• Member Since 26th Oct, 2012
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I write about horses and other creatures kissing. The gayest of kissing


Called to The Crystal Empire by Shining Armor, Sunburst is tasked with interviewing their newest arrival from the north: Former King Sombra.

As he tries to find out the hows and whys of this enigmatic villain's mysterious return, Sunburst finds there's something more lingering beneath the surface.

And despite wanting to be left alone to rot, Sombra finds connection to a past he'd prefer to forget and decisions unable to be taken back.
Art by Rayne the Skunk who is a beautiful soul.

Written for the 2022 M/M contest!

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 27 )

Well this looks like a promising story. keep it up

Thank you for the compliment 🙏
I hope that I'll be able to meet demand and finish strong


While I feel bad for Sunburst, it seems like he's figuring out a plan, also can't get over the implied Stygian-Flash Magnus ship, eeee!

Great job with this story so far!

Sunburst, next time, just tell Shining "hey, so, I'd like to go down by myself, to try and see if that changes his attitude. Don't worry about me, you can wait outside if you really worry that much"

Great chapter!

I can’t wait to see more of this. It’s really good so far.

I felt I had to include a little Stygian/Flash in there if Stygian was going to show up. Considering I shelved a Stygian/Flash story that was supposed to be in this one's place.

This isn't too terrible an idea, actually 🤔
Thank you for enjoying the story!

Hopefully I'll have the rest of it out soon! Thank you for enjoying it!

It was a wonderful sight to see, and thank you for writing the story!

A beautiful ending. Well done!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was... definitely a difficult one to finish. :ajsleepy:

Literally crying so hard rn. Amazing writing, I loved this

I'm glad you enjoyed it that much.
It means quite a lot :twilightsheepish:

As The Prince walked the halls of his castle, he drew his cloak tightly across his large body, cursing the cold as it still stung him through his thick, ebony fur. And yet, he maintained a pleasant grin as he passed the guards under his command, greeting them as warmly as he could before sauntering off at a quicker pace.

It was hard for The Prince to not be in a good mood, considering where he was going.

already a very different Sombra from the one we know! what better demonstration is there of the power of shipping

The Prince quickly rushed to check on his friend, stepping around the table and offering up a hoof to help him out of the pile of various books he was now under. A bashful smile played across his face, clearly both proud of himself and apologetic all the same.

The Scholar looked up, face screwed with anger due to being torn from his studies all too suddenly, as well as the pain of books poking into his spine. And yet, upon seeing The Prince, the anger softened to a mildly annoyed grin, and even that began to quickly turn into a gentle beam.

With a laugh, The Scholar took The Prince’s hoof.

ooh, love how the attitudes here are exactly the reverse of how i would expect a SomBurst ship to go, though ending in the same way

But that smile quickly fell from his face as he turned to face his men. In its place he wore the practiced, stoic look of a commander of his people, regarding his men with a sense of pride as he stared them down over Sunburst.

Quite an easy feat, considering Sunburst’s small stature.

smol Sunburst uwu

Quickly giving the side-eye to his guards, Shining gave them a curt nod before lighting his horn a brilliant purple. The spell he cast formed an opaque purple shield around the two set-aside stallions, allowing the two to have a private conversation.

hehe, that is funny Shining waited until they were deep enough into the catacombs to tell his guards how much he trusted them, only to then have an even more private aside

Sunburst’s eyes flicked towards the door briefly before returning to Shining’s face. There was a layer of fear that lingered. One that Sunburst had only seen two times: Once when the Changelings returned to the Crystal Empire, and the other when Flurry Heart began learning how to cast battle magic.

this time is in very good company, then!

Along the walls were set stone grandstands, similar to ones seen in Ancient Roan, though what audience would sit in them Sunburst couldn’t quite tell.

did they have a Roanan Empire where they spoke Pony Latin? (though by analogy i like to think it’s called Pony Rome with no explanation for what the “Pony” is doing there, haha)

A massive cage, one that could probably fit a dozen Sunbursts, in which lay an ebony black stallion almost the size of two of him.

love this Sunburst-based measurement system

“You have come to see me again, little prince.” Came his deep, resounding grumble.

aww that is totally how a dark and mysteriously brooding Sombra would address Shining Armor

Similarly, a cocksure grin could be heard on Shining’s voice. “Indeed, and he’s quite the expert on you. His university studies were focused on you, so this shouldn’t be too big a problem for him.”

oh, huh! they never did meet in canon even indirectly, did they? i always put them in the same bucket of “Crystal Empire characters” and so never realized this. so there’s totally room for Sunburst to be a known Sombra expert without it coming up in the show. neat!

Sombra extended a hoof through the bars, shaking as it reached out for Sunburst. “Icy, you… how…?”

ah, a modern-day character reminding a revived ancient Equestrian of a past love… classic ship premise! 

In an instant, the room grew darker. The candles flickering around the room remained lit, though it seemed as if their light refused to creep further than the distant corners of the room. The creature at the center of the cage flickered, his form shimmering in shadows and seeming to pulse and grow as the room grew darker and darker still.

“I said LEAVE!

A guttural cry, almost beastly in nature.

Sombra’s powers are the literal embodiment of emo brooding and i love him for it and love seeing them used for maximal scenery-chewing potential like it is here! 

“Harmless!?” Came a quick, loud reply reverberating through the hall. Sunburst shot to his hooves, his fear quickly being taken over by sheer anger at Shining Armor. “How was any of that harmless? You’re keeping King Sombra in your basement, and he nearly tried to kill us!”

understandable response, haha! Shining is being very chill about this. but i can def see Cadance with her powers being able to determine if Sombra actually intends to cause harm, and Shining trusting her judgment implicitly

It was time for him to return to his roots and research Former King Sombra.

yay, Sunburst researching, his favorite thing!

The small line of drool that trickled down onto the book he’d fallen asleep reading; a treatise on strategy from years ago that, in The Prince’s opinion, deserved the defacing.

ahaha love the judgment here

Equally as gently, he slowly leaned in and pressed his muzzle against his Scholar’s cheek, providing a surely direly needed nuzzle.

how fortuitous for fluff scenes that “muzzle” and “nuzzle” rhyme. also “nuzzle” is a fun word

It was easily caught, wrapped in The Prince’s red magic and brought towards him. He eyed the book with interest, knowing it to be a tome on the practical applications of dark magic and other such rituals. Normally kept under lock and key in the restricted parts of the library, and yet, somehow, free to read in front of him.

ooh this is definitely foreshadowing something, love it

The Scholar pressed a hoof against his Prince’s chest, not quite pushing him away but using it as a reminder that they were still more in public than a bedroom now.

The Prince paid it no mind, taking his love’s hoof gently in his own.

Leaning up, he pressed his lips against his Scholar’s, an act that was quickly and eagerly reciprocated.

yay semi-public makeouts

What surprised Shining, however, was the state of the stallion as he stumbled up to make his request a few days after The Sombra Incident. A gaunt, hungry frame and eyes that wore darker bags than usual. A mane that, while unkempt on the best of days, looked as if a nest had been built in it. Hooves littered with ink, dust, and papercuts galore.

well i’m not surprised by it. that’s just being in grad school!

“It’s funny. Even looking a thousand years back, only one ice-themed name ever popped up. Little ‘Ice Storm’, born just a couple years ago. Obviously she’s a little too young to have anything to do with this though.”

i can definitely see why the residents of a Crystal Empire that always existed on the knife-edge of freezing to death would never name a child with an “ice” theme! though my other thought here is if whatever happened to “Icy” led to his name being deliberately shunned in the collective memory

The grin Sunburst gave shone brighter than the sun as he considered all the questions he could ask, hopping gleefully from hoof to hoof as he nearly blinded Shining with it.

aww classic Sunburst prancing in place moment

Another blink, this time with Sunburst tilting his head alongside Sombra. He stammered for a moment, blushing heavily as he was torn between apologizing, excusing himself, trying to move past his blunder and continue to ask his question, and just emitting nerdy squeaks.

too adorable

His booky mistakes.


“Did it work?” Stygian asked, his Trottish accent ringing a bit muffled through the glass. “I’d not want our hard work to be all for naught because of a pesky sound issue.”

this setup feels like the right way to have magical video calls in the world of Equestria

“And we’ve both turned into shadow monster stallions at one point in our lives.” Stygian mused, a cheshire-like grin spreading across his face. “Of course, only one of us has been redeemed so far. So it makes sense you’d ask for my assistance.”

oh yeah, it does make a lot of sense! the Pony of Shadows and Sombra’s whole deal could totally be the same phenomenon somehow

Sunburst paused, then quickly shook his head. “N-no, I’m not quite sure how to break the news to her. I’m honestly a bit afraid that she and Sombra might get along a little too well. If you catch my drift.”

hehe so true

“Little Shade! I’m home!” A voice came from Stygian’s side, muffled but still very audible on Sunburst’s end. “I hope you’re busy writing, sweetheart. I wouldn’t wanna have to ‘punish’ you~”
A deep red blush crossed its way across Stygian’s face, the stallion freezing for a moment before forcing a panicked smile.

ah, the dangers of video calls in the home!

As he said that, an orange stallion, Flash Magnus, walked into frame behind Stygian. He looked to the mirror for a moment, squinting at it briefly, before his expression brightened. “Hey, is that Sunny? How’re you d-”

and yes, love this little glimpse of Stygian x Flash Magnus!

“Be myself….” He muttered, shaking his head. “Usually I save infodumping about my mother until I really get to know someone, but...?”

though on the other hoof if he’s still around after that you know he’s really into you!

“As an immortal, your standards of health mean nothing to me.” Sombra growled, pressing the tray back to Sunburst again. “Gruel quells the hunger and that’s all that’s necessary.”

aww he is so mysterious and brooding!

Sunburst had to fight back a laugh as he watched this. Especially as, moments later, Sombra pulled the bowl from his face and he could see a nice bright red ring of sauce around his mouth.

oh i am sure he loved that haha

“It’s… custom.” Sunburst said, his face screwing a bit at the strange shift in conversation. “A friend gifted it to me, though she first got it as a prop for one of her magic acts. She actually got me quite a few!” He reached into his robe with a hoof, pulling out another of the handkerchiefs.

yay, Trixie! and Sunburst and Trixie’s common star motif on their capes is something i’ve definitely wondered about

Still, Sombra clapped politely despite this, maintaining his grin. “Quite impressive regardless. A magician and a mage in one. I’m sure the royals are very proud to have you as their head scholar.”

and it’s nice to see Sunburst’s canonical interest in close-up magic make an appearance!

The smoky stallion floated forward, his form easily bypassing the cage that meant to contain him, stopping just short of Sunburst. “Hold your breath.” Came Sombra’s voice, though it seemed to surround Sunburst rather than coming from in front of him. “This will be unpleasant.”

Sunburst followed orders, breathing in deeply and squeezing his eyes shut.

A warmth surrounded Sunburst. Encompassing him. He felt himself drawn against Sombra’s shadowy form, the wisps of his smoke tickling him slightly as he too became semi-ethereal. Their forms intertwined briefly as Sombra brought them both back across the threshold and through the cage’s bars again.

classic shipfic moment

Sunburst began to shake again. Not only was one of his closest friends about to find him illegally fraternizing with a stallion like Sombra, but now so was Spike, one of the only DMs left in Ponyville. Now it wasn’t just his relationship with Flurry Heart on the chopping block were he to get caught, but also the fate of Sunswirl The Warlock.

This was truly a dire situation.

somehow not the first fic i have read in this contest that emphasized this point!

“I do remember you.” Sombra said, his voice low and gravely. “You’re the little dragon who just nearly missed being impaled by my horn.” He drew his hoof up briefly, idly stroking the stump where his horn used to be, before he leaned down to get eye-level with Spike. “That may be gone now, but I’m sure we could find another way to reenact that moment. If you’d like.”

oh this is a great Sombra response

Sombra looked down at where Shining gestured to with a feigned detached disinterest. “I’m told the orange unicorn from before requested it for me. Whether as an apology or an olive branch, I’m not sure.”

Shining continued to stare down at the tray for a few more moments, after which he drew closer to the cage. Reaching in through the bars, he took the dishware from Sombra. “Well, I’m glad you’re finally eating something healthy.”

and yes Sombra would be good at this

A transfer spell, simple enough on paper, that required a user of dark magic and pure, unicorn magic to work in tandem. Supposedly it would consume the unicorn entirely, using them and their magic to power and protect a magical artifact for years to come. With enough strength that it would send the kingdom’s Windigo problem packing.

ooooooh just love this idea as the origin for the Crystal Heart! ah what a deliciously tragic romance this is!

Shining squinted at Sunburst. He eyed the stallion over, tilting his head as he gazed into Sunburst’s bright blue eyes. “Well Flurry’s room is the other way, so unless you’ll be making pillow forts with my wife again…”
Sunburst’s face flushed and he reeled back, shaking his head wildly. “Oh no, nothing like that! Never without you, I mean.”

uhh is something being implied here? haha

though i do love the ShiningBurstDance ship so this could totally just be me seeing something where nothing is there

For a moment, Shining closed his eyes with a sigh, nodding his head. “Yeah, yep! That’s what we’re doing now. Ferrying bedding to tyrants.”

Shining does really seem like he’s lost control of his life here

Oh, one more thing.”
Sunburst turned to Shining again, this time greeted by a semi-stern expression.

“No hiding under the bed this time, alright?” Shining asked, his face flickering a smile for a moment, but still managing to remain stern.

ahaha nice. he was staring at that dishware for a while, after all

Sunburst looked down at the bag of food he still held, an expression of concern briefly crossing his face. “For a second, I was worried I’d get spliced by holding this.”

well that would be horrifying

“I don’t quite understand the obsession with hay you modern ponies seem to have.”

um, it rules?

“Enough to send me for a shock on seeing him, you, after a thousand years.” Sombra laughed, a soft, nostalgic smile pulling across his face. “You’ll have to forgive me for my lack of composure then. At the time I thought it some sick trick Shining Armor had pulled.”

i do like that this was Sombra’s first thought, feels very true

“I will admit, it’s growing on me a bit.” Sombra hummed, picking at his hayburger with a hoof. “Though perhaps it would have tasted better with the paper covering.”

hehe love Sombra’s disdain for the fast food

Ignoring Shining’s question for a moment, Sunburst let out a sigh. “So,” he said, already giving his best pleading look, “I have a huge favor to ask.”


Two guards, whose names Sombra never learned, followed him closely behind as he absentmindedly milled through the royal couple’s new additions of trashy, though appealing romance novels and more modern wartime treatises.

Who knew Shining Armor was such a romantic?

lol classic

“He’s quite beautiful, isn’t he?” Sombra said, his smirk growing wider as he saw Sunburst jump slightly.

ooh that pronoun is carrying a lot of weight!

Sombra extended a hoof, feeling the crystal's warm magic playing upon his coat. "So beautiful, even, that I once attempted to hide the crystal's magic away, fearing that it's purity would harm me." He said, then trailed into a soft chuckle. "Of course, I was proven right a millenia later when it caused me to explode."

and with the Crystal Heart’s magic literally being Icy in some way there is a layer of tragic irony here which is great

And no manner of polite greetings or attempted warm, though still a bit fangy smiles from Sombra could unfreeze the fearful ponies. All that seemed to help was Sunburst dragging him away, squeaking out gentle apologies as he did so.

aww Sunburst has squoken a lot in this fic, which is as it should be

“Your bedroom.” Sombra repeated, raising an eyebrow. “I know you’ve already purchased me dinner before, but perhaps this is going a bit too fast?”

Sunburst tilted his head questioningly for a brief moment, but his eyes quickly grew wide with realization. “N-no! That’s, um, not what I… It’s just where I keep my research.”

ahaha yeah this is a 100% certified Sunburst moment!

Sombra gave a soft, sensible chuckle. “I have a very good idea, my dear.” He crooned, inching just a bit closer to Sunburst. “I mean, inviting me to your lovely home, into your lovely room, to peruse this missing ‘book’ on your bed.” He leaned in towards Sunburst, placing a hoof on his lower thigh. With the other, he gently lifted his chin. “Would you like me to kiss you, Sunburst?”

so with most other stallions, yes i would expect such intentions, but Sunburst totally would make this invitation without any such intentions. answer is still yes, tho

In an act of dominance that surprised the both of them, Sunburst brought a hoof to Sombra’s chest and pushed gently against it.

ooh good touch here

But all moments, no matter how lovely, must come to an end.

so true and existentially unfair

Groaning softly, his lungs burning from lack of air, Sunburst was forced to pull back from the kiss. As he panted for breath, he stared in awe down at Sombra.

Wide blue eyes met half-lidded ruby ones. Sombra’s long, glistening black mane pooled around his head enticingly, and for a moment Sunburst felt the burning urge to lean back down and resume. And as Sombra smirked up at him, he very nearly dove back down for seconds.

and yes this is great stuff

“I thank you, Sunburst.” Sombra said, his voice soft and shaky as he held his Sunburst tightly and tears slowly began to fall. “Deeply. Truly. From the bottom of my heart.”

Sunburst was quick to reciprocate the hug, rubbing one hoof along the small of his back to provide comfort while the other wrapped tightly around his waist. “It was left for you. All I did was track it down.”

and augh, you really finish strong with this scene! just a perfect way for Sunburst’s love of research to pay off as a gift for Sombra that is truly precious and meaningful, and everything here is drawn so well. it was my favorite of the present-day scenes

They too were tortured, hungry and made even more starved by a prey they could fell but who kept getting back up each time. Their anger at The Wanderer forced them to attack despite this, old furies growing new again as both were trapped in Sisyphean endeavors with no escape in sight.

and yes, a struggle that is truly Sisyphean! great incarnation of the internal torment and guilt Sombra is living through

It wasn’t fair, The Wanderer cried out to the gods against deafening winds, that he be again and again and again given life while his Lover was forced to give up his one chance. Just to save a kingdom that The Wanderer would soon crush under a tyrant’s hoof.

and oof, he has a point. that is an epically cruel irony

As The Wanderer trudged towards the beacon of light on the horizon, finally a goal in mind after so long alone, he gave a small smirk.

Finally, he’d been called home.

honestly just want to gush about how much i loved the flashback scenes. they were short and vivid, drawing in just enough details to make it a glimpse into this world we never knew, woven into an epically tragic story that feels at home in a mythology. and ending it with this scene in the middle of Sombra’s arc, where the look backward looks symmetric to the look forward is just fantastic. and as Sombra’s background i just love the ideas and they will definitely influence how i think about his backstory. thank you for writing!

Wonderful and intriguing start! Looking forward to reading more.

Fantastic work with this fic. It's rare to see a story that tackles healing from loss, and you did it with grace and great care. The moment-to-moment interactions brought the characters to life, and you should be commended on how you made Sombra seem just so tired. The dialogue, too, felt full of humanity. My favorite part was this exchange from the penultimate chapter (which I've trimmed to just the dialogue):

“He’s quite beautiful, isn’t he?”

"Indeed it is."

Masterful and perfect. It shows how deeply you thought about each moment of this story and what each character was feeling.

Instant favorite, instant watch. Congrats on being one of the contest winners. Very well deserved.

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