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Chapter 6: Showdown Part 1 - There are two sides...

"It's late Discord. Now is not the time to be noticing the fact that we have all new ponies very much stuck here for the forseeable future." Twilight said.

"Wait, from what my father said, Discord can bend reality. Can't he just...I don't know...send us back and fix things that way?" Sunny asked.

"Actually not a bad idea..." Rainbow Dash considered.

"As much as I'd be all for doing that, I'm afraid I'm outclassed in that department. After all, if you're looking for the reason, you'll find it goes way above my head." Discord said.

"Now's not the time for jokes Discord." Twilight said.

"...Twilight..." Fluttershy noted.

"What?" Twilgiht asked.

"I don't think he's joking." Fluttershy said.

"...What?" Twilight said.

"While it's all too true that the magics these nine poured into those unity crystals and Starlight's modifications to Starswirl the Bearded's spell both played a huge role in causing your times to collide like they have; that wouldn't have been enough to drag every pony from the future to the present on it's own as well as cause the changes to the Everfree Forest and Canterlot Castle." Discord noted.

"You mean there's more I haven't considered?" Twilight said.

"Spill it, whose responsible Discord." Rainbow Dash said.

"Why don't you all get some well-deserved rest first. Trust me, you'll need it if you hope to actually take out the one responsible. After all, against him you'll need to be in top form." Discord said.

"The fact that Discord of all things is telling us we need rest before we out the one responsible, must be a serious thing." Twilight said. "I'm just not sure why you're helping us." She added.

"Oh, the very fact that the lot of you will be trying to go up against the one responsible will be chaos enough; after all, I'm not doing anything, and I'm being treated to quite a lot of chaos." Discord said.

The next day...

"So, who are we up against really? I'm all for kicking another bad guy's flank." Rainbow Dash said.

"There's just one little hitch. The one you're after isn't of a classification to be considered a bad guy by your standards. After all, he's one of the two sons of The Creator." Discord said.

"And who in Equestria is 'The Creator' exactly?" Twilight asked.

"A being who existed long before I ever did. The Creator has been given lots of titles; God of all creation, the god of all gods, the creator god...all titles bestowed upon one being by non-immortals that describe the same thing: The Creator. It's why when an immortal being like myself refers to him, we refer to him as The Creator. He crafted every world that exists and will continue to create more worlds in the future. But the Creator is as benevolent as gods get, as he simply creates a world, gives it the building blocks necessary for growth, creates life on that planet, before giving all life free will and leaving to continue the cycle elsewhere." Discord said

"You call that Benevolent?" Sprout asked.

"Sprout, don't be so rude." Hitch said.

"Actually, Sprout raises an interesting point. What mortal beings such as yourselves consider benevolent isn't the same thing for gods, as The Creator believes that gods are simply meant to be guiding forces; only getting involves in the matters of fully mortal beings if they absolutely must. And one of his two sons, The Greater God; whose name cannot be spoken nor heard by non-gods; shares this sentiment. But The Greater God's brother on the hoof, is a much different story. He believes that it's impossible for mortals to go without gods interfering with their lives, so he was under the belief that immortals should never mingle with mortal kind. That same brother is the one you're after." Discord said.

"So, we're essentially dealing with a god who believes that immortals should never mingle with us. But then why did he go and mess with us then?" Sunny asked.

"...Now that even I don't know..." Discord said.

"Well, no sense in dwelling on it. We know who we're after. Now, question is, where do we find him?" Rainbow Dash said.

"I believe that a mysterious black and white cave appeared just outside of Ponyville. You might consider looking there." Discord said.

"...This town really is a weirdness magnet." Haven said.

The group of sixteen ponies soon found the cave in question.

"Wait a moment, how the buck did we miss this? It's not that far from the train line." Starlight questioned.

"...Maybe we just weren't paying that much attention. After all, I think we were all caught up in the whole 'ponies from the future getting stuck in what is their past' ordeal." Applejack suggested.

"I was flying, and I didn't see it before now." Rainbow Dash said.

"...What's that got to do with anything?" Applejack asked.

"When it comes to things I so much as glance at during flight, I have a near photographic memory." Rainbow Dash said.

"...Huh..." Was all Applejack could say in response.

"So, it wasn't here yesterday then. But does that really matter? I want to go back home." Haven said.

"In we all go then." Twilight said as the group entered the cave. Inside, they were greeted by two hovering lights which soon smooshed together, creating a being that was pure energy, with one half of the body being made of white colored energy, and the other half was made up of black colored energy.

"You've come into my little abode. I thought I had hidden it well, but that chimera of a creature you call a Draconequus went and revealed the basic magics I had shielding this cave of mine." The mysterious being said.

"So, Discord revealed it." Zipp said. "That's why we didn't see it before hand." She added.

"Don't go thinking your chimera friend help you out all the same; he may be ageless and unable to die, but he is no god. Unlike myself of course." The being said.

"What are you, exactly?" Twilight said.

"A god. That plain and simple." The being said.

"Well, is it true: You caused the mess that happened with the ponies from future Equestria?" Flash Sentry asked.

"Why yes, yes I did. And I don't regret it. After all, I have so many questions, and thus I demand answers." The being said.

"I'll be more than willing to answer your questions after you take these ponies back to their time." Twilight said.

"And should I refuse, what do you plan to do?" The being asked, curious.

"We'll beat the stuffing out of you." Rainbow Dash said.

The being laughed. "You believe you can beat me up? Pegasi, Unicorn, Alicorn, or Earth Pony...it doesn't matter what your form may be...you are still just mortals. Whereas I am a god; the god of two sides Yin-Yang!" He said.

(Recommended Listening)

The ponies all began to attack the floating mass of energy, with Pinkie Pie somehow supplying rocks which the rest of the main six were quick to mention not to question. After a few bouts of zapping the mass of energy, it suddenly split apart, and then started attacking as two separate bodies.

"Did you really think I don't have a few of my own tricks up my non-existent sleeves? I am the god of two sides, my title and my name are quite literal in that regard. For every white, there is black; for every good there is evil; for every hope, there is despair. If you mortals seek to beat me, you'll have to put more effort into your attacks; you are dealing with the same god that once caused other gods to turn on another and managed to cause events that killed twelve of them. I suggest stepping up your game if you wish to beat me, as I haven't even begun to show you all of my various tricks." Yin-Yang said.

"How many tricks can one bad-guy have?" Izzy asked.

"Come on every pony, focus!" Flash Sentry said.

After a few more rounds of attacks, the energy being suddenly using more colored attacks.

"For the longest time, I've always believed you mortals were nothing; you were always beneath us gods, and forever unable to deal with problems on your own. But things have changed since those days. I've had my own belief challenged and questioned more than I could ever imagine. And just when I thought I finally had the answer, I found more questions popping up then I could hope to count. I MUST HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS! I NEED THEM!" Yin-Yang practically shouted.

"This dude is practically bad-crap insane!" Sprout said.

"Like your one to talk for what we heard you caused." Rainbow Dash said.

"This ain't got anything on what I did!" Sprout countered.

"For once, I'm inclined to agree on that; what kind of god does something like this for answers?" Hitch asked.

Finally, after another round of attacks, Yin-Yang started to explode, and when the explosions ended, his two souls were just floating in the air.

"Is it over?" Sunny asked. Suddenly, a bunch of beams mixed with white and black colors erupted around the cave as it transformed.

"...No...I fear we've only just begun this battle..." Twilight said.

To be continued...