• Published 24th Jan 2022
  • 5,187 Views, 312 Comments

Zinnias - Serinity Southerland

Disturbances in the magic of Equestria causes rifts between worlds. One unlucky hiker stumbles into one such rift and finds themself in a new body and in a new world.

  • ...

Letters 2

One month.

That’s how long it had been since Zinnia had arrived in Ponyville. It had been a month not unlike any other since Twilight had moved to Ponyville herself. Everypony went about their days normally (as normally as usual in this crazy town) and Zinnia herself seemed to be settling in. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but Twilight couldn’t shake a sense of tension that slowly grew as she pondered over her mentor’s newest letter.

“To my most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle,

I do hope this letter finds you well, as I know this time of year can be quite busy for those living in Ponyville. With that in mind, I will attempt to keep this letter short.

First, let me say that I am proud of how much you are learning and discovering about the magic of friendship. I am glad to see that the task we have given you hasn’t impeded your ability to continue your studies. It does my heart well to see my student achieving so much in such a short time on her own, and I hope that you are able to continue learning such valuable lessons with your friends.

In regards to your other task, Luna and I have discussed much since Zinnia’s arrival. Through much deliberation, and some… Minor psychological intrusions on my sister’s part, we have come to the conclusion that further observation may no longer be necessary on your part. It would appear that though her situation is unfortunate and mysterious, she doesn’t seem to be in danger, nor does she appear to be a danger to others. I understand that you and your friends have done your best to stay close to her, but if you see no reason to suspect her of any ill will, then there should be no further reason to do so.

My sister and I will maintain watch over her and will alert you should any further action be required of you and the other elements in the future.

Princess Celestia.

P.S. I cannot wait to see you and your friends at the coming Gala.

Twilight read over the letter again with a slightly disgruntled face, a sentiment shared by her stomach as it growled loudly while she sat on the couch in her library home. A plate of pancakes soaked in butter and syrup slid across the coffee table in front of her. Her nose flared at the rich smell of a not-so-healthy breakfast, but despite her stomach’s continued complaints, she ignored it.

“C’mon, Twilight. You’ve been reading that same letter from Princess Celestia for over an hour now.” Spike implored from the other side of the table. He crossed his little arms and glared at her disapprovingly, not that she could see him with her nose in the parchment she held in her magic before her. Not only was she ignoring him, but the pancakes he worked so hard on were getting cold.

“I can’t help it, Spike. Something about this letter just doesn’t sit right. I feel like I’m missing something, but I can’t quite put a hoof on what it could be.” Twilight said with a sigh as she gazed over her mentor’s words.

“The only way you’re missing something is if Princess Celestia herself wrote something in invisible ink.” Spike said sarcastically before retreating to grab his own plate from the kitchen.

“No, I already checked. Three times, actually.” Twilight grumbled, finally setting the letter down and running a hoof through her mane

“Really?” Spike deadpanned as he returned with a large stack of pancakes of his own. He nestled down on the couch beside her and cut into them with a fork, digging into the breakfast cakes with a smile across his face. He chewed happily for a few moments before swallowing and taking a sip of orange juice, after which he returned his attention to Twilight.

“I thought you’d be happy that the Princesses finally trust Zinnia enough to have you stop watching her.” He said, before stuffing his face with another mouthful.

“That’s just it, Spike. I don’t think they do. And to be honest, I’m not really sure I do either,” she admitted. There were just too many questions about her that were left unanswered. Too many inconsistencies in her story that were piling up. Not to mention that the Princesses were both watching her for a reason that wasn’t entirely clear. At first Twilight thought it was just to make sure Zinnia was ok, but the more she thought about it, the less likely that seemed.

“What do you mean? She seems nice enough to me.” Spike said, a hint of worry edging into his otherwise slightly confused expression.

“I have a feeling that she isn’t telling us everything, and neither are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. First; why are they so interested in Zinnia? As soon as she was admitted to the hospital, Princess Celestia wanted me to observe her and report any and all findings to her. That’s why I asked Pinkie to visit her several times a day, and why I asked her and Rarity if they could try to convince her to stay with one of them while she recovered from her injuries. It was lucky that Applejack needed help, and that Zinnia so readily agreed to help her. At least that way Zinnia feels like it was her decision to stay, and us being around all the time isn’t so out of place.

“Then there’s the fact that she just suddenly appeared out of nowhere! I’ve tried looking into her history, but I haven’t been able to find out anything about her. Manehatten doesn’t have any records of her living there or attending any of the schools there either. If she really did come from Manehatten, why isn’t there any record of her at all? It’s almost like she never existed!”

Twilight was up and trotting around the library now, obviously on a tangent and her train of thought wasn’t about to be derailed anytime soon. Spike eyed Twilight’s pancakes sorrowfully before shrugging and taking her plate. He had already finished his stack, but he didn’t want the breakfast he made going to waste. While he happily ate the now room temperature meal, Twilight continued.

“Not to mention the whole portal thing. She just happened to show up, right at the height of activity, then as soon as she was found, the portals just stopped! I don’t know how, but Zinnia and the portals are connected. What does she know that she isn’t telling us? Did she cause the portals somehow? Is she trying to figure out what they are, like we are? Is she some inter-dimensional, portal-hopping pony?

“And why was her magic disrupted? Was it an effect of the portals, or did she not have any to begin with? It doesn't make any sense!” Twilight stamped a hoof, obviously frustrated.

Spike, who had downed the second plate and was starting to wish he hadn’t, simply groaned and belched in reply. The green flames that came forth smelled oddly of maple syrup and regret. He rolled over onto his back and rubbed his belly uncomfortably, “Her magic?”

“Yes, Spike! Her magic! I wasn’t sure about it at first, but after reviewing her blood work and after seeing her with Rainbow Dash, I could definitely tell. It must have happened after she came through the last portal. Her connection to the magic of harmony was severed, and therefore, her ability to fly. Either that, or she never had magic at all and is just now figuring out how to use it.”

“I thought pegasi flew like birds. Ya know, just flapping their wings.” Spike grumbled, trying to follow along with Twilight’s ravings.

“No! Well, yes. Kind of. It’s a part of their magic, just like their ability to move clouds and affect the weather. Without their magic, a pegasus would be grounded. Zinnia, somehow, regained her connection to her magic, but even now she’s learning to fly like a newborn foal. It’s almost like she never knew how to fly at all. At least, that’s how Rainbow described it. Then again… The doctor did say that it could have been a temporary form of nerve damage, which would explain her inability to control her wings, but still…That answer doesn't really explain her lack of magic.”

“You’re probably just overthinking it, Twilight. Sure, Zinnia is a little strange, but that doesn’t mean she’s some kind of evil villain or something. Besides, didn’t we already write that letter to Princess Celestia when Zecora came to town? The one about not judging ponies based on their appearances?” Spike asked with a yawn, hoping the question would stop Twilight’s pacing which was starting to make him feel sick.

Twilight blushed at that. She’d almost forgotten about that letter, and Spike had a point. Just because she was a little strange… Okay, really strange, and mysterious, that didn’t give Twilight the right to be so wary of her. Even still, her intuition told her that she was onto something and she was determined to find out what that was.

“You’re probably right, Spike. I just need to make sure, if for nothing but my own sake.” She said, turning to her baby dragon, who was now passed out on the couch. His bloated belly rose and fell rhythmically as he tried to sleep off his mistakes. She giggled to herself as he groaned and turned over, attempting to shield his eyes from the sun peeking through the window.

“I guess I’m on my own today.” Twilight wrapped Spiked in her magic and carefully lifted him to his bed before tucking him in. He’d been hard at work over the last month taking care of the library and writing twice as many letters as normal. What’s one day off for the little guy? He was still just a baby dragon, after all.

Author's Note:

What?! A Friday release?!

Hello everyone! I hope this finds you well! Before you ask, this is a bonus chapter! There will still be a regular Saturday release, but since the last chapter was so short I figured "Why not?" I hope you enjoy! :twilightsmile: