• Published 2nd Jan 2023
  • 7,263 Views, 548 Comments

Generational Divide - Boltstrike58

A tear in the time space continuum brings Twilight Sparkle and Sunny Starscout together.

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Chapter Ten: Misty's Tale

Maretime Bay

The Marestream touched down near the Maretime Bay Hospital within half an hour of departing. Several ponies had freaked out upon seeing the vehicle descend from the skies, but naturally, that wasn't the biggest concern of those inside. Upon parking the ship, the five ponies charged into the hospital, carrying Misty and Sparky with them.

That had been thirty minutes ago. Since then, Sunny and her friends had remained in the hospital lobby. Misty and Sparky had been taken away, and the five had nothing else to do, besides wait for news.

"We shouldn't have left Twilight and the others," said Sunny, keeping her sad gaze locked onto the floor.

"We had no choice, Sunny," responded Izzy. "We couldn't fight and leave Misty and Sparky wounded in the castle!"

"Besides, I'm sure Twilight and the others can handle Opaline," added Pipp. "They have years of experience fighting Equestria-conquering villains and stuff like that. Not like they need our help."

"I hope you're right," said Sunny. She didn't look any happier.

IV Injection, the attending doctor, came trotting down the hall. The five friends got off the bench, and formed a semicircle around him.

"How are they?" asked Hitch.

"Well," began the doctor, "the good news is that Misty should make a full recovery. She just suffered some burns to the side of her body. I'm not sure what exactly burned her, but it doesn't appear to be anything life-threatening. Sparky, on the other hoof..." Injection fumbled with his forehooves. Hitch looked like he was about to break down sobbing.

"Please, tell us," implored Zipp.

"We're not sure how to treat Sparky. In fact, we're not exactly certain about what's wrong with him. He's stable, but his vitals are pretty low, at least by pony standards. He won't wake up."

Hitch cradled his face in his forehooves, barely stopping the tears that began to flow. Sunny put a comforting hoof on his back, patting gently.

"You can see them now," continued Injection. "We've put them in the same room. We'll keep trying to help Sparky, but the prognosis is..." He looked down. Perhaps he couldn't finish that sentence. Hitch kept crying.

"Thanks, Doc," replied Zipp.

Injection nodded, and turned on one hoof, trotting off into the depths of the hospital. As Hitch continued to sob, the other four ponies all looked at each other.

"Now what?" asked Izzy. "There has to be something we can do!"

"Twilight and the others might know how to treat Sparky," said Zipp. "But we don't know how to contact them!"

Sunny opened her mouth to reply, only to be cut off as the hospital doors burst open. All five ponies spun towards the entrance, Hitch even ceasing his crying, to discover that Twilight's group stood there. As they looked closer, they noticed that the group was a little worse for the wear. All their manes were disheveled and messy, Rainbow Dash had a burn mark on her chest, and even Twilight was panting.

"Sunny!" exclaimed Twilight, rushing over to the earth pony. "You're all in danger! We need to—"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down!" interrupted Pipp. "How'd you guys even get back?! What's going on?! Did you stop Opaline?!"

"I teleported us all back to Maretime Bay," replied Twilight. "My magic's reached its limit, though. I'm in no condition for another match with that monster." She spat those last two words out.

"To answer your last question, sugar cube," added Applejack, "no. We tried, but she's crazy powerful. We have no idea where she is now."

"But we've got a pretty good idea where she might be going," said Spike.

"Sunny, you have to listen," Twilight continued. Then, she quickly summarized the horrific truths she'd seen unfold inside Opaline's mind. By the time she was finished, the jaws of Sunny and all the others were nearly hitting the floor.

"Are you serious?!" exclaimed Zipp. "So it was Opaline's fault that the three tribes separated in the first place?!"

"And she drove away all the other sapient races from Equestria?!" added Hitch.

"And she killed you in the future?!" shouted Sunny, only to receive annoyed glares from the hospital staff. Her ears swiveled backwards in embarrassment.

"Well, it was more like she mortally wounded me," replied Twilight. "For all we know, future me could've survived—"

"Not the time, Twilight!" interrupted Rainbow.

Twilight opened her mouth, but then closed it, conceding that Rainbow had a point this time. "Anyway," she continued, "we have a feeling Opaline will be going after the Unity Crystals. The magic around the Brighthouse will probably keep her at bay briefly but if she gets access to the crystals, she could, in theory, take all the magic from everypony in Equestria. Combined with the power she already has, she'd be unstoppable."

Sunny swallowed in fear. "So what do we do now?" she asked. "Go back to the Brighthouse and try to defend it?"

"I suggest we ask Misty," said Rarity. "Even with all eleven of us working together, our chances might not be much better. Perhaps Misty knows some secret weakness of Opaline's that we could use against her."

"And we should probably check up on Sparky while we're at it!" said Pinkie, looking a little more guilty.

Everypony agreed. Within a minute, they'd made their way to the room where Sparky and Misty were intubated. The baby dragon was hooked up to multiple monitors, with a mask hooked over his face, as his body shivered with each breath he took. Hitch reiterated what the doctor had said, how they had no idea of what kind of treatment Sparky required. Twilight cast a quick probing spell on Sparky's unconscious body.

"His condition is stable right now," she said, once she'd finished, "but Opaline didn't just take his fire, she stole the magic that makes up Sparky's very life force. I don't know how to replenish it, besides forcing her to relinquish that magic. Without it...I don't think he'll make it."

Hitch nodded somberly. His grief had advanced beyond anything tears could express.

The eleven ponies and one young dragon turned towards the room's other occupant. Misty lay on her side on the bed, with her flank covered with bandages. An IV line was placed inside her right foreleg. She faced away from them, her head buried in the pillow. Izzy was the first to venture forward, gently pressing against Misty's side with one hoof.

"Misty?" she asked. "I know this is the worst possible time, but can you talk to us?"

Misty rolled over to face them, and though her eyes were dry now, it was obvious that she'd been crying as hard as Hitch had been. Her eyes were red, and her face was streaked with dried tears.

"Please..." she whimpered, trembling with fear, "I didn't mean to...I'm so sorry..."

Fluttershy stepped forward next. She unfolded one of her wings, draping it like a comforting blanket over Misty's body. "We're not angry at you, Misty," she promised. "We just wanted to talk to you."

Misty sniffled, and Pinkie passed her a tissue so she could blow her nose. Once she was finished, she looked back up at the assembled group, none of whom were looking at her with angry expressions. Rather, they seemed sympathetic, and unsure of what to say.

"I swear, I didn't know what she would do to Sparky," she began. "I knew it would restore her powers, but she didn't tell me what would happen to him. She promised she'd give me a Cutie Mark if only I helped her get her magic back. I had nopony else to turn to."

"Wait, a Cutie Mark?" interrupted Applejack. "Don't you already have one?" She pointed to the butterfly on Misty's flank.

Misty snorted. "It's fake," she replied, reaching over with one hoof. Sure enough, with a quick wipe, the butterfly smeared away, unlike any true Cutie Mark.

"You're a blank flank?" asked Twilight. "At your age? I've never heard of a pony going that long without..." She paled, apparently just noticing the others giving her looks. "Sorry. Never mind. Wrong time."

Misty sighed. "She promised she'd give me one for my entire life. So I did everything for her. I spied on you all, concocted about a million schemes to steal Sparky. Then, the second I brought him to her, she told me magic can't give a pony a Cutie Mark. She told me that it had to be earned." She looked pleadingly at Twilight. "Was she telling the truth?"

"I'm...afraid so," replied the alicorn.

Misty's face didn't fall, but perhaps that was because she was already so deep in grief that she couldn't fall any further. She settled down onto the bed, looking at her forehooves with a dead expression.

"Misty, dear..." Rarity ventured, "I hate to ask, but is there anything else you could tell us about Opaline? We need to stop her, and anything you could give us could help."

"I'll tell you everything, but I don't think it'll help," replied the unicorn, sadly.

The first thing I remember is being alone. I don't know the reason why, or how I ended up that way. I remember wandering through the woods, all by myself, not knowing who anypony was, or what anything was. I had nothing to my name. Heck, I didn't even have a name. I just walked endlessly, looking for anyone I could find. Sometimes, I thought I was the only living thing in the world.

That was when I found her castle.

It was the first time in my life that I remember seeing a building. Of course, I didn't know that's what it was at the time. All I knew was that the rain and the wind couldn't get to me inside that building. So, having no other option, I went inside.

Opaline, of course, was trapped inside that castle. She found me as soon as I got in. She claimed she rescued me without a second thought, but considering recent events, I think we can safely doubt the truth of that statement. Whatever. Anyway, she took me in, and raised me from that day forward. It was her that gave me the name Misty. Looking back, I think I figured out early on that she only cared about how I could bring her imprisonment to an end, but I didn't care. She was the only pony in the world who I'd ever known. I had no choice.

Opaline told me that she was the source of all the magic in Equestria, that Princess Twilight had stolen it from her because everypony else was jealous of Opaline's alicorn powers. She told me her powers had been sealed away, and that she could give me a Cutie Mark if she regained them. Once I learned what a Cutie Mark was, I wanted one more than anything in the world. Because I'd never had a purpose for my existence. Opaline promised me I'd find one just by serving her. Well, we can all see how that turned out.

Opaline spied on Equestria through her scrying pool, watching for when magic would return to Equestria. When Sunny and the others restored it, she saw an opportunity. First, she wanted me to steal Sunny's lantern containing the harmony power, believing she could leach the magic from it somehow. But it only got worse when she discovered Sparky. She knew his fire could break the seal on her, so she endlessly demanded that I get him. Sure enough, when I managed to get a sample of dragon fire, she was able to restore some of her strength, but it wasn't enough.

And when Twilight and the others showed up, she completely lost it. I'm guessing that's because Twilight defeated her before. She wanted me to bring Sparky before the portal closed, so she could undo her loss. After all this time, I finally managed to pull it off by tricking Izzy and Pinkie, and drugging Sparky. But as soon as Opaline had her powers back, she told me about how everything I had worked for was for nothing. How my entire purpose in life didn't matter. And then she tried to kill me.

As Misty finished her story, the others all stared on in shock. Clearly, they hadn't expected Misty's life to be that bad. Pinkie and Fluttershy looked like they might burst into tears at any second.

"So, yeah. That's everything," Misty continued. She turned to look at Sunny. "That story you told at the sleepover. That's the truth, isn't it? And Twilight was the pony sent to study friendship?"

Sunny stared numbly for another second, but finally nodded. "Y-yes," she replied.

Misty laid her head back. "I'm sorry that I spied on you for all those months, pretending to be your friend. Honestly, I'm shocked you never figured it out, with how dumb I was."

"I had my suspicions about you," admitted Zipp, "but I never knew anything about Opaline."

Applejack trotted up to the side of the bed. "Sugar cube," she started, "you didn't have a choice. Nopony blames you for what you did. It was Opaline forcing you. Right?" She turned to look back at the others. Sunny's group hurriedly nodded in response. "See?"

Misty sighed, still not looking at them. "It doesn't change the fact that I did those things," she replied. "I don't know how to fight Opaline. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do to help you."

No one responded for the next few seconds. Applejack placed a hoof against Misty's side, but the unicorn didn't move. Twilight looked her friend in the eye, and silently shook her head. Applejack's ears swiveled backwards, but she nonetheless removed her hoof. The eleven ponies plus one dragon all turned around and left the room, leaving Misty alone with her thoughts and a comatose Sparky.

"Well, what do we do now?" asked Izzy, once they'd walked out the front doors of the hospital.

"We have to fight back!" replied Sunny. "Opaline's gonna take the Unity Crystals and use them to take all the magic in Equestria! Plus, Sparky could die if we don't stop her! Surely all of us together can beat her! Right?" She turned to Twilight.

However, the purple alicorn's head hung low, as though nothing in the world mattered anymore. Twilight didn't even meet Sunny's gaze.

"I don't know," she responded. "I just don't know. Opaline is strong. Stronger than me. Seven of us weren't enough to stop her, and you aren't used to fighting." She sighed to herself. "I don't know if we can win."

"What?!" cried Sunny. "But you and the other Guardians of Harmony always win! You beat Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek—"

"Well, we didn't know we would win in those situations, Sunny!" shouted Twilight. "In fact, in every one of those fights, it always seemed hopeless!"

"Then how is this any different?!" Sunny demanded. "You're still all together, and you've got us! How can you not believe in us?!"

"You aren't ready! You told me about what happened when you first restored magic, how you barely survived by luck instead of working as a team! This isn't some fairy tale, this is life! And I have no idea how we can defeat Opaline!"

"Is that so?" Sunny growled back. "Well, maybe I should find some other pony to look up to, then!"

"Maybe you should realize that the ponies you look up to are just as fallible as you!" Twilight shot back.

By this point, the two mares were pressing their noses against each other, glaring directly into each other's eyes. This was only halted when Zipp grabbed Sunny from behind, and Applejack grabbed Twilight by the tail.

"Alright, you two, that's enough! Break it up!" Zipp yelled.

"Yeah! We may be in trouble, but screaming in each other's faces ain't gonna solve anything!" added Applejack.

Twilight and Sunny each took a deep breath, and turned to face away from each other. After several more inhalations, their postures relaxed, and the tension left their bodies.

"Thank you, Applejack," said Twilight. "I really needed that."

"Me too," admitted Sunny. "I appreciate that, Zipp."

Once the two had sufficiently calmed down, they turned towards each other once more.

"I'm sorry," Twilight said first. "I just...you know by now that I don't do well with stress. Especially considering this is partially my future self's fault for making Opaline an alicorn in the first place."

"You don't have to apologize for being honest," replied Sunny. "I shouldn't have put you on a pedestal like that. You deserve more respect than I've been giving you."

"Uh, girls?" interrupted Hitch. "I hate to ruin the moment, especially since it seems like we were getting somewhere, but we still have no plan. From what Twilight's told us, rushing in blindly isn't going to work. We need to think of something."

Twilight opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by another voice yelling "TWILIGHT!" in the distance. As the ponies searched for the source of the voice, a sudden flash of white and turquoise light appeared, before fading to reveal a familiar pink unicorn.

"Starlight?" What are you doing here?" demanded Rainbow.

Starlight Glimmer ignored her. "Twilight, I've been sending a magical pulse all around town looking for you for the past thirty minutes! Where have you been?!"

"Um, we kinda had a bit of a crisis to deal with, Starlight," replied the alicorn. "Can this wait? It turns out, the situation is a lot more dire than we initially thought, and—"

"No, this cannot wait," Starlight insisted. "I don't know what's going on on your end, but Star Swirl and I made a huge discovery when we took apart the Time Twirler."

Twilight perked up a little at that. "Really? Did you find out how it was modified to open the portal?"

'Not exactly," admitted Starlight. "What we learned raises way more questions than answers. Because the magical signature, the one that cast the spell on the Time Twirler to make it the way it was in this future...was you."