• Published 12th Nov 2022
  • 2,971 Views, 355 Comments

A Dark Knight Over Canterlot - Battwell

Darkness personified. Vengeance incarnate. How does one who embodies such ideals work with those who embody Harmony and Friendship?

  • ...

Joke's on You

Canterlot City

"Ah ah ah, don't touch that remote." Joker warned, wagging his index finger at the camera before continuing, "Now I know it's heartbreaking to have your favorite show preempted. But look what you're getting instead. ME! And a whole truckload of mindless violence and wanton property damage, everything that makes TV great! So stay tuned! You won't believe your eyes."

The Joker's manic grin sent chills down the spines of The Rainbooms, it was safe to say that they were absolutely horrified. Heck, even Twilight and Spike were scared of this guy, but they had no idea why. Batman just scowled at the television while Riddler seethed in anger, the clown was showing him up after all.

Once The Joker laughed, Fluttershy let out a startled cry and moved to hide behind Rainbow Dash, feeling somewhat safer behind her prismatic friend.

Joker then started talking again, getting the attention of everyone in the gymnasium, "Citizens. Christmas is a time for togetherness. And what better form of togetherness is there than coming together to disembowel our enemies? Hahahahahaha!" The Clown Prince then started moving around, the camera panning around to follow the manic clown, "As of right now, I have planted eight bombs all across Canterlot City, filled with my delicious patented 'Joker Toxin'! Everyone within a ten block radius of my little stocking stuffers will be laughing all the way in exactly one hour!" The mad man then stopped and tugged on a loose string, pulling down a map of Canterlot City with certain areas marked with a smile.

"Here's the jist, folks! I know there's a certain flying rat in town, and I know that you can hear this Batsy! After all, we both know that you can't ignore me, can you? So here's how this is going to go down. Eight bombs, all connected to one another, set one off, they ALL go off. Disarm one without disarming the others, they all go off!!! Ooooh, I can't wait to put this town full of nobodies on the map with my Christmas gifts!" Joker shouted before leaning in towards the camera, "Let's see ole Bat Face pull something out of his rear with this! HAH!!!"

He then turned around to face The Dazzlings, who were dancing to the background music. Sunset was wondering why The Dazzlings were even there. Why would they work with The Joker?

Joker gave them a thumbs up, "Keep it up, ladies, you're doing great!" He complimented them before turning to face the camera again, rubbing his hands together with anticipation, "Now that introductions are out of the way, let's not waste anymore time!" Suddenly, a countdown appeared on the bottom left side of the screen.




"Better get a move on Bats! You have about..." He said, drifting off before glancing downward towards his left. His face then turned to one of worry, "Oh dear, that's not a lot of time!" He feigned worry before his face shifted back into that classic Joker Grin, "You're move, Batman. Hahahahahahahahaha!!!"

Batman's frown deepened as the Clown Prince of Crime laughed maniacally. He couldn't allow Joker to put this town in danger, he had to be stopped. But a sudden explosion from somewhere inside the school caught everyone's attention. Wanting to see what had happened, The Rainbooms rushed out of the gymnasium and saw a purple van with Joker's face plastered on the side of it fleeing the crime scene.

Batman soon joined them with Riddler in custody, only for the villain to yell in frustration as the backdoors opened, revealing Riddler's tech and a female jester holding a giant mallet.

Harley Quinn laughed like a school girl before blowing a raspberry at the group of heroes, specifically Batman.

"NOOOOO!!!" Riddler screamed dramatically as the jester got away with his tech, "My tech! That jester stole my possessions! They were mine, mine, mine!!!"

The sound of The Joker laughing caused Batman to quickly return into the gymnasium, with Sunset and the others in toe.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Joker laughed, placing his hand on his forehead, "I've just been informed that my lovely Harley has stolen Eddie's tech! Oooohhhh I would just love to see the look on that losers face!" Joker then clapped his hands together, "Now I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Sunset Shimmer," Sunset's eyes widened as The Joker said her name, "Thanks to her I was able to steal Eddie's tech from right under his AND Batman's long pointy nose!"

Sunset took a step back in shock and confusion. How did she manage to help The Joker of all people? This didn't make any sense. As she was about to have a panic attack, Batman saw a flash of light from the corner of his eye coming from Sunset's shoulder. He walked over and pinched at her shoulder, grabbing a small tracking device in the shape of a playing card.

The former Equestrian turned around and stared at the miniature device in shock.

"Joker must've been tracking you with this." Batman surmised before crushing the device with his thumb and index finger.

Sunset stared into space, how did The Joker manage to plant a tracker on her? She never encountered the psycho clown before, so how did he do it? Then her eyes shot open in realization. Adagio and The Dazzlings! They must've planted it on her when they bumped into each other on the sidewalk.

Sunset then took a moment to stare at the television, noting the countdown on the bottom left of the screen.




They were running out of time, they had to move now.

"So what do ya say, Batsy?" Joker cut in once more, "Wanna roast chestnuts?" He asked menacingly before laughing again.

Without wasting any time, Batman shoved Riddler into the corner of the room and placed a pair of Bat Cuffs onto his ankles, preventing him from going anywhere.

"Oh this is just degrading." Nygma complained as Batman moved towards the exit.

The Rainbooms looked at the Caped Crusader curiously before Pinkie asked, "Hey, where are ya going?"

Batman stopped at the door before turning his head slightly, "The Joker has to be stopped."

"Yeah, but you can't stop him on your own!" Rainbow piped up.

"Ya need help, partner." Applejack added as Batman turned around to face the group.

"I've stopped him before, I can do it again." Batman argued, not wanting these kids to get anymore involved.

Rarity then decided to throw in her two bits, "But this is our home on the line. We cannot just stand by and watch it be destroyed."

"Besides there are eight bombs to deactivate in one hour! No offense, but I don't think even you could pull that off." Sci-Twi explained, which was surprising considering she didn't want to get involved before. But her home was on the line, and she wouldn't stand by and do nothing.

Twilight stood forward in front of the group with pleading eyes, "Please, we know you don't want us to get hurt. But we're asking you to trust us to help you. I don't even care about proving myself anymore, I just want to do what's right and save my friends' home."

Pinkie bounced beside Rainbow Dash excitedly, "Besides, it wouldn't be a crossover story if we didn't end up teaming up!"

Fluttershy, although she didn't say anything, stood forward and nodded enthusiastically.

Sunset walked forward and stood alongside Twilight, looking to Batman with nothing but determination in her eyes, "Please, trust us. Just like how I've trusted you."

Batman grit his teeth in frustration, he didn't have time for this. On one hand, they all could go and defuse the bombs while he stops Joker, saving the city. But on the other hand, they were kids, they could get killed! All these variables and time was running out. He had to make a decision, and he had to make it now.

Bruce exhaled and focused his gaze on the eight girls standing before him. Looking at each and everyone of them, he saw a fire burning within them, wanting to do what's right. In a way, that earned a lot of respect from Batman, even though he didn't show it.

He saw Sunset's eyes and knew that this was the only way to beat Joker's twisted game.

Eventually, Batman relented, "Fine." This actually surprised The Rainbooms, given how stubborn Batman can be, "I'll let you help. But under no circumstance are any of you to go anywhere near The Joker, am I clear?"

The Rainbooms nodded before Pinkie pulled out her phone, "And we can find the bombs with this!" Everyone turned to her at her proclamation, staring at her confusedly. The pink girl shrugged, "What? I took a photo of the map Joker put on screen. Now we can find the bombs easy peazy!"

The girls all gathered round Pinkie, staring down at her phone.

Eight bombs. Eight different locations.

Sci-Twi squinted her eyes at the marked locations on the map, "Hey, I recognize these locations. That's Canterlot High!" She exclaimed, pointing at the marked location on the phone.

"And that there is Sweet Apple Acres!" AJ shouted in worry.

Rarity gasped dramatically as she pointed at the phone in horror, "That's Carousel Boutique, that ruffian intends on blowing up my shop!"

"Hey, isn't that Crystal Prep, Twilight?" Sunset asked, to which the nerdy teen nodded in worry.

"That's Canterlot Mall." Fluttershy whispered in a scared tone.

"And Equestria Land!" Rainbow added.

"And the last two are at The Sweet Shoppe and Sweet Snacks Café!" Pinkie finished before looking up from her phone.

As Batman approached the group, they all turned to face him, "Eight bombs, eight locations, one job to do. Deactivate them before Joker's timer runs out."

Princess Twilight then formulated the plan, "Alright, Applejack, it's your job to disable the bomb at Sweet Apple Acres," she then turned to Rarity as the farm girl nodded, "Rarity, you go to the Boutique," she turned to Rainbow Dash, "Rainbow, you head to the mall," Twilight turned to Fluttershy, "Fluttershy, you're headed to The Sweet Shoppe," her gaze then fell on her counterpart, "Other me, you're going to Crystal Prep," she then set her gaze onto Sunset, "Sunset, you're on CHS," Twilight then turned to Pinkie Pie, "Pinkie, you're going to save Sweet Snacks Café."

Twilight was about to tell everyone she was going to Equestria Land, but Batman beat her to it, "Princess, you're coming with me to Equestria Land, after that I'm going to find and stop The Joker."

Twilight nodded before turning to Spike, "Spike, your job is to make sure that he," she pointed directly at The Riddler, "doesn't go anywhere."

The purple dog nodded before saluting with his right paw, "You can count on me, Twilight!"

Twilight smiled sweetly at her Number One Assistant, "I always can."

Sunset then punched her palm with her left hand, "Alright girls." She started as they all turned to her, "Let's save our home."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, been planning out my next story. Which so happens to be my passion project. It's a very big story and I've waited long enough, but I just have to get this story done first then I can begin publishing.

Anyways, thanks for being patient with me.