• Published 20th Dec 2022
  • 1,858 Views, 56 Comments

Haunting The Zebra Plains - Jest

In the red/blue version of pokemon it says this about haunter: "Haunter can pass through solid walls. It is because of this that it is believed it is from another dimension." A fact I can confirm for you, personally.

  • ...

Dream Eater

Author's Note:

You didn't think I was going to leave you on such a mediocre ending do you? Enjoy the final update! (For now.)

Reaching down, I grabbed the sides of the guy’s head and bit down while imagining I was eating his dreams. I did not end up taking a chunk out of him, though I also didn't eat any dreams either. Instead, my jaws and hands sunk into his body, with the rest of me quickly being sucked in a moment later. It all happened so fast, so suddenly that I barely had a moment to wonder what was happening before I was drawn in.

For a moment there was darkness, and then I was greeted by the sight of a completely normal-looking road on a sunny, cloudless afternoon. On either side, there were brick homes of various sizes, though I couldn't see any taller than three stories tall. None had any yards or particularly great views, but the buildings themselves seemed fairly well constructed.

The entire area had a very British vibe to it, with the homes being right smack dab next to one another. Each one had a large chimney that poked out a good few feet above the home, standing tall over the rest of the street. Trees were sparse, but not as sparse as the people, given that there was absolutely no one as far as I could see.

It was then that I realized that what I was doing was kind of ridiculous.

Sure those team rocket wannabes had it coming and implicated that the boss knew of what they were doing. But I didn't have the whole story, as far as I knew the zebras could have consented to the whole thing. Plus I didn't even know why I should care, given that I was a new arrival to this weird dimension.

“Flying by the seat of my pants got me this far,” I muttered, only to pause. “I must have been a really petty or curious person in my previous life. Probably both.”

I shrugged and began to float forward, seeking out the dreamer in the hopes that I could find out what was going on. If nothing else I could at least gain some more knowledge of this new world, I decided. With that in mind, I drifted aimlessly down the street, keeping my ears and eyes open for anything odd.

I found it a moment later when I saw a mail pony appear out of literal nowhere, bags stuffed full of papers. He walked down half a block before stopping in front of a slightly larger, nicer-looking home and walking up to the door. Two sift knocks later and he was standing on the stoop, a single letter held in his hoof.

“Coming,” shouted a deep, familiar voice.

The door creaked open a moment later, and the enormous stallion stepped outside, a smile on his stony features.

“Letter for you sir, Hoofington?” offered the smaller male.

“That's me,” stated the dreamer, who paused to take the offered slip of paper. “Much obliged.”

“Think nothing of it, sir. Have a wonderful day,” replied the mail pony, tipping his hat to the other male.

The dreamer then nodded and stepped back inside with me close on his heels. Phasing through the wall, I peered out from the corner of the entryway, watching as Mister Hoofington opened his mail. Mail which I was able to just barely make out by reading over his shoulder.

“Something something recalled to duty, to oversee an outpost in Zebra territory for a period of no less than three years. Something about money, and a bunch of legal jargon,” I murmured to myself.

Mr. Hoofington did not take long to read the contents of the letter. Once he did, he was grinning and moved swiftly into a kitchen at the back of the home. There a visibly pregnant mare, and a young filly waited, the child building a well-worn puzzle depicting a castle of some kind. They were both like Mr. Hoofington, lacking in both wings, horns, and bright colors, each one having a fairly similarly drab color palate.

“Everyone,” Mr. Hoofington announced. “I have news.”

I watched as the grey and brown mare turned and raised an eyebrow, pausing the dishes she had been in the middle of cleaning.

“What is it dear?” she asked.

Mr. Hoofington raised the letter, which I just noticed had a Wax seal of a galleon on it as well as the words “East Plains Trading Company”.

“I have been deployed. In one month’s time I’ll be sent to the zebra plains to establish a new trading outpost,” He answered. “And I won't be back for some time.”

The filly gasped. “But you just came back from the last one!”

“I know honey. But the fool prince sold us a considerable amount of land and it's up to us to civilize the zebra. We have to do this before he wins or loses and our claims are… well let's just say it might get messy then,” Mr. Hoofington declared.

Oooh that was not a good choice of words, I thought to myself. No one who has ever earnestly declared their intention to civilize someone actually meant it in a positive way.

“Are you sure you can't have it delayed for a little longer? You little colt isn't supposed to come for another two months,” offered the mare, a frown crossing her face.

“Unfortunately I cannot. With a growing family I’ll need a higher wage as well as a chance to get a position here in Pucklebush,” Mr. Hoofington stated.

“I suppose,” murmured the mare.

“Daddy, you promised you’d come to see my dance recital,” whined the filly.

“When I come back I’ll see one then,” Mr. Hoofington replied.

“Okay…” murmured the young mare.

Mr. Hoofington grinned. “I know this is a bit of a shock to everyone but once I’m back I’m sure you’ll see it's worth it. Those zebras need a guiding hoof, and I need a better position in the company if I’m going to give you both the lives you deserve.”

The world then blurred the house vanishing and immediately being replaced by the inside of a wagon. Outside the mostly covered windows on either side was the green of the jungle while inside sat four familiar creatures. The males were hunched over a table set up in the center, atop which sat a map of a town called Luudama.

I immediately shifted backward, nestling into the deepest, darkest corner of the small wagon. Thankfully I was either invisible or moved swiftly enough for no one to notice me hovering over them. Either way, they continued speaking in low, hushed tones, gesturing occasionally to spots of interest on the map.

“You four search these locations for any temples, tombs, or otherwise. The old shaman didn't know any specifics, but she did mention that there were old first empire structures built there,” Mr. Hoofington explained.

“And then we steal everything that isn't nailed down,” Lock declared.

“But only under the cover of darkness. The shamans are sworn to be neutral but I still don't wanna deal with them,” their leader retorted.

“Why? I thought we owned the land, and the whole damn town,” Stock asked.

Mr. Hoofington rolled his eyes. “Yes we may have the law on our side but the stripe backs aren't exactly going to be happy if they see us hauling away all their cultural artifacts. Even if we own half the damn country, what with their fool princeling warring for the crown.”

“Can't we tell ‘em we're just putting them in a museum or something?” Barrels inquired.

“Not a bad idea, but I’d rather avoid the entire debacle. It's only us for the first year and a half, so we have to at least pretend to play nice with the locals,” Mr. Hoofington stated. “After that, we can build the sugar plantation we had planned, and put those maggots to work.”

“How are we going to do that? I didn't think we had the budget to hire them all,” Lock remarked.

“We don't. Which is why we’ll slowly raise the rent on the land until they can't afford it. Then we’ll offer them a chance to pay it all back with a bit of work. Simple,” Mr. Hoofington replied.

“Brilliant idea boss,” Stock exclaimed.

“Oh and keep an eye out for some kinda fancy tomb of their first emperor, or tetrarch? I don't know what the striped backs call him, but apparently, their old king was born around here and was buried somewhere in the jungle,” Mr. Hoofington explained.

“Aye boss,” the three others declared in unison.

“For the company, and the isles!” Bellowed their leader.

“For the company, and the isles!” Repeated his subordinates.

That was about all I needed to see, as it confirmed a lot of the suspicions I had gained about this place and these people. They were imperialists using a civil war to plunder the lands ignored or forgotten by the zebra leadership. Completely legal, but utterly debauched, a cruelty the likes of which I couldn't stand to leave unchallenged.

That being said. I had no illusions that I was going to solve this problem myself. I was but one guy, er one haunter. I could, however, remove one measly pawn from the board though and that was a start.

Licking my lips, I lurched from the shadows and chomped down on Lock’s head, removing everything above his nose. There was no blood, or gore however, he was just a dream figment after all. That being said, he did apparently have just enough intelligence to panic, releasing a cry and standing upright.

As the rest of the ponies screamed in terror or rage, I devoured the rest of the dream Lock’s head. Once he had nothing above the neck, the rest of his body vanished in a puff of brown-colored smoke. I moved onto Stock, ignoring the frantic punches launched at, or should I say through me.

“Get it, get it!” Mr. Hoofington shouted.

Grabbing Stock by the shoulders, I made short work of his upper half, his body soon dissolving until nothing was left. I was about to sink my teeth into Barrels when the dream shifted, and the dream pony disappeared. There was then a moment of weightlessness before we appeared in a familiar room, in a familiar house.

“You unconsciously fled to the one place you thought you’d be safe,” I exclaimed aloud. “Foolish little pony.”

“Stay back monster!” Mr. Hoofington declared, waving a pan up at me.

His wife stepped a little closer to her husband. “What is that thing, dear?”

“It's scary,” added their child, who was peeking out from between her mother’s legs.

“I don't know, just stay behind me,” Mr. Hoofington declared.

“I wonder if you’ll fight so hard to oppress people if you don't remember having anyone to come home to,” I remarked aloud.

“What are you talking about?” demanded the stallion.

“Let's find out!” I declared.

I lurched forward and grabbed his wife before biting her head off in a single powerful chomp. The moment my teeth connected, I felt the urge to suck, which was odd but my instincts had gotten me this far. Sure enough, I was able to consume the entire pony in a single pull, leaving not a single trace of her behind.

“You bastard, how dare you hurt…” Mr. Hoofington stopped. “Wait, who was hurt?”

I grinned and was about to continue my rampage when a sudden cascade of images assaulted my mind. Flashes of picnics, dates, awkward meetings with family, and a wedding, came and went as fast as I could take them in. Though beautiful at first glance, I could feel the stallion’s intentions and desires bleeding through.

He was every bit as cruel as I thought he was.

He never once loved anyone other than himself, and merely saw the mare as a trophy to put on his mantlepiece. Beautiful, at least by the standards of his people, and connected through a noble line that had fallen out of favor due to squandering their wealth. He knew that with the right amount of money, and the right kind of leverage, he could return the line he had inherited to power. With it, he could live out every mad fantasy, and desire before retiring early to a castle in the hills, surrounded by concubines.

I came to just as the stallion tried hitting me with a frying pan. Given that I was a ghost, and this was a dream, it did absolutely nothing to me. He still kept trying though, bless his cruel, probably non existent heart.

“Come here you little brat. Time for daddy to forget all about you,” I muttered.

Floating low, I swooped between the male’s legs and plucked the small filly from the ground. Escaping out of the male’s reach, I unhinged my jaw and tossed the dream pony into my non-existent gullet. This time the ensuing rush of flashes was far less numerous and were nearly completely identical to one another.

It was just an endless cavalcade of promises phrased in the same manner. “Next time honey.” was a phrase I heard quite a few times. Outside of that, his memories of her were mostly about planning his child’s future and using the filly to gain political influence with other parents.

In fact, one of the earliest memories he had pertaining to the filly, had been the realization that a local baron was expecting a child. This set off a series of events that resulted in him impregnating his wife under the false pretense that he had changed his mind about kids. In reality, he had just hoped that he could use his spawn to get in good with the baron and potentially curry favor with him.

“You are absolute scum,” I muttered.

The stallion, who had been attacking me with a pan, paused and looked at me in confusion. “What was I doing? What are you talking about?” he half asked, half muttered to himself.

“Oh, nothing. Now then, let's see about making you forget all about this house you were so proud of,” I remarked.

I ignored whatever wrathful comment he shot my way and flew over to the closest wall. Tearing a chunk loose I swallowed the section whole and continued on at a ravenous pace. In no time at all, I had devoured a third of the building, most of his furniture, and was starting to gnaw on one of the supports.

When something strange happened.

“With the bellowing of this shout, I command you spirit, out!” shouted a feminine voice that echoed from all directions.

My body trembled, but only briefly, and I was about to get back to work when I noticed one of my hands had disappeared.

“That's odd,” I muttered.

I could also hear distant chanting and smell what seemed to be burning incense.

“I am a shaman, brave and bold. You dark spirit shall release your hold!” pressed the voice. “Prove to all that you are kind, and leave this poor creature’s mind.”

I grit my teeth and resisted, pushing back against whatever was trying to pull me from the stallion’s dream.

“No, I’m not done yet. He hasn't suffered enough,” I declared.

“You have sinned, and I am the collector. Come forth come forth, foul specter,” shouted the voice.

This time I couldn't resist, and in an instant, I was pulled from the stallion’s dream. Emerging back into reality, I tumbled through the air but righted myself quickly.

Looking down I found myself staring at a pair of female zebras, one old, and one young. The elder was interesting but didn't capture my attention quite like the fierce gaze of her diminutive assistant. Barely an adult and lacking a mark, the zebra mare had an enormous mohawk, large gold hoop earrings, and several brass rings around her neck.

The elder smiled, and held out a pot, within which burned several clumps of dried herbs of some kind. “Zecora, you know what to do, continue on and see this through,” murmured the older zebra.

Zecora took the pot and grimaced. “Yes, madam Zedra.”