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Gather around all you fillies, colts, mares, stallions, whatever you may be. I will regale you with old tails of the country


The Apple family is living peacefully when a new neighbor buys the farm across they way. Who else would it be but the Flim Flam Brothers! However, something is different and no one sees it more than Big Mac. He starts seeing more and more of the brothers, Flim in particular in a new light. What will this lead to? And how will the two families feel about it?
Let me tell y'all a timeless tale of forbidden love, secret rendezvous, a love that is more beautiful than the world cares to admit, and they're both boys. Brushy Bill's new story, Love, Me

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 10 )

Didn't noticed this story, looking forward to reading it then.

"Eh?" The old mare looked out the barn door. "Well bust my bushel, someone finally bought it. Why I remember, eh uh I remember, something..." Granny Smith paused for a second. "Ah heck wasn't important anyway," she shook her head and went back into the barn.

can’t tell if this is Granny Smith being Granny Smith or something that becomes relevant later, but either way very fun!

For those who don't know, sittin spots are something that every farmer chooses. It's a place for contemplation, reflection, decompression, and the occasional nap.

aww, can definitely imagine this for each of the Apples!

Appleblooms jaw dropped along with the pie from her head. Standing before the Apples were the Flim Flam Brothers. They gave a sheepish smile.

haha, great payoff on this one. my jaw would drop too

"I can't believe I used my good tin for this." The three walked away, leaving Big Mac confused with Flim and Flam. He looked at the pie on the ground, then to the brothers, to his family and back to the brothers. He smiled shyly and they smiled weakly at him. Big Mac could only say,

"Sorry," before following his family.

aww, love the mental image here. really reminds me of early-series Big Mac, who is more perceptive and contemplative and kind, seeing something that the other Apples understandably do not

"You can call be Big Mac, that's what my friends call me." Big Mac genuinely smiled back. There was something there between the two stallions. Something that only time could tell, would change the two families lives.

ooh, what a great setup for a star-crossed romance against the winds of family grudges!

The players are set and our story has begun. Where will it lead. Well I know where it begins, up on a hill.

ooh, a narrator!

On the table was a dish they call dragon hearts, beans, corn and potatoes that had been fried in a skillet all together.

always love glimpses into Equestrian cuisine

"Whew that ditch sure was a doozie to clear." Applebloom sighed as she sat down.

"Wait I thought you was-"

"Dragon hearts!" Big Mac quickly interjected before Granny Smith could finish her line of questioning. They all stared. making him realize he may have said it a little too loud.

hehe, very sitcom-y, love it

"Probably like sod," Applejack rolled her eyes, "For those two, it's all presentation and no actual work." Big Mac's ear flicked as a sign of irritation though no one noticed.

love how cutting Applejack is about farmer stuff

We want to become good honest ponies. Like your family."

aww that is just so precious!

"Wait on the corner? What am I your secret lover?" Flim teased again. Big Mac laughed and little.

hehe, nice

He couldn't tell why but he felt disappointed, and lonely. Sure him and his only friend had to sneak around town just to run errands but that shouldn't bother him that much...right?

aww, he doesn’t want to have to hide his secret friendship!

"No problem par-" she stopped when she saw it was him. "Oh it's you. Now it makes sense." She rolled her eyes.

augh just love how disdainful Applejack is

"For uh," Flim dug out the list from his saddle bag. "For uh my flower beds." He showed her the diagram on the back. She looked at it and back at Flim who was smiling nervously.
"You're really sticking with this new ploy aren't you?"

yeah that’s exactly what skeptical Applejack’s reaction would be!

Both had immense happiness while walking down the road. Flim was starting to figure out why, yet Big Mac remained blissfully ignorant to the realization within him.

aww, so cute!

Ain't love a funny thing? It happens in the most unlikely places and yet it is almost predictable. It starts small and begins grow overtime and that is what we are baring witness to here. However one can see it and one cannot. As predictable as love can be, it is also easy to predict heartbreak.

somehow the stereotypical cowboy-esque narrator voice works really well with this story!

"My dear Flim, it is not hard to see. You like him." Flam chuckled and walked towards the house. Flim glared at his brother until he was inside. He then looked back towards the Apple farm and could still see Big Mac making his way through the orchards. Flim let out a sigh.

"I really do."

aww, nice to see Flam pick up on it and be instantly supportive, was worried that Flim’s family would also cause trouble for the pair

"Life is a funny thing, one day we give up on a dream, then the next...I find a new one. It came out of the clear blue sky."

love this, so sweet!

"Uh I uh, me eh you." His nerves got best and he shot to his feet. "I gotta go." And with that Big Mac took off down the hill, leaving Flim all alone at the top.

and oof! definitely a genuine early Big Mac reaction, to get flustered and panic

"Brushy Bill," he went to tip his hat but realized it was on the bar and let a small chuckle out. "But you can just call me Brushy." He smiled.

oh, is this the narrator making an appearance in the story? like in The Big Lebowski?

"Well I've come to talk to you tonight about the things I've seen you do."

"Farming?" Big Mac asked. Brushy thought for a second.

"More like cultivation." Brushy finished his drink and pushed it back.

hehe, nice

"All your life that's how it's been Big Mac, always looking out for others and not your self. Giving more than you take, and ignoring your feelings when all is done. It's good to do right, but this time, look at your actions and feelings together. Why did you do it?"

aww, so Big Mac! this is the character as he should be written

"Who the hoof are you?" she asked. Brushy placed several bit on the counter and walked to the door.

"Me? I'm just an author."

and a fun meta bit, in the author directly interfering in the plot to make sure the ship resolves as it should!

"How right you are," Flim got close to Big Mac, "Colt friend," and kissed his cheek. Unlike last time Big Mac was able to enjoy it, and rather then panic his heart fluttered. He took Flims hoof and smiled.

aww, that “How right you are,” especially just feels very Flim!

"Hm?" Flam closed his book and calmly took off his reading glasses. "Sorry dear brother, I was to invested in this story."

"Good." Flim turned to walk away.

"It's about these two farmers who slowly falls in love and one confesses to the other on his front porch." Flam smiled. Flim spun around.

hehe, Flam’s doing great work as a secondary character here!

"Uh yeah, you guys weren't exactly well hidden behind the flower display." Big Mac face hoofed.

hehe, and of course Apple Bloom knew all along! love it

"Something wrong Candy Cane?" Big Mac had taken to calling Flim, Candy Cane, not the best nickname, but Flim loved it every time he heard it.

that is definitely the kind of terrible nickname to become a pet name

lim lost his balance but Big Mac grabbed onto him and pulled him through the window. The momentum caused the two the tumble over each other leaving Flim on top of Big Mac. They both laughed before catching each other's eyes. Staring into each other's eyes they slowing leaned towards each other meeting in the middle with their first kiss.

augh this is too cute!

"Big Mac you-" She stopped upon seeing her brother kissing Flim.

probably the least preferred way they had for Applejack to find out, but the most exciting one for their story!

"HA! I told you he had found himself interested in something...or was it someone?" She elbowed Applejack. Granny cackled for a second and then stopped. "But eh I don't know what this has to do with vegetables?" Flim and Big Mac side glanced at each other then back to the family.

do love that the vegetables are the part that Granny Smith is trying to figure out

"Not now Candy Cane." Big Mac rested his hoof on Flim's shoulder. That shook Applejack out of her stunned silence.

"Candy Cane?!" she shrieked. Big Mac winced and looked at his sister.

yeah that is definitely how Applejack would respond to that

"Awww that's so cute." Applebloom squealed. Applejack snapped her head around to her sister.

and this! pitch-perfect

She then pointed to Granny Smith, "They tricked you into buying some fake potion to make you feel younger."

"Well I did feel younger." Granny scratched her head trying to remember.

oh i totally could see this! Granny Smith retroactively remembering Flim and Flam’s past actions as less bad than they were

"Love, me?" he asked. Big Mac turned to his colt friend and nodded with a gentle but nervous smile. Flim smiled back. He felt empowered and more confident. He looked at Applejack.

aww, title drop!

Applejack was taken aback by the honesty in his voice. Being the element of honesty she knew a thing or two about it.

so true

"I forgive you Applejack. Prior to my brother and I moving here, we gave you no reason to trust us. I am sorry for all the past things we have done. But we can now start fresh." He smiled. Applejack nodded and smiled.

"Sure thing, friend."

aww, friendship lesson!

"Brushy won't wake up." Applebloom struggled out the door dragging him along. Big Mac sighed and rushed over to help. They eventually got him the wagon. Big Mac raced around to the front to get hitched but Applejack was already there.

love that the narrator of the tale itself is both present and unconscious in the scene. really brings up some questions!

"He's sweeter than the dew on a fresh apple, warmer than a pie in summer. Most handsome stallion I have ever known. And he is waiting for me on Apple Grove road."

very Apple family member way to describe a love

Together they walked into the church to begin there new journey together.

The End

and what a wonderfully sweet and happy ending. thank you for it!

This was a cute story. The narrator frame story (and his inclusion in the story itself) was interesting and different from what I've seen before, and I'm sure it only adds to the effect if you do it across multiple stories. Very cool twist on the formula!

Several times, I lost track of who was speaking. It looks like you start a new paragraph when a new pony talks, which is correct, but I recommend moving the break to whenever a different character takes an action. So for example, this:

"How's it going back there?" Applejack called. Big Mac looked at his family and friend, laughed and called back.

"Billy's passed out in the back but I think he's alive."

...becomes this:

"How's it going back there?" Applejack called.

Big Mac looked at his family and friend, laughed and called back. "Billy's passed out in the back but I think he's alive."

That way, you tie the active character to their words, which can make it a lot clearer who is saying what.

I enjoyed the ship you chose, and it was a fun redemption story for Flim, too. Nice work!

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