• Member Since 27th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Aug 18th, 2023


I can't write, but I got a decent imagination and a minds eye for story telling. Need a story idea? Send me a message.

Comments ( 22 )

Can't wait for next chapter 🙂

I'm amazed to see a bus running either on Christmas day or at 3:15 am. I wonder if this is a favor, some sort of special trip by a hospital shuttle bus, etc. And that Alan had his phone charger given his attire. Or that he didn't go home to get properly dressed and his own car after dealing with the immediate emergency. Still enjoying the story though and curious where it is leading.

Ah, I see you can already tell that he has some... influence on others.

And thanks for liking it.

Hahaha haha, that ending line, hahaha. Am I a bad person if I admit, I would probably say the same thing?

WTF happened between the two of them?! It's like Discord's "relationship" with Celestia/Luna, but worse!


This reminds of one of those cliche crime/drama shows like Law and Order.

Plus, Luna already solved who Anon-A-Miss is ( CMC, obviously. )? That was really easy?!

And I feel like Alan himself will give a HUGE piece of his mind to those three particular girls, especially the Rainbooms too!!! :flutterrage:

Well, considering that the story's about a detective, then I'll take that as a compliment.

Luna also 'had her ways.'

Considering how mad he was... he has his ways of putting the fear of God in people 😉

Did anyone else think he was going to scream "German science is the the world's finest!"?

I’m surprised the doctor didn’t yell out mien snitzel!
Also we gonna gloss over the fact that sunsets doctor is a nazi?


I didn't see that coming either. And HOW is he still alive?! When is this?


Please don't sidetrack, you literally said the warp is responsible? Is this another Secret Nazi Project that comes out of no where, and make it sound like another cliche detective show plot point that the writers pulled out of their ass!? ( No Offense, this literally happens sometimes. ).

No. It was a joke from reading a lot of Warhammer stories.

There are certain things in the story that will make sense in time. Seeing as I'm not the best writer, it'll take a while for me to explain. Until then, you may build up your own theories.

Muy buena historia, todo transcurre como debe, la continuidad y el como llevas a los personajes es increíble, es intrigante el como continuará y como se solucionará, quedo a la espera del siguiente capítulo.

Gracias. Eso significa mucho para mí. Pido disculpas de antemano por no tener más capítulos, ya que he estado ocupado con la vida. Nuevamente, gracias por leer. (Traducido por Google Translate)

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