• Member Since 25th Jan, 2022
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Major Fluttercord and Appleshy fan, as well as a massive paleontology nerd.


A few years after the series finale, the happily married Fluttershy and Discord had two beautiful daughters: the older and rambunctious pegasus, Wildflower and the younger but sweet draconequus, Raven Shy.

As one can expect, they aren't exactly an average family. Everyday is an adventure with these crazy teens. And they wouldn't change their happiness for the world.

A random collection of stories with no real plot involving my Fluttercord Next Gen OCs.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 36 )

Sweet stuff! Looking forward to reading more 😊

Thank you.

I do plan on making more.

This is so amazing! Your writing is down to earth, wholesome and extermely interesting. I love Discord as a dad and their children have believable and distinct personalities. Never fails to warm my heart. I hope you write more of these!

Thank you for the wonderful comment. And I will. :twilightsmile:

Actually all of the watermelon is edible the wind is edible and the seats are edible, we just don't eat them because they're not the tastiest part of the fruit

Oh, I didn't know. My bad.

Don't eat it we just can

Where is the update?

Just updated with a new chapter.

I can't wait to see more of the chapters featuring the little chaos kids as babies, also when you think about it in Equestria there be no reason to be afraid of thunderstorms so the pegas I control the weather they wouldn't purposely make a dangerous storm, also father worked at the weather factory it probably comes to and reminds her of him

Great chapter overall! The writing was pretty good as well, even though I noticed that the word smile is definitely overused which breaks immersion. However I found that the premise of the chapter, namely the visit to the amusement park was interesting enough to make up for it. In general I think the characters you have created provide almost limitless potential for fun and engaging stories.

Personally though I would like to see some conflict between Discord and Fluttershy. Not extreme mind you, more like normal couple disagreements that pop up from time to time. Maybe Raven wants to go somewhere/do something with her friends that Fluttershy doesn't approve of, while for Discord is perfectly fine. Or one of the children wants something (new gadget, toy, makeup, whatever teenagers wish to acquire) and one parent doesn't allow them, while the other does. On this topic since Raven and Discord can pretty much materialize whatever they want, you could explore the question of whether they should use magic or work to earn the things they want. Another chapter idea is having Discord train Raven how to use her powers, maybe they have specific days of the week where they practise together, that would be pretty sweet. Discord flamboyant personality combined with Fluttershy's meek but assertive attitude would make for a pretty interesting story imo.

Die-hard fluttercord shippers like me will read every chapter you upload because it's just too wholesome and sweet but by doing this you can broaden the appeal which will expose the series to more people. This isn't critisism though, but rather the non-objective thoughts of a reader that really loves this series and the characters you have written.

Thank for the comment. I appreciate even the honest criticism as well. I will definitely take that into consideration for any future chapters. I was thinking of some sort of minor conflicts further down the line. Like you said, nothing big, but more like mild disagreements.

As far as teaching Raven about magic, Discord does do so, he did it a lot more when she was younger as her magic was a lot less stable than now. I might make a chapter about that. I will say that because of her pony genes, though, she has weaker magic than Discord, so she can't quite to the things he can do, so she prefers to do things the pony way most of the time. I might try to make that more clear in later chapters.

From a narrative point it makes sense that her magic is weaker than Discord's, but from what I've read so far, her magic doesn't seem so weak that she would actively choose not to often use or rely on it. Not being able to completely bend reality to her will doesn't make her magic automatically useless. So far you've explicitly mentioned that she can't do physical transformations and probably she has other limitations as well but even with these limitations, I think she's more powerful than most unicorns. She can manifest objects just like her father and can also teleport if she focuses hard enough, which is quite an advanced spell.
To me, distancing her from magic is a narrative trap that will make her character less interesting. Keep in mind though this is just my opinion, don't feel forced to implement it. I will happily read any new chapter you publish regardless.

I will admit, it is a bit difficult for me to fully convey the idea that she's magical weaker than he is sometimes. I will say, as far as me saying her not use it as often as Discord, it's not so much that it's so weak that she has to not use it, it's more of a preference. She prefers to do it the manual way rather than just rely exclusively on it. She probably is more powerful than a unicorn, but she doesn't actively use magic as much as her dad does. Again, I should probably make it more apparent in later chapters, but she has limits, even among some of the things she can do compared to Discord, like how she can teleport, but she can only go so far without making herself tired or nauseous and pass out from the force of the spell.

In any case, thank you for the advice at any rate. I fully appreciate it.

Having her consciously avoid using her magic as a preference is perfectly reasonable. In that case I would be pretty nice to see a chapter that explains how she made that decision. If I had magic that allows me to get whatever I can think of, something must happen to make me actively avoid using it. That would be pretty interesting to read.

Definitely an idea I might explore in the future.

Who is this aunt of Fluttershy’s?!

An OC of mine. I might do something with her later.

Comment posted by Sparkle91 deleted Jul 17th, 2022

Really cute chapter, I always love it when Raven and Wildflower tease each other. Probably my second favorite chapter thus far after the dinner one.

Thank you for the compliment. They are rather close, but they are still siblings after all, and siblings tease each other a lot. Trust me, I know from experience from having an older half brother, a twin brother and 5 step siblings of various ages.

Also, just curious. You mentioned that you liked their personalities (something I appreciate) but I'm curious on your thoughts on their designs, which I described on the first chapter?

Well I imagine Wildflower looking similar to Zipp actually, due to her personality, just with yellow fur instead of white, white tail and piercings too. The other features you mentioned (dark pink main, blue wings) match the official design too, another reason why I think of her. I quite like this if it was what you intended. Raven on the other hand is harder for me to imagine due to the fact that we haven't seen any other draconequus in the show. I think she looks like Discord just with the pink touches on her wing, her black instead of yellow paw and without horns on her head, probably she has wider ears too much like ponies. I'm also sure she styles her mane differently (in my head she has it pink just like her mother) and it's probably longer as well. In general I have no problem with Raven's design either, we all love Discord and the fact that her design is very similar to him, automatically makes it great imo. Keep in mind though, I'm not the best at visualizing characters in books or stories so that description might be different from your vision.

As far as Wildflower matching Zipp from Gen 5, I think I made them before their designs for the protagonists were official shown off, so it wasn't intentional.

I do have images of what they look like. Keep in mind, I'm not the best drawer, but it gives a good idea of their appearance.

Here's Raven (lacking the royal blue spines. I might redraw it later to include them):


And here's Wildflower (please ignore the older design for Raven. It was back before I fully realized her design):


Sorry for the delayed response. I think your designs are pretty nice actually and very similar to what I had imagined. Seeing your design, I wanted to draw some fanart, so here's Wildflower. This is my first time drawing ponies so I hope I was able to match your vision of the character. The only thing I changed was the grey fur near her muzzle/mouth, it just didn't look right to me.

Wow. That's really good. The only thing missing besides the gray (which I get why you got rid of) but also her irises are teal like Fluttershy's, while her pupil is red and her missing her black loop earrings and her tail is white. But regardless, I love it!

Thanks for the kind words. It seems I forgot to add the earrings by mistake sorry about that. Her tail though, I intended to make it white but I couldn't make it look distinct enough on the white background so I had to settle for the pink color since I didn't know what other color to pick

That is fair. But regardless of the minor differences, I love it and in the next chapter I post, I'll showcase it.

Do you plan to do Raven as well? You don't have to, but with how well this looks, I'd love to see the younger Chaos sister.

Sure, I'll give it a shot. Her design is a lot more complicated to draw though so I don't know what the end result will look like, but I'll try

Finally finished the Raven drawing. Here's my take on her design.

She's beautiful. She's missing the spots on her deer hoof and her white eyebrows, but otherwises, she's pretty close and, in any case, I love it.

I'll definitely showcase both of your artwork in the next chapter, which I'm currently writing.

Wildflower is LITERAL adorabeeties

I like this chapter I thought it was really cute, not going to lie for some reason when she first found the lake I thought she found the miracle, I don't know why wasn't that in the ever before she's in the whitetail woods

Will this be updated soon?

I want to, believe me, but I've been having major problems with writer's block. I have four chapters that are like half written and I want to finish them before I move to other ideas so they aren't stick there for a while, but I'm having trouble finding a way to continue them in a natural way, so it could take awhile.

But yes, this story isn't dead yet.

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