• Member Since 24th Apr, 2021
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Important notice: unless stated otherwise, every single cover image for every single one of my MLP fanfics is drawn/painted by me.


Before Bon Bon married the love of her life, Lyra Heartstrings, an odd event one day lead her to a short, bittersweet affair with a strange, two-legged creature she'd never seen before.

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic x Fallout: New Vegas crossover, featuring Bon Bon x Red Lucy as the core ship. (Please note, while this IS a MLP x Fallout crossover, it is NOT a Fallout Equestria fic)

Written for Bicyclette's Woman x Mare shipping contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

I've played New Vegas numerous times in my life, and yet, somehow, I never met Red Lucy. Lovely story written there, and I love the crossover. The site really needs more New Vegas writing.

i am so hype for this

You all know how it is.

i know the feeling. also, it's a small thing, but i am happy to see that the Fandom Police officer arresting you here was a woman. #girlboss!

"What's your name?" It sounded considerably politer than "What are you?" In her experience, nocreature responded well to that question.

so true! as fun as it would be to see Bon Bon in full suspicious grump right off the bat, it's also nice to see her nicer

All things considered, it wasn't the strangest thing Bon Bon had ever heard. Neither was this story, or what the stranger before her was telling her.

ah yeah, EqG world being part of the canon does make humans in Equestria just another weird event like any other

Even ursa majors weren't immune to her specific set of skills; she'd made a trophy out of one of their teeth. It now hung above the headboard of her bed.

ugh, Bon Bon is so cool!

Things could always be worse, and the mysterious yet alluring stranger at her side was living proof of it.

indeed! Bon Bon is in a unique position compared to most Equestrians, better able to appreciate Equestria's peace and safety by knowing firsthoof what it takes to keep it that way. it really does make her a perfect pony counterpart for an HiE story, and i could go on!

Twilight's ears flicked backward, clearly in distress for the potential trouble this stranger was in.

aww! love little bits of equine body language like this

She realized her faux pas and quickly cleared her throat. “Somecreature, I mean.”

hehe, good on her for starting on the inclusive languages seasons ahead of schedule

"Oh. Oh!" Twilight's ears pricked backwards. "You're right, of course; I'm sorry." Bon Bon could see the skin beneath the lavender fur of the princess's cheeks turn pink. She smiled; Twilight was one of the ponies who, more often than not, meant well. It was just that her thirst for knowledge and love of learning could overwhelm that.

aww! that is so very Twilight

"Don't mention it." Bon Bon shifted her withers in a shrug. "She's a good pony, really. Couldn't be the Princess of Friendship, if she wasn't."

ah, just love this little moment of understanding between them. it's funny, since i definitely see Bon Bon as having to manage Lyra's obliviousness and lack of social graces on behalf of the ponies that are around them, being the one that is more observant and serious by temperament and biography. this is sort of a reversal of that dynamic, of Bon Bon having to look out for someone who is less comfortable speaking up instead, and it works just as well. again, i love it!

She mouthed open her saddlebag to retrieve a key, which she used with her mouth to open her door. "Ladies first!" she joked through clenched teeth.

Red Lucy did as she was told, though her eyes lay on the sight of the key in Bon Bon's mouth for a bit longer than Bon Bon really thought they should.

Once inside, she nosed up the lightswitch on the nearest walls, washing her living area in deep, warm yellow light.

ugh, so adorable! i know, i know, how else are earthponies supposed to do things?

"And the spare bedroom's upstairs. Once you get up there, head to the right, the door will be there."

i do imagine the LyraBon relationship starting out when Bon Bon rents her spare room to Lyra, so it's nice to see this match my headcanon

"Yeah; two. The one down here has a toilet and sink; the one with the bathtub should be across the hall from your room."

two restrooms for a house inhabited by one pony? such luxury, Bon Bon!

With that, Bon Bon began her own winding down ritual for the end of the day. Hot green tea, porridge made of barley and oats topped with a fried egg, and a book.

that does sound like a very nice evening

"This feels...so ridiculously indulgent, you have no idea." The human giggled, an odd sound from someone who seemed so stoic.

i love it!

"Well...first off, I think I need to be straight with you." As straight as I can be.

hehehe classic

Not while one of them was naked in the tub; Bon Bon felt a bit ashamed, since it hadn't occurred to her that these yoo-mans had no fur to cover them up when they weren't wearing clothing.

humans normally wear clothes!

"So...all of these creatures are territorial?" Bon Bon frowned. "That makes no sense...here, even the wildest monster can usually be dealt with non-lethally."

that is the difference, living in a TV-Y universe

Red Lucy smirked at Bon Bon. "What do you think, my little pony?"

yes, she said the line! yes!

Bon Bon was especially careful with those; she'd had diabetic family members before, and she knew better than to tamper with whatever might be in them.

diabetes existing in Equestria is a bit surprising considering Pinkie's presumed diet, but horses certainly can get diabetic!

She tried to ignore them as she placed them to the side, along with a shiny, long thing with a wooden handle she'd never seen before. Something told her that that was the most dangerous of them all.

ooh, a gun?

She didn't want to know where, or who, the leather had come from.

a good call!

Much of what she said, Bon Bon didn't understand, like why in their world they used bottlecaps as currency.

i always did think that was kind of silly!

Twilight blinked rapidly at Bon Bon. "You sure know an awful lot about this," she said.

huh, is this based on 28 Pranks Later establishing zombies as a cultural concept that exists in Equestria? or something from FoE?

In fact, she often gave the leftovers of her more deadly hunts to the Apple family or Fluttershy. They didn't usually ask questions; they were only grateful for food for their chickens and pigs and Fluttershy’s carnivorous, omnivorous animals.

a fun connection there! Fluttershy has to feed her carnivores somehow

Bon Bon lightly brushed her nose against Red Lucy's. The sharp pink point pressed into her broad, soft one. "Why don't you let us be the judge of that?" She smiled. "I don't know about you, but your coming here has made things way more exciting for me. I've been missing excitement lately."

i loved this entire exchange to the end, but this part is especially squee-worthy. just feeling Red Lucy's trepidation about being out of place in this innocent cartoon pony world, even though i have a far smaller gulf to cross than she does

"The Everfree Forest isn't like that. Everything in it just...does its own thing. And it works. It's been around a long time before Ponyville, and it really hasn't changed since then." She chuckled. "A lot of ponies really don't like that. They're even afraid of it."

really nice to see the S1 characterization of the Everfree coming back here! and it makes perfect sense that it's the part of Equestria that would feel the most familiar to Red Lucy

Red Lucy reached behind her, taking the long metal thing into her hands. "This is a long range weapon. Powerful. It's loud, though; there's no possible way they won't wake up once I start firing."

gotta admit, the idea of taking down a creature made up of magically animated logs with a gun is pretty funny

Trying to get past the ringing in her ears, Bon Bon looked up just in time to see the green light go out of the timberwolf's eyes just before it collapsed in a pile of lumber. A smoking hole was right between its eyes.

huh, guess shooting them in the head works!

Her lips were on Red Lucy's, who'd leaned her head in at the same time she saw Bon Bon coming towards her. The human had lived in a dry, hot desert; one might have thought her full, plump lips might have been chapped, but they weren't. They were soft and warm against Bon Bon's. They didn't fit exactly right; her flat human face wasn't built with a longer pony face in mind.

But they managed. For whatever time they had left, they could keep managing.

absolute perfection that their first kiss comes in the thrilling wake of nearly dying from trying to murder a family of magical creatures. i love their love so much!

"I don't think they do, but that isn't what I mean." Red Lucy turned to her. With her other hand, she cupped Bon Bon's cheek with with such tenderness that it made her heart ache. "You're one of a kind...Sweetie Drops."

Bon Bon couldn't help herself. She leaned forward and kissed her again, tilting her head to try to get the angle right this time.

They spent the next few minutes like that, softly kissing each other, stopping, only to come forward again, exploring each others' lips, marveling at what was different and what was the same.

perfect and i love it

Bon Bon smiled against Red Lucy's lips. "Sounds like a date." Was that what this was? A first date? She supposed she'd been on worse before.

honestly, not sure if there could be a better first date for Bon Bon than killing magical creatures in a forest together!

"Well...how about that..." Red Lucy said rather than asked. "The sun sets in the west here, too."

yessssss title drop

They laughed as they worked, Bon Bon pointing out the flour in Red Lucy's hair, Red Lucy licking her thumb and wiping away some muffin batter away from the corner of Bon Bon's mouth, making her blush.

With a gloved hand, she pointed at one of them, and upon seeing the name, Bon Bon snorted. "Sweetie Drop Peppers," they said in unison before bursting into giggles at their inside joke.

if you are trying to kill me then you are succeeding

"I wish you could stay." The words slipped out of Bon Bon's mouth without any thought.

The pause was particularly poignant, with Pinkie's song floating on the cool breeze all through Bon Bon's cozy living room and Bon Bon's lips right at Red Lucy's ear.

"Me, too." There was so much unspoken in Red Lucy's reply, so many things Bon Bon suspected she wanted to say, but wasn't sure how, or if she should.

That was all right. Bon bon wouldn't pry. The human had been right; all there was to do was enjoy each other's company until they no longer could.

They danced late into the night, holding on tight, wishing they never had to let go.

ugh you got me, i am actually tearing up in real life, okay?

They really were two of a kind. Perhaps that was why there weren't meant to be.

agh, my heart!

"You've told me your birth name; I suppose it's only fair if I do the same. My name is Lora."

"Lora..." Bon Bon blinked the tears from her eyes and smiled. "It's lovely. I like it."

my heart again, tears again, how dare you do this to me

"Well. I suppose this is 'goodbye.'"

"Yeah...I guess so." Bon Bon squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself not to burst into tears in front of everypony.

She gasped as she heard shifting on the boards near her and felt warm arms wrap tightly around her. "Thank you for all you've done for me," Red Lucy whispered in her ear.

"I..." Bon Bon sniffled before she turned, burying her face in Red Lucy's hair. "I'll never forget you. You...you won't forget me, either, right?"

"I couldn't. Not even if I tried." They pulled away, and Bon Bon realized, with a start, that the human's eyes were glittering with unshed tears, too. She leaned forward, and so did Bon Bon, and the two of them shared one final kiss.

When Bon Bon finally opened her eyes, she gasped. Celestia was pushing the sun down, yet again, in the west. Despite her pain and sadness, Bon Bon smiled.

It helped to think that, wherever Red Lucy was now, she might be watching the sunset at the same time she was.

you've played my heartstrings like a fiddle. i am actually sitting here crying over a HiE Fallout: New Vegas crossover. how could you do this to me; what is even life

Did Equestria even have cockroaches? She hadn't seen any there.

it really is paradise, isn't it?

As her hip brushed against the building, she heard something clink. Blinking in confusion, Red Lucy reached down to her pocket.

The jar. The jar of sweetie drop peppers. She reached to her side to slip her hand into her pocket, and sure enough, her bare fingers touched cool glass.

"So it wasn't a dream," Red Lucy murmured, chuckling to herself.

agh, so perfect. just imagining her carrying the little jar around for the rest of her hard life to remind herself of a certain little pony in a magical world of harmony and i am crying again

And there, Red Lucy would watch the sunset, which she just knew Bon Bon would be watching. Though they were no longer together, it was something she knew they would always share from now on.

thank you so much for destroying me emotionally, i really needed this. this is everything i could have possibly ever wanted from this contest, and more besides. i loved it so much. thank you.

Finally got around to reading this. I can see why Bicyclette loved it so much. A nice, wholesome romance with a sprinkle of action and cultural exchange.

Thanks for writing. :)

(...I must admit, though, I'm quite curious how rail service between the Las Vegas and DC areas got restored. I'm guessing this is after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, but still. Not really a criticism, more just a result of me being interested in trains, I think. :))

Ah, I should have mentioned before: this is a reference to the Tale of Two Wastelands mod, which connects Fallout 3 with Fallout: New Vegas. With it, you can switch between both games with an underground train leading from the Capital Wasteland to the Mojave Wasteland, all without having to shut down or start up either.

To my knowledge, there's no explanation in-mod/in-game for why or how the metro exists, either. :rainbowlaugh:

...Ah. Well, thank you for the information, but thank you for leaving the reference subtle enough that I could(/can, as far as what's going on in-universe is concerned) assume it was something still somewhat odd (How and why was it built? How is it operated? Why doesn't Red Lucy encounter any crew or other passengers at the DC end? Why does it sound like the Capital Wasteland is still in such bad shape given when in the timeline this'd need to be?*) and suspension-of-disbelief-straining but not story-ruining (for me, at least), as it sounds like the full thing from the mod could well have been. Which would've been a pity, given how peripheral where Red Lucy's train is going is to the core of the story.

I still think it might be better from a plausibility perspective if it was a train to the NCR, which as I recall was my leading hypothesis before DC was identified as the destination in-story, though that would admittedly probably require Red Lucy to have a different reason for making the trip, which might potentially change some other things. So having a route to the Capital Wasteland does serve a purpose there -- though, thinking on that now, I'm wondering whether she decided to start at the eastern terminus, or if she already exhausted to her satisfaction the egg-gathering potential of the intermediate stops**.

(To be clear, I can see how a mod like that would boost some people's enjoyment of the game, and that's fine, and that likewise some readers of this story wouldn't mind or would actively like the reference, which is also fine. For my own personal enjoyment, though, the presence or at lease plausible possibility of Watsonian explanations for things tends to be very important.)

*Though given my opinions on the decision-making abilities of a number of people on the East Coast, that admittedly doesn't seem that big a question.
As a disclaimer, I admittedly haven't played Fo3 or Fo4 (I did try for a bit to get the former running, but as far as I recall, the furthest I managed to get before it crashed, froze, or hung was the loading screen just past the "New Game" button.), but while the games clearly have much to recommend them to many people, what I've heard and read about them in relation to my own mentioned-above set of preferences has been... not good.

**Yes, I gather that the mod the train is a reference to doesn't have intermediate stops, but this is me basically putting a headcanon patch on the story. I, uh, hope you don't mind? I am doing it because I want to like the story, and if I'm doing it the way I want to be doing it, rather than slipping up, I'm not contradicting the text, merely filling in things the text doesn't cover...***
...Anyway, though, continuing to hope you don't mind, it occurs to me that the western terminus of this line is likely in Shady Sands; this seems like a project the NCR might find useful, for both practical and symbolic reasons, albeit with a fairly high cost. Still, perhaps they decided extending one transcontinental rail line to the old capital would still be cheaper than trying to take and hold large chunks of territory like the Mojave. Ohh, might also be a function of increasing NCR presence in former Legion lands (since while I think this idea could fit with a number of version of NCR, House, or Courier victory at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, it does look like it'd require the Legion's defeat). Okay, yes, this is seeming increasingly plausible!

***This is a thing I do sometimes, basically a response to liking a work but finding some detail or other a bit... questionable: I'll try to add headcanon to explain to myself how, actually, that detail makes a fine amount of sense, at least in the version of events now running in my head.

I do hope I haven't offended you? My apologies if I did...

I'm not offended at all, you're fine. :twilightsmile:

Oh, good! :D
Thanks. :)

What a fucking nonsense ship.

I love it, thanks for writing it.

You're welcome! :twilightsmile:

I'd say this is the strangest thing I've ever written, but uh...I've written Regular Show fanfiction back in the day, and by the very nature of that show, I think ANYTHING one would write for it would make it strange.

In retrospect, I don't remember quite HOW I came up with this ship, but it was a DELIGHT to write, and I had a great deal of fun doing so. Red Lucy x Bon Bon OTP FTW!

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