• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 300 Views, 10 Comments

Snips and Snails and Puppy Love Tales - Caladis

Snips and Snails practice courting but fall in love with each other instead of the original targets of their affection

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Chapter 5 – Resolve

Chapter 5 – Resolve

The next week passed by with incredible speed. Snips was working more hours at the Spa, learning how to be the Assistant Manager so the owners could take their overdue vacation and Snails worked longer hours at the Sanctuary, helping to keep it in tip-top shape while Fluttershy was away teaching or handling friendship problems. They both earned extra pay for their efforts.

The professors at the School of Friendship had heard all about the incident at the Ponyville Café and was more than happy to help Snips and Snails out by having their coursework delivered to them by courier so they could work the longer hours at their respective jobs and not fall behind in their classes, all the while avoiding another confrontation between the stallions and the Cutie Mark Crusaders until everypony was ready for it. It kinda went against the motto of the School of Friendship not to actively try to fix a friendship problem but this was untested waters… with the ponies involved being either related to or personally employed by members of the staff.

Rarity was embarrassed by Sweetie Belle's actions but was enraged by Spike’s actions and she sent a very strongly worded letter to both Spike and Twilight. It was clear to her that somepony would have to step in to fix this friendship problem eventually but Rarity herself was hesitant to get involved because she didn’t want to be accused of any form of favoritism.

For the same reason, Fluttershy wanted to avoid the situation since Snails was her only employee, and a good employee, at that. She didn’t feel like it was her place as his boss or his teacher to interfere with his love life outside of work and school.

Apple Jack had been aware of Snips poor attempts at flirting with Apple Bloom and she didn’t see the harm in a little innocent flirting but was honestly just as grateful that Apple Bloom hadn’t been present when Snails and Sweetie Belle had their little spat at the restaurant. While Apple Jack didn't feel 'good' about Sweetie Belle being put into her place socially in such a public way... she did have to admit that Snails wasn't wrong about how she felt about the importance of honestly, especially in something as important as a relationship. His application of her lessons in a practical way might be worth extra points on a test...

Rainbow Dash had also agreed with what Snails had said… she was proud of him for not being a doormat, but she also had no advice for Scootaloo about the situation. Scootaloo may not have liked Snips’ attempts at flirting but doing nothing was partly to blame for what happened.

Nopony chose to comment on Sweetie Belle’s original decision to say yes to an outing with Spike. She wasn’t in an official relationship with Snails so it wouldn’t have been considered cheating, even if the flirting was a clear indication of interest. Spike had clearly moved on from Rarity, but it was awkward to see him try for Sweetie Belle. If it was a problem for future Spike, then he had better try to solve it sooner rather than later, for everyponies sake.

Meanwhile… Snips and Snails had made a point to go out together to every restaurant and food stand in Ponyville, having date after date after work, and in the evenings, returning to Snails house while they cuddled away the night. It had only taken a week but both stallions found themselves fully comfortable with each other cuddling, having dates, and even showing some mild affection in public. In the wake of Snails heartache from Sweetie Belle's planned or unplanned date with Spike... they had found more than just simple comfort in each other's company.

Snips read every issue of Mare Monthly that Snails had kept from his mother’s collection, and they read the latest issue together that they themselves had picked up that day. It was a special topic issue with the entire magazine devoted to a single topic.

How to propose to your special somepony.

Snips could feel a blush creep up on his face as he finished the last article. The articles had made some very valid points and Snips was forced to consider them one point at a time.

Step One. Have a job that can support yourself and your partner.

Snips had a very good paying job at the Spa, and he wasn’t likely to lose it anytime soon, at least if the promotion to Assistant Manager was any indication. Also… Snails had a job too… so that would make it twice as easy for them to be financially comfortable together.

Step Two. Have a place to live that both you and your partner like.

That one was harder given that they both still lived at home with their parents, but with their incomes, they should be able to afford a house together.

Step Three. Discuss the future of the household.

They clearly couldn’t have foals together but there was nothing stopping them from adopting a foal. The Orphanages were always overcrowded, although nopony seemed to ever know why. As a Mane Dresser or manager, Snips could go wherever he was needed but as a worker at the Sanctuary, Snails’ career would keep him in Ponyville. Snips was fine with that… he could be happy wherever Snails was…

Funny thing, happiness. It takes so little to find… or to lose.

Snails seemed to be having similar thoughts as he looked to Snips… “About this article…”

Snips smiled shyly. “Thinking about the future?”

Snails smiled back. “Something like that… I think… the incident with Sweetie Belle woke me up to the fact that you are all I’ve ever needed. Maybe we’ve been friends for so long that I never realized that I loved you. But you’ve been here for me. You’ve seen my tears, shared my sorrow and you’ve never judged me. I think that we have the careers we need to support each other… there is nothing stopping us from buying a house with our combined incomes… and we can adopt foals when we want to start a family. We don’t need those mares…”

Snips felt his heart race. “You… love me?”

Snails gasped as he just realized that he did say it. “Yes… I love you. Will you marry me?”

Snips’ eyes glistened. “Yes… I will marry you.”

Snails leaned in to kiss Snips… and this time, it was a real kiss. They locked lips and gave in to the passion that they had briefly felt while exploring their feelings for each other and ‘practicing’ all the things they had originally hoped to use on the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They both came up for air only reluctantly and laughed as the giddiness sank in.

Snips sighed as the weight of the commitment seemed to settle on him. “Part of me wants to say that we are rushing this… we’ve only been dating or practicing dating for about 8 days, 10 days if you include the flirting and cuddling practice. But we’ve been friends since before we could talk. 17 years is a long time to know a pony.”

Snails nodded. He could understand what Snips was saying. “Well, the best I can do right now is buy you a ring. The mayor would marry us anytime we wished but I think we should wait until after we graduate from the School of Friendship. I don’t think anypony would judge us, but I don’t want us to be the only married couple, as students, at the school.”

Snips smiled warmly. “And in the meantime, we can go buy a house and get ready for the wedding. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are going to be shocked!”

Snails sighed at that. He knew it was true, but it was also inconvenient. “I guess that means I owe Sweetie Belle an apology. I can’t hate what she did to me when it led me to you. Walk with me?”

Snips nodded eagerly. “Of course… you’re not alone. I’ll be with you for as long as I live.”

They shared another kiss before getting up to leave the house.


Sweetie Belle had done a lot of thinking and a lot of crying, but she was ready to offer an apology. It would have been easier at school, but Snips and Snails had both stopped attending in pony. Sweetie was looking over various items for sale at a street vendor, looking for an apology gift, when she saw Snips and Snails walking together towards the markets. They were leaning against each other, as if offering comfort.

Sweetie Belle gulped. Is he still that upset? I guess I would be too if a stallion I had been flirting with broke my heart by showing up at the nicest date restaurant in town with another mare…

Sweetie abandoned the plan to buy a gift and trotted right up to them. “Hi Snails… do you have a minute?”

Snails looked down at her. “Ah, Sweetie. I was looking for you. Yes, I have a few minutes to spare. What did you want to discuss?”

Sweetie nodded eagerly. “I… wanted to apologize to you. After some heavy thinking, I realize now that I should have seen Spike’s offer as a date, and it embarrasses me that I didn’t see it at the time. I probably owe him an apology too… I blew him off pretty harshly after you left the restaurant that night. I wanted you to know first, that I don’t think that I would ever be comfortable with the idea of dating Spike because I’ll always see it as a thinly veiled attempt to stay close to my sister, through me. I am still trying to leave my sister’s shadow but part of me is still following her in hoofsteps in some small way. I have a job lined up! I’m going to start teaching at the School of Friendship after I graduate in a few months. Headmare Starlight has already approved it… pending you accepting my apology…”

Snails nodded. “I’ll go to the school today to tell Starlight that I accept your apology. I wanted to thank you and apologize too. My words, while maybe not wrong… was harsh, and I dislike that I embarrassed you in public like that. I probably owe Spike an apology too… since I messed up what probably was a very detailed plan. I have to thank you at the same time though. That confrontation, although undesired, did help me discover part of myself that I never saw previously, and I am grateful to you for opening my eyes to it. I hope that we can always be friends if nothing else.”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes danced with delight… “Well, we don’t have to be ‘just friends’ anymore. Once I start my job, we can start dating! I’ll admit to you, privately, that I do miss all the flirting. I guess the old saying is true… you don’t know what you’ve got until its gone.”

Snails sagged slightly, not sure what to say. Snips nudged him and Snails looked at him. Snips asked a quiet question. “Should I tell her?”

Snails nodded and Snips cleared his throat. “I’m afraid that the time for flirting and dating has passed. Snails and I are engaged. As a matter of fact… we are headed to the jewelers right now for the rings.”

Sweetie Belle looked back and forth between them and gasped. “You are? I… I don’t know what to say… do you… umm… plan on having a herd? Maybe take a lonely mare into the mix?”

Snails shook his head. “I haven’t considered having a herd and we honestly haven’t planned that far ahead… we had planned on adopting for foals… no mare needed. You broke my heart and Snips put it back together. I’m not trying to break yours but…”

Sweetie Belle sniffled as a single tear rolled down her cheek. “No… I understand. Some mistakes can’t be fixed… but like you said… we can stay friends… right?”

Snails pulled her into a hug. “Of course. I’m happy to be your friend… but no more flirting. I love Snips…”

Sweetie nodded into his mane. “I’m so happy for you… I really am. If you’ll excuse me… I have some other errands to run.”

Snails released her and she ran off, failing to hide her tears. Snails frowned at Snips. “Did I do the right thing?”

Snips shrugged. “I don’t know. I know she is probably as heartbroken as you were, but she has friends to help her move passed it like you had me for. Feelings are hard to manage. At least we don’t have to worry about estrus.”

Snails snorted at the thought. “Well, let’s get those rings.”

Snips nuzzled into him again and they resumed their walk, perfectly happy with each other and the future they were about to build for themselves and each other.
