• Member Since 1st Dec, 2017
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Bearer of the hearts of the fallen.



This story is a sequel to The Eternal Sphere

Several years have passed since the Incident where the former noble, Crystal Silicon, attempted to attack Equestria using digital monsters. Twilight Sparkle was ready to create a new galaxy in the Eternal Sphere simulator using the experimental Project Zereth and use it to maintain the cycle of life and death in the galaxy.

On a vulnerable world called Azeroth, Twilight used a procedure called Project Ankh to reincarnate her old friends from a thousand years ago. Her fellow Element Bearers and Starlight Glimmer were reborn among the races of Azeroth.

Aside from the many dangers coming enslave or destroy Azeroth, a hidden threat lurks in the shadows. The Equestrian Liberation Front, seeking to end the reign of the Alicorns, have tracked the seven fragments of power they were looking for to the experimental galaxy. The ELF will do what is necessary to retrieve the fragments from under Sphere's proverbial nose, even hiding themselves among Azeroth's people.

The dark tag is because it's Warcraft. While it has some funny and quirky elements to it, there are also plenty of dark elements too, the BFA arc especially.

Reading Starcraft: Warriors of Purity and The Eternal Sphere isn't required, though the former will give context on how this AU came to be.

Chapters (76)
Comments ( 64 )

I have no real reference for
'World of Warcraft'
Seekers of the Epitaph, will it be beginner friendly or do i need some hours of educated playtime?

I'll try to be as descriptive as I can but I'm not very confident in that area. If necessary you don't have to play the game but you can use the wiki sites as reference for better imagery.

Neat... So pressing the Reset button is still a possibility.

Sooo I get Warhammer vibes out of this chapter...

Are the Clones free of inherent gen illnesses? Might be a reason the brat kills herself before reaching adulthood...

There are genetic inherited illness that could kill a body going trough puberty, do to the hormones shifting.
Some Cancers are effected by hormones changes become more active.
Perhaps the dying before she becomes a adult is to avoid showing that all her clones are still holding this inherited time bomb of a illness. She might fear being seen as a liability, rather than a eccentric.
There might also be a more hooves on explanation.
She is rather a psychopath so perhaps she has a mental disorder. She might noticed that at a certain age it get worse and their for trys avoid getting worse.
The soul is effected by experience and perhaps experience that neurotic behavior at a certain age slowly increases the damage to her psychological health.

Making people recognized in a text based adventure under different names... Hot damn, you did bloody fine.

This reminds me of ways I played mmorpg.
Good times, good times.

Wow...just noticed this story about hour ago

I LOVE it so far tho

Keep up the great work please!

No guarantees of good work for the Classic arc at least. Blizzard has retconned the hell out of this arc over the years so I'm going to take some creative liberties for some parts.

Eh..I am never realy able to fit together all of the stuff going on in that qorld..ao I litteraly DONT expect the same storyline as the regular one for that place....still...I Wana see where this goes


Update :pinkiegasp:
And the day is saved :raritystarry:
Thanks for the update :yay:

Great build up of enemy and allies of the future alike!

Flutashe Lunarwind, Fluttershy with Lunas blessing? :pinkiegasp:

Hard to follow the story when the lore, characters and backgrounds are unknown and have no foundation for me. Yet I enjoyed it still a lot.

I do wonder how the different life time spans will effect the end.

Great chapter. Night Elfs are Shapeshifters? Neat.
Flutashe is a great diplomatic character.
I guess Discord is watching his old friend eventually?

Night elves are a race of purple-skinned elves who are pretty much nocturnal. They are worshippers of the Moon Goddess Elune and have a deep bond with nature. They mostly shun magic because they blamed it for the Azerothian version of Pangaea (if you forgot this in history class it's the prehistoric supercontinent that was almost 100% of Earth's landmass before it broke up and drifted into being the continents of today) breaking up into the continents and islands of today. :twistnerd:

Only druids are able to shapeshift into various animals with shamans being able to transform into spirit wolves (not sure why honestly). Any druid, tauren included, can shapeshift. Only reason Groun hasn't done so yet is because his bond to the spirit animals isn't as strong as Flutashe's.

I'm trying to be more descriptive without ending up writing 10000 words of description so please try to bear with me. :twilightsheepish:

As for life spans, elves are conditionally eternal but only as long as that source isn't disrupted. For night elves, it's the World Tree Nordrassil which was once blessed by dragons who control time. Even without the blessing, elves can still live for thousands of years. Of course that doesn't matter for this story since the reincarnated 6 were all born at around the same time. All 6 of them are 25 years old.

Hope noone is short lived by nature... Like humans.

Nice lore. Neat difference even if I font see why some classes are different if they are similar. But that's game logic :twilightsheepish:


New chapter!!

..also..sounds like next chapter might get a biiiit hectic

where’s rainbow dash reincarnation?

You'll see...:raritywink:

I left hints of her whereabouts in the second chapter and the previous chapter.

Son of a... Starlight has Red Dragonflight blood, at minimum.

Also, Rainbow Dash appears to have chosen my favorite class.

4th wall fun. I go even a step further and let Pinkie Pie interact with the Script :pinkiehappy:

1 Month. A nice to frame to rob the National Bank and high tail it...

Just out of curiosity... Has Spike a reincarnation? He made Twilight who she is in her younger age acting as moral combat and support...

Spike still lives. I sort of hinted at it in the previous story (I think). He's off living on his own but does visit Twilight every now and then.

Edit: For the sake of this story and the fact that the average lifespan of a dragon was never revealed in the show, Equestrian dragon lifespans will be about up there with Azerothian dragon lifespans which go for tens of thousands of years.

*reads the last lines of the chapter*

The buck?????

Yeah, I probably could have worded that better. Maybe the revised version I just wrote might sound better.


But what had realy confused me was the going to jail part...don't explain it until next chapter is out please..I don't want any spoilers for how it happens

Ah, you were referring to the A/N. Yeah, unless you play Alliance on WoW you wouldn't know what I'm talking about.

By the time the psychic transmission ended, the four were already on the outskirts of Moonbrook. As they entered the limits, they were quickly accosted by a number of Defias bandits. As they charged toward them, Stella cast a spell on all of them to make them randomly teleport around the area. Some ended up crashing hard into walls, some ended up stuck in walls, some ended up inside buildings and failed to stop their sprint in time to avoid tripping over clutter and crashing face first into walls. One of the most unfortunate bandits ended up getting teleported with his head up the plot of a stabled horse which spooked the animal into galloping all over the town slamming the body of the bandit into every wall the horse approached.

Police academy references :rainbowlaugh:

Bitter end for a little girl, but her father had his fate coming...
When ever I play Skyrim I loot about anything and everything Khajit style, maybe the little girl could do the same. Unfortunately did one need a pocket dimension storage for that...

To answer the question from the end of this chapter..YES I personally thought that was gona happrn given the last line of last chapter.

the BFA arc

Why? What happened in that arc?

You'll find out when we get there, even if it's going to be a long time before we get there.

Do any of the female characters in this series throw any punches?

Sophia has to pretend to be a rogue for the sake of blending in but her punches can be devastating if she wasn't worried about stealing the spotlight from the reincarnated 6. Other than that, you will have to wait until the 5th arc before one such character shows up.

That'd be Mists of Pandaria, if I'm correct in thinking the arcs are classic, then the expansions.

Once the group left to rest after their ordeal, Varian spotted a bronze-colored dragon whelp enter his throne room. When he landed the whelp transformed into a female gnome with pale blond hair, green eyes and wearing a white and black robe with bronze-colored armor. “Greetings Your Majesty, I have come to warn you of a major threat that will soon emerge from the Silithus Desert in southern Kalimdor.”


In Varian’s mind, the knowledge of the emerging threat seemed nowhere near as scary as a pink-haired gnome who could predict the future without being a member of the Bronze Dragonflight.

Yeah, same, Varian. And you don't even know the half of it.

2023, time to re-reading this :rainbowdetermined2:👍

I am surprised the undead Thanatas don't just start from scratch. That daughter don't seem to be worth the trouble even if she can be salvaged somehow :duck:

I can't really imagen former Applejack going back to Farm life until old age would force her. And than not to long at that...
She is simply to over qualified...

Generosity is well and hot, but one should never leave 100% reward behind. It's the principle that should keep 1% to be received :duck:

Twilight should make a big ass equicment for Spike. Literally a Dragon fitting into the setting :moustache:👍

I somehow get Harry Potter vibes from this Warhammer story :rainbowhuh:

The troll part just makes me laugh :rainbowlaugh:👍

Great power and great responsibility.
Or great power and just fucking enjoying the ride :trollestia:

Great chapter.

I wonder why they don't all spawn as undead...
They be high Profil once they meet anyway.
I don't really see it as high profile if a group for example of 5 undead rise together. There is strength in numbers to cover up strength of individuals...

Guess this is where the fun begins :yay:
To glory and the enemys death :raritywink:

Everyone is anyone's mother,father,daughter,son or pet...
This one just got unlucky to lose her earlier than many :ajsleepy:

Ha-ha! Stealth is lost and members of the Enemies are revealed!

Great chapter!

I guess mind controlling the evil bitch with mind controlling would be to easy?

Equicment is always in demand of maintaining or replacement.
Unless oneself is a blacksmith, i guess keeping good stuff at hand is always partialy a gamble...

Very entertaining dilemma the Rebellion is facing.
I wonder what the leader will think about it.
After sll, he is everyone's target...

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