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Story Finale Intro

Ripto came across something he never thought he'd see in a million years.

"Hmm...you smell draconic, but your not at all a dragon." Ripto said. "Though with the state you're in, your no bigger than that purple dragon." He said, looking over a teeny tiny blue female draconic figure.

"Trust me, I used to be much bigger than this." She said. "I was once known as The Sorceress, I was the ruler of what became known as The Forgotten Realms until this purple dragon known as Spyro nearly killed me twice over. I managed to survive only by splitting a piece of myself at the last possible minute. Now I only have a small fraction of my power." She explained.

"Spyro you say? Then it seems you and I have an enemy in common Sorceress. So, what exactly are you exactly?" Ripto asked.

"Your nose wasn't wrong about my draconic relationship. There exists a race of creatures that while draconic in nature, are more like slaves to dragons. We are known as the Kobolds. Of course, my tribe of Kobolds cast me out because I got power hungry for the magic Dragons provided." The Sorceress said.

"Kobold huh? Well, at least your no dragon. I HATE dragons. But perhaps, there is a way we can help one another. But before we do that, we need to deal with our most common foe of Spyro the Dragon." Ripto said.

"I like you already." The Sorcerer said. "And it seems you are someone who just loves magic. Once this is over, I might be willing to make you my apperentice." She added. Ripto laughed. "Did I say something funny?" She asked.

"I've already learnt from the best of the best in terms of magic. Just watch this." Ripto said before growing to a massive size and then returning to normal. "And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I've got more things to show off then just that." Ripto added.

"...Interesting. With knowledge like that, you'd actually be more closer to an actual wizard and my equal. It seems we really can help each other out~" The Sorcerer said.

As the group began to prepare some final questions, suddenly a green female kobold burst into the room.

"Huff...huff...looks like...I made it..." The kobold said.

"What the...she looks kind of like The Sorcerer." Spyro said.

"Don't compare me to that witch. She ain't got nothing on me. Anyways, I heard what you did. My entire tribe did actually. My name's Karisha. The one you know as The Sorcerer used to be part of our tribe, but when we saw her become power hungry, we banished her from it. That was a thousand years ago. Of course, we then herd you laid the smack down on her, but I'm afraid you didn't finish the job: She's managed to create a facimile of her former self. And if she manages to regain all of her lost power, you and your entire dragon race is toast. Normally, my tribe tries to avoid dragon contact as much a possible, but this is a rare exception as we feel if she is able to become immortal for real this time, she'll come after us next." The kobold said.

"Guess it's time for one last Showdown then Cozy Glow. Are you ready?" Spyro asked.

"Do you even need to ask? Come on, let's go finish the job." Cozy Glow said.