• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2021
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Joe Toon

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Five years. That was how long the war against Humanity has been going on. And as the last year draws to a close, as Humanity and their pony allies push into Equestria Controlled Asia, Australia and New Zealand, their advance was halted by the snow.

As the soldiers from both sides ready themselves for a winter advance (a tactic both sides have implemented throughout the course of the war), singing was heard across the battlefield. Songs of festive cheer, songs of hope, songs of mourning, and songs of unity and friendship.

Inspired by the historic event known as "The Christmas in the Trenches", as well as Sabaton's Christmas Truce and REMAMBA's The Hearth's Warming Truce, The Last Hearth's Warming is set in Rated Ponystar's NegotiationsVerse, tells about the different stories across the frontline of the Conversion War's last Winter Holiday as both sides briefly see eye-to-eye.

While this story says Completed, more will be added to the collection in the near future: Both from established OCs and Canon main cast (Fluttershy, Discord, etc.)

Main story is here.
Merry Christmas!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Indeed a piece of history worth the revisit, an interesting story as a stand-alone, but ever more so endearing when paired with the context.
Also, loved the little references to certain people and places.
Merry Christmas to you fine lads, and happy holidays!

Nice to have at least one of the Student Six survive, especially as the other 5 were probably left to deep fry/freeze on Equestria...at best.

Merry Christmas everyone.

A good addition to the negotiation verse.

It's a nice story, it's just I can't really see this happening canonically. The original Christmas Truce happened in 1914, when the First World War was still less than a year old and both sides hadn't gotten embittered over extended trench warfare and poison gas. Here, after 5 years of war, I doubt the Humans would be very welcoming of any ponies trying to cross No-Man's Land, and it's not like the ponies would have allowed or accepted a truce in the first year, when they were clearly going to win.

Still, overall, a nice touching scene.

You make a good point there. The last Christmas truce recorded (as far as I knew) was in 1915 and it was among a French section and a German brigade when they both had to leave a flooded area of both their trenches, resulting in them seeing each other outside their trenches.

I kind of had the mindset of the possibility of the truce being more amenable at the end of the Conversion Wars due to two factors:
First was the setting in modern times. Humanity has had a long history of war to this point that perhaps there would be those who can see the parallel to their history to the current situation.
Second was the battalions. The 227th Light Infantry for this case was made up of both humans and pony collaborators, making the situation less hostile. (I was planning to add a chapter of a not so friendly section in the near future to emphasis the point).

These may be too much of a wishful thinking when compared to real life but I thought it could be the closest to realism given the occasion.
Thank you for addressing the point though.

Although an Hearth's Warming/Christmas-Truce is unlikely (the ponies committed too many atrocities and the Commissars watch the ponies like hawks), this is a nice story.

The Christmas Truce… worthy of songs, stories and movies and the solid prove that miracles still exist…

God bless you!

The silence was shortly broken by a cacophony of cheering, whistling and applauding. Voices screamed, "Bravo!" "Encore!" and even a "I love you random pony!" among them. We turned to see our enemies, the Humans, were now out of their trenches and dugouts and stood not far from us, giving her a standing ovation.

Ah yes, the kiwi and Aussie spirit
β€œWE LOVE YOU RANDOM PONY!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘β€


You might like this version.
Someone took the Orchestral cover and was able to splice the vocals of the original over it.

Thanks for finding this.

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