• Published 12th May 2022
  • 3,593 Views, 25 Comments

The Foalsitter - DougtheLoremaster

An adolescent and starving Changeling Queen-To-Be has captured Princess-to-be Cadence , and on the night she was supposed to start foalsitting, too. Cadence refuses to feed her love until the job is done. Chrysalis knows what she needs to do.

  • ...

The Foalsitter

“Urghh, my head...What...What’s going on?”


Trying to move her hooves, a groggy Cadence noticed the chains that held her, pinned by a large bolt into the well-worn, crimson-stained stone wall. Her blurry eyesight gradually became much clearer allowing her to make out deep gouges in the rough, hewn walls. She was in some sort of underground cell. She stared in disbelief at the desiccated remains of several ponies, laying on the stained stone floor. Oh, why now? Why tonight of all nights?

“I have you now, Little Miss Lovey-Dovey.”

Of all the nights to do this…

“And now I am going to…”

I’m going to be so fired for this…

“Hey, are you listening?”

Velvet is going to tell the Princesses and then...


“Stop ignoring me! I’ll have you know I worked hard to set this up!”

Cadence recoiled from the slap, and finally took notice of the Changeling Queen-In-Training; Chrysalis. The Changeling Princess was in her natural form, looking indignant at her unappreciative captive. She looked annoyed, and somewhat hurt as she began to complain.

“I did all this for you! The least you could do is cower in fear of me!”

Cadence sighed. This again. What was this, the eighth or ninth time, Chrysalis had kidnapped her? She’d lost count. Usually, she would gladly let Chrysalis enjoy the taste of her love, but Cadence was supposed to foalsit for an advisor to the Canterlot Royalty; Twilight Velvet. And she was supposed to be there by sundown. The adolescent alicorn began to try and reason with the up-and-coming Queen.

“Look, Chrysi. You did a lovely job setting up this whole torture, and I’m touched you would go through all this effort for me, but tonight is not a good night for this. Can we do this tomorrow?”

Chrysalis’s face was stricken with shock at the request.

“What! Why?”

Cadence looked a bit ashamed, as though she felt bad about asking such a thing.

“Well, tonight I am supposed to be foalsitting a Unicorn the Princess has her eye on.”

Chrysalis blinked and looked slightly deflated.

“So the reason you aren’t cowering right now...is because you are going to miss this foalsitting thing?”

“Yeah. I’m really sorry Chrysi, but can we reschedule this torture? I’m sure it is really well thought out and I can’t wait to see what you have planned, but my heart isn’t in it tonight.”

“Your heart isn’t….So, no love?”

Cadence shook her head slightly, rattling the chains that held her. Chrysalis looked down, clearly sad at this revelation.

“Ok...So...no love, because your focus is on your assignment. I was really looking forward to this meal all day.”

Her eyes suddenly brightened with an idea.

“Hm, what if you did attend the foalsitting job? Would you be up for being tortured then?”

A glint appeared in Cadence’s eyes, as like the other times, she used her special magic to fluster the adolescent changeling; appealing to her insatiable hunger; Her undeniable desire for love.

“Chrysi, I swear, from the depths of my soul...from my silky mane and flowing tail. My soft, supple, velvety caress…”

The teenager Chrysalis began to whine, as Cadence teased her, visibly quivering and salivating at the long and explicit description. Cadence went on telling Chrysi all the delectable ways she would feed the Changeling.

“...I would give you all my love if I was allowed to go do my job.”

Chrysalis shouted at her, angrily ranting.

“That’s not fair! I captured you fair and square and I’m starving! I want it now!”

Wincing, Cadence hung her head.

“I know and I’m sorry, it’s just this is extremely important!”

“What’s so special about foalsitting for this advisor, anyway?”

Cadence stopped her incessant pleading to explain to Chrysalis what it was that made this foal special.

“The advisor’s foal has been said by the Princess to carry an incomparable power that might finally unite Equestria; when she grows up that is.”

Chrysalis stopped her ranting and sighed.

“So this brat is some kind of future savior, huh?”

“Supposedly Chrysi. In any case, Celestia has made her a priority.”

The Changeling was quiet for a moment, before nodding.

“Alright then, you’ll attend your job, and afterward I get my love. Deal?”

Cadence’s heart jumped for joy, and she smiled happily. Gets her every time.

“Deal! Hey- Wait a minute. What are you…”

Her words died in her throat as Chrysalis began to glow, and her form stretched and shrank, changing from black to a gentle pink. The jungle green mane became a perfect representation of Cadence’s. It wasn’t long at all before Cadence found herself staring at, well, herself. Chrysalis had become a clone of Cadence. And as the Alicorn stared in shock, Chrysalis threw up her hooves and grinned.

“Ta-dah! What do you think? Mom taught me how to do this last Tuesday.”

Cadence blinked. It was nearly a flawless imitation.

“That’s incredible, Chrysi. I had no idea you could do that. Though, my eyes aren’t green.”

As Cadence watched, Chrysalis blinked her bright green eyes, and when her eyelids opened again, they were a stunning amethyst.

“Sorry about that, I just learned how to do this, haven’t had much practice.”

“Chrysi, you sound nothing like me though, nopony would be fooled by it.”

Chrysalis blinked and her jaw moved slightly. Cadence watched as her throat seemed to undulate as though rearranging itself. A second later, Chrysalis spoke again. Only it wasn’t Chrysalis’s voice. It was Cadence’s.

“Thanks for reminding me. So what happens when foalsitting, anyway?”

Cadence, still surprised, exclaimed.

“Wait are you going to…”

“That’s right. Mom’s always saying I should learn how ponies act and talk to each other. Something about how the next Queen of the Changelings needs to know how to imitate and blend in with other creatures at will. What better time to practice than now? I have you chained up, so you wouldn’t be able to blow my cover, and Discord knows I have studied your every detail and movement.”

“Yeah, I noticed you’ve been stalking me a bit more lately. Are you sure you want to foalsit though?”

“If it gets me my dinner faster then yes. You did promise after all. And I will make sure you keep that promise.”

“Well of course I’ll keep my promise, but this is the first time I’ve foalsat for this mare.”


“Foalsitting is a rough and brutal job. Not to mention first impressions are everything.”

“So in other words, unless I do well, you won’t give me your love?”

“Those are my terms.”

“Fine. Then I will give the best first impression anypony has ever seen.”

“You’re serious.”

“I am.”

“Fine Chrysi. You better do the best foalsitting job that any pony has ever done. Or else, no love. Got it?”

“Such a fussy captive. I’ll be back.”

Chrysalis then trotted out of the cell, fully disguised as Cadence and quite annoyed at the exchange between her and the real Cadence. She muttered angrily.

“How dare she not give me love. I’ll show her. I’ll easily foalsit this brat. Annoying little….”

“Oh, hello. I’m looking for the home of Mrs. Sparkle?”

Chrysalis disguised as Cadence stood in front of Night Light, smiling charmingly. Looking over his shoulder, Nightlight called out.

“Honey, there is an adolescent Alicorn standing out here asking for you.”

Turning back to Chrysalis, he smiled.

“Please wait just a moment.”

“Oh, how wonderful. Nice to meet you, Cadence. Celestia has informed us of how perfect you were for the job. Hold on, I’ll go get Twilight. Feel free to have some more tea.”

Smiling gently, Chrysalis had been careful to not drink any tea; being unable to eat or drink anything but love. She had pretended to down a cup of hot earl grey while introducing herself to Twilight Velvet, and her husband. The first impression, check. That wasn’t too hard.

“I think I will. Thank you, kindly.”

Still, pantomiming sipping tea, Chrysalis continued chatting with Night Light.

It wasn’t long before Velvet stood next to a shy, tiny purple filly whose nose was buried in a book.

“This is Twilight. Say hello, Twilight.”

Not bothering to put down her book, the little Unicorn just mumbled.

“Uh-huh. Hi.”

Velvet face-hoofed and started explaining to Chrysalis who had looked at her curiously.

“Twilight is quite the bookworm. She is a bit of an intellectual and...Twilight just put down the book and say hello to Cadence.”

Chrysalis chuckled lightly. A bookworm huh? I can work with this. Turning her attention back to Twilight, she shook her head gently.

“No, no, it’s quite alright, ma’am. She seems to be enjoying that copy of ‘The Sun’s Shadow’. And who could blame her, such a riveting tale? Not to mention judging from the dust jacket, that is very clearly a first edition printing.”

Velvet’s jaw dropped, as the book in front of Twilight slowly lowered and she looked at the loving, smiling face of Cadence.

“You...You’ve read it?”

“Oh yes, the writings of Lunar Moona have held me captive for years.”

A suspicious expression on her face, Twilight asked her.

“What’s your favorite part?”

Without hesitation, Chrysalis answered the question.

“Chapter 6, the creation of the Milky Way Galaxy; the descriptions of hues and the elegant patterns traced in the night’s sky. From constellations to the comets streaking through the sky, it’s fascinated me for many a night.”

Twilight’s eyes widened with admiration and she grew excited.

“Finally somepony gets it! My name’s Twilight Sparkle.”

Chrysalis laughed goodnaturedly.

“My name is Cadence, your new foalsitter. It's a pleasure to meet you, Twilight.”

An hour later, Chrysalis sat on the sofa, with Twilight in her lap, and dandelion with burdock cordial by her side. While Twilight sipped on the apple-grape puree Chrysalis had carefully made her, she listened to Chrysalis read out loud the story of fantasy and magic as written about by Lunar Moona. Pointing at a picture, Chrysalis spoke with a dramatic flair.

“...And as the moon lay shattered in the night sky, Moona began to cry. Unable to see how her hateful sister, Celeste could have done such a horrible deed she braced herself for battle as Celeste roared out; her body engulf in bright vibrant flames:

The Sun shall shine forever!

With a heavy heart, Moona closed her eyes and charged her corrupted sister, for the fate of the world of Equinox.”

*Dong! Dong!*

The clock on the wall struck 8 PM and Chrysalis, after bookmarking the passage, closed the book much to Twilight’s dismay.

“Hey what happens next? Don’t stop now!”

Giving a good-natured chuckle, Chrysalis flawlessly conveyed Cadence’s mannerisms as she answered the young filly.

“We can finish it later. Right now, silly, it’s dinner time.”

“Aw, but…”

Looking mischievous, Chrysalis offhandedly remarked.

“Well, I was going to take you to Mc Haybales, but if you would rather have the salad your mother left for us, I suppose…”

The effect was instantaneous. Twilight jumped off her lap and lept around energetically.

“Ooh, ooh! Can we get a Harmony Meal?”

Grinning, Chrysalis nodded.

“Of course, silly!”

Outside a scheduled downpour had begun, and frowning at this, she quickly added.

“Now grab your raincoat, we don’t need a sick little filly, do we, sweetie?”

As Twilight ran to get her raincoat, Chrysalis sat on the couch, thinking smugly to herself. It’s nothing I can’t handle. Hmph, Cadence doesn’t know what she’s saying. This isn’t so hard. And though I hate to admit it, she is kind of adorable. Maybe one day I could have a foal of my own...Stop it, Chrysi! You know better. You are Changeling Royalty, your feelings don’t matter. They never have.

Memories of her youth, growing up in the Changeling Hive, filled her mind as she sat there waiting for Twilight.

Mom! Can I get this?”

Just a child, the little Chrysalis eagerly shoved a parchment she had found while exploring the local town, in her mother’s face. The parchment showed an article detailing the release of a new book: The Sun’s Shadow. Unfortunately, the Matriarch was not pleased.

“Chrysalis! Were you mucking about in that repulsive dump again?”

“It’s not a dump, M-om! It’s a town called Ponyville! And I’ll have you know the ponies there are really nice.”


That’s when her mother’s hoof whacked her across the muzzle.

“My daughter will not be friends with ponies! Go to your room! Now!”

Running to her room in tears, Chrysalis lay on her bed thinking about the strange pink Pegasus pony she had met in Ponyville and the time they had together. She smiled.

Chrysalis was shaken from her thoughts by little Twilight, dressed in a yellow rain slicker, and eagerly shaking her.

“Ready, Missus Cadence!”

Chuckling at the antics of the filly, Chrysalis nodded.

“Well, let’s go then.”

After the rainstorm was over and the sky cleared up, an hour later, the two sat side-by-side on the Royal Balcony of Canterlot; Chrysalis having used Cadence’s charm to convince the guard to allow them access. Both sat looking up at the vast array of stars, Twilight happily nomming on her hayburger and slurping her little filly-sized juice. Chrysalis would occasionally point out the various constellations to the delight of the astonished Twilight.. Chrysalis laughed as the two watched a shooting star crossing the night sky. This is kinda fun.

“You know we should have a secret hoof-shake. Something only we know. Like Moona and Celeste did in chapter 3!”

Twilight swallowed her mouthful and nodded eagerly.

“Yes, please!”

Chrysalis raised her hoof to her muzzle thinking for a moment.

“Hm. How about something like this?”

Sticking out her hoof she began chanting.

“Sunshine, sunshine,

Ladybugs awake.

Clap your hooves,

and do a little shake!”

Twilight giggled and proceeded to mimic her movements.

“I love it!”

Chrysalis grinned. This isn’t so bad.

Twilight Velvet stood before Chrysalis, listening to her recount her nighttime theatrics.

“...And after that, we came back to the house, I helped her brush her teeth, and then I tucked her in with a bedtime story.”

Peering into the room, Velvet smiled at the scene before her. There in bed lay her daughter, fast asleep. The filly looked content as she slept peacefully under the covers, fiercely snuggling a strange stuffed animal, with a smile on her muzzle.

Looking at Chrysalis, Velvet asked about the stuffed animal, to which Chrysalis’s cheeks flushed in slight embarrassment as she explained.

“Erm- Well, when Twilight told me she was scared of the dark, I remembered how when I was a gru-er-filly I would use that stuffed animal to feel brave. When I showed it to her, she squealed in delight and hugged it, calling it Smarty Pants. So, I gave it to her, if that’s okay with you that is, Mrs. Velvet.”

Immediately, Velvet threw her hooves around the startled Chrysalis, in a warm hug. She whispered softly.

“Thank you. For everything. Twilight has always found it hard to make friends and she seems to have made a great one in you. Thank you so much.”

A warm feeling spread throughout Chrysalis and she gave a slight burp, as she returned the hug.


Cadence stared at the cracks in the walls around her. 1,967…1,968… she thought sourly as she tried to pass the time until Chrysalis’s return. What had she done? Chrysi had never been around Ponies for an extended period. Surely handling such a momentous task would be too much for the Queen-to-be.

As these thoughts circulated in her mind, Cadence blinked as Chrysalis stumbled into her cell, clearly giddy.

“Oh that was so much fun, oomph, pardon me, ate too much. Phew, I am so stuffed.”


“I am exhausted, that was so wonderful but draining. Oh, and before I forget, you now have a secret hoofshake. It goes like this: Sunshine…”

Cadence watched in disbelief as Chrysalis wiggled and giggled as she recited the hoofshake between her and Twilight.

“Do a little shake!”

Turning around and walking to the doorway again, Chrysalis clicked the light switch and yawned.

“Goodness, I’m tired. Looks like we’ll have to cancel dinner together, well goodnight, see you at breakfast.”

Cadence blinked in the dark.

“What? Chrysi?”

Silence greeted her.



Comments ( 25 )

funny interpretation. I would like to see more stories in this universe.
P.S. It turns Celestia wrote a story where he and his sister were swapped?

Cadence sighed. This again. What was this, the eighth or ninth time, Chrysalis had kidnapped her? She’d lost count. Usually, she would gladly let Chrysalis enjoy the taste of her love, but Cadence was supposed to foalsit for an advisor to the Canterlot Royalty; Twilight Velvet. And she was supposed to be there by sundown. The adolescent alicorn began to try and reason with the up-and-coming Queen.

I love how this is a somewhat regular thing, like a "Same time next week?" type of deal.

And that ending, who needs Cadance's love when you got an adorable filly?:twilightsmile:

Huh, that went much better than expected. Who would have thought it, Chrysalis has a real gift for this.

adorable:applecry::heart: i love stories with cute lil filly twilight <3 the comedy just made it better! :derpytongue2:

Sequel! Longfic sequel! You did well enough with this that I’d really enjoy seeing how the rest of this ‘verse goes! :raritywink:

Ahh this was so cute! I'd love to see how this au develops!

okay yeah I need more please lol:twilightsmile:

Okay, that was adorable. Would love to see a sequel that ether continues this or explores how this version of Chrysalis and Cadence meet.

This is adorable

cute well written little fic, although how the hay did Chryssie pull that off :P

and if she'd just remembered the shake dance for later Equestria would be under her heel by now. Silly changeling queen.

The one thing that worries me is that when Cadance was playing herself up as a meal it made it sound like Eros rather than Phileo she was discussing. Might I inquire what your authorial intention was Doug the Loremaster?

Comment posted by DougtheLoremaster deleted May 13th, 2022

Love is love, after all...
As far as we know, Erotic love is like a full course meal it a fancy restaurant, while phileo is like a giant pot full of warm, homemade stew.
Both will leave you satisfied, but they are fundamentally different.

Also, seeing the attitude of her mother. none of these are the usual feeding methods, but chrysalis is bending the rules to keep interacting with cadance. Maybe she got tired of fast-food-like stolen love.

Now all we need is an A.U. follow-up story where Chryssy has always been Twilight's foalsitter.

By the way...

her throat seemed to ungulate

The word is undulate. It would be slightly horrific otherwise.

What an interesting idea. I would love to see this scenario explored in future stories. :)

simply adorable, really great story:heart:

This needs a full story.
Chrysalis and Cadance switching who does "Cadance's" work for the day. Maybe both dating Shining; without him knowing.
Chrysalis feeding the whole Hive off of Twilight's love for books, and Cadnace's and Shining's love for her.

That was adorable. I'll repeat those that have said they want more of this 'verse. Not only would I love to see how Cady and Chrissy met and interacted the first time, but it'd be great to see future babysitting gigs. I like 11243913's idea of the two of them swapping each one. :rainbowlaugh:

And then, once Cadance was freed again, she practiced the secret hoofshake with Twilight. And a few years later, A Canterlot Wedding (Season 2 Finale) happened.

If Chrysalis would forget about the hoofshake after that story, this would fit the canon very well.

Good story, mate. Definetly gets a fav from me. :twilightsmile:

“Yeah. I’m really sorry Chrysi, but can we reschedule this torture? I’m sure it is really well thought out and I can’t wait to see what you have planned, but my heart isn’t in it tonight.”

“Your heart isn’t….So, no love?”

Cadence shook her head slightly, rattling the chains that held her. Chrysalis looked down, clearly sad at this revelation.

“Ok...So...no love, because your focus is on your assignment. I was really looking forward to this meal all day.”

Oh now I see what this "torture" is. Cadence you sly, kinky bastard :rainbowlaugh:

cadence seducing Chrysalis because she thinks she has to and it's easy, also clearly she would bring chrysi into her relationship with shining if she thought she could get away with it

:twilightsmile: LOVE it!

I like how Chryssi is actually smart and skilled at her job in this!

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