• Published 18th Dec 2022
  • 640 Views, 6 Comments

My Little Pony: Reversed Roles World - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

Come find out what happens when the roles of many ponies are reversed.

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Prologue: Part 1 - Chaotic Accidents

Equestria - Temporary Meeting Place

Three months have passed since the three tribes came together as one unit, and things have slowly but surely been going steadily towards building the new nation.

"I really wish we could agree on who should lead us." Commander Hurricane said. "We all seem to have differing ideas." He added.

"Agreed. And we can't seem to figure out how to solve this crisis." Princess Pansy said.

"Princess Pansy, Commander Hurricane, Chancellor Puddinghead, you need to come quick!" A cyan pegasus said. "There's some kind of strange pony at the boarder." She added.

"Wonder what this is about?" Chancellor Puddinghead said.

When the three tribe leaders went outside, they had discovered something quite unbelievable.

Three hours earlier...

"Twilight, are you sure this is wise?" An orange Pegasus asked, holding a small unicorn child.

"If you had asked me this three months ago, I probably would have said no. But considering how long it's been, I doubt they will object to my presence. Let alone yours and our child's." A purple pony who looked to be a unicorn and pegasus hybrid said.

"I still say we should've stayed hidden. I don't care what your visions say about a threat to the peace these ponies have build on." The pegasus said. "After all, we JUST found your parents of all ponies." He added.

"Yes. It's good to have finally met them, the ones who gave birth to me. I hope that the rest of the ponies of this new nation will be just as welcoming of me." Twilight said. That was when the three tribe leaders suddenly showed up.

"Wh-whoa. Wh-what are you?" Princess Pansey asked Twilight.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. And you must be Princess Pansey." Twilight said. "It's good to meet the one who my parents hold in high regard." She added.

"That's not what she asked. What are you, some kind of unicorn and pegasus hybrid?" Commander Hurricane asked.

"Twilight is more than just a unicorn and a Pegasus. Why don't you show them?" The orange pegasus asked.

"Very well then." Twilight said before smiling and then with a double tap of her hooves, the earth split a ways ahead of her, causing even Chancellor Puddinghead's jaw to drop. "Hmm. A 7.5 on the rictor scale. Not my best demonstration, but a fair display none the less. I must be having a bit of an off day." Twilight said.

"O-only the most talented earth ponies could cause what you just did. And that's not impressive enough to you?!" Chancellor Puddinghead exclaimed.

"Nothing ever is with Twilight. She's always one to boast about the magical prowess she contains." The orange pegasus said.

"Wait, I know you. Your Flash Sentry. You went missing on an excursion beyond the lands of the pegasi one day and never returned home. Hell, it's been seven years since I last saw you." Commander Hurricane said.

"...Private Hurricane? Is that you?" The orange Pegasus asked.

"Actually, it's Commander Hurricane now. After all, once seven years passed, then by pegasus law, you were considered legally dead." Commander Hurricane said.

"...I would criticize such a law like that, but...considering seven years would've been plenty of time for Flash Sentry to have shown up, I suppose it's a fair law." Princess Platinum said.

"To be honest Hurricane, I almost died. I probably would have after my wing sprained in the middle of my flight path if not for Twilight." Flash Sentry said.

"It was only mere chance that I happened to be hiding out there away from the other tribes due to my racial nature." Twilight said, spreading her wings.

"Chance or destiny? Because I like to think it's a bit of both." Flash Sentry said.

"So, you are some sort of hybrid. Maybe some sort of three-way hybrid between all three tribes." Commander Hurricane said.

"Actually, Twilight's not a hybrid at all. She's a different type of pony. One who has the strength of an earth pony, the flight of a pegasus, and the magic of a unicorn. Twilight's exact race is instead that of an Alicorn." Flash said.

"Some pony's paid attention to me and Spike." Twilight said.

"...Spike?" Commander Hurrican asked. Suddenly a big purple and green dragon flew in. "DRAGON!" Commander Hurrican exclaimed.

"Calm down Hurricane. Spike's a big softie." Flash said.

"Geez, wonder what that was about to begin with?" Spike asked. "Twilight, why didn't you tell me you were coming to visit this old place." He said.

"Because I had one of my visions." Twilight said. Suddenly the sky changed colors.

"Uh...we unicorns didn't do that." Princess Pansey said.

"I'm feeling something coming." Chancellor Puddinghead said.

"...Just as I feared. He's here." Twilight said.

"Who? Whose here?!" Commander Hurricane asked. Suddenly out of nowhere, a strange creature appeared.

"...Discord." Twilight said.

"Long time no see, Twilight Sparkle. Oh, but you look different. Did you do something with your hair?" The creature asked.

"Cut the theatrics Discord. I know you're not here for pleasantries. I beat you out of the woods, and whatever you aim to do here, I'll be more than happy to stop you from doing so." Twilight said.

"I'm hurt. Is that any way to treat your old friend?" Discord asked.

"Your magic can hurt ponies and dragons alike. I refuse to let you go all crazy with your magic once again." Twilight said.

"His magic?" Princess Platinum asked. "Let's not get hasty now. Surely it's not that bad." She added.

"You don't know what you've just unleashed." Twilight warned.

"Well since this one seems to want to have some fun, let's have some fun!" Discord said before snapping his fingers. In an instant, houses were going every which way, some even floating in the air, some being on top of other houses, and much, much more.

"Th-this isn't normal. Or right." Commander Hurricane said.

"...Flash. Stand back. I'll handle this." Twilight said.

"Right. I'll try and see if I can help as many ponies stay safe as I possibly can." Flash said before leaving.

"What's that supposed to--" Chancellor Puddinghead said.

"! Look out!" Clover the Clever said before using her magic to pull Chancellor Puddinghead towards the unicorn just before a house almost fell right on top of where he was standing.

"Th-that almost fell right on top of me." Chancellor Puddinghead said.

"Clover, you should take Smart Cookie and Private Pansey and help Flash get ponies safely out of this mess." Princess Platinum said.

"Not a bad idea. Move it you three." Commander Hurricane said.

"On it!" Private Pansey said.

"I'll be back soon. And in one piece." Smart Cookie said before going with Clover and Pansey.

"Twilight was it? You expect to face this guy all by yourself?" The cyan pegasus from before asked just before she was joined by a white unicorn mare, a pink earth pony mare, an orange earth pony mare, and a yellow pegasus mare.

"I've already done so once." Twilight said. Suddenly another building almost fell on top of Princess Platinum, but she caught it in her magic.

"Now's not the time to be stubbern. Let us help you." The orange earth Pony said.

"...Very well. But don't say I wasn't trying to warn you." Twilight said.

"You may be some new pony, but I feel like we can trust you." The white unicorn said.

"Yeppers, and I can tell a friendly face when I see one." The pinkie earth pony said. Twilight raised an eyebrow at that.

"It's best you try not and question Pinkie Pie. If that's okay." The yellow pegasus mare said.

"I see. Thank you." Twilight said.

"Oh please, you really believe you five can be friends with her? She's just too different from the rest of you." Discord said. Twilight's eyes widened.

"...Your wrong Discord. I may not be like them, and they may have only just started forming their nation, but that will never stop us from being friends." Twilight said. Suddenly six strange gems came forth from Twilight. "Especially since this time, I have these." She said.

"What--no! You can't have those! You can't have the Elements of Harmony!" Discord exclaimed.

"Oh yes. Yes, I can." Twilight said.

"I like this one." The Cyan pegasus said, grabbing the red gem.

"This purple one speaks to me." The white unicorn said grabbing that one.

"Ooh, blue is totally my color!" Pinkie Pie said grabbing the blue gem.

"Orange to orange. Apple to apple." The orange mare said grabbing the gem that matched her color.

"Um...this pink one sure looks nice." the yellow pegasus said grabbing the pink gem.

And as Twilight took the magenta gem, they all suddenly started glowing and changed shape, though Twilight's gem stayed the same, the other five took the shape similar to the cutie mark of the pony that touched them. Suddenly, all six blasted Discord, and started to look like it was hurting him.

"! No! I don't want to hurt him." Twilight said before stopping the beam herself.

"Ow...that really hurt you know..." Discord said, though he was very weak now.

"Even I would never want to hurt any pony. I just wanted you to turn everything back to normal. Not hurt you." Twilight said.

"...Wow. This alicorn is something else." Chancellor Puddinghead said.

"Indeed." Commander Hurricane said.

"Hmm. I wonder if you three are thinking what I'm thinking." Princess Platinum said.

"Okay sure, I can turn things back to normal. In fact, I'll never bother you or this nation again." Discord said. Suddenly a loud crash was heard in the distance.

"! That-that came from near--" Twilight was interupted by Clover the Clever, Smart Cookie, and Private Pansey showing up, holding a baby unicorn colt.

"We-we tried to get out that unicorn family..." Private Pansey said.

"But Flash pushed us out with this unicorn colt that was inside with his parents just before the house crashed on him and them." Smart Cookie said.

"Flash...mom...dad..." Twilight started to break down into tears.

"...Oh no. What have I done?" Discord asked, suddenly looking saddened by what had just happened.

Sometime later, after the Elements of Harmony were used to undo Discord's magic; which were also used to chain discord up in a Litteral sense; Twilight and the five ponies who helped her, stood near a callapsed house and the dead bodies of two grown unicorns, a baby one, and Flash Sentry.

"Wh-who were they?" Private Pansey asked, referring to the unicorn couple.

"They were Twilight Velvet and Night Light. They were my parents." Twilight said. "I wasn't always an Alicorn. I became this way after I found the Elements of Harmony shortly after I fled my homeland to try and find a more friendly place to live. That was when I first came across Discord." She added. "I was able to use my magic to convince him to leave. After he left was when the elements appeared before me and transformed me into well...this." Twilight motioned to herself.

"Twilight, I'm so sorry." The cyan pegasus said.

"I warned Discord plain as day that his magic could cause something like this. Yet he always didn't believe me." Twilight said. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW DISCORD? THIS IS WHAT YOUR MAGIC CAN DO TO PONIES IF YOUR NOT CAREFUL!" She exclaimed.

Discord was notably silent, saying nothing. He didn't need to acknowledge that Twilight was right all along about his magic. She knew. The yellow pegasus gave Twilight a hug before being joined by the others who helped her.

"...Twilight Sparkle, a moment if you would?" Commander Hurricane asked.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"Well, we've been talking, and well...we think that it'd be best that you would be willing to be the one in charge of the new nation." Princess Platinum said.

"...I see. It's not that I don't want to, but I also don't want to full control of the place." Twilight said.

"We can help. My name's Rainbow Dash by the way." The cyan pegasus said.

"Applejack." The orange earth pony said.

"Pinkie Pie." Pinkie Pie said.

"Fluttershy." The yellow Pegasus said.

"Rarity." The white unicorn said.

"We meant that we'll be your friends. And if you want, we can be sort of your go between for the other ponies." Rainbow Said. "Your council if you will." She added.

"...A council. Yes. That'd be nice." Twilight said. "Thank you five so much." She added before dragging all five of the mares into another hug with the alicorn's big wings.

"You did that to try and cheer Twilight up a little, didn't you?" Applejack asked Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, what can I say? She needed it." Rainbow Dash said.

"...Touche." Applejack said.

Off to the side, an Orange Unicorn Mare couldn't help but look at Twilight with awe. "Twilight Sparkle, is it? I can't wait to get to know her." The mare said to herself.