• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
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This story is a sequel to Rarity, I'm Pretty Sure You're Dead.

Rarity is dead, rotting, but still very much standing. Now in a race against time, the mare scrambles to get a new body before she falls apart completely. Oh and Twilight's there to help, of course.

This is part of the 12 days of christmas, head over here to keep track of all the cool stuff coming down the pipes. If you want to ensure I can afford to keep doing stuff like this, consider backing me over on Subscribestar or Patreon.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 50 )

This right here is some gold and no mistake.

That was a interesting story goodluck with the rest of it.

I re-read the prequel to this just last night.

Did you spell "Seams" wrong on purpose? (in the chapter title) It's hard to tell if it's a pun or not.

Its me. Every pun is either intentional, or intentional in retrospect.

Sounds like a great tale. :rainbowlaugh:

Yikes, suddenly moving around really did a number on her body, huh?

:duck: Precious Scales flattery will get you somewhere but as you see I'm falling to pieces here
:moustache: Discord says if the date goes well you end up making out on the couch
:twilightsmile: She IS the couch
:moustache: Here Rarity here's some more floof
:duck: Does this floof make me look fat?
:ajbemused: Ya look like a sheeps
:pinkiehappy: A fuzz ball
:flutterrage: Discord! You big snitch!
:rainbowlaugh: Fluttershy & Discord!
:raritystarry: Rainbow Dash!
:rainbowderp: Wut? Spikes couch?
:facehoof: And she's the dead one...
:moustache: At least I got a date, You?

Was Garble yelling all Dan Vs. style intentional? If not it’s a hilarious coincidence.

Sassy Saddle’s jaw metaphorically hit the floor and she turned to Rarity, whose jaw literally hit the floor. The live mare collapsed in a heap, fainting at the sight of her employer littleraly coming apart before her.


A perfect Christmas story, complete with unexpected gifts.

She worked until death and then kept working.

:ajsmug: Psssssst Rainbow?
:rainbowderp: Wut?
:ajbemused: Remember that bet? "Over Raritys dead body?" Break out the bits
:rainbowhuh: No way
:twilightblush: Yes way, She's dead And Spike's taking her out right now.

:moustache: Oh boy Discord said on a good date I'll get a piece of...

:duck: Darling don't just stand there , please pass the crazy glue

:twilightsheepish: How was your date?

:moustache: Stupid Discord, A piece my butt, Mares are a puzzle wrapped in a dress covered in crazy glue

:twilightsmile: Rares?

:duck:Spike makes me feel like a whole mare again - His claws are a wonder, Look he put me back together

:moustache: Whole is right, A whole night doin a big white jigsaw puzzle -

:ajbemused: Pay up

They should try putting Rares together using some robot parts! That always works out well!

At this rate Twilight's gonna have to carry Rarity around in a giant biohazard bag

Why do I have a feeling this could turn into a bad version of Young Frankenstein?

Twilight blinked. “Pre-partying? Is this a Pinkie Pie thing? Because the one time I went to one of her afterparties, I woke up with a black eye, a tattoo, and in Mayor Mare’s attic. Which doesn't actually have any doors or windows I might add.”

This is a story in itself.

Cool to see a followup. This has been really fun so far. Looking forward to more, congrats on the feature.

What exactly do the plan to do? Are they gonna bleach her skeleton, glue it together, and stuff it in a doll? Or will they just fill her up with conservatives and bleach?

Comment posted by Mythic Night deleted Dec 15th, 2022

Even a rotting corpse can't outcompete Twilight Sparkle's deadly vibrating ass.

Aww, Rarity found friends

:moustache: DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG UNDER PENELTY OF LAW - Fire Retardant - Stain resistant - 100% NEW MATERAL
:duck: All for my favorite dragon
:twilightsmile: He's our only dragon
:raritywink: You hatched him darling but you didn't lay him
:twilightoops: Wut?!
:raritystarry: Oops
:moustache: She's not wrong
:facehoof: Should of neutered him when he was a dog
:flutterrage: Discord stop laughing that isn't funny!

The power of friendship wot?

Rarity shrugged. “Rainbow Dash always dresses in style, her style."

Funny man.


Moving around suddenly has done a number on my body several times and I'm not even dead!

The mental image of this entire scene playing out is something I could totally see in the show. It is also hilarious! Great job word-smith.

Flashback to those times when we stand up from the bed and lose the wifi conection to our eyes.

Did the other person think you were talking about politics? Because I don't know how to feel about the idea of political conservatives "filling up" a deceased Rarity.

Rarity's stench didn't make the guy on the train sick, but Twilight ripping ass did. It was hilarious.

“Still, that was a bit heartless, don't you think?” Rarity inquired.

Twilight stopped abruptly, and turned to her deceased friend, eyes blazing brightly. “You take that back right now,” demanded the alicorn.

Five bits says Twilight built a friendship automaton to do all her princessing so she could read more books, only for said automaton to immediately suffer an existential crisis over whether a soulless machine could actually friendship.

:twilightsheepish: Rarity come out, You've been locked in your room for days...
:duck: Stay out I'm busy darling
:moustache: I'm worried she's not been herself after drinking the Woolite fabric softener
:twilightoops: Wut?
:raritystarry: 🎶You may come in I'm finished 🎵

:facehoof: no no no no no no
:moustache: Wow look at all the Sparity plush dolls . . . cool
:ajsmug: Yea now I know Rarity's short a few buttons.
:pinkiegasp: Wowzer there's got to be 24 little dracony dolls
:rainbowderp: Dang that's creepy, Looks like there moving,
:twilightoops: They're alive! RUN!!!
:applejackunsure: Well look at that, Spike's a daddy
:moustache: "..."
:rainbowlaugh: Serves you two right
:raritycry: Go my Sparity minions Go and... And ... Do what ever Sparity minions do!
:yay: Discord? I want one

....a big white jigsaw puzzle.


Seriously though, there is nothing worse than being interrupted while doing something like a jigsaw puzzle. Particularly when the jigsaw puzzle itself won’t stop talking, right?

Rarity better hope she still has her cartilage by tommorow, otherwise I don`t think she will be able to move.

I think you've got your chapters and stories mixed up mate, this doesn't seem to be right at all.

Sorry bout that. Not used to posting so many updates at once. Fixed now.

Ah, there we go. Huh, I was sort of right, kind of, if you squint.

Lovely story, a nice bit of black humor can be just the thing sometimes.

My favorite humour is something dark, but with an underlying edge of hope, or some other brand of positivity.

:duck: So what was the letter to Spike?
:twilightsmile: One was to Scratch that "We're coming" and Spikes is "Feed Raritys cat, Luv Twilight"
:moustache: "We're coming to feed Rarity. Luv Twilights cat"
:unsuresweetie: Twilight has a cat?
:applecry: Spike's a cat?
:scootangel: Somethings are better lost in translation
:trollestia: Smoke in the wind...
:moustache: Twi? There's a tag on your leg... What's a "Property of a Hasbro™"???
:flutterrage: BUY OUR TOYS!


I hear ya, love me some classic schadenfreude.

Or stories that start with everything going wrong, those are fun too.

"The bad news is, you and everyone you know have died. The good news is, that's not a problem at all."

All those bad jokes will be the death of me

Wait... there at the end is sounds like Sweetie Belle knows there are dead. Is she Sweetie-bot?

and not a single line about liches getting stitches, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

still an alright story tho.

:moustache: Uh, Rarity? There’s a tag on your leg too. “Batteries not included.”
:raritywink: So that’s why my horn hasn’t been working all morning!

Ahead, the two fillies ran on, their confidence growing with each second they were not harangued by their pursuer. Though they did not mentally use the word harangued as they were in middle school and were not pretentious writers flexing their expansive vernacular.

Blue Tumbler wondered briefly if her friend was actually twelve years old like she always said she was, or if she had been twelve for a long time. That last thought was pushed out of mind relatively quickly and was replaced by a mental reminder for the filly to read less fanfiction.

I feel attacked here.

Oh my gosh, this was so funny and that twist was absolutely perfect. I know it's rude to make requests, but if your thinking of writing some sort of necro-romance I'd be down for it!

(Also please don't quote me on that)

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