• Published 23rd Aug 2022
  • 5,614 Views, 45 Comments

One Tree Orchard - RunicTreetops

One day, you went missing. Your friends Twilight and Spike set out to find you, but don't know what to expect from Equestria's only human.

  • ...

One Tree Orchard

Author's Note:

Hello again! This story takes place sometime during Season 3 of Friendship is Magic. This story is a sequel to my previous stories, "Royal-Tea for Two," "A Shallow Pool," and "The Worst Night Ever," so I would highly recommend checking those out first. The human in this story is the same as in those stories, AKA you, though this time the story is told from Twilight's perspective. As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

One Tree Orchard

“What do you mean no one has seen them?!”

“I mean that no one knows where they are! Nopony has seen them all day! I asked pretty much everyone in town. They never went to any stores, never visited any of our friends, they aren’t in their room, and I even sent a letter to Princess Celestia and she hasn’t seen them either! I don’t know where else to look, Twilight!”

My name is Twilight Sparkle. I’m the top student of Princess Celestia, and I’m currently living in the Golden Oak Library in Ponyville studying the magic of friendship. Unfortunately, I might not be fulfilling that role very well today. You see, two of my closest friends live in the library with me. One is Spike, my personal assistant and confidant, who also happens to be a baby dragon. I also may or may not be having a slight argument with him right now. The other is my newest friend, a human who appeared in Equestria in a freak accident some months ago. They gave everypony a real scare, being the first and only human on our planet as far as we know, but Princess Celestia gave them a chance and arranged to have them live with Spike and I while they adjust to their new life. This turned out to be a good call on her part, as they are not only a wonderful friend, but they also helped save Equestria from a terrible beast! They’ve really made a name for themself since, getting a job, making friends, and between you and I, I think they have something going on with the Princess.

Despite this adjustment, I have taken it upon myself to watch over them. For all intents and purposes, they ARE an alien, and they seem to get hit with culture shock fairly regularly. Most recently, the Running of the Leaves really got them confused. Apparently, in the human world, the weather controls itself, the sun and the moon don’t have to be raised magically, and even the seasons change all on their own. Thankfully, they have me to educate them on our “foreign” ways, and I generally make it a point to look after them in general. Today, however, I have failed. They have gone missing. They woke up for breakfast as they usually do, but right when I stopped paying attention, they just... disappeared. As far as I’m concerned, the worst-case scenario may as well have already occurred.

“What if they got themself lost? What if some unseen villain got to them? What if another magical surge happened and they’re gone from Equestria forever?!”

“Twilight, try to calm down! For one thing, they’ve been living here for months, they certainly know their way around by now. Even if some 'villain' decided to show up, let’s not forget that they’re just as capable as us at defending themself, if not more, especially with all the magic lessons you’ve been giving them. And come on, you know that the odds of a magic surge happening in the first place are so astronomically low that it may as well be impossible, especially for it to have the same effect on the same creature as it did the first time.”

“That’s just it, Spike! ‘It may as well be impossible’ and ‘impossible’ are two different things! And I’ve been keeping a close eye on their progress, while they are definitely improving, their magic isn’t nearly reliable enough for any form of self-defense!”

“Come on, Twilight, don’t you trust them by now?”

“I…” Well, he’s got me there.

“You can’t keep babying them. They’re a grown adult, they can take care of themself.”

Just as I’ve been practicing, I took a deep breath. In... and out.

"You're right. But I'm still worried. Ponies don't just disappear like that."

"Well, what other possibilities are there?"

"Okay, how about this, then? Let's assume the worst has not happened. You said nopony has seen them, correct?"

"Well I can't say I asked literally everypony in Ponyville, but at the very least, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and even Pinkie said they haven't seen them, nor has anypony in the market or the other ponies I spoke to."

"If even Pinkie hasn't seen them there might actually be some trouble. If they didn't go towards the market, they either went towards the Apples' farm or the outskirts of town, over by the train station, the Everfree Forest and Fluttershy's cottage."

"I already asked Big Mac and Granny Smith, and they obviously said they haven't seen them either, and as I said earlier, Fluttershy said the same thing."

"Then we can assume that they didn't go towards the Apples' farm at all and that they at least didn't make it to the cottage, either... You don't think they got on the train, do you?"

"Where would they go? Can't they just teleport to Canterlot now?"

"I'm not sure, but it can't hurt to at least check it out. Let's go, Spike!"

I quickly gathered up my saddlebag and levitated Spike onto my back. He adjusted himself to get comfortable as I jogged out of the library. Let's hope I'm right about this, this could be life or death and oh I think I forgot to lock the door hold on.

The jog to the train station was uneventful. For a late autumn day, it is quite warm. I can feel the sweat beginning to collect under my bangs and the dragon on my back isn't doing me any favors, but that's the least of my concerns right about now. I can see why, even in spite of being a tall human, nopony has seen them. After all, there are very few ponies outside today.

"Finally, the platform. Let's ask the ticket seller if he's seen anything."

I walked up to the usual train ticket booth, and the hardworking stallion greeted me with a tired smile.

"Ah, Twilight Sparkle! How can I help you today?"

"Hello! I'm sorry, but I won't be purchasing a ticket today, I was actually looking for someone. Have you seen a human walk by here recently?"

"A... human? Are you referring to that ape-looking creature that moved into town?"

"Yes, that's exactly who I'm talking about!"

"Well I certainly did. They walked right into the Everfree Forest, they did. I tried calling out to them but they didn't so much as glance in my direction. I figured they were out there on your behalf or something, but judging by how increasingly worried you're looking as I'm talking, I'm guessing that's not the case. I sure hope they're alright."

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. The Everfree Forest is possibly the most dangerous and scary place in Equestria! Tons of ravenous creatures live in there! Even the flora can be dangerous, just by walking through it! The weather CONTROLS ITSELF! That's not natural!

"Come on Spike, we have no time to lose! Who knows what kind of danger they might be in!"

"This time, I actually agree with you. I think it's officially time to start worrying."

"We'll head to Zecora's and ask if she's seen them. If we're lucky, they haven't made it very far."

It's a little past noon, and they've been missing for the better part of four hours now. I just hope we aren't too late. At the very least, the path into the Everfree Forest is safe, at least compared to the rest of it. The path eventually leads to the Castle of the Two Sisters where my friends and I first united and defeated Nightmare Moon, though there is a side path that leads to Zecora's hut in the middle of the forest. She's very in-tune with this section of the forest, so I can only hope that she will be able to help us.

It takes about twenty minutes to reach Zecora's hut, even when jogging. Climbing over fallen logs and avoiding Poison Joke plants tends to slow a pony down, and the dragon passenger doesn't help either. Finally, however, we have reached the cottage. I can only try to steady my shaking hoof as I reach out to knock on the wooden door.

Thankfully, the door creaks open, and a friendly striped face greets me. Zecora is a zebra that once freaked out Ponyville. She's actually very nice and is extremely intelligent when it comes to medicines as well as the arcane, though her manner of speech can be a bit odd.

"Ah, dearest Twilight and Spike, how do you do? Not well, judging by the look of you."

Spike actually managed to speak up before I did.

"Hey, Zecora. Sorry, but we're kind of in a hurry. Did you happen to see a human pass through here lately? You know, kind of tall, furless, bipedal?"

Zecora glanced to the side and actually looked a bit conflicted. She thought for a moment before she met my gaze once more, visibly worried about something.

"Yes, your human compatriot, I did see. Though if I were you, I would leave them be."

That's a bit worrying, but at least we know that they're okay!

"So you DID see them! That's very relieving, actually. That said... why shouldn't we see them?"

She hesitated once more. It seems like she's torn about whether or not to say something to us.

"Come here before, the human has. Truly, they are a great friend to have. But pleasant visits are fairly rare, for your friend is seeking emotional care."

Once again, Spike got a few words in before me.

"Emotional care? Like, a therapist or something? I didn't know there was anything wrong with them."

Neither did I. Oh, I hope they're okay. Zecora continued to hesitate, before looking a bit more determined. I guess she made up her mind about what she wants to do.

"Ask them yourselves, I must implore. I do not wish to keep secrets anymore. Perhaps when they see you they will share what's on their mind, but until then, do your best to be kind."

That doesn't sound good. Is it our fault that they're upset? Is it MY fault that they're upset? I attempt my breathing exercise once more, but I'm finding it hard to keep my breaths steady right now.

Zecora pointed us where to go. A small trail leading from the back of her hut will apparently lead right to them. At the very least, we know that they're not missing. We thanked Zecora and started walking down the trail. It was a bit more overgrown than the main trail, but it was still clear enough to navigate, likely from frequent use by Zecora (and, apparently, our resident human). Innumerable trees and thick branches shrouded the path in darkness, with only the smallest slits and gaps in the canopy allowing sunlight to show our way through. To be safe, I cast an illumination spell as we walked. For what it's worth, the forest is beautiful this time of year. The leaves are many different hues of yellows, reds, oranges, and browns. Several fall to the ground when the wind begins to pick up. If it wasn't so dangerous through here I might consider making this a regular hiking spot.

After a solid ten minutes of walking, the trees suddenly stopped. A circular clearing lay before us, a good hundred or so feet in diameter. In the center stood a marvelous tree. The trunk seemed to twist around itself as it stretched to the sky. The bark was a light brown, but it looked fairly smooth to the touch. A couple of thin vines wrapped around the trunk all the way to the branches, which did not start until about three-quarters of the way up the tree. Despite the season, the leaves were still a bright, vivid green. The tree stood about seventy-five feet tall, but the most incredible part was the fruit. Specifically, the variety of fruit. Hanging from the branches were apples, peaches, pears, oranges, cherries, lemons, you name it. Along the vines grew several large bunches of grapes, both green and purple in color. At the base of the tree, watermelons and pumpkins seemed to be blooming, and next to those, sitting with their legs crossed and their back hunched forward, is our "missing person." They seem to be staring quite intently at the base of the tree, and apparently they haven't noticed us yet. I drop the illumination spell and Spike hops off of my back with a little grunt. I notice our human friend's head turn quickly, and just as quickly they are on their feet. They reach one hand into a pocket and quickly point that same hand at us. It took me a moment to realize what had happened, but the reflective glint from the sunlight made it clear.

They brandished a knife, and it is pointed right at us.

My jaw drops and I want to say something, anything, but nothing comes out. Thankfully, their frightened look turns to one of ease, and they put the knife back in their pocket.

"Twilight? Spike? Uh, sorry about that. You can't be too careful in these parts."

Their voice is trembling. We walk forward to meet them. Their eyes are only half opened, and they seem a bit red. Have they been crying? I guess we're about to find out. I don't want to push them too hard, but the time for questions is now.

"I'm sorry we spooked you, but we had no idea where you went! We thought the worst had happened to you, and then Zecora was being a bit cryptic about how you were doing, and I just wanted to know that you were okay!"

They gave me a confused look before speaking again.

"Well, I think Zecora took it upon herself to be cryptic about me, but I don't know why you were so scared. Didn't you see the note I left on your desk?"

The what now? The note on my desk? There wasn't a... huh. I guess I never actually thought to look in MY room. For whatever reason, they never really go up there. If I had to guess, I'd say they're trying to respect my privacy, but that's just speculation on my part. They seem particular about others not entering their room without any warning, so I imagine they're just trying to give me the same courtesy. Regardless, no, I did NOT see the note. Oops.

Spike, cut it with the look. Staring at me like that won't change anything.

"No, I, uh, didn't think to check in my room. But, since we're already here... would you mind telling us what's going on?"

They let out a deep sigh before slowly turning around to face the tree once more. They take a few steps toward the tree and motion for us to follow. We oblige until the three of us are right below it. Spike and I both look at them as we wait for them to start speaking. It was a few seconds of silence before they sighed once more. They closed their eyes before finally speaking up, a single tear dripping down their cheek. When they did speak, it was barely audible.

"Can... can you get rid of it?" They reached out to touch the tree. "The tree, I mean."

"I'm sorry, what do you mean?"

"With, like, a spell or something. This tree doesn't belong here. It shouldn't exist in the first place."

"Well, I guess I MIGHT be able to. But more importantly, why? What are you talking about? What is it?"

Another sigh. "I... made this tree. But not on purpose. I tried to get rid of it, but I don't think my magic is strong enough. My... my magic pool isn't big enough yet."

Spike spoke up this time. "Wait wait wait, you MADE this tree? But I thought your magic was still weak! I don't even think Twilight can do something like this! And why would you want to get rid of it? Look at all of the different fruit! It's incredible!"

"The 'incredible' belongs in Ponyville, not here!" Oh dear. They kind of snapped at Spike there, but they still haven't really said what's got them so upset! They took a deep breath, just like I do when I'm nervous. I'm glad they're picking up some of my healthier habits, at least. "Um, sorry for raising my voice. It's just that the Everfree Forest is supposed to be, well, 'free.' This place doesn't abide by Equestria's rules. Nobody needs to move the clouds, nobody needs to change the weather, nobody needs to go for a run to make the darn leaves fall. It's just nature. And this tree goes against all of that. This was made using magic. It's not even a real species of tree! I'd be excited if this was anywhere else, but not here. And to be honest, I'm not really sure HOW I made it."

"I guess I see where you're coming from, but why do you care so much? What does it matter if this tree is here?"

The tears continue to flow from their eyes. Not quite enough for them to be bawling or anything, but enough for their voice to be a bit raspy.

"I've been coming here for a while. To meditate, I guess. After you brought me to come see Zecora some months ago I realized how much I like it here. Don't get me wrong, Equestria is a wonderful place, but the Everfree Forest? It actually feels like home. I know you all think it's some wild and dangerous place, and frankly, you're right. But you know what? So was home. You couldn't just ask the weather team to change where the clouds were. You didn't have to make the leaves fall or clean up the snow in the spring. Your neighbors weren't always going to be friendly, and you could very well have to defend yourself, either physically or emotionally, on any given day."

"I don't mean to be rude, but that sounds like a terrible way to live."

"Maybe. But it's all I've ever known. Again, I love Equestria, I really do. But I miss my home. I miss my family, I miss my dreams." They turned to look me dead in the eyes. "I appreciate all you've done Twilight, but it's not easy to just leave everything behind. I... I didn't even get to say goodbye."

NOW they're bawling. They fall to their knees and rest their head on the tree's trunk above a half-grown watermelon. Spike and I attempt to rub their shoulders as they cry. Neither of us can find the words as we do our best to silently comfort them for what feels like an eternity. Finally, they attempt to wipe away their tears and begin to stand back up.

"I asked Zecora if there was a space where I could just appreciate the forest around me. She directed me to this clearing, and I've been coming fairly regularly ever since. Whenever I start to feel homesick, I come here. But about a month ago, I decided to start multitasking. While I was thinking about my home, my life, my dreams... I would also start the magical endurance exercise you taught me."

Yes, I taught them that a few days after we learned they could use magic. Basically, you enter a meditative state and slowly exert concentrated magic from your entire body. You try to do it slowly, and for as long as possible. Doing so is sort of like holding your breath, or sprinting for as long as you can. You slowly use up all of the magic you have in a way that avoids any specific type of spell, and by doing so, you build your magical endurance and slowly but surely increase the size of your magic pool. As I remember teaching them this, they continue talking.

"One day, I opened my eyes after finishing the exercise and saw a little sprout in front of me. I didn't really think anything of it, but the next time I came here the sprout was a bit larger. After I finished my exercise that day, the tree had grown almost twenty feet and fruit starting appearing. Today, I came back to this. It's obviously my fault that this tree exists. Don't get me wrong, it's really neat, but it goes against the very reason I'm here. It doesn't belong." They closed their eyes and starting clenching their fists. "It's just like me."

Finally, it all makes sense. Even after everything, all the friends they've made, the discoveries and victories they've been a part of, they still feel homesick. They still think they shouldn't be here. To them, that magical surge was likely the worst thing that ever happened to them. But to me...

"Ow! Twilight, what was that for?!"

Oops. I, uh, may or may not have hit them in the back of the head. Oh well, here goes.

"Now you listen here. I'm not going to let you speak about my friend like that. You're incredible! You saved Equestria! You became the first member of your species to learn how to do magic! You helped our princess find as much happiness as she's given the rest of us, and you've done all of this with no obligation to cooperate with anypony!"

I stand on my hind legs and use their chest to prop myself up in an effort to meet them at eye level. I'm still a bit too short for that, but it's better than nothing.

"I know you miss your home. I don't blame you one bit, nor am I telling you that you're wrong for doing so or that you should stop missing it. But you've made the lives of everypony around you so much brighter! You've made our already happy library even happier! So please, don't think that you don't belong. Don't start having doubts about yourself."

I let go and end up back on four hooves once more. Spike and I look up at the massive fruit tree, and they follow our gaze.

"And just like this one-tree orchard, you're a real marvel. Sure, you're different. And sure, the environment you're in wasn't really expecting you."

Almost as if on cue, several majestic birds, which may or not be phoenixes (I can't really tell from this distance, but it'd be a lot cooler if I'm right about that) glide down and land in the tree's branches, snacking on some of the fruits growing there.

"But that doesn't mean you don't belong. In fact, it might be right where you're supposed to be."

The three of us watch the avians for several quiet moments before I hear our human friend begin to sob again. Spike and I turn to look at them right as they bend down to pull us both into a tight hug. We return the sentiment, and we stay like that for several minutes. Finally, they let go and wipe their eyes once more. By now the sun is starting to go down, bathing the already brilliantly colored forest in even more color.

"I think we should get you home."

They chuckle. Finally, a sign of happiness.

"Yeah, I think you're right. I'll... keep an eye on this tree for a while. But for now..." They look at me once again. "I don't think I'll need to come here quite as often anymore."

Spike speaks up again for the first time in a while. "Well that's a relief. At least Twilight won't be making me interrogate everypony in town anymore."

They gave a hearty laugh at that. "Twilight, did you make poor Spike do that?"

"Oh, don't give me that! You were MISSING!"

The three of us walk back down the path to Zecora's as the sunset begins turning the horizon a deep violet. I don't know if I'm doing the best job at being friends with this human, and we clearly still have a long way to go, but right now I think I'm just glad to have them in my life. I won't stop them from wanting to go home, but I hope they know just how much they are appreciated and loved.

I can't wait to watch their beautiful life bear fruit.

Comments ( 45 )

What made you decide to not make this story in the second person?

I mostly just wanted to try something new, but I also felt that a story like this is better told in the first person. I intend to return to a second person narrative in the next one.

HumanSVD #3 · Aug 23rd, 2022 · · 30 ·

Why are you referring to the single human as "they"? It's only one individual. This smacks of freaking woke pronoun crap.

I use they/them for the human as the human in this series is meant to be the reader. As such, the pronouns for said human are whatever the reader would like for them to be.

Absolutely love the anthology going on, and I can’t wait for the next one (especially between the MC and Celestia). Keep up the great work!

With how much the human’s power is growing, one of these future stories is gonna be summarized as “baby’s first Kamehameha” isn’t it? :rainbowlaugh:

The singular they, as to refer to one unnamed or unknown person, has been used in the English language as early as the 14th century. It's hardly new, and it's hardly "woke".

HumanSVD #8 · Aug 24th, 2022 · · 18 ·

Oh please, no one uses that in practical everyday speech. It's a blatant attempt to promote the gender neutral pronoun game. It's asinine.

I think we both know why no one in your friend group doesn't use gender neutral terms, and it's not because they are words that are unpopular or unused. Like I said, the definition of the singular they has been around for longer than the United State has existed. I get that you don't like that, but unfortunately you can't change the past. Seethe and cope, my friend. Seethe and cope.

No one uses this and you damn well know it. It's garbage.

If no one uses it, who are you getting angry at? lmao

The writer, it's distracting to read this story. Having the MC be an ambiguous unknown is dumb.

I am baffled how you can be serious while saying 'no one uses this word' and 'the writer uses this word' in the same breath. Holy shit the mental gymnastics are reaching olympian levels here.


you're a grown ass man on a site about multicolored horses having a meltdown about pronouns - think about that for a minute and let it sink in just how ridiculously petulant you're acting

aren't there bigger issues in the world for you to get steamed at rn that don't involve treating people with some amount of common decency? have you self-emasculated nutbars learned fuck all from this show? be better m8, c'mon

What are you lecturing me about? Where is the pro-noun episode? What lessons?

Oh, please, if that's your position then why are you here? Shouldn't YOU be doing something more important?

Oh, and you assumed my gender, bigot.

cool now try it again without moving the goalposts/intentionally being obtuse and missing the point - if you can't do that then feel free to wallow in your own pointless fantasized persecution complex for the rest of time until you inevitably shrivel up into a microcosmic cortex of self-inflicted bitterness and SDE-induced malding meathead misery, it's no skin off my teeth if you have such an obvious humiliation kink

I have to agree... the pronouns are kinda annoying... like Did Twilight never ask his name?

We wouldn't know really. It's kinda of like Anonymous except we know it's a guy and said guy has a variety of characterizations. This just comes off as "person" and nothing else.

It's like naming a ship called the "Vessel". Oh wait...

Eh.. I sorta take it as a insult when someone calls me them or him, I have a name...

Comment posted by RunicTreetops deleted Sep 4th, 2022

I'm still waiting on the citation of pro-nouns from the episodes. All you're doing is slinging overinflated insults to make yourself sound articulate.

Don't listen to him... he only throw insults at you and they're 5th grade level insults

В комментариях педерастия какая-то.

Магия дружбы, а не педерастия

Damn you're pathetic. Seriously, how miserable do you have to be to get upset about people trying to be inclusive. If you get this upset about people trying to be inclusive, how about you leave the site and go rewatch Bridle Gossip. And this time, actually pay attention to what the show is trying to teach you.

And no, that episode is not just about racism. It is about treating people with other worldviews with respect. There is no meaningful difference between where racism and your transphobia originate from. Both come from disgust for people who are different than you.

Oh, and one other thing. Don't bother resorting to gaslighting by pretending that you're not a transphobe. The fact that you have a problem with people who use the word "they" can only come forth out of wilful ignorance and transphobia. The fact that you are accusing the author of catering to "woke" culture tells me that it isn't ignorance. Nope, you're knowingly and willingly being abusive to trans people trying to pretend that they do not exist and attempting to silence anyone who supports them. "Ignore, silence, threaten, isolate, victim blame and downplay." Those are the tools of an abuser. And you've used 4 of those tools already.

Not to mention that you are openly displaying your transphobia on a fic that doesn't even have anything to do with the trans community. This is a first person fic in a second person series. Usage of the word they is the standard in these scenarios to refer to the main character. In fact, I suspect that the trans community adopted the use of the word they from these kinds of stories.

Nah, stop worshipping mentally ill people.

Excuse me? For your information, I myself have autism. I'm confident that I know quite a bit more about what makes someone mentally ill than someone as pathetic as you does. Both based on personal experience and the book worth of evidence I've encountered over the course of my life. Being trans is not by any usable standard a form of mental illness. Meanwhile, your behaviour fully qualifies as a form of abuse. Thanks for exposing what kind of person you really are.

All this arguing about pronouns and no one mentions how useful an One Orchard Tree would be.

bro, you got absolutely flamed. and countered by people that are so much more educated than you. so shut up.
grow up kid, stop baby raging over a story that is literally about ponies on the internet


Excuse me? For your information, I myself have autism.

So? So what?

I'm confident that I know quite a bit more about what makes someone mentally ill than someone as pathetic as you does.

How is boaby formed?

Both based on personal experience and the book worth of evidence I've encountered over the course of my life.

An anecdote with out telling me said anecdote and "the book worth of evidence". Translation: Trust me bro.

Being trans is not by any usable standard a form of mental illness

It most certainly is. It's not normal and it's almost a tragic fashion trend at this point. Even if you disagree with me on that point, which you are free to do like everyone else downvoting me, the overwhelming majority of people DO NOT REFER TO INDIVIDUALS AS THEY. It's stupid, it's dumb, and it's impractical as hell to play the guess the gender game.

Meanwhile, your behaviour fully qualifies as a form of abuse.

Voicing dissent and voicing an opinion that the author chose "they" instead of choosing to call the character a guy or gal is abuse? What are you, a fascist?


Woah, like totes true duuude.

The issue is the choice of "they". It's dumb. Just call the guy a guy or write it as a girl. Not this undefined individual who cannot be described apparently. Saying don't get "mad at a pony story" is a cop out.

And good I got ratio'd. Someone needs to push back on this stupidity.

No one uses "they" to refer to a person, it's either guy or gal, man or woman, he or she etc. The word "they" is used to refer to multiple people. Using the word, "they" to refer to a single person is stupid. That's a newly invested thing leftists and trans obsessed folks use. Now can you try to not be willfully ignorant?

you're delusional. i literally use they all the time to basically everyone, i never use he or she because tbh too complex for half-lazy me. but, im not gonna argue and you can stay in your fairytale land of misinformation fed by twitter, and lack of friends (maybe probably father too).

The average person does not. It's a new thing. Whoopie do

really isnt though. but your entitled to your own warped opinions.

Ah yes. A lot of whining about how I'm providing anecdotes while you've provided absolutely nothing. No evidence, no statements made by experts, nothing but your own bigoted worthless opinions. All while constantly throwing insults and accusations around that you have no basis for. All while pretending that you shouting an accusation is enough to shift the burden of proof to others.

Like I said before, you are absolutely pathetic.

And just in case you're planning to to play the pot meet kettle card: my accusations are based on your behaviour and the statements you made. As for the insults I throw your way, they are in addition to the arguments I present. Not as a replacement for arguments.

A newly invented thing, you say? You've got a strange concept of "new". The singular they has been used since the 14th century. I would personally not call that new.

A source from the Oxford English Dictionary: https://public.oed.com/blog/a-brief-history-of-singular-they/

It's okay to be angry over things. But please do try to understand that you're wrong, empirically so. You're just angry and bitter and sad, with nothing better to do than to go around being confrontational over LANGUAGE. It's pathetic.


A lot of whining about how I'm providing anecdotes while you've provided absolutely nothing

What anecdote? You didn't even provide that!

I see the woke American sickness is in the mlp fanfiction now. I'm not very surprised. Enjoy your Bud Light dude, cheer !

Yo viendo que todos los comentarios, gente peleándose porque el autor utilizo "they" para referirse al prota.

Buen capitulo, pero diría que tendrías que ser más profundo con el protagonista si quieres que estos momentos sean más sentimentales, y que hallan más diálogos.

Me gusta tus historias 😍

Man, this story made me tear up a little bit. Anon feeling like he violated his personal sanctuary was a pretty good tear-jerker. Still loved it tho!:twilightsmile:

The 'woke American sickness'? I don't think I saw anything political or even controversial in this story. It's a cute but sad fic about Anon missing their home.

This is months old I know but I still gotta say this. only thing I have a problem with is the t in lgb the trans community is targeting kids and even in worse cases are usually pedophiles and sexual predators just feels like people who identify as trans is using the lbg community as a shield. You got autism far as I'm concerned and society as well that's not a big deal you wanna talk about REAL mental issues go to a mental hospital see the difference between them and you.

months old comment i know.No he is not you are the one who's delusional who ever is encouraging you to say that has failed you. never in my life has anyone every referred to a single person as they just sounds like your whole life has yes people if what your saying is true. Either way done venting if the author wanted the gender not to be know just say it or man and woman

you are so out of touch with society that im going to withdraw, i totally forgot about this but you brought it up again. you didn't need to start this argument over again because of your opinion. you're now going to continue arguing because you don't know how to move on or leave something thats over alone.

I, for one, actually liked the story. Too bad the comments were hijacked for a political debate.

Fruit salad trees are a real thing.

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