Corduroy/Northwest feud(fun fact, the vengeful ghost from 'Northwest Noire' was actually Wendy's ancestor and many others of his kin was killed because of Northwest...THIS WAS CONFIRMED CANNON...yet the writers never did anything with it...but you can!

Well...do you even need that episode to happen now? After this it just seems redundant.

Unless you have a specific plan to use the mirror pool to help Dipper in Gravity Falls....then why even do that episode at all? You could easily skip it...you don't HAVE to do ALL the episodes if you don't need to, after all...

p.s. you never answered my question about you not using my dialogue in the 'Dipper v.s. manliness episode even after you promised to do so...will you at least edit it BACK into the episode? I mean, put my dialogue INTO the chapter?

Mirrors are very important in future chapters, although it won't be the next chapter. And I'm also sorry, but I don't think I'm going to post that dialogue.

Okay, what is this? You said that you would!

Can you at least tell me WHY?

You also didn't answer my other questions.

I'm not good at putting things too specific about nudes.

Okay, thank you for honesty...

But...to be frank....I think this is where we must part ways...

It's not just the nudes...aside from twilight being in there...your not really doing much to make it divergent from cannon...it's more or less the same as cannon...it's basically 'this is gravity falls except with Twilight'...

Yes...you've put some other characters in your other stories...but even then- save for the beginning - they don't really have that big of an impact...the story more or less goes the same...

The whole thing with mable and celestia on the other side and everyone forgetting is interesting...but again, you don't really do anything with that...you just have Celestia alert people about that...and that's it....no other drama or action...

You put chrsalysis in...but then you almost immediately had her seeming to be on the path to be redeemed...again, no huss, muss, no drama, any chance of her having a big impact on the story is just mostly negated...

Putting cozy glow in was interesting, but agian you more or less don't have her make that big of an impact and they go along with cannon or Gideon's plan...

The fact of it is, I came to fannon to get AWAY from cannon. If I wanted to see cannon...I would've WATCHED cannon...

That...plus I have other things going on in my life right now...

So between all that...I think this is where we must part ways...

Goodbye my friend...and best of luck to you...

this was the only video I could find

Great chapter and wow, talk about a historical mission for the group, heh, it was funny and good

Wow interesting twist on the mailbox thing and an alternate ending to prevent Mabel’s screw ups, nice

I can't wait for the Stan's Tattoo episode.

Nice with the time travel, and looks like they had a bit of future details and now twilight is reunited with some old friends. Nice job on this chapter, looking forward to the next

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