• Member Since 10th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 42 minutes ago


Use words wisly, for they are limited ~ Legacy [02:10]


All Luna wanted to do was spend time with her son. Being Princess of Equestria, she has very little time to do so, and the only way she can is through brief openings. She's finally found one: at the supermarket!

If only the demon sent by the IRS didn't ruin her day.

The Luna in this story is completely AU to fit the universe. In short: she never went to the moon for 1,000 years and is much more upbeat than her canon self. Hints of canon Luna will be sprinkled throughout because I still have to address the change in character.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

my immediate words after reading the description, "What in the actual hell is this." XD

So. I had to just extract the funniest fucking quotes from this entire story because each one graced my eyes, and I cannot fathom how you came up with these because they're excellent material and this story is, in total, so comically insane. So let's begin with the quotes and then I'll finish with my comment/review. Just know I have an absolutely jazzed sense of humor :rainbowlaugh:

Luna stopped the cart. “I’m about to reach my second millennium. You think I give a fuck?”

“I only play pre-seventh gen titles.”

Luna strolled past, scowling at him as she did. “Be a smartass all you want, but don’t take my sister’s name in vain as you do.”

Luna sighed. Turning to her son, she lowered down to her fetlocks and said, “Endymion, if you are to be a royal, you must learn that there are things out of your control. The tides of war, for example. Extreme droughts that could leave crops barren for months. A nationwide collapse of the bank. Powerful storms that could leave hundreds, if not thousands, without homes. Mares on their period. Sappy social media posts about how someone privileged is going through a hardship in their life and that they’re going to pull through, just send prayers. You have to be ready for these things if you are ever going to lead a country.”

“The fact that you have to even ask that shows how ignorant you are!” Both Luna and Endymion flinched at the demon’s sudden outburst. He flailed his claws in the air. “Everywhere I go, it’s Dave this, and Dave that. Like, oh, HA HA the scary-looking demon who is the spawn of darkness and possibly the evilest thing put on this planet has the most generic-sounding name. Like, it’s overdone at this point. Pick something a little more creative or don’t bother naming me at all.”

Dave beamed. “Heh, you’re right. That is adorable.”

Endymion’s face turned beet red. “Shut the hell up, mom.”

“Don’t fucking curse in front of your mother,” Luna snapped lovingly.

Anyway, here's the official review. It's damn funny. I don't know what it is about these fics with no objective, raw chaos, and general nonsense plots that fucking get me every time. They're the thing that like... I don't even know how to describe it. I just love being able to laugh at things. I think I finally understand the Angle of Pinkie Pie because this kind of just silly, incoherent but still sarcastically funny plot is among my favorites. Great work!

Fuck it, I needed a new story to read anyway. This good soup.

Ah, this is gonna be fun. Taxes won't be so bad for Endy- he's immortal like Luna after all.

It's an entirely normal story. Wdym?

Me too.

My humor is a mixture of the nonsensical and the observational. It used to be that I would throw shit at the wall and see what sticks, but now it has more of a basis. Example: I observed that a lot of demonic characters in fiction are typically given "normal guy" names for comedic effect, so why not point out the absurdity of it? I also observed that Luna, being the immortal goddess that is, has a different perspective on time. I noticed how nobody really seemed to pick up on this and thought it could be built off of.

Glad you thought it was funny! I put a lot of work into my comedies. It's a genre I completely adore. :)

Nice Octavia pfp. She is completely representative to my adult-cynicism whilst also managing to be adorable.

You say that, but it also means that he's gonna live through countless inflation eras. Nuff said.

Thx fam, preciate it

Her horn lit up, and cosmic energy swirled around a gallon bottle of Purple Stuff™. It floated off the shelf, gently landing in the cart next to the eggs.

I love how they just have lean by the gallon at the store.

“I’m literally a demon!”

I felt that.

This is good. I wish to devour the rest.

EDIT: Capitalize the 'c' in the word chapter, you fetus.

Good name but Luna's son should be called Didymoon after the very famous astronomical body Didymos and its moon.

Blame 11090242. He picked it. But Endymion works too because of his relationship with Selene. the moon goddess. Also because of how young he was. So, it's like that... only he doesn't have an Oedipus complex, so he won't bear 50 children with his mom.

ya but then she could have been didymom.

Damn, you right. That would have been genius.

lmao at least updoot it

Read like a fever dream until I was presented with my taxes.

Read it like a W-2.

Dissected it like a W-2.

Wish to know endymons father I do

Sombre or a pony actually called some bruh?

That would be funny but no, it's Sombraro.

Enjoyed! Cute little story.

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