• Published 28th Jan 2023
  • 749 Views, 50 Comments

Octavia's Last Night - Rune Soldier Dan

With Discord by her side, Octavia Melody must confront her past to save her soul.

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Epilogue: And Start a New Dream

The sound of running water emerged from Celestia’s royal bathroom, just as it did every morning.

What was not normal was that it was early evening, and Celestia stood outside. She loitered in her bedroom with two guards and a maid, all of them staring through the doorway to the unmistakable silhouette behind her bath curtain.

This wasn’t completely unheard of, either. Discord using Celestia’s shower was one of the harmless little annoyances she tolerated as part of their détente. There would be brown hair in her drain and possibly a singing soap bar or two, with all her shampoo used up if he was feeling particularly obnoxious. But nothing ever worth commenting on, and certainly not worthy of audience.

The difference, this time, was the sound emerging above the noise of the shower. Discord hummed to himself, the notes rising and falling, echoed by pattering water.

And what notes they were! They tugged the hearts of the four watchers, making them at once curious and wistful, evoking senses they could not fully explain. Like the curtain around something grand and wonderful, teasingly out of sight yet filling the soul with bright anticipation. Their minds could not help but wonder at how the song must ring out when played as it was meant to be, instead of off-key hums.

It ended when Discord turned off the water, and they quickly scattered. Yet as he strode down the hall, immodestly drying off with Celestia’s towel, she emerged from a doorway to greet him.

“What was that song, Discord?”

“Oh, just a little thing.”

Discord kept walking, and Celestia stepped to keep up.

She laughed demurely. “That is no answer! I would hear it again, if you don’t mind.”

“You will.”

But he walked on.

Celestia was as good and kind as all the stories claimed. Yet she was also a mare used to being obeyed, and so placed a touch of authority into her voice.

“I would hear it now, please.”

“Not now.”


Discord breathed inwards, eyes to the ceiling as if in thought before settling on a shrug. “I suppose… when the world needs it, or deserves it. Whichever comes first.”

Then he vanished, and spoke of it never again until such time did come.

It was so bright. Octavia covered her eyes, though all else she could sense. The smell of roses and pears upon the warm wind. The cool grass beneath her hooves.

The white limbs around her, hugging her close.

“It takes a minute,” Vinyl said. “Just let your eyes adjust, then try again. It’s worth it, Octi. It’s so beautiful.”

Octavia squinted. Still bright, but she could see. She gazed to Vinyl, kissed her, and turned her head forward.

She saw Heaven.

And… she heard it.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading.

Comments ( 19 )

Well done! It was a pleasant read and the ending is heartwarming. I rather like DIscord in this, as well. Thank you for writing!

Fantastic rendition of a beautiful story from an incredible album. First fanfic in a long time to get some genuine emotion and misty-eyes out of me, too. This deserves so much more attention than it's getting.

And anyone who's never heard the album this is based on should educate themselves immediately:

Thanks for writing this and sharing this, 11514480 .

Well done. A nice portrait of self-examination.

What a wonderful piece. Super tugging on the strings; the prose was especially powerful stuff in The Last Illusion. Glad I took my time to finish this one. Great work, Dan.

Oh... Oh this was good. Quite the rollercoaster of a story, and with little to no action-adventure at that!

I was wrong, it seems. The balance of the world did in fact rest on Octavia's shoulders, but in such a way that, had Discord never stepped in, she never would have known. Her legend would not finish unfolding until well after she died. The unsung hero, so to speak. And a hero she is, because there is nothing more noble and selfless than pure self-sacrifice. I would chalk agreeing to eternal damnation in exchange for the happiness of a loved one as pretty pure.


The scene was not meant to suggest otherwise and I'm sorry that it came off that way.

I didn't think it was intentional. Scenes like this usually can stumble that way a bit, and the best way to avoid them blatantly is to have a character usually guide the direction of the story away from those implications -- spoken or not. Obviously, that character would be in the place of Discord and his denial of the moralizing role, but that wouldn't have worked for this story, nor would I expect it to. Discord needed to be Discord.

Thus said I don't think forgiveness is necessarily inappropriate or wrong - again, a decision of the individual.

It's wrong when it's seen as a requirement or the only good option.

This story deserves way more attention, it's so lit

One of my favorite stories on FimFiction. Cover art, dialog, descriptions, plot twists, conveying emotion, satisfying resolution ... everything is first rate.

Great reimagining of A Christmas Carol with Beethoven and his (as yet, unknown) Tenth Symphony as the inspiration.

Have an upvote, favorite, and follow.

You write a fantastic Discord and Tirek. I really hope to see more of this more nostalgic, properly mythical Equestria again one day. While there were some low points I found in my reading experience, the story is fantastic work overall. The final afterlife scene together was a sweet note to end on. In general, this is a good return to form of what I like to read on the site and I'm glad other people still write stories like this.

Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it despite the hiccups.

I definitely hope to see more Rune Soldier Words™ soon. Your ability to do epic and dramatic is still as good as when I read Wayward Sun, dude.

Sir, that "baby" is old enough to be an elementary schooler.

She will always be my baby.

This is a lovely story. You make me wonder if the rock opera you credit as inspiration will prove as pleasing as this tale of yours?

I listened to it a lot in college and have a ton of appreciation. It's good to read the story first so you can kinda keep up with what they're singing about.

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