• Member Since 31st Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

The Ancestor

Rus | Man is the warmest place to hide.



Banishing her beloved sister to the moon was a grievous mistake, one Celestia would remember until the day she draws her last breath. There was only one another that could ever match it. She made both of them in the same day.

An Elden Ring crossover.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

first fanfic of elden ring that I see here

Very nice I was waiting for a rena/luna mix of sorts. While they are not together in this one, it is still a fine piece of work

I would like to see this continue

This looks like a promising beginning, hope it will be continued.

I'll see what I can do.

Please add the "Elden Ring" tag if possible. I nearly missed this and the only reason I recognized it as elden ring was that I recognized the cover art.

No can do, Chief, there's no tag for Elden Ring, unfortunately.

I'll probably write it in the description, though.

Well that's a shame. thanks for adding it to the description though, would be a shame if someone passed on this not realizing its elden ring.

Yeah, guess I should've labeled it sooner. Whoops.:twilightsheepish:
If you liked this, check put the sequel! It's a tad longer that this story, but I think it came out pretty well in the end.

Only one of two there are no other Elden ring stories The only two made were made by this creator

This has to be a full story a bit how she helped the world and Celestia throughout the thousand years

Who was the person with Renna? Was it Blaidd?

It's a Tarnished from the Lunar Age (or whatever it's called) ending.

Okay. Cool. Also, it’s called the “Age of Stars.”

This feels like it should be longer. Any plans? Not having played Elden Ring I'm sure I didn't get the full impact.

Still, I think this could become very interesting even for someone who hasn't played the game.

I honestly don't have any plans for this right now. I've got plenty other stories I need to finish first, and I don't really feel like developing this one right now.

That's understandable, merely pointing out that potential is there for a story like this to be something grand.

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