• Member Since 30th Dec, 2019
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A new writer getting into fanfiction who has an interest in of Friendship is Magic with personal interests and ideas to share.



This story is a sequel to The Pony Guard (Season 4)

After Scar's defeat, peace has returned to the Pride Lands and Equestria, and with the new magical map discovered inside the new castle of the new Prince and Princess of Friendship. A map that leads to them solving new friendship lessons all across Equestria while also dealing with trying to restore order in the Pride Landers returning to their homes.

At the same time while Kion is still adjusting to becoming half alicorn, master his new abilities, and step up to being the Lion Guard's Fiercest and the Prince of Friendship, Twilight, the Pony Guard's Fiercest is still struggling with her mental scars as the former Princess of Darkness and the following consequences of her past actions. All while Starlight Glimmer rises to the occasion seeking to continue the war Scar started by recruiting his followers to ensure the peace never thrives.

Can the peace be maintained or the Pride Lands and Equestria succumb to chaos once again?

Find out as the Lion and Pony Guard continue their duty to protect the Pride Lands and Equestria and spread the Magic of Friendship everywhere they go.

Chapters (42)
Comments ( 155 )

Hey! We did get Not One of Us in this story!

Huh, so it seems that Twilight’s whole arc this season is going to revolve a lot about self control.

I expect this to play major things later down the line.

Also nice to see this episode wasn’t skipped as it was one of my favorites.

Sorry, I do not buy Starlight siding with SCAR of all lions unless she for some reason does not know about all the crap he pulled in the past. Part of Starlight’s characters is that she believes she’s the good guy in her situation.

Comment posted by ScarletInferno deleted Feb 4th, 2023

Sorry that I keep throwing all these questions on you it’s just that there’s so much you just showed me with these chapters and I just gotta say something, ya know. Sorry if I’ve been too much of a pain in the ass for you. Please don’t delete this😢

Yep. It was just a matter of finding the right time and place for it.

It'll definitely play a major role in this season and with someone is Reformed But Not Tamed it's bound to cause some problems down the road.

And as for the episode itself well, like I said it wasn't easy but definitely doable with the right adjustments and I was glad that I was able to make it work out in the end.

I don’t fully remember how I wrote this comment:

I was wondering about daddy’s fiery form. Is it just a projection with his magic and is his horn still on his head? Does this mean he’ll be extinguished from existence in Battle for the Pridelands because I don’t want that happening. Will he also be recruiting Makucha to his army? I know that Kyoga got her cutie mark on her cheeks when she rid herself of the dark magic within her and Kion got his on his right shoulder when he was resurrected and became a Lion/alicorn hybrid, but I didn’t expect for the rest of the guard to get their own cutie marks. Are they on their right shoulders, both their cheeks or all of the above? I also wonder what daddy might do with Starlight when she eventually reforms. Sorry that I’m bombarding you with questions this two parter showed a lot and I’m dying to see what happens

Hope to see the next chapter soon please keep writing

Is this “earth scorching” plan the time spell that Starlight used to prevent the rainboom and the girls from getting their cutie marks or is it something worse?

OK, if Oversimplified as taught me anything, Scorched Earth is going to be bad.

We’ve already had Not One of Us in this story, how worse can things get?!

Oh, but I have to wonder, planting the seeds in Kion’s head? I mean, what does daddy have in store for him when daddy’s more focused on Twilight?

I think you might've skipped over Bloom & Gloom, since that is in between this and Castle Sweet Castle. Hope I'm not sounding rude here. Great work, otherwise.

Well, that episode is mostly inside Apple Bloom’s dreams so there’s not many ways to put in the LG characters.

You're not rude at all. It's just I don't have plans to cover that episode since like what Flamewarrior said it best not many ways to make a crossover episode out it.

Other than that, thanks for the feedback.

Here's a suggestion for when you get to Flutter Brutter. Have Zephyr Breeze end up going to the Outlands instead of the Everfree Forest and have him use his own set of wits to avoid getting eaten by the Outlanders.

Swept Away." where Beshte along with Applejack find themselves in the Outlands and have to navigate their way out of the dry season heat before the Outsiders claim them

I knew it! I knew Applejack would get into that mess with Beshte. Whenever I play the original clip of daddy and his minions making plans, I would pause the vid and mention the pony guard. But now that’s gonna be on the next chapter? I wonder if they’ll say it the way I pretend with the vids

Of course, I just now realized that probably won't be for another year now since it's in season 6. I did not think that one through.

His boy buddies grinned at him in response. “Come on future leader of the Lion Guard. Think about what Beshte would say at the idea of you taking on a wanted pony, under your leadership.

“Haven’t you thought to yourself what it’s like to be praised for good leadership?” His partner further tempted. “You know you want to!”

Please don’t make this be a throwaway line! Those kids deserve to be the next generation way more than Vitani and their Lionesses do.

I saw a few grammar mistakes here and there, but other than that, not bad. I should’ve known that Applejack wouldn’t be so easily fooled by the skinks. I wonder how long it’ll take for daddy to regain his spying magic so that way he won’t have to rely on the skinks or his minions to know what’s been going on. I also wonder if daddy also knows about Jasiri cause in the original episode of Rescue in the Outlands, daddy didn’t know about her until Janja told him. A few more things, will daddy discover Makucha and recruit him? He’d be a nice addition to the army. How will Makucha deal with the guard now that Kion’s a lion/Alicorn hybrid and that the rest of the guard now have magic? Sorry that I’m bombarding you with questions. Again, there’s so much I’m dying to know and you know how much I want answers

I just realized something. When you get to the Lion Guard season 3, you think maybe the whole journey from the Pride Lands to the Tree of Life won't be necessary since the portals to Equestria will probably bring them there to?

How’s the next chapter coming?

Coming along fine. Just remember unless I say otherwise, they are coming in on a weekly basis at least I try to, okay?

What’s this shiny item that’s gonna be a part of daddy’s plan?

Are you going to have Starlight Glimmer reform as she did in the show?

Starlight wearing a black dress and sunglasses with her mane styled up in a beehive? Sounds like a Breakfast at Tiffany's reference to me. Also really loved Discord singing Friend like Me.

Here’s an idea for when you get to MLP The Movie. Have Tempest and Grubber go live at the Tree of Life and help out the Guard when they get to the tree of life and run into the Night Pride.

Less than 12 days until the next chapter.

I was wondering if that one Griffin would get her comeuppance.

Anyway, I wonder what Jasiri has been up to this whole time

I wonder if daddy already knows about Jasiri, I mean he’s been watching the guard since day one so maybe he knows about their bond with her.

I thought daddy knew about Jasiri. I mean, wasn’t he watching them when Kion and Rainbow first met her? I didn’t think Kinyonga would be shown already, thought she would’ve made her debut in Undercover Kinyonga. Do Twilight and Kion know that daddy escaped? If Jasiri already knows that daddy’s alive and has magic, what’ll that mean for the Hyena Resistance episode?

Okay, so the events of season 4 were about a year.

Does raise a few questions, but I’ll just put those aside as unimportant.

One question that isn’t unimportant is does nobody check Tartarus? This isn’t even just at your story, Tirek escaped twice and not once did anyone notice until he attacked both times! Seriously, I’m hoping somebody gets the idea to check on the prisoners after this.

Anyway, nice to see what happened to Jasiri. And I do have to applaud a more clever use to get past the flies instead of relying on a striped headache. It also was cool seeing Kinyonga make an appearance. Hope she ends up doing more in the future.

And take the time you need. Quality beats quantity everyday. Especially if you want your story to also function smoothly.

Twilight, Twilight, Twilight.

I get you wanted to teach Zito a lesson, but causing panicked elephants to stampede and possibly hurt someone is crossing a line! Frankly, wouldn’t be surprised if this is implying she still has some darkness in her.

That or this is what happened when magic becomes a solution and we have to BS some excuse that would fail regardless.

Being quick to jump down Twilight’s throat.

Relax, I’m not starting more Twilight hate speech.

I’m just saying that the ends don’t always justify the means here.

Though I should point out since it might not have been made clear in my original comment that I more take this as being written into a corner than anything, and I’m not judging you for that since I’d happen to me as well.

Fair enough. ***…takes a deep breath..*

Never mind what I said.

Okay, good to see that the elephants and hippos are getting better at their bowling, and also styling in the elephants case.

Also now I have to know what happened to the gorillas.

And apparently there’s a new princess coming or something, and we’ve seen her before. I have a possible theory, but I don’t think she qualifies as she’s actually a queen

Um…I’m sorry but I don’t think I was quite specific enough. When I said that I was referring to a certain dragon and honey badger. So…

Aside from that in regards to the gorillas, good question. Like the gorilla king said himself that’s another story.

Hold up! Let me guess the name for the next chapter. “Princess Spike” I presume?
Hmm, I wonder if daddy might be involved because he could probably use Spike to get rid of Twilight

I’m just hoping the end isn’t as stacked against my boy as it was in the OG episode.

Yeah, the original episode was unfair to Spike, so Bunga going through this is okay with me.

As for next time, hoo boy. Yaks plus this Twilight will not go well. Better get the lawn chair.

Yeah it was this it made more sense to go with Bunga for much needed Character Development on his end considering he nearly caused a damaging tidal wave that washed away half of the Pride Lands population once before and if today wasn’t any indication something that’ll happen again and again if nothing else happens.

Though come to think of it maybe a princess episode on Kiara may be something worth exploring at in another season. Who knows. And again just me thinking of new episode ideas and that’s a way’s way so anyways on to the next episode for now.

Okay, looks like Scorpion’s Sting is coming in a while. But I’m not sure if it’ll be as good as the original version. Everyone already knows that daddy’s back.

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