• Published 4th Jan 2022
  • 4,692 Views, 247 Comments

"Hey Twi..." - Flint-Lock

Sunset needs help...and Twilight isn't responding.

  • ...



I sincerely apologize for the lack of responses lately. We just had a massive solar flare; one of the largest on record. The resulting magical surge dumped roughly fifty-thousand thaums worth of magical energy into the atmosphere, disrupting the link between our respective worlds. I haven’t been able to send or receive anything from your world until a few hours ago.

I need to come up with some kind of safeguard in case this happens again. From what I recall, humans use devices to protect sensitive electronics from power surges. If I could examine one, perhaps I could reverse engineer something similar to work with magical energy…

Sorry, went off on a tangent again. Silly me. Anyways how are you doing? What happened during our little communications blackout?

Sunset, are you there?


Comments ( 58 )

Please tell me you're not leaving us on that note.

Wow. Sunset's entire world gone because oh a massive malfunction of the mirror. And Twilight will never know what happened. She'll probably try to go through the mirror and either not be able to go through or arrive to a desolate wasteland. (I wonder if that was what happened to the final alternate universe Starlight created with her time spell)

Well... Shit. *Blinks*

It's night time where I at, and and I just read this chapter, never gonna to get some sleep now!

Noooo! No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!

Oof. Nothing Sunset wrote got through.

Oh... I was hoping for something a little different. Is that really the end of it?

I personally think this one's more appropriate

So, were the flares to blame? Did something take advantage of the lapse to attack Sunset''s world? Was it just coincidence? We'll never know. But, Gaia, that ending.

bet it following to twilight timelines since there a connection...

damn, that fucking ending. It was so happy and cheerful right after all those chapters. Really made everything hit harder

Heavens above, what an ending. (Please tell me that’s not the ending.)

In any case, I enjoyed the ride. Enjoyed, as in, thrilled to see what’s gonna happen at each chapter. But I’m still mad at you for now giving us proper closure.:fluttercry:

“But it’s [Horror]. What were you expecting? Sunshine and rainbows?”

Oh, and congratulations on the feature!

Geeze, those last few entries... Sunset's gone. The human world is GONE. And Twilight will never know... did she even see Sunset's entries? Or did they not show up? :rainbowderp:

Masterful bit of horror with such short entries. Good stuff!

All this terror, all this pain, and all because the fucking wifi was acting up. Amazing.

Real talk though? Jesus Christ.

(Oof... hard-hitting. Well... this had the Horror and Dark tags... I went in expecting something like this. That we'll never know exactly what it was, what did it, if it was caused by the solar flare, if it CAUSED the solar flare, or anything else about it... and if Sunset killed herself to prevent it from finding her or not... all that adds to the mystery and horror of it.

Anyways, very well done. Sad ending, but... to be expected really.)

Well, having "apocalyptic log" destroyed feels more disappointing than anything. There is a reason why the horror genre often has it available, usually through some framing device ("This manuscript has been found...").

Oh. Oh no. I... Yeah. Looks like it was option 1, just... even further than I thought. Why does it always have to be the eldritch horrors? Of course, in that situation... Not like there are any good options.

Something tells me that Fluttershy was turned into an eldritch reality eater. She was the last friend standing, Sunset doesn't witness her vanish like the others, and suddenly tries to write about her well after all the humans vanished as though catching her in the act.

A really enjoyable horror story - not revealing too much to dispel the mystery. Nice!

There wasn't anything to hope for. No hope, just death and tragedy. Sure, we came in knowing it'd have death and horror, but not tragedy, so that breaks the expectative - I'd suggest adding that tag so readers know what they're getting into.

Said lack of tag and the expectation it sets do kinda change how to evaluate this story. Too jarring to have it end on that note. Not enough to remove the like, it's still good, but with a "that's it?" vibe of nothing discovered and sadness.

Oof, I knew Sunset wouldn't likely make it, but I was hoping her messages got through to Twilight so she have some inkling on what happened to Sunset.

Well, now the mirror world is either a total wasteland or Twilight simply can't go through it because the world no longer exists.

What happened during our little communications blackout?

Oh Twilight, you wouldn't wanna know. Trust me.

Welp. Good bit of environmental horror, but I've never enjoyed this sort of "man vs. supernature" futile, inevitable struggle with an implacable force. The whole thing feels exploitative. "I've destroyed this universe to make your skin crawl. You're welcome." Not trying to put words in your mouth, but it just comes off as empty in the end. Which I suppose is thematically appropriate. A well-crafted story, just not one in a genre I particularly enjoy. All that said, thank you for it.

Don't tell me thats how this ends. XD
Was hoping to see twilight slowly relize the horror that was happening.

This also kinda reminds me of a different story, where an eldritch entity devours one Equestria after another, and after each world is devoured, it opens a portal to let the only survivor (always the youngest alicorn) through into the next, as a beacon, or a foothold.

You know I kinda hope there's a sequel where Twilight tried to figure out why Sunset won't answer .

So, the way I see it.
Human world is just a reflection of Equestria and because of that flare and the resulting connection loss it began to fall apart and erase itself from existence.
Sunset wasn’t affected because she is the original and not a copy.
And that eldritch horror is just a hallucination brought by her crumbling psyche unable to process everything that is going on and grief.

Jesus f*ck lmao that was something.

I don't usually check out anything in the horror genre but this was awesome. The response just made it all the more terrifying.

Wow! Please sequel where Twilight tries to find Sunset! :fluttercry:

I must confess. I took the coward's way out here.

I'm the type that scares a little easily. I don't do well with horror. Out of curiosity I read the last four chapters, along with the comments.

Those alone were enough to unsettle me, so I shudder to think how I would've handled reading the whole shebang!

I'm just going to point my thumb upwards and shove this into a bookshelf.

I'm a night owl anyways, who needs sleep?

But, if Sunset was never affected, then...what if she still exists, but is now stuck in a black void that was once the human world... :rainbowderp:

Also, that makes so much sense. It's like how Neverland would cease to exist without its connection to Peter Pan...The human world, without its connection to Equestria, ceased to exist...but then again, wouldn't that include Sunset, since she IS from Equestria, and is also linked to it, just like everything else...so...most likely scenario, Sunset is in fact, gone, and not just stuck in a void.

Equestria had a devastating solar flare... A SOLAR. FLARE...Ok, plot twist... What if this is secretly a tyrant-lestia story, and Celestia just willfully caused the destruction of the human world?...

I think I need to write an unofficial sequel...

I did not look at the Tags before reading, I have seen things that cannot be unseen

That, or she probably killed herself after writing the Final Entry.

Unless you're a genius writer, this idea doesn't make any sense. Even by Tyrantlestia fic standards.

So it wasn't cheese. Good on you to resist explaining what was going on. Not knowing makes it all the scarier.

My guess is that the Solar Flare caused the vanishing.

Thanks. I’m never going to sleep again.

404, human world not found.

What if Twilight tries to back through her own end of the portal?

While there's probably not going to be an answer as to what happened, I defintely find myself at least agreeing that the solar flare caused it, possibly meaning that since the Equestria Girls universe is a parallel universe, all connections between them gave a power source in a sense, so without it, the universe couldn't sustain itself(on a somewhat okay note, if that's how it works, unless there needs to be something more, the restablishment of the connection could mean the universe rebooted in a similar manner to the occassional Marvel and DC universe/multiverse reset)

Do you know the name of this story?


In the years since Luna returned from the moon, she’s always been quiet about the truth of her exile. Always keeping it to herself, hidden away. Keeping secrets. She never even told Celestia that something was up there with her.
Grimm · 25k words  ·  542  15 · 6.2k views

What I ride.

Thank you for writing this amazing story.

I think Twilight might be able to restore the human world since she'll be able to travel there, figure out what's wrong, and fix everything.

This had a freaking haunting nature to it. I'm kinda glad I waited and did it all in one shot, that tension was great when it was fresh in my mind. Although the pace at which you released it might have been even better, I'm not sure. A great example of tension through limited narrative. Bravo.

What is this 'sleep' you speak of?

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