• Published 18th Jun 2022
  • 2,498 Views, 498 Comments

Brave New Pony World - Goldfur

Prince Mark Wells' interdimensional business with Earth is expanding into new locations, and those require managers with knowledge of the existence of the magical nation of Equestria. How will these humans cope with the culture shock?

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King Thorax gave his wife a nuzzle as the group stepped back into the castle hallway. Twilight returned the gesture and then put her wing over his back.

After everyone was inside, the changeling king said, “My name is Thorax and I'm sorry that I wasn't here to greet you earlier. I've only been a king for a few years and I go to Queen Carpacia’s hive for lessons one week of every month.”

Twilight's head jerked upwards. “Oh! I'm sorry, dear. I should have introduced you.” She opened her mouth before closing it once more. The alicorn furrowed her brow as she scanned the visitors. “Although there should still be two stallions here. Did Jolene Harris substitute in for one of the candidates?”

A smirk passed over Mark’s lips before it disappeared. His wing pointed out each visitor in turn. “Twilight and Thorax, let me present the new Abyssinian Michelle Van Dijk, hippogriff Tyrone Davis, and unicorn Jewel.”

The purple mare stopped in the middle of the hallway, her mouth agape. Thorax continued a couple of steps, causing him to slip out from under her wing, which remained frozen in place.

Twilight gushed. “Jewel? As in Jules Petit? The adaptation spell turned you into a mare?”

Mark said, “Also a fashion model, in case you hadn't noticed.”

The Alicorn of Magic’s eyes lit up and she sat on her haunches, clapping her front hooves together in glee. “This is unprecedented! I never dreamed the adaptation spell would bring about this degree of transformation. We have to do a full round of experiments immediately to understand this better!”

Mark shook his head. “Not only are you intimidating our guest, Sparkles, but she also isn’t one of our subjects. Jewel is a foreign national here on a work visa.” He came up on Twilight’s side and gently pushed her toward the dining hall. “What’s more, you’d be holding up dinner. You may ask her permission politely another day.”

Thorax nudged his wife forward from the other side. “Your co-ruler is right, dear. There will be plenty of time for that later.”

Twilight moved forward at their urging but gave Thorax her best hurt-puppy-dog-eyes. “But... Science!”

Penny gave Jewel a wink as everyone made their way down the corridor. The unicorn smiled and giggled.

When the group entered the dining room, they found that a few others had arrived in their absence. A white unicorn mare was conversing with a silver-grey earth pony mare while an earth pony filly and a human boy were seated at the table, playing some sort of game. The mares looked up as the group entered and they smiled.

“Mark, darling! We were beginning to wonder what had happened to you,” the white unicorn exclaimed.

“Sorry, Rarity dear – just showing our special guests the sights.” The alicorn stallion trotted over to give the unicorn a kiss.

“Daddy!” both the filly and the boy dropped what they were doing to rush over to Caleb who crouched down to accept dual hugs.

All three visitors were stunned by the display. While the boy was not surprising, the unequivocal response of the young earth pony at seeing the man was unexpected. The confusion was compounded when the second mare came over and kissed Caleb.

“Sorry I’m late, love. I had a hard time dragging the foals away from their playmates.”

“No problem, Willow. You’re just in time for dinner.” Caleb stood up and noticed the visitors staring.

“What’s going on here?” Michelle asked the man.

“I have a confession to make,” Caleb replied. “This is Willow Branch, my wife, and these are my daughter, Lilac Meadow, and my son, Tranquil Boon.”

“You said Vicky is your wife,” Tyrone accused.

“Remember what you learned about herds? Willow, Vicky, and I are in a herd relationship.”

“You married a pony?!” Michelle asked. “I mean, no offense to ponies, but you’re completely different species!”

“Says the cat woman who was a human,” Caleb replied with a smirk. “Besides, as it turns out, physical aspects aside, there’s not really that much difference between our kinds. We have the same emotional needs and wants, and it turned out that we were very much compatible. I’ve never regretted marrying Willow for a moment.”

Michelle turned to Vicky. “And you’re fine with that?”

“Caleb married Willow first. She was fine with me joining the herd.” While Vicky and Willow had been wedded at the same ceremony, technically, the earth pony had come first and they had taken Vectrix as their herdmate. The humans didn’t need to know that detail though.

“I’m curious about the filly,” Jewel said. “She called you Daddy – is she adopted?”

Caleb shook his head. “I mentioned that I tried out the adaptation spell. Well, it turns out that I’m quite the stud earth pony stallion.”

Willow grinned broadly. “And I can attest to that. Again and again and again!”

Michelle colored and sputtered, “We get the picture!” She recovered enough to glare at Tyrone who snickered at her discomfort.

Jewel looked thoughtful. “It sounds wonderful that you have such a loving relationship with two females and have children with both.”

Vicky said, “We have been blessed with a wonderful husband and kids. I recommend keeping an open mind and heart while in Equestria. You never know who you might find to fill your life.”

Tyrone chuckled and shook his head. “My wife would kill me if I looked at another woman that way, even if she was a mare rather than a human.”

Michelle turned to Prince Mark who was currently flanked by Penumbra and Rarity, the latter leaning up against the stallion affectionately. She frowned. “I remember now that you described Queen Chrysalis as your wife, but you also did so with Princess Trixie. Now there’s… pardon me – we haven’t been introduced.”

Mark said, “This is Rarity Belle, and yes, she is also my wife. Rarity, I’d like you to meet Michelle Van Dijk, one of our probationary managers. The adaptation spell turned her into an Abyssinian, while it turned Tyrone Davis into a hippogriff, and Jules Petit into the statuesque unicorn mare, Jewel.”

“A pleasure to meet you all,” Rarity said, “but I do hope that I will get to see you in your natural forms sometime. I have so few opportunities to create for humans. Although the opportunity to work with somepony with your magnificent physique would also be a delight, Ms. Jewel.”

“My wife is a world-class fashion designer,” Mark explained.

“How many wives do you have, Your Highness?” Jewel asked.

“Five,” he confessed.

“Five?! How did you manage that? Did being a prince attract the mares?”

“No – the truth is a lot stranger. And while I am sure that you have been told by now, it’s the mares who make those decisions here, not the stallions. In my previous role as Grand Vizier, I interacted with several mares before Princess Trixie convinced me that she was the one for me. She is my soul mate and she is whom I needed to bring out the best in me. And as I wasn’t royalty then, that wasn’t a factor. Rarity was one of the mares that courted me earlier and Trixie recommended that she join our herd because of the passion she brings to everything. My third wife is Captain Penumbra.”

Mark gestured toward the batpony who flashed her fangs and used her oversized wings to bow with a flourish.

“Penny guards my body for more than one reason,” Mark said with a grin.

Penumbra stuck her tongue out at him and said, “Somepony has to save him from tripping over his own hooves.”

The alicorn stallion rolled his eyes before continuing. “Chrysalis is my fourth wife, but that began as a political union. However, it turned out that we worked extremely well together and we came to appreciate each other a great deal. And I like her snarky personality. It offsets the obsequious nobility. Lastly, there’s Princess Celestia, former ruler of Equestria. She looks like that mare I turned into earlier.”

Former ruler? What happened there that you, Princess Trixie, and Princess Twilight are now the rulers? If she looks like that, it doesn’t seem that old age was a factor.”

“That’s a very long story, but Celestia is enjoying her retirement. After governing Equestria for over a millennium, she has been taking advantage of her freedom to have some fun.”

Michelle’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. “A millennium?! Are you seriously telling me that pony is over a thousand years of age?” she sputtered.

“Well over eleven centuries, as it turns out. Alicorns don’t grow old,” Mark said matter-of-factly.

“How old does that make you then?”

“We three triarchs ascended to alicorn status relatively recently and we’re only a few decades old. And no, our age difference doesn’t bother either Celestia or myself.”

Tyrone grumbled, “Pardon us mere mortals, but weren’t we supposed to be having dinner?”

“Trixie agrees as she has a powerful hunger,” the alicorn mare said as she walked into the dining room followed by Phil and Rosa.

Mark said, “Now that we’re all here, please be seated, everyone. We ensured that there would be suitable chairs for whichever species turned up.”

The wait staff had apparently been expecting their cue. The first course – a delightfully aromatic roasted tomato and basil soup – was brought out even as people were still finding their seats. Conversation lapsed until everyone’s bowl had been filled from the large tureen on a trolley pushed by an earth pony mare. Jewel had ended up seated next to Trixie and the alicorn graciously showed the unicorn how to hold a spoon by hoof. The mare caught on quickly and soon was supping her soup.

After Tyrone had tried a few spoonsful, he started the chat once more. “We should address the problem that Shariq’s departure will cause. People are going to wonder why he quit and he almost certainly will tell them.”

“No, he won’t,” Mark said. “The NDA will prevent him.”

“Do you seriously think a Non-Disclosure Agreement will be enough to stop a religious fundamentalist from spilling the beans when he thinks that his beliefs have been violated?”

“Do you know what a geas is, Tyrone?”

The hippogriff shook his head.

“I do,” Jewel said. “It’s a magical vow or prohibition.”

“Correct. I bet you all wondered why you were required to read your NDA out loud before signing it. Well, that was to activate the geas enchanted onto the documents. You three and Shariq literally cannot reveal anything pertaining to Equestria without our permission because you bound yourself both legally and magically.”

Tyrone grimaced. “Well, that explains some of the odd wording. Does that mean that I’ll never be able to tell my wife about all this?” He lifted his wings and talons.

“For now, yes. Once we’re sure that you’re going to work out, we’ll lift some prohibitions. I remind you that you’re all on probation for now and there are risks that we need to mitigate. While we intend to make full and open contact with Earth in the future, it will be done with careful consideration in due time. Until then, we’re technically an illegal operation on your world.”

Michelle grimaced. “I can see some politicians making a huge deal about it. Are you sure about the company’s legitimacy?”

“Oh, it’s 100% legitimate as it was built by Phil and Rosa. They adhere scrupulously to all laws and work conditions, pay taxes promptly, and are pillars of the community. The only thing that the U.S. Government doesn’t know about is the source of much of the manufactured goods. The raw materials brought in obscure the fact that they aren’t processed on Earth. Once they do learn about the interdimensional importation, they will have to accept it as a fait accompli, although they might levy a fine or tariff. And we’re allowing for that as we’re putting aside some of the profits for that day. Believe me, I’ll be happy when we can trade openly, but for now, it’s essential that we keep things hush-hush.”

Jewel looked thoughtful. “Considering the amount of unique and highly sought-after goods that Harmonic Composites supplies to the government, I can’t see them shooting themselves in the foot over a legal quibble.”

“Exactly,” Phil replied. “And we employ human locals to fill almost every job, so we’re legitimate employers too.”

“Speaking of which, are you going to have to bring in someone else to replace Shariq?” Michelle asked. “I recall Twilight mentioning Jolene Harris.”

Rosa replied, “Yes, Jolene was our reserve pick. While we were making sure Shariq was returned to Charlotte without further incident, I phoned Jolene and asked her to come in early tomorrow so that we can introduce her to Equestria.”

Phil turned to Caleb. “We’d like you to help us out once again with that. I know we only asked for one day, but we honestly didn’t expect someone to wash out immediately.”

The man looked at his two wives. “We have a schedule to keep,” Willow reminded him.

Caleb turned back to Phil and Rosa. “Vicky and I can give you half a day, but we need to finish preparing for our family trip. Willow will be getting off work early and, after she freshens up at home, we’ll all be heading to the station to catch the train south. We and the kids have been looking forward to that trip for months.”

“Half a day should suffice. Jolene will have to get the shortened version. I need to spend the morning with the others to help them start settling into their new duties, so Rosa will help you out.”

“Works for us. Vicky and I will be at the office same time tomorrow.”

Just then, the servants brought out the main course of wild mushroom & sizzlenut cottage pie with a side serving of roast pumpkin and butter beans. Talk lulled while the food was served up. Michelle was the first to resume the conversation.

“So, Prince Mark, earlier we talked about this empire of yours. Is now a good time to ask why Equestria is so much better than those from human history?”

Mark sighed. “Alright, Ms. Van Dijk – let’s see if I can satisfy you. First of all, we Triarchs never called it an empire – it’s our citizens who proudly declared it. In actuality, we are more a confederacy of allied nations. For example…”

The conversation went well into the evening, with excellent coffee slaking their thirst. Eventually though, Rarity called it a night.

“I have a full day planned for tomorrow, so I had best be headed to bed. Ladies and gentlecolt from Earth, it has been a pleasure chatting with you. Do feel free to drop by my boutique in Ponyville sometime soon.” She leaned over to Mark and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. “Don’t keep me waiting too long, darling.” She then got up and trotted out of the room.

Tyrone chuckled. “That’s so familiar. I told my wife that I would be home late, but I believe she expects me before she goes to bed.”

Rosa and Phil stood up from the sofa where they had been lounging. The griffoness said, “Sounds like a cue to us. Let’s get you back to Earth. Like Rarity, we’ve all got un día muy ocupado mañana. Thank you for the lovely dinner, Trixie and Mark. And thanks for your help today, Caleb and Vicky. Goodnight everyone.”

The visitors all said their farewells and Phil and Rosa led them away. As soon as the doors closed behind them, Vicky transformed into her normal Sky persona.

“Phew! That’s better. I like being a human but I’m more comfortable in my natural form,” Sky said.

Mark nodded. “I think you just don’t like deceiving people, Sky. I didn’t like hiding the fact that I was once human, but we’re both doing what we can to minimize the shock of all the new concepts that our candidates have faced today. Having Willow and your children here was a risky move, Caleb.”

The man shrugged. “Sky and I disagreed, and I’m not ashamed of my relationship with Willow. If they couldn’t cope with that now, they never would.”

“Maybe not with Shariq perhaps. That was one of the things that I thought might be a big problem for him. Setting the sun never occurred to me.”

“We can’t foresee every possibility. I reckon things went well aside from Shariq’s meltdown. I was more concerned for what he did to Twilight.”

The purple alicorn smiled at the man. “It’s okay, Caleb. It was a bad shock for me, but I’ll be fine. I’ll just have to accept that not every human will be prepared to be friends when our differences are so fundamental.”

Caleb got up and stretched. “Talking about fundamentals – we need to get home and get some sleep too.”

Willow and Sky rose and made their farewells before they and Caleb headed for the portal back to Ponyville.

Phil and Rosa met with the three remaining probationary managers extra early in the facility conference room. This would allow for the most time to induct Jolene into the world of Equus. Before the new candidate arrived, they gave Tyrone, Jules, and Michelle some last-minute instructions.

Phil said, “I’ll be going with Tyrone and Michelle to the Baltimare/Houston branch to get them started on the operations there. Rosa was originally going to be doing the same at the Vanhoofer/Los Angeles branch with Jules and Shariq, but the latter’s departure has thrown those plans into disarray. Rosa is going to have to introduce Jolene to Equestria and will be fully occupied, so I might have to try to split my time between the branches.”

Jules diffidently cleared his throat. “Umm… would it help if I came along to reassure Jolene as Caleb and Vicky did with us?”

Rosa said, “Yes, it would, but you would lose the best part of a day to familiarize yourself with your branch office.”

“I’ll put in the overtime to make up for it. And unlike Tyrone, I don’t have a wife or someone waiting for me to get home.”

Rosa looked at Phil who nodded in agreement. “Alright, we’ll do that. Next subject – transformation. I want to reiterate that it is your choice as to whether you use the adaptation spell to change forms while in Equestria. We don’t care whether you wish to retain your human forms or not in that world, but here on Earth, you may not use your Equestrian forms due to security concerns.”

“That’s fair enough,” Michelle said. “It’s fun being a cat woman, so I’ll probably keep using that form over there.”

Tyrone said, “If it wasn’t for the wings, I’d probably stay human, but I’m telling you right now that I fully intend to fly, so I’m going to take advantage of every spare moment to learn how to use them.”

Rosa chuckled. “I know exactly how you feel. That leaves you, Jules.”

“I said yesterday that being a unicorn mare just felt right to me. No clue why that is but I’ll definitely keep using that form over there.”

“Great!” Phil said. “That simplifies things. Last night, I suggested that you bring along a spare set of clothing that you intend to wear at work including underwear, socks, and shoes. We will arrange to have them all enchanted by a mage today like those robes we gave you so that you won’t have to change out of them before transitioning the portal.”

Tyrone held up his suitcase. “I actually put some thought into that. Makena always wants me to look professional, so I brought along an outfit that I’m hoping will transform rather than disappear. If at least the jacket adapts like Michelle’s robe did, I’ll be happy.”

Rosa smiled. “I wonder what your esposa would think about seeing that jacket on a hippogriff? Anyway, we’ll make sure to get it enchanted today.”

“I had much the same idea as Tyrone,” Michelle said. “The transformed robe was good for social occasions, but not what I would regard as professional wear. What about you, Jules?”

The man blushed a little. “Considering that I turn into a mare, I wasn’t sure what to bring. Not that I’ve ever been one to dress formally.”

Michelle snorted. “Yeah, we noticed.”

Phil said, “You know we value performance over appearance here. Bring whatever you feel comfortable with. The adaptation spell will do whatever it feels is most appropriate.”

“I did bring a nice sports coat.”

“Sounds good. I assume you all brought your robes?” Phil asked. When everyone nodded, he continued. “Good. You’ll have the opportunity to use them later. We want your Equestrian staff to get familiar with your non-human forms. But for now, Michelle and Tyrone, we need to get your Houston office up to speed. Let’s head out. Good luck with Jolene, Rosa.” He gave his wife a kiss before leading the three down the hallway toward the portal room.

After the others had left, Rosa said, “Can we chat un momento until Jolene, Caleb, and Vicky turn up?”

Jules’ eyebrow rose in puzzlement. “Of course. About what?”

“It’s personal and you don’t have to answer if you wish. You’ve made a point about how comfortable you were as a mare. How do you think this will affect your work or your life?”

Jules’ gaze looked out into the distance. “I spent a lot of last night thinking about that. My focus up until now has been first on school and then on professional accomplishments. I really haven’t had much spare time for socializing, and most of that has been spent playing Go at the coffee shop meets. It’s not as if I ever thought about being female before yesterday, although I’ve never really gotten serious with a girlfriend up until now either. I’m not even sure if I have a deeply buried desire for a boyfriend instead. It’s just that I felt for the first time in my life, I was one hundred percent at home in my body.”

“I suppose you will have to discover for yourself what that means. I hope that it will bring positive change to your life, and won’t affect your work.”

“I promise that I’ll try hard not to cause problems.”

“Thank you, Jules. I know you can do it. You are aware that Phil and I have a daughter and a son. Both have spent their whole lives in two worlds, but Yolanda has reached the age where she has had to learn to balance the needs and desires in each. She is coping well enough though.” She grimaced. “For a typical teenage chica, anyway. I expect one day she will fall in love and make a family of her own, but no one knows yet in which world, not even her. The point is, you have the time and opportunity to work out what is best for you, and you have people familiar with this new world who can help you.”

“I appreciate that, Mrs. Martine.”

If he was going to say more, he never got the opportunity because there was a knock on the conference room door.

“Come in!” Rosa called out.

A short full-figured blond woman entered the office and smiled. “Good morning, Ms. Martine. Ah’m so excited to get this opportunity. Oh, hi, Jules!”

“Hello, Jolene,” Jules replied, returning her smile.

“Right on time,” Rosa commented. “Now we’re just waiting for two asociados to join us. Jules has already met Caleb and Vicky, and he volunteered to help you catch up with the other probationary managers.”

“You never said why Shariq dropped out – is there something Ah should know first?”

“The reason will be explained later when you are apprised of all the circumstances of the job. His reasons will become clearer then.”

“Ooh, mysterious!” Jolene replied with a grin. “Well, this is one gal who won’t be put off so easily.”

“Glad to hear it. Because you’re a day behind the others, we will be giving you a shorter, quicker version of what we showed them yesterday. However, if you feel the need to pause to take it all in, don’t hesitate to ask. It’s not your fault that you’ll have to play catch-up.”

“Not a problem, Ms. Martine.”

“Good. There’s only one última detail to take care of.” Rosa picked up a clipboard with a single sheet of paper attached to it. She passed it to Jolene. “The secure areas contain some of our biggest secrets and, like Jules here, you will be required to sign this Non-Disclosure Agreement before you will be able to access them. Read through it first and let me know if you have any problemas with it.”

Jolene silently read the text, a raised eyebrow at one point disclosing mild surprise. In the end, she nodded. “A little different from what Ah expected but Ah got no problem with it.”

Rosa took out her cell phone and opened the voice recorder app. “Glad to hear it. Now I require you to repeat the text aloud which I will record for legal purposes, then you will sign it with me and Jules as witnesses.”

“Wow! This sure is serious stuff. Okay, here goes. Ah, Jolene Harris, swear ….”

When she finished reciting the NDA, she felt an odd tingle. She shrugged it off and took the pen that Rosa handed to her. With a flourish, she signed the form and passed it back to her boss. “Is that it then?”

“Yes. Caleb and Vicky will be taking you and Jules into the secure area. I need to attend to something first before I join you not long after. And speak of el diablo, here are the man and his esposa.”

“Good morning, Rosa. Good to see you again, Jules,” Caleb said. “And you must be Jolene Harris?”

“Sure am, sir.”

“I’m Caleb Awad and this is my wife, Vicky.”

“A right pleasure to meet you both,” Jolene replied in her deep Southern twang.

“The same here,” Vicky replied, stepping up to the woman. She handed an I.D. card on a lanyard to her. “This is your new I.D. which you will need to gain access to the secure areas. Keep it on you at all times in plain view.”

Jolene took the card and hung it around her neck where it rested on her prominent bust. “Conspicuous enough?” she asked with a grin.

Caleb smiled at Jolene’s bouncy personality. “Perfect. If you’re ready, shall we get started?”

“Ready as Ah’ll ever be!”

“Good. Follow us. Catch you later, Rosa!”

Caleb led the way down the corridor to the warehouse Security station and the guard let them in after scanning the I.D. tags. The guard then tapped a code into the keypad next to the door that covered the Equestrian portal which he then opened to reveal the mirror within.

Vicky said, “As we explained to the other candidates, this is a new way of securely allowing access to the restricted sections. Your I.D. will allow you to pass through as you have been authorized. Jules – would you care to show Jolene what to do, please.”

“Okay,” he replied. He walked over to the portal and stepped through.

Jolene whistled. “Wow. That there’s mighty impressive. It looks lahk a solid surface but he stepped right through lahk it were nothin’.”

“And that’s all you have to do too,” Caleb said. “There might be a bit of disorientation, but it’s harmless. See you on the other side.” He then followed Jules.

Jolene was hot on his heels and Vicky not far behind.

“Phew! That did feel off-kilter. So, we’re in the restricted area now? Not very impressive so far,” the woman said with a grin. “What’s next?”

“Now, I introduce you to Rosa and Phil’s business partner,” Caleb said as he led the way to the conference room.

“Ah didn’t realize they had one.”

“The reason why you haven’t will become apparent. I ask that you be respectful when you meet him.” He knocked on the door and then opened it. “After you, Jolene.”

She stepped through the door and came to a stop when she saw what awaited her.

Prince Mark smiled and said, “Welcome to Eq—”

He was cut off as Jolene squealed in delight, rushed over to the startled alicorn, and started petting him. “Oh, lord! You’re so cute! Those wings and horn look so real! Aren’t you just the most adorable thing!”

Outrage and amusement warred on Chrysalis’ face, but there was no such conflict on Penumbra’s. The batpony collapsed on the floor, howling with laughter.

Caleb grinned even as he wondered why he bothered telling people to be respectful. He let Mark suffer for a moment before he spoke up. “Ms. Harris – please stop fondling Prince Mark Wells.”

“Ooh, that’s a great name for this cutie.”

Mark said, “You’re embarrassing me in front of my wives, Ms. Harris.”

Jolene blinked. “You can speak?”

“Not only can I speak, I can run Harmonic Composites along with my partners, Phil and Rosa Martine.”

Jules was both amused and a little concerned for his coworker. “Yeah, you’re messing with our boss, Jolene.”

The perplexed woman pulled back from the alicorn a little reluctantly. “What in tarnation is going on here?”

Vicky went over to Jolene to stand her up and draw her back from Mark. “Believe it or not, that mirror doorway is actually a portal to another dimension. You are now on the world of Equus in the magical land of Equestria. The pony you have been petting is an alicorn and he is one of the co-rulers of this nation. And, of course, the business partner of the Martines.”

Jolene’s hands flew to her mouth as she gasped. “Oh, sweet lord! Ah’m so sorry! Ah mean… how was Ah to know? Ah'm so confused.”

“I heard laughter. What did I miss?” Rosa said as she stepped into the office.

At the sight of the griffon, Jolene’s eyes widened even further. “Why do you sound like Mrs. Martine?”

“Because I am Rosa Martine, estimada. I take this form when I visit Equestria. That is why I did not immediately accompany you.”

Jules said, “All the other candidates tried the change except Shariq. We all came out as different species.”

Jolene’s expression shifted and grew thoughtful. “So, all the secrecy is due to our company being based in two worlds, and the inhabitants are not humans.” She gave Mark an apologetic glance. “Mah apologies once again, but yer darn cuddly for a prince.”

Penny snorted as she tried to smother a laugh. Mark rolled his eyes. “No harm done, Ms. Harris. At least, you gave my wives some amusement.” He introduced them and then restarted the speech that he had intended to give to initiate the woman into the wonders of Equestria. After covering all the subjects that he’d told the other three managerial candidates, he answered questions from her similar to those Tyrone, Michelle, and Jules had asked.

However, Jolene’s final questioned was directed at Rosa. “Can Ah try that shape-changing spell now?”

No one in that room had expected the woman to be that eager to change species. Rosa shook her head. “Not yet. I intend to take you to the Los Angeles office first. I also want to introduce you to the pony in charge in the Vanhoover factory to which the L.A. office is linked.”

“Oh. Are we going to get there through one of those fancy portals of yours?”

Caleb mused that this woman was no dummy. “Rosa – I have no idea why Jolene didn’t get into the final four initially, but I believe she’s going to work out fine.”

Jolene was taken on the same tour as the other probationary managers. Her smile threatened to crack her face in half, it was that wide. The only difference in the routine was Rosa taking the woman to Earth just before lunch, leaving Jules, Caleb, and Vicky to wait for them. It wasn’t the griffoness who came back through the portal first though.

A light pink earth pony with a bright yellow mane and tail with a single purple stripe emerged. The mare paused and looked down to see golden hooves. Craning her neck around, she squealed with delight at her new body.

“Ah’m a pony!” she crowed, doing a little dance on the spot complete with skips, hops, and pronks. “Ah’m a pretty pink pony gal!”

Vicky smiled and said, “Equestria and Harmonic Composites welcomes its newest pony, Joy Leap.”

Caleb looked at his wife, an eyebrow raised. “Joy Leap?”

“If Jules is Jewel in his other form, why can’t Jolene have an appropriate nickname?”

“Ah like it! Joy Leap, the happiest pony in Equestria!”

And nobody could argue with that.

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Author's Note:

And now the cast is complete. Let's see what they get up to next chapter.

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