• Member Since 26th Mar, 2021
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Avery Day

Hundreds of masks, not one disguise.


This story is a sequel to Can You See What I See?

It's only living the dream when it's your dream.

This shares continuity with Chromatic Aberration, Can You See What I See?, and Crowds & Constellations, but those are NOT required reading to understand what's going on in this story.

Dedicated to my lovely wife whom this was written for and about :heart:

Preread by both my wife and Nudistsquid.
Cover used with permission by TCN_tancha

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 54 )

Gasp! :pinkiegasp: Suddenly, more Avery fics! :yay:

I never realized how tough touring was until I learned what it was like for My Chemical Romance back in the day, especially when you're dealing with personal problems- and I see that narcotics tag.

Sunset's so happy to be with Twilight again, but I fear the pain is only beginning :fluttershyouch:

oooh an actual sequel!



Such short chapters, Avery!

This was appropriately nice and fluffy, with that characteristically strong Sunset narration. Definitely curious to see where it goes, and what details we’ll get on what the post-collegiate Rainbooms (including Twi) are up to, though it’s good to see they’re still mostly together.

Then, by three in the morning—if we’re lucky—it’s time to sleep for five hours in a crappy hotel bed—if we’re even fortunate enough to have a hotel. Most nights, however, it’s time to get on the bus and attempt to sleep on the lumpy couch while we ride to the next city overnight. When that’s the case, I’m lucky to ever sleep any longer than a half hour at a time, but the cycle begins anew no matter how much (or little) I sleep.

Sometimes I forget how much stress bands and singers go through whenever their on tour. Sure is something I'd never get used to. Maybe, but very unlikely. :fluttershysad:

Looking down at Twilight, I couldn’t help but smile wide. “So,” I began, “do I know you?”

Lol. :rainbowlaugh:

Rarity scoffed, her mouth agape as she placed her hand against her chest. “Our first time face to face in months and this is the first thing you say to me? Not even a greeting?! Ugh, the audacity!”

Surprised me too tbt. :applejackunsure:

Turning around, I shut my eyes tight with a smile. I wasn't looking forward to being violently tackled to the floor by the loud, pink blur rapidly careening toward me, but after the last few months, I was happy to accept my potential demise.

You had it coming Sunset. :ajsmug:

All I could do was stare at her. I wanted to smile but couldn’t bring one out of me. It was frustrating. The fact that she kept a tally of exactly how many days—how many hours —we’d been apart was incredibly endearing. At the same time, even though obsessive quantification was her thing, I couldn’t imagine her keeping count for any reason other than the fact that she missed me that badly. And I’d subjected her to that feeling for over a hundred and fifty days. All for a career path I wasn’t even sure I liked. Whatever the case, I didn’t waste any more time thinking about that than I had to.

Sure is impressive! :pinkiegasp:

Maybe my mind didn’t know the answers to those questions, but my heart knew what to do. My breath hitched, and my brow tensed as I shut my eyes tight. One moment, I was fine; the next, tears poured out of my eyes. I tried to control myself for a few desperate seconds, but once I started sobbing, I couldn’t stop.

I can totally understand the pain Sunset is feeling. Being away from someone you love for a short or long time can surely hurt. :fluttershysad:

In the years since high school, crying had become a challenge. I’d only get as far as choking up, but my body would make me physically incapable of shedding even a tear. I could only ever do it when I felt like I was in a safe place, and the criteria for what constituted as safe was ever-changing and, even when met, could be ephemeral. And I’d been holding onto that for six months.

I feel the same. Since graduating high school 3 years ago I've done what I can to not cry as much as I used to as I've entered adulthood. But as my friends and family have told me many times, i shouldn't let my feelings locked up or else it'll make things worse. And one of those ways I feel better instantly is with the aid of someone I love. And is something I'll be needing for what's coming next month. :fluttershysad:

Not sure what the rest of the story holds, but I'm willing to see where this goes for Sunset and Twilight, no matter the case. :twilightsmile:

Short, but sweet and fluff packed, with some nice character introspection to boot. I know I'm gonna like this. (Maybe it'll finally me check the prequels :rainbowderp:)

Awesome job!

Awww. Twas quite adorable. Yes indeed. Also, ICBP (Incoming cuddly bombastic Pinkie).

Sunny's little breakdown at the end really shows just how much she missed Twilight. Good buildup to that moment with the earlier parts of the chapter.

Nah, doesn't show.
There was only one sentence i am not sure about and i chalk that up to not being a native english speaker (german) and it being a quarter past 1 in the night.

Well, I think we can confirm that Dash is an idiot.

Sunny, you've got some issues to work out. And, frankly, you could just ask the girls to not talk about the tour. I'm sure they'd understand.

Anyhow, Rares is a good friend. Hopefully Sunset takes some of what she's said to heart.

“Let me start from the beginning,” I explained. “So, when we were mapping out our setlist for this tour, we decided to end on a song Rainbow Dash only has to sing for. That way, she can run around on stage without having a guitar around her neck. Before every show, she’d always try to come up with some bombastic way to end our set. In her mind, it would get people to talk about us more, and to her credit, it went over well every single night except this one.

Classic Dash for you. :ajbemused:

“Definitely stupid, potentially very dangerous, too.”

Agreed. :duck:

“–one of the old ones?” Twilight finished, her eyes wide with shock. “Do you remember how old it was? Because depending on that, this could actually be really serious. They used to put carbon tetrachloride in some fire extinguishers, which is a highly toxic and carcinogenic compound–”

Damn! :pinkiegasp:

“Dash is still standing at the front of the stage with this fire extinguisher, and people start flailing around trying to get out of the way, but she just starts doing it again because she thinks they’re just having fun.”


“I’m about to run up to her and tell her to stop when one of the security guys standing in front of the stage climbs up to Dash—he’s coated in dust, coughing so loud that I can hear him over the music—and he rips the extinguisher out of Dash’s hands and starts yelling at her between coughs.”


If nothing else, going unnoticed meant I could sneak in a cigarette before anyone knew I was gone. I’d been trying to avoid indulging my deadly habit, especially since it greatly upset Twilight. Unfortunately, touring stressed me out so much that I went from smoking once every week or so to several times a day. It wasn’t like I was chain-smoking, but any amount of this stuff was terrible for me, but knowing what it was doing to my mind and body wasn’t enough to stop me.

Oh Sunset. :fluttercry:

“Don’t you dare !” she snapped. “Don’t give me that nonsense I know you’re about to. Tell me how you really feel, or so help me I’ll go in and tell Twilight you’re out here smoking.”

Now she's done it. :ajbemused:

I nodded. “I do, but it’s just that—a place. Since I moved away from Canterlot City, I realized it was the closest thing to a hometown I’ve ever had. It’s the only thing that feels like home. ”An empty laugh fell from my lips. “So that’s what homesickness feels like.” My delivery was meant to be humorous, but I dropped it somewhere along the way, and silence fell between us in its wake. Until then, I hadn’t noticed the lump in my throat. I swallowed it down before tears could threaten to spill.

home." An empty*

“I certainly believe you when you say playing in a band is gratifying, but it looks and sounds like you should take a hiatus—if not that, consider moving on entirely.”

That, I can totally agree with. Especially with how Sunset feels in general. :fluttershysad:

“I don’t wish to put you on the spot, Sunset, but I’ve thought about this since last summer. While you were on the road, all you talked about was how excited you were for the tour to be over. You were here for a whole month—the longest amount of time you and Dash would have with us in two years, and for the first few weeks, you seemed so happy. But when it got closer to the end, it was easy to see how much you didn’t want to leave. And now I see the same thing happening now, but it’s happened so much faster. And I know that’s partially because you’re not here for as long, but the fact remains that you seem even less eager to return to the road than the last time you were here.”

I couldn't put it into better words myself, but that's pretty much what I've been noticing too with Sunset. :ajsmug:

“Far be it from me to tell you what to do with your life, Sunset, but I do believe you should give some thought to whether or not this is the right thing for you. There's so much else you can do, and there's so much time left to figure out what you want.”

She's right. It's either happiness or continuing on tour to feel sad and often mopey. :applecry:

A brief shake of the head and raise of the eyebrows later, Rarity began again. “Well, uhm, regardless. You were blessed with a wonderful opportunity—one that many dream of, and few ever achieve. So far, you’ve made the best of it. But as nice as that is, just because you were given that opportunity doesn’t mean it’s the one for you. And while it may have been at one point, that doesn’t mean it will always be, either. Like the seasons, we all change with time, and as we do, so do our wants, desires and aspirations. And you owe it to no one to pretend that yours aren't changing. We’re both still young, and what feels right to us today may not feel right tomorrow. We’ve all plenty of time to figure out all that out in the long term.”

We've all got*

Rarity gently grabbed my forearm, her expression firm. “I didn’t come out here to impose or discourage you, Sunset. This is your life we’re talking about. Even after tonight, whatever you choose to do—whether you take my words to heart or not—me and the rest of the girls will always be right behind you.” Her face quickly softened. “But I care about you deeply, and the only reason I would ever ask you to consider something like this is because I care too much about you not to say something. This may have made you happy at some point, but nothing lasts forever.”

Indeed. Sometimes it's best to move on from these things and do something that'll make us happy. :applejackunsure:

Good catch on that first correction, thanks for that! The second one is a dialect/vernacular choice, so while it may not be formatted correctly, that is indeed the way it's intended to be read.

Finally caught up on these two chapters after EFNW, and oof. Even long after getting her confidence in herself and then getting the girl, Sunset still needs a good Rarity Reality Check(TM).

Oh, this is fantastic thus far. What Sunset does, what she can do after high school is an awakward question with a thousand answers. Eagerly looking forward to seeing how she handles it here, especially with such strong, conflicting drives.

Why is this getting more and more heartbreaking? :raritycry:

Give these two hugs! ALL OF THE HUGS! :raritydespair::fluttershysad:

Ooof, the inevitable ID issue. I tend to lean toward the handwave of “Sunset canonically got her license, so clearly she’s sorted out there”, but even that might only go so far. And there’s no denying the idea of this being Sunset’s world in every way but legally is a potent one for heartbreak.

And poor Twi. Midnight might be long gone, but scars are forever.

Ah, the price of being a literal alien.

I do not envy Sunset and her situation. She has reasons to keep doing what she's doing. The problem is there are equally compelling reasons not to as well. What's a unicorn girl to do.

Truthfully, I didn’t know what would happen if they found out all my paperwork was bogus, and I was too afraid of the answer to even look it up. I’d gone an entire decade without anyone investigating my inconsistent identity, and as long as I had a choice in the matter, that’s how it would stay.

Besides, who knows what'll happen if they learn of her counterpart. :fluttershysad:

“Th-This is the first time you’ve been here to wake me up from one of those nightmares a-and… in a few days, I’ll have to go back to dealing with it by myself, and I don’t want to do that again.”

What even are the nightmares about? :unsuresweetie:

Regardless, there was still one thing I could do for the time being: be there for her. Then, the next day, and every remaining day of my stay. Make the best of the time we had, and hope that was enough. Our relationship stood strong against the corrosion of distance every time before then, and there was no reason to think it wouldn’t withstand again.

Sounds to me she's thinking on quitting on touring. :applejackunsure:

At least she had Rainbow. Surprised she didn't take a break at home too. On to the next.

Touring with Adagio must be... interesting.

Even modern fire extinguishers can hurt of kill accidentally. Many use carbon dixoide or retardent powder in place of water.

This is true! I actually ended up learning way more about fire extinguishers than I ever thought I'd know while writing this chapter just to make sure this is something that could happen without a guaranteed serious injury or worse. It took a bit but the conclusion I reached was "probably, but why would anyone take my word for it," so I rolled with it lol

Ah, to live the dream only to find out that even the dream job can require a great deal of hard work and personal sacrifice. Reflection. Best done when you are young with no one to rely on you other than yourself.

Also, was that supposed to be dawdle or best NOT dawdle.

I suffer from spoonerism daily. One of my favorites is flowsnakes…

Glad I finally got to this. Wonderful bit of devastating self-reflection. Sunset's life is so very, very fragile. The question is which misstep might do more damage, and which is actually the right path... assuming there even is one. Looking forward to more.

Turning away to head toward the bedroom once more, my second attempt was cut short for the same reason as the first. Her hand was still gripping onto my sleeve. I turned to face her again, letting out a quiet sigh as I smiled at her again. Twilight’s blank facade was beginning to crack.

She's probably doing it as she's sad Sunset is leaving in a matter of hours. :fluttershysad:

The only way she was going to sleep was by crying until she was too exhausted to stay awake. And all I could do then was hold her. There were no words of comfort to give. By this time tomorrow, I would be gone. She would be alone again.

Separation is hard and I know the feeling all too well. :fluttercry:

White noise filled my mind as thousands of thoughts and dozens of emotions blended together. I was embarrassed by how hysterical I had become. I was angry there was no simple, immediate solution to all of this. I felt horrible about the fact that I was once again leaving her behind for an indeterminate amount of time. I was terrified by the thought that Twilight might be growing accustomed to my lengthy absences.

Never be ashamed of your emotions Sunset, it's how we all are in life. :fluttershysad:

“You’re gonna go back out there, you, Dash and the others are going to make the best album you’ve made yet, and you’re gonna show everyone why they should know who you are. And when it’s all done, we’re gonna figure it out. This is not goodbye.”

It's just til next time. :twilightsmile:

Despite how sad and gloomy this story was, I enjoyed it. Normally I dislike it when stories as like that as it makes me emotional, but this one serves as one of the few stories I've read where the saddest is worth reading. :raritywink:

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :heart::heart::heart:

And it's Avery with the gutpunch! The readers are down! Repeat, the readers are down! Gods above, she's broken their hearts right in half, and it looks like she's still coming in for another blow!

Well, at least you had the courtesy to bring some glue after shattering my heart.

Oof. Once again, damn you for your excellent work.

When I first read this story my mind immediately went to “oh, she’s not living up to her cutie mark” and “this life isn’t magical enough”

It's never explicitly stated, but all of this takes place after the root of The Magic Problems™ have been addressed and solved. As teenagers, being magical girls was fine since they were anchored to the school anyway. As adults, they became ready to build lives of their own. That meant they couldn't all be tethered to the same place, having to drop everything they're doing on a dime to go fight some random magical terror. They're all still close and remain in contact, but, like in real life, everyone eventually takes their own road, and those paths don't always align with the ones you love.

It’s more that I feel like this isn’t Sunset’s “destiny”

She can try to adapt to being human all she wants, but she’s still a pony at heart (the scene in Legend of Everfree where she immediately tries to use telekinesis after seeing Twilight do it, likely because that’s one of the few things she could do as a pony that she can’t as a human)

I get the “going separate paths” thing, but I personally prefer that happening by Sunset leaving the rest and going back to Equestria, and the rest leave the magical life behind except for a journal they mail to each other to keep in touch with the most magical friend they’ve ever known and the occasional reunion in front of CHS

That being said, you have been (slightly) tipping the scales in favor of Sciset for me (that parakeet plush is too damn cute)

That was beautiful and depressing. Thank you for shredding my heart. Again.

You mentioned somewhere that you like seeing what parts stick out for readers, so I'll dump my thoughts here.

I loved how you made Sunset and Twilight feel so in-tune with one another while having them maintain such distinct roles in their relationship. I loved the adoraheart-wrenching dynamic between the two in the couch scene. I loved everything about the final car scene. I love that Sunset's usual is strawberry pancakes. The park scene was very bittersweet-cute. I wish we got to see more Rarity.

Everything was beautiful, and yet the final epilogue letter was by far my favorite part. You manage to pack so much meaning into the way someone smells. The bit on counting down was so poetic. It ties the story together with the title so incredibly well. I saw the author's note at the bottom, but I still prefer to read it as "clo sir" rather than "clozer".

My heart aches, and I loved every second of it.

Thank you so much for this comment, I very much appreciate it! As for the pronunciation, it could honestly go either way. Half the reason I chose the name is because either pronunciation feels like it pertains to the story. But you can think of it like the difference between gif and jif, only I'm nowhere near as wrong as the creator of the graphics interchange format.

*claps* the best gifts have no price tag.

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